Saturday, July 27, 2024

They call me Aaron “Insert Goals Here” Ramsey

When Aaron Ramsey replaced Yossi Benayoun on Sunday it’s fair to say that there was a rumbling of discontent as expectant punters voiced concern at Wenger’s decision to overlook the pace of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain in favour of playing the Welshman out of position on the left again.

While any frustrated mutterings were quickly drowned out by boos for Samir Nasri as he too left the field, you can’t help but think that if Mikel Arteta hadn’t smashed home a winner the decision could have stolen the headlines. Thankfully we’ll never know…

All the same, speaking to the Arsenal official matchday programme ahead of Sunday’s win over City, Ramsey reflected on his deployment on the wing in recent weeks and the job he’s been asked to do by Wenger.

“The boss just asked me to drift, get on the ball and into little pockets,” explained the Welsh captain.

“That’s what I’ve tried to do, and I think I played well at Everton – where we were definitely better on the day than at QPR.”

Having had four clear cut chances at Goodison Park to score as well as countless others during the season, it has been pretty obvious that when it comes to keeping his head in front of goal Ramsey still has some work to do.

Indeed, so bad has his shooting been that Arsenal are thought to be seriously considering protective netting for supporters near the North Bank corner flags knowing a potential law suit is just one wild swing of his badly tattooed leg away…

Admitting as much (before THAT miss in injury-time against City) the youngster continued: “I certainly had some chances up there but it’s not just at Everton – I’ve had a few! I’ve been getting into the positions, but one thing I need to improve on is my composure in front of goal.

“It’s so frustrating because I really should be putting the ball away. “I think I could have easily reached double figures this season if I’d taken my chances, but I’ll learn from it and I’m sure it’ll click soon.”

Arseblog News keeps its collective fingers crossed for Aaron. As they say in Cardiff: “lllllllllyyyyyynnnnnn nnnnyyyyyylllllll  lllly lllln lllllyyyyyn lllllllllyyyyynnnnnlllllyyyy Charlotte Church lllllyyyynnnnlllll lllln llllyyynnn nllllyyn ”


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George Blazenby

Ramsey to score a brace against Wolves


You´ve gone mad. Actual better players should be given an opportunity instead of wasting time on this kid. He might not even be the top 3 player on Wplves squad…

Rad Carrot

He wears the Red & White, have some passion for him. Jesus, if you’re writing off 21 year olds, then you’ve got no place cheering this team on. He’s played fairly well this season, definitely been overplayed at times but I’m not worried.


Yet more arm chair expertism.from the arm chair managers brigade. So easy to sit on your arse and criticise and write people of aint it. The boy was a pro footballer at 16 and thats not even his greatest achivement.

I bet you cant even play football – wasteman


-definitely overplayed. -his age (21) is of little significance, that´s no longer super young anymore. -by soft-stepping him, none of you are doing him favors -with red and white comes responsibility…and yes pressures. -agree he´s played fairly well, but no where near good enough. Many of you here have the same reprise when faced with his gross mediocrity: Make ludicrous Fabregas @ his age comparisons, talk what would have been had he not broken his leg. I’ve never seen so many fans emotionally pot-committed to an average player at best. Why should I be obligated to have “passion” for him?… Read more »


Are you one of the same people who used to think we should get rid of Van Persie? Or Song? Or Kosecielny? Or Gibbs? Or shouldn’t have bought Chamberlain or Arteta? See my point?

Ben Allen

all you people sticking the boot into rambo are the same people who wanted TR7 gone last summer and whinged when we signed Arteta and Benayoun. Support the god damn team!

Henry's beard

Are you fucking serious? This is the player who before he had his leg snapped in half at Stoke was playing unbelievably well for us. And take into account, he hasn’t played very frequently this season. Of course his form will dip. I have to ask, are you really an Arsenal supporter?


Your handle makes me think you are a queer.


Ramsey’s got haters eh…? Well, we all supporters of the Arsenal, even those that have no hopes in the boy, we all want to see him come good, am sure… And that, he will. Just you wait!


Robert Mugabe is praying he doesn’t.


Xavi didnt get his game going until quite late if i remember it right.
So we should not count Ramsey out yet, its not like hes lazy like Denilson


If Torres can remember where he goal is, so will Ramsay. It will come… keep calm and carry on


Ummm yeah world class clubs don´t do, ¨it will come¨. Work that out in reserves or on loan (preferably). Gnarby would have 11 goals with the chances this clown has had. Wenger is loyal…(or Ramsey has naked pics of him).

Midfield Corporal

I seem to recall Man Utd persisting with a young Ronaldo when everyone was calling him a show pony.

