Saturday, July 27, 2024

900 up for Arsene

Saturday’s game against Norwich will be Arsene Wenger’s 900th in charge of the club since taking over September 1996.

The boss’s record is Won 519, Drawn 204, Lost 176, scoring 1,654 goals whilst conceding 855. Speaking to the official site Wenger said he was surprised at the landmark.

“I don’t know where the other 899 have gone!” he said. “You always have so much focus on the next one that you forget the games that are behind you.

“It is impressive, 900 games, but basically what is only important for me is to win the next one.”

Arsenal go into the game against Norwich knowing that they need to take three points from their final home game of the season to stay in control of their final league position. Two wins from two games will do that, yet since the Invincibles season Arsenal have only twice won their final two league games.

You can see how Arsenal’s record compares against Newcastle’s and Sp*rs’ in that time:


Clearly some of the final game results have been influenced by the fact that the games don’t have any bearing on the final league position, but there are others in which we’ve fizzled out our season in a not terribly positive way.

In any case, our task for tomorrow and next week is simple, and at the end the number of games Arsene has won as manager is 521, we can be sure of Champions League football next season.

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*checks calendar*


Completely separate issue, but had to mention – a special edition of ‘So Paddy Got Up’ is part of next years Members Pack, eh? Get you! Ultimate recognition perhaps…?

D arsenal

here is for the next 900 for arsene!


and what a wonderful 900 matches its been, from the depths of despair to the heights of happiness (im terrible at this sort of stuff). Now for the next 900 (hopefully!!) =)


ah wait correction, 899 matches

the only sam is nelson

“basically what is only important for me is to win the next one.”

Hahaha that’s the one, fuck your silly landmark celebration and let’s worry about stuffing those canaries. Good!


What a milestone, what a manager and what a team. The Arsenal, my Arsenal <3


Never truer than now that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Alex McLeish? Ah, good old loveable ginger ballbag bonce. You’re welcome back at The Grove next season mate, no worries. RVP’s Elbows? Yeah well, whatever, bygones and all that. We’d love to hear more  bollocks from your testie shaped head next year. Just beat the fuckin Spuds. Nasri? No, we didn’t laugh at the thought of you winning fuck all, no, no, that wasn’t us, honest. By all means, send us all a postcard of yourself stark bollock naked laying on a bed of pound notes, with… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

haha. you should totally have your own blog… or do you already?


I’d prefer to see us winning our two bloody games rather than hop for the other to lose. The team needs to show how much they really want to secure third place, play CL next season and relax over the summer. It’s an effort but certainly doable.


+e, +s

Like this if you’re pro “edit button”


We really only need a Newcastle draw if we beat Norwich to clinch a higher spot than them. So, we don’t necessarily need to watch Nasri celebrate a title–a draw’ll do.


True. But at the moment I’m past caring. I’d sell my Nan’s teeth if it guaranteed us 3rd.

Midfield Corporal

I woke up at 3am genuinely panicking about these last 2 games. I went over every possible combination, one being even of we drew both games, Newcastle lose to city then win one we would still get 4th. Best case is a 3 or 4 goal win against Norwich to boost Goal diff and hope villa pull their finger out their tight brummy arses and take at least a point. I thought football was supposed to be enjoyable, feels like bloody hard work at the moment.

Eric Irish gunner



Oh and well done Arsene. Nice one.

Midfield Corporal

What odds Nasri to score the winner, if he secures our 3rd spot I promise not to call him a cunt again……probably.


I’d still call him a cunt, he would just be a two faced cunt


God I’d give an awful lot to see him smiling with the league trophy in his hands again.

Naija Gunner

Thumbs up to the best manager Arsenal ever had, though some of us have called for his resignation when it was cold and sour for the team. But we are 100% behind you now, through thick and thin no more stupid calls from anyone anymore or else……!

And just as the manager said the most important thing is to win the next game, yeah I love that.



Blogs, I forgot to to say earlier that the Shawcross song on the Arsecast was probably thebfunniest thing you’ve ever done. I couldn’t stop laughing.