Do you have so little patience that you won’t allow a 21yr old to lose a little form for a couple of months. Good goal against Sunderland though eh?


Yet how many games has Gnarby played in the prem – errr…0

how many mins for 1st team – err…..0

How many @ international level ….errr 0

but yet this kid is better than a full captain of his national team, who has played every level and scored @ nearly every level – who Alex feguson himself tried to sign and was pissed that he chose us over them!!!!



So if he’s not the finished product at 21 he’s a waste of time? You utter plum.

Don’t forget he’s come back from a career threatening injury in the last 12 months and had to deal with the death of one of his mentors and national team coach. He’s a talented lad, there’s plenty of competition in the middle of the park and that will bring out the best in him.


Ok…here’s a problem I have with all of you, you guys are a bit mad…stop making comparisons with Fabregas, Ronaldo or any other world-class players. If he was born in London he’d be lucky to get a 3 Lions shout; AND if you keep comparing him to such esteemed players you’re bound to get your feelings hurt. Of course it was a great goal against Sunderland. But the flashes Fab and Ronaldo showed were not right place at the right time goals. They created something out of nothing and I’m sure all of you know the difference. Apples to Orange… Read more »


Queer, don’t be so cross.


April 10, 2012 at 12:41 pm

Ummm YES.

clearly you didn’t catch it…
captain of Wales national team…I’ll take captain of soooo many other countries (including the US) over him frankly. No offense, this is a business… you know…a job.


why are you guys wasting ur time in giving attention to this manamongst troll? Just thumb down and move on. It’s quite clear that he doesn’t like constructive arguements.


Why oh why are you talking about Gnabry? Who is looking great against other 18yr olds. Remember Jay Emmanuel-Thomas…what a player, um, or not? Oh have mercy you idiot! Find a highlights clip of our first really good performance of the season away to Chelsea. VP scores a hattrick but who is next in line for man of the match? Just asking.


Who is this “Torres” you speak of?


Great player from Spain. Used to slam them in for Liverpool. There was talk about him moving to Chelsea but he disappeared in a mysterious incident on his way down the M1. Hasn’t been seen since.


Still wish we’d have signed him back when he was at athletico and supposedly interested in a move to us. Imagine him (when he was good) partnered with RVP. I’m actually drooling at the prospect


he is still good, made to look bad by snail pace chelsea midfield. And now has lost any confidence.

Rad Carrot

He’ll come good, he’s got a lot of talent and a good attitude. Can’t understand the people having a go at him, frankly – although I’d also argue he’s slipped down in the pecking order currently, I’d certainly play the Ox above him at the moment. Give him a few 90 minute games in the Reserves to bolster his confidence, give him a few friendlies in the off-season, and I can see him being a good understudy for Arteta and Rosicky next season.


Exactly. That is what I keep telling my Dad. Ramsey was thrown in there way to early after his injury. Frankly I think a loan next season would do wonders for him. You can tell he has what it takes otherwise Speed would have not made him captain of Wales and Wenger would have sold him by now or benched him permanently.

Davey Jones

I’m pretty sure that when he went to Forest on loan he impressed so hopefully that’ll be something Wenger will consider so as to give him some ‘proper game time’ as opposed to duking it out with the stiffs. I wonder if Coyle would like to take yet another talented youngster under his wing for another half-season?

Rad Carrot

I’d be happy with him playing half a season with Bolton, seemed to work for Jack and Ryo.

Midfield Corporal

I’m not sure an international captain needs to go on loan just because of a little poor form.

I’m waiting for the next victim, we’ve had Rosicky, AA and Theo written off so far this year, I reckon RVP is next. I’m sure there are already some saying ‘useless cunt hasn’t scored for 4 games, his head has been turned, he’s got too big for his boots, sell him, Wenger must die!!!!!!!’. I wonder if some of these guys who spend all their time hating, critiscing and having cerebral haemorrhages actual like or enjoy football.


It’s either a loan to save face or beg later on into next season for a transfer/loan when he can’t get a game (possibly: M’Vila, Ryo, do I even need to go on…?). With the injuries this past season on the squad this was the best situation for him to get games. That’s why I don’t understand why so many of his biggest supporters are getting it confused.


I don’t have a problem with him, I actually feel sorry for him. I think there’s a place for him eventually, but he’s nowhere near “there” yet. It’s pretty obvious…yet there’s this caution and slow-stepping the progress of AOC. It’s pretty clear to me what’s going on. Wenger does not want a Euro call-up for AOC; this I believe is his top priority. No coach in his right mind would not play him, especially after showing he’s not just a winger. Walcott definitely needs a rest, so does Gibbs. Wenger would be smart to play AOC on the right if… Read more »


Queer thinks his opinion matters.


After you said something about Ramsey apologists it’s clear your opinions don’t matter. A lot of people who sprout the word “apologist” in a site like this are obviously morons (and queer).


Anon April 10, 2012 at 1:00 pm, is clearly not man enough to put a name to his homophobic screeds but this may disappoint you but I am straight…there’s only one reason for your obsession with sexual orientation on an Arsenal blog…

Your cry for help has been heard buddy…you’ve got a friend here!



Hey anon. Fuck off.


Manamongst, I do agree that he hasn’t really been top quality this season, despite a few flashes of quality but don’t you think it’s a bit quick to be calling for him to be sold? Realistically next season, if Jack’s fully fit he’s not going to be playing nearly as many games, and can develop behind the scenes more and come on to make an impact. I think this is why he was better last year, I preferred him coming off the bench and thought he had a knack of sometimes changing a game. I think we should stick with… Read more »


Wow. That comment was the most well received comment I ever made. Ha


Every year at Arsenal a player or 2 comes good who no-one sees coming. Every year. Next year my guess it will be Ramsey and Diaby. Remember you heard it here first! If Diaby stays injury free he will definitely be one of our 3 midfielders signings or not.


I like Ramsey.

People are harsh on him because he’s asked to do a job (the Cesc role, which suits more to TR7 atm and probably Wilshere too or even the wide role) he’s not cutted for, but you can see he’s one of those who give 100% every game.

Midfield trio works and there’s no room for experiments right now though.

Anyway c’mon Rambo!

Master Bates

..and it’s not like he is shit THAAAT shit at his job . the has played more than 20 matches .he was a started before January . and we reached top 4 by January and had won then UCL group . we went 2 months unbeaten with him as a starter ,Playing ALL 90 minutes . he was shit like saaaay Jordan Henderson we’d be 7th.

I think he’s played well ,It only takes a injury to Rosicky or Arteta people to start supporting him and remembering that he was actually an important player just 3 months ago


Well, at least the nation’s elderly and accident-prone celebrities are safe… for now! MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….


I’m 99% sure he would of passed had the score been 0-0…


Oh ok, I get it, this is a Ramsey apologist post-article. In a perfect world Villa or Swansea would be dumb enough to take him off our hands, but you know what they won´t be doing that. Listen guys I love the kid, but where, realistically, I mean what position can the kid play competently? Maybe DM…, CM…hell no, AM…hell to da no. Anyone telling me he is better right now that Yossi or AOC need their head checked. His time is up. Why even have a left wing, if you´re going to ask him to look for gaps inside?… Read more »

Rad Carrot

“Yes, that Alex Song, he’s a bit shit after playing a season with us, isn’t he? His time is up, it’s time to let him go.” “That Robin Van Persie’s always injured, he’d be better playing for Stoke or West Ham, not us. He’ll never make it in our team” “I can’t believe we’ve still got Rosicky on our books, he adds nothing to the team, Wenger needs to ship him out in January.” Yeah. I’m thinking you’re more suited to playing on FM rather than commenting that a 21 year old who suffered a career-threatening injury has had his… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

I know this breaks Arseblogs rules but fuck off Manamongst, you are an idiot. When you grow some hair on your balls come back and be a proper supporter.


I know this sounds incredibly fascist and I apologize to those offended aside from the original poster, but:

Haha queer.


I don’t understand why it should be a problem that we have several good midfielders. The season is long and Arsenal players are injury prone, so having 5 or 6 top class central midfielders is a necessity. And I’d definitively count Aaron as one of them. He has so much energy, always gives 100 % and the fact the he finds himself in good positions so often shows that he’s a dangerous and intelligent player. It’s just little things like being more calm in front of goal, a problem that Cesc had too in his early years, that for now… Read more »


Rad…don’t loop me up with those quotes bro, I don’t have a problem with Ramsey, the schedule they have put him on and the minutes and partnering have not been ideal for a real development. Yet still I got no bites on what actual position he can play, and get an actual game in?


MF craporal…I’m probably twice as old as you. Blindfan. You’re the worst.