Brian wallace

I remember as a young teenager, my cousin Declan came over from ireland in the summer holidays. Growing up in rural Kildare, the young fool knew no better and supported Liverpool. So one Saturday, I brought him up to THOF to see the mighty Arse in action, show him some real football. 0-0 against Oxford. Probably the most shite game of footy ever played at highbury. Although he called me and most of the Arsenal team that day a bunch of useless cunts, something inside him said “this place has something”. 2-3 years later he moved over to London and… Read more »

Red & White Stripey Socks

Yes the man has done wonders with the club there is no doubt. Long may his mental strength last.
But six points is all I can really think about, that and the signing of Rvp! what a fucking amazing season we will have next year if this happens.


I’d give an awful lot just to see him smile like that, full stop.

God bless you Arsene Wenger, as you’ve given more to our beloved club than KFC gives me chicken thighs, and that’s a shitload.

Long may his reign continue, and much more success find it’s way to our club with him at the helm.

Midfield Corporal

I’d love to sit down and spend an evening talking to Arsene, Find out his true opinions on people like Ferguson, Pullis, Allardyce. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a period of games more than the 98 double run in, 10 straight wins, numerous London derbies in the League and cup, vieira and petite the best central midfield pairing I’d witnessed dominating teams, Bergkamp at his majestic best. He was the most refreshing thing english football had seen. Thanks Arsene, hopefully the team will give you a good day, and if it’s Pat Rices last home game, they send him… Read more »


For much too long all we get to see is Arsene getting angry or looking worried or just plain sad…

The expression of joy in his face when Thierry scored that goal against Leeds… may we see it again, and much more often! 🙂


I wonder how many water bottles were defiled in those 899 games?


Arsene and Arsenal. It was meant to be


As an Arsenal fan since 1978, the first eight years of Wenger’s reign were the happiest football-watching days of my life. Between ’97 and ’06 we were absolutely spoiled with brilliant, beautiful and successful football. But the last five years have been painful. From being a forward-thinking genius, Wenger has mutated into a stubborn, arrogant, self-pitying parody of everything he once was. Worst of all, he has developed the deeply-annoying habit of taking the club to the brink of success and then failing to add the two or three quality players that we desperately needed to carry us over the… Read more »


What a load of crap. Look at the amount of money the likes of Chelsea and City spent in order to be competitive. Using Man United as a poster club for ‘money doesn’t get you titles’ is especially stupid, as they are one of the richest clubs in the world. They don’t have a sugar daddy that pours money into the club but the amount of money they earn from commercial deals, sponsorship, and match day means that they didn’t need one. They got ahead of the race early and everyone else has to catch up. Of course, you have… Read more »


Sorry, Miki, but the bullshit excuses don’t wash any more. I could write 10 pages on the incompetent decisions made by Wenger over the last five years. Decisions like the ridiculous over-payment of Almunia, a decision Wenger tried to justify by making the out-of-his-depth Spaniard our first-choice keeper. And Wenger has repeated the act with Park – the invisible Korean. Both players are now not wanted but are sucking up huge amounts of money. So are the likes of Bendtner, Vela and Denilson. And please don’t try to blame the Board. Everybody knows that Wenger has a massive amount of… Read more »

Cygan's Left Foot

Don’t hold your breath, he is not leaving the club or put under pressure to win anything while the Yank is the owner and that South African puppet Ivan his rep in London.

We have signed Lukas and will add one African French from the French Leauge “Rough Diamond” AKA Gervinho add to that the LANSes (Jack, Diaby *rolls eyes*, Campbell, Afobe, Park, Ryo) and that will be your lot for this summer.

Do you think we will sign any more to put our young players under pressure and make them fight for their place to kill them??????

Midfield Corporal

We started supporting The Arsenal around the same time FG, I can’t argue with a lot of what you say until the last paragraph. Yes a younger manager ‘could’ bring us success, but perhaps he couldn’t, and we end up like Chelsea out of the CL places. Arsene always honours his contract so we must honour his, at the end of the two years if we are still not progressing I think both parties will feel is the natural time to part company, and only then will people realise what a fantastic job he has done for the club.

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