Midfield Corporal

Well that will put you at 80+, so you’ve probably lost the hair on your balls. I’ve heard all this nonsense you talk about Ramsey a hundred times before, but people like you never put your hands up and admit you were wrong. You may eventually be right about Ramsey but I just don’t see what you get from that. He’s 21, he needs support and the manager is playing him in various positions to see how he fares and assist his football education. I would think his role will eventually be what Arteta does. At 21 Ian Wright wasn’t… Read more »

Rad Carrot

Manamongst, not trying to “loop you in” to all those quotes, all I’m suggesting is that you don’t be so dismissive of a player who hasn’t played that many seasons for us like many have before. Ramsey is a good player, some of the passes he’s played have been quality. He’s not terribly effective on the left, but I think that it might be one of Wenger’s experiments, give him some more experience playing out wide. What I cannot understand (aside from the fact your handle appears to be some bastardisation between ‘Macmannaman’ and ‘Tottenham’) is why you would be… Read more »




But had it gone to1-1 after then there would of course be no turning back time…

Glory Hunter

Honestly that miss against Wolves was beyond shocking!
But Ramsey has the potential and the fact he keeps getting into those positions is no coincedence he just needs to regain some composure like he mentioned and concentrate on technique rather than hitting the ball so damn hard!!!

Glory Hunter

not wolves, ‘City’ !
hopefully i havent jinxed Rambo.

why is my name requiredbut

but if he scores against wolves, some one is gonna die

Glory Hunter

It was their time, thats all!


Perhaps it’s just me but I thought Benayoun’s miss from 3 inches was worse than Ramsey’s.


YES! see now why is that overlooked by virtually everyone one and ramseys’s miss ussed to condemn him to the ” not good enough for arsenal ” section??


He could have literally humped that ball into the back of the net


Quite right Blogs but that’s masking the point. People are worried about his cumulative form and the boss is not helping playing him wide. (reminds me of pink boots last two seasons, being played wide). I don’t care about the miss or not passing, he was one on one then. What worries me is him not seeing the EARLY CROSS to the ox. Any creative player worth his salt should have seen that the ox would have been clean through with all the time and space in the world. A few goals will sort him out though and he’ll be… Read more »


YES. same with vermaelen falling when he went to kick the ball into an almost empty net, as well as blocking RVP’s shot off the line. Can you imagine the shit-storm if ramsey had done both of those, even though they were unfortunate accidents. People love a scapegoat and would have ripped him for that, I am certain. I feel for the lad. People who have written him off are probably the same ones that wrote off Koscielny, or said Arteta was a poor-man’s fabregas, or endorsed the bin-bag protest etc. HE’S 21 for christ’s sake, he’s going to take… Read more »


Benayoun took the best option infront him and it hit the post…but Ramsey had plenty of better options than he opted for. The OX was for ages in acres of spaces and he refused to pass to him. Even when RVP joined in, he still remained selfish. What kind of a playmaker can he make???? please a loan move wud help him a great deal!

Midfield Corporal

Yossi took the best option??? Best option was scoring an open goal.

Midfield Corporal

Exactly, why aren’t the critics abusing Yossi for missin a tap in at 0-0.


Let’s see he’s played about 516 minutes this season and the opportunity took about .03 seconds to pass.

definition of apologist…just sayin. Just man-up and say he was a muppet there…
It’s the unwritten rule of football (and basketball), if he scores there, no harm done. Part of the responsibility in taking a man’s shot is shouldering the responsibility of the miss; and subsequent fool’s face. Might I just say (without seeing how he had to face teammates afterwards) Ramsey has handled it a lot better than his apologists and haters (which I am NOT).



But Yossi didn’t clearly give two butt naked open players the hot urine treatment. But if that helps you put a positive spin on it…knock yourself out. Yossi certainly should have done better.


You don’t make any sense mate

Cygan's Middle Foot

I can’t fucking believe people actually compare TV and Yossi’s misses with Ramsey’s. Ramsey had a whole time in the world to shoot or pass. But he missed. TV/Yossi had just a split of second to react.
Don’t be so biased, otherwise there you go another spoiled player. Did I mentioned Denilson?


the point isnt that TV /Yossi misses mean they should be condemned not ramsey…its that no one should be condemned at all! Not over misses that turned out to be irrelevant to the final result! TV has scored winners for us this season, so has yossi, and so has ramsey, stop being such fickle fucks and support the lad!


True, but yossi put in a 60 min gut busting shift before the miss. And the best tackle of the year.

Midfield Corporal

Man that tackle was a beauty.


@Mr Blogs. Yossi’s miss was probably worse, but even that is debatable. However, the reason why there is so much uproar is because Ramsey does this on a REGULAR basis. Even he attested to the fact he would have hit double figures if he had taken a chunk of the chances that have fallen to him. Why then are people raving about how good he is and how great he is gonna become? What really are Ramsey’s strengths? May be the Ramsey sticklers can tell us because from here, and I am being objective, I can only see negatives. This… Read more »


If ive learnt anything being a gooner its that sometimes you just have to have blind faith and hope things will come good eventually. I believe in you ramsey!
Looking forward to you blowing us away with an amazing display at wolves!


Glad to see the general message on here seems to be of support for Ramsey and not badmouthing him. The boy’s only 21 for christ’s sake! Give him time, he’s clearly got that innate sense of where to be at the right time and makes cracking runs into the box. Once he matures a bit and gets some composure, he’ll start banging them in! Let’s all get behind a guy who picked THE arsenal over manure!


Well, it wasn’t as much a benayoun miss as it was a vermaelen slip. I think yossi simply didn’t expect it to land on his feet.
Ramsey’s was definitely worse, he could’ve at least hit the post!

Pedantic Dave

Success is all about fine margins. Take his shot on Sunday, it was only a flag width away from being a throw in. He was surely only trying to keep the ball in the corner, wasn’t he? That must be it.


Very surprised with people’s impression of Ramsey this year. I’m happy he gets in to goal scoring positions so frequently. It’s a confidence thing, which will come back. A lesser player would only look to pass, with the amount he’s missed.

Lest we forget – this guy chose Arsenal over Man Ure (where he was tipped to replace Scholes!). That injury no doubt set him back a year, so at least give him that much more time.

Cygan's Middle Foot

This guy chose Arsenal because he can get playing time, where in Manure, he would have been below Cleverly, although he is not so clever.


That is another very interesting reprise: The; “he gets in to goal scoring positions so frequently”, this would be an achievement if he played for, Villa or Everton…but for Arsenal? Clearly it’s more than “confidence thing” how many absolute mustard players would give their left testicle to be in those same positions for Arsenal? In one aspect his super-fans readily use the injury as a cry for compassion towards him but I would offer that a man with an actual broken leg could have finished half of his opportunities. Sometimes in football we see players that just have a knack… Read more »


Ramsey will be a great player one day. think he prob had too big a job this year (remember he was injured for a year and wouldnt be at all surprised if wilshere has similar problems) have to say, one of the things i like about him is that he will shoot. give him time!

Pedantic Dave

It was always a bit much to ask Aaron to play a whole season after his lengthy injury layoff. In hindsight, he should have been rotated more with Rosicky earlier in the season.

I just hope that the lessons will be learnt with Jack next season. I really hope we’re not writing him off in 12 months time if he stuggles with form and fitness.

I can’t fault his attitude, but honestly I have been one of those that have been extremely disappointed with his overall performances not his misses………I seem to think that he is miniature version of Denlison and I really don’t think he is confident enough at the moment to try those killer balls, and he keeps giving up possession in midfiled, also sadly his horrific injury didn’t help………I think if in general his performance were decent, then the miss would have been highlighted as much………..I think once Wilshire returns, Ramsey would be way down the pecking order, a season long loan… Read more »


I remember Cesc missing the same type of sitters as Ramsey.. He’ll come good,and when he does.. jizzinmypants


That’s funny, that’s probably the only comparisons between the two…because Cesc could hold down possession centrally, see the field 10,000 times better and actually hit a pass completion rate of over 75%…numbers don’t lie. Ramsey bombs forward Lampard-esque style because he wants to somehow make an impact…which is admirable. Cesc had all those other skills to fall back on and maintain his confidence. The Cesc to Ramsey comparisons are a joke, and really unfair to aaron even if it’s meant to give his name comfort. That’s like comparing Bendtner to Higuain…or AOC to Kevin Doyle… And to be fair Aaron… Read more »


I frequently compared him to Fabregas before the leg break.. He was awesome with his defence splitting passes, but hasn’t found his rhythm regularly again so far.

I don’t make comparisons between them anymore, because Cesc left. Remember that?


Personally, I’ve been preaching forever than Ramsey wants too much time on the ball, and turns 1 too many times. His vision is top class, however it kinda takes a while for his brain to select the correct option. I think in his mind, a plethora of options fill his mind about whether to pass, shoot, do a back heel, spin, etc and by the time he has chosen the CORRECT option, that particular choice is no longer an option, and he has to go through the process again, looking for the next best option, and by that time, he’s… Read more »

Rad Carrot

Agree completely, he needs to work on his decision making process but that comes with experience.

Bit of a tangent, but when I first read your post I swear I read it as “it kinda takes a while for his brain to select the contraception”. Hmm.


He’ll get better, still young and that and at least he’s admitted to being shit infront of goal. Improving the composure and problem solved.

why is my name required

i hope for his own good he’ll find his form back


I keep saying….he has the talent. But with our current situation we can’t afford to have him start for Arsenal. Like someone else said there, its not about him failing to convert his chances…but his overall contribution. Running and running becoz u r giving 100% isn’t helping our cause. Every time he starts i get worried. And my fears are justified with each game he starts. I wonder why Wenger tinkers with a winning team. He’s wud improve as a sub, but hey, he shoudnt b ahead of the OX. He’s one lad who doesn’t learn from his mistakes…we have… Read more »


Yes, it was ramsey that cost us the game, not vermaelen’s defensive errors… are you serious? I love TV5, but he was more at fault that anyone that day. Nobody played well that day, but to pin it on Ramsey is simply stupid.

Cygan's Middle Foot

Again, it was Ramsey’s mistakes after mistakes that made us failed to have scoring chances, which might just turn the game.


Yes it was TV directly, but lost possession gives the other team the ball and confidence, and allowed QPR to split our backs with the shockingly slow Zamora, and disperse our backs to the point that allowed Song and Kos to give Taarabt acres of space. And if not for anything else, AOC is an infinitely better defender/passer than Aaron. It was telling that Mancini fielded Zabaleta on the right as well practically knowing that Wenger is shelving AOC…starting to be the worst kept secret within coaching ranks apparently.


We fault Ramsey and not TV5 becoz, if he was effective in his role, we could have outscored QPR. Our team loses balance with him in there. The system we play is 4-3-3, thrives better with 2wide-men drawing defenders away from the centre of defense…and that gives room for Rosicky, VP to cause damage. But he’s d worst attacking mid we have at the moment. We didn’t give QPR any problems to cause us to score. The lad deserves to come off the bench…not to start. It is not his faulty…its the manager’s but he needs to learn from his… Read more »

uche Ekeh

since the English media start to attach ramsy’s goal to the death of top guns,he lost his confidence.Who wudn’t lost his?


he said in an interview that the celeb killing thing is pretty much rubbish by papers….


Rydw’n hoffi Ramsey achos maen Ramsey yn Gymraeg!

jim jimminy

Remember when Henry didn’t score for awhile…

Mark Faber

Listen guys, the kid is very young. He has a tremendous engine, technically very good and before his injury was already playing at a very high level; given time he will mature into an awesome central midfield player. Wenger sometimes puts players he rates out of position so they get an all-round education. Sure, Aaron needs to learn some more, but he will only get better. Give him time.


Hey…we all recognise his talent. What we r saying, he’s a liability at this point in time. There’s no to experiment with him right now. We need points and we have people who have proved they can do it. Late substitutions r enough for me…but he pisses them too. I honestly see no room for him next season except if loaned. Or else, he will not improve or develop with many players ahead of him…notably Wilshire, if its true that Podoski is coming it is another danger. Dont get me wrong, Diaby with all his injuries…if fit, technically he can… Read more »


How can you see no room for him in our midfield? Benayoun won’t be with us next season, Rosicky will be a year older (and with his health history nothing is a guarantee) Diaby is always hurt, Wilshere lost a year and Podoloski is primarily a striker. The only youngster kncoking at the door is the Coq and right now I’m not sure he is better than Ramsey (in fact, I doubt it). And just because someone compared Ramsey to Denilson doesn’t make it a fact. Ramsey is faster than Denilson and has made more forward passes this season than… Read more »


You are so dead Mr Bloggerman 😉


Ramsey is not good enough for Arsenal – yet. His finishing has been terrible all season and his passing is average. But he is still young enough to make it. The best thing for him now would be a season out on loan with Bolton or another Premier League club. Slight subject change: before Sunday’s game, on the Big Screen Wenger confirmed that Gervinho was fit but had not been selected for the squad. I wonder why? He hasn’t played much since he came back from Africa so he shouldn’t be tired. He could have been a useful sub against… Read more »


Oh joy. I must be feeling much better now. It seems to be business as usual and I disagree with FatG again! Ramsey is nearly there. His role is a challenging one – play the complex passes that will unlock the opponents defends. There is a very fine margin between success and failure in the complex pass. When it works (Cesc, Messi, Mata) it is beautiful, but when it doesn’t, we all groan Ramsey is Arsenal quality. His work rate is probably second only to Sagna. He just needs that final 5% – score the opportunities that he so beautiful… Read more »


He’s probably not even top 4 in workrate. Even if he was, he needs hours in film session to stop all the unnecessary running about.


I think so FatG, he seems a bit weaker and almost never seems to look to go to goal. Only round his defender wide and look for low percentage wide angled shots or passes. The left side in general this season has been a bermuda triangle. The few times AOC has played there has been a bit more activity, but those seemed to coincide with matches where we were clearly trying to attack the opposition’s LB (with Theo). But even at that Gibbs didn’t look to pressed to make any attacking moves early on in his comeback. Santos needs a… Read more »


Well you can be sure it’s not because he missed a few sitters!! Hahah that obviously didn’t get Ramsey benched. Good question though fat. I was also wondering were he was.


Be careful any honesty to this lot and they will lose their mind. I think they’d be happy with a Gunner’s loss as long as their “boy” plays. When faced with gross muppetude of their golden boy they scream: ‘Well look at Yossi’, he missed an opportunity that passed him by in less than half a second. The guy’s played 516 minutes all season…now, how’s that for a Ramsey-esque excuse. The sad part is, Aaron is probably so much a stand-up guy, he would be sickened by the apologist for him on here. Here’s a clue…if it’s something you imagine… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

You’re very highly strung aren’t you, have you tried camomile tea?

Cygan's Middle Foot

Right, I wish RVP fucked him after the game for the shoot, so he would learn,


Fuck short corners! With tv5 and kos we have the most ariel ability than I can remember for a fair few years. Also fuck those barca cunts I’m fed up with people calling as barca-light. We are the arsenal and it wasn’t for a ghost red card and a shocking refereeing display back in 05 we would be kings of Europe. Oh and on the subject of rambo give the guy a break I can remember a few important goals he has scored, marseille and united, give him time and I can see him becoming a good player for us.… Read more »


I am a Ramsey fan. He is an attacking midfielder and that is all he will ever be. He will be accepted as one of the best midfielders at some point in the not too distant future too. My issue is the inclusion of Ramsey in a team that already has Rosicky. Rosicky is playing unbelievably well at the moment and we should be using Ramsey to give Rosicky a rest at 70 minutes. Playing Ramsey on the left when the Ox, Gevinho and Benny are significantly superior in that position makes me wonder if Wenger is doing it because… Read more »

Cygan's Middle Foot

Agreed. Look at how he was owned by Batoleti at the wings. He doesn’t have any strength at all to compete in the PL. Even worse, he doesn’t have quickness. His passing is just so so, and dwells too long with the ball.


Oooh welcome to my own observations! I like ur analysis. Really, I wonder why he puts him in the same line-up with Rosicky. Ramsey tends to drift into the middle and congests our attacking third with no real effect at all.

In fact, if u clearly observe those games where he starts…Rosicky tends to play while drifting right-Mid closer to Walcott, and that…minimises our attacking-effectiveness through the central


That’s why you saw them passing around him. He’s not the guy you want in the triangle with one touch passing. Bull in a chinashop passer.

Midfield Corporal

I think he’s an attack minded midfielder but I’m not sure he’s cut out for ‘the rosicky role’. He doesn’t seem to move the ball quick enough but maybe that will come with age. I just think he needs to be told to watch What Arteta does, he’s always open for a pass, 99% of the time gives it back simply, but keeps us ticking along nicely.


Kevin bond here…Mr Ramsey wouldn’t make the Spurs starting lineup.


Yeah – you couldn’t afford him. Also, he is far too ambitious to consider playing for a team that defines success as finishing above the Arsenal. How lame is that jerkoff?

Cygan's Middle Foot

What, he kept mentioning about Everton, where we almost lost because of him (mostly)?? Should I compile a bunch of his mistakes in this season? I think it’s good for him coz he is too lazy to learn from his own mistakes.

Torquay Goon

It’s all about whose not playing when Ramsey is i.e the Ox on current form Rambo is nowhere near the team and a long way down the subs list, long term he’s a player who I’d rate as 50/50 if he makes it here, certainly deserves none of the derision and utter bullshit that seems to be coming his way.
Shawcross Cunt.


Guys, can we PLEASE stop paying attention to that ‘Manamongst’ cunt?

He doesn’t really care about Ramsey, the team, or any sort of intelligent discussion. Replying to him will only string him on. Please, from now on just ignore what he says. Sure, thumb it down, but DON’T REPLY. Just don’t. He’ll leave soon enough.

Midfield Corporal

Eloquently put C, From his language he is either American or a twat, his obsession with quoting ‘minutes on the pitch’ stats lead me to believe he’s both.


Ramsey just needs a good pre season to get his head straight, remember we have jack , ryo and diaby coming back next season so if he continues to play as an average player next season then he will just slide down the pecking order.
he is by no means a nailed on starter and if u ramsey slaters take a second to think you would realise that in a fit squad ramsey would be no where near the starting 11


he is the perfect arteta replacement… he has a amazing work rate.. he can score golas …but he is not ready for first team after his injury that he suffered… he needs a loan spell to someone like bolton/ westbrom/ swansea.. he dose too much and is scared to play his natural game for some reason… he will be an amazing player mark my words but if he dosent go on loan and struggles here at arsenal he will turn out to be a failure… he was a smart player before his injury, he could hold d ball, win back… Read more »


Give him time. Most youngsters would take that shot like he did Sunday, he just misplaced it. Not to say I didn’t scream WTF!?!?!?!?!??! when he did it, but that’s the reaction everyone had. I’d be more bitter if we didn’t win the match. I think he just needs time. He’s just like Arteta in that he’s never gonna bag a load of goals/season but you do expect/hope he’ll score you 8-10 in a given term & I think he can achieve that given a couple more years under his belt. We all want short term solutions and that’s what… Read more »


That’s why majority of us r saying…a loan move will do him a lot of good.


are u really comparing Ramsey to Arteta? in my eyes Arteta is one of the most complete midfielders in the league, u better believe if he was unleashed as AM he would bang them in week in week out, its a shame just how under rated arteta is.


I’m saying that the type of player his is is meant to be the role Arteta currently occupies. In a few years (sooner rather than later we hope) Ramsey will be able to successfully fill that role with no doubts. Arteta plays brilliantly but look at his age/experience and you can see why. By the time Ramsey is Mikel’s age I expect him to be a better player than Arteta is now. I too think Arteta is highly underrated in his importance.

Fernando Ramsey

He could have helped van Persie end his goal drought there and then…. And he pulled off a Torres…




I can’t believe it Aaron Ramsey did play well.
We have huge respect for him and he’s sensational
Player. Look next year what u think Arteta, remsey, wilshere, rosiskey, and the king midfielder an the moment song,song song like winger we love u man


i think all he needs to do is to define himself as a player and hopefully persuade wenger to give him some time in that role

Master Bates

Using CAPSLOCK for you entire comment shows you are kind stupid and you have to use capital letters to get your point through . No one needs to hear from you


what if it was used it like this


is that better?


No. Unless you also thrown in JOHN TERRY into that list.


Nope. You’d have to add at least nasri to that list, maybe adabayor as well.

O, and that twat Anon.


Gosh, look at this shitty attempt (coming in after he drifted to the left, no less!)


Anon you really are a knob mate.


And that wins best post of the day. An unbelievable knob.


OUR FANS LET RAMSEY BE…..i have seen worst goal miss..his is not the first, you guys remember the goal kanu missed playing for was one of those days… He will come good at the End .. as did song, v,persie, etc…..we have to stand by our boys in good and in bad .And we should not forget he is still coming from a long injury..the only reason he has plyed so many games is cos cesc left. Give him time, he will make us proud of him again. we love you over here ramsey,keep your head up. we have… Read more »


ha! am not sure u r saying anything new there. We all know he needs time, but not when we need results. We r saying…that time ( he needs) can be obtained on loan. Not when we need results.

Also, its not about the chances he fails to convert. Look…Rosicky isn’t scoring everyday neither is Arteta, nor the Ox or Gervinho. But their overall contribution to our play and fluidity in attack matters mate. And that’s where he fails miserably.


@ master bates…it is not up to you to decide how one writes up their post.
it is all about sharing our views, in cap letter ,small letter what difference does it make. it does not mean one is stupid…even in a different language…as long as it is all about the Arse, we are down for life..and if you are hating …then it is time you rise above the will get you nowhere.

Peace..and happy Easter.


i think people confuse hate with constructive criticism. i mean if ramsey worked at a factor you owned and was consistently cocking Shit up would you say. ..oh it its okay he’s only 21…no u wouldnt you’d fire him, transfer him or move him to a lower level of responsibility….fact is at the end of the day he gets payed way more than anyone here to do a specific job…and he is currently ineffective. . a wise manager of a business..which we forget arsenal is would find a solution and not take uncalculated risks at such a crucial time in… Read more »


Well said!

Naija Gunner

Ramsey Ramsey what a guy!


He was superb at the start of the season – everyone forgetting that? He scored a good winner in Marseille – everyone forgetting that? He’s the Welsh captain because he is a good footballer with a good head. Rambo will be back to his best – every player has bad times. He lost a friend and a trusted peer not long ago. Give the guy some breathing space.


A loan move is all he needs…not a run into a first team that’s performing admirably. Unfortunately…his starts coincides with our poor/shaky results in our recent run.

Has anyone noticed…our consistent run since the dismal January began with him not in the team????


Kay at last someone talking sense. I can’t understand these so called fans who say you are not supporting your team if openly criticise anyone on it. Unless he toughens up and focus’s on team play he will be another vela or bentner. He would be better off on a loan spell and then see. The first team, especially at the minute, is not the place for him. People feel sorry for him because of his injury. John Devine played for arsenal and has had huge health issues and huge debts because of it. Feel sorry for him! It’s not… Read more »


I don’t think so if ramse has a passion for the gunners.
Acting like playing alone,no worry for team mates and team success.
Happy if wenger could let him on the bench for the rest of the season.

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