Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger – further signings made difficult by squad rules

Arsene Wenger says that although Lukas Podolski has been signed nice and early, any further signings will be influenced by the size of the current squad, players coming back from loan and our ability to move them on.

At the moment Premier League clubs are, ridiculously, restricted to a 25 man playing squad which must be named at the beginning of each season, and Wenger says this will have an impact on the business done by every club this summer, including any other pre-Euro 2012 deals at Arsenal.

“That is a big problem for every club,” he said, “and before you go out on the transfer market you have to see how you cope with the 25 players.”

“I don’t exclude it but we have to respect that number.”

The manager is happy with the arrival of Lukas Podolski, and the timing of it, but says his next focus is looking at getting injured players fit again.

“We wanted at least one target to be sorted out early. Now we are in a position where the second part of our signings will be to take care of the players who are injured and to get them back for the start of next season.

“I think of course about Jack Wilshere, and about Abou Diaby.  Then, if you look at our squad, we have quite a big one and before we buy again we have to look at how many players we will have.”

It was always going to prove a challenge this summer to whittle the squad down and that hasn’t changed. And while some may choose to look on these comments in a negative way, the reality is that this Arsenal squad is large and does need something of a culling.

If that’s done properly, then there’s no reason why we can’t make space for actual new signings and not players who are LANS.

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Do underage players count as part of the 25?


wenger always makes it sound like all players older than 21 must be in the 25-man squad and we can’t sign anyone unless somebody leaves.

there’s the wage bill issue of course, but we don’t have to include deadwood like squillaci, park or denilson in our next squad if we can’t get rid of them.
just leave them out and that’s it.


We have 22 players named in our squad. 5 are homegrown (Walcott, Song, Djourou, Mannone, Gibbs). Which means that 3 u-21 players are homegrown and registered (Wilshere, Ox, Miquel, Szczesny, Frimpong, Coquelin). Henry has gone so thats the space for Podolski. If we get rid of Squillaci, Park and we don’t sign Benayoun then that frees up some space for new signings. Personally I wouldn’t mind holding on to Benayoun on the cheap and signing Vertonghen and M’Vila.

Gearoid Kelly

Mannone could be part of the cull, so that’d mean including another youngster for homegrown status. Does this also make Walcott more valuable to us?
And I don’t think there’d be many tears shed if Djourou got shipped out, another homegrown player.


Here we go again, then we shouldn’t have payed such high wages to such average in proven players then we woudnt have this problem. If people on this site are honest and not pandering to the thumbs up brigade, do you really think this squad even with podolski is good enough to challenge for the premier league or do you think the squad as it stands is of the quality that will convince rvp to sign? Funny how this statement is made now that the renewal period for season tickets is passed. As for quoting diaby, while I feel for… Read more »

Trex d' Gunner

Taking an in-depth look at the length and regular occurrence of Diaby’s injuries, we most also remember that a couple of seasons ago some people were also screaming that Van Persie should be gotten rid of because he is injury prone. Imagine where we would be if that had been done and there was no suitable replacement.


you get the feeling that if blogs hadn’t commented Mr. Voldermort would have been stricken down by the thumbs up/down brigade…for some reason anything remotely negative on arseblog news gets thumbed down, good to see an honest discussion on a real problem our club faces. Honestly I feel that RVP will re sign, he’s just had his best season, his family is settled in London (down to Shaqueel’s footballing side and going to school and what not), we’ve shown a tremendous amount of faith in him after so many injury-defined seasons, he’s the captain here, we’ve brought in Podolski this… Read more »


Yes ! But it’s a problem that Wenger has managed to accumulate – if I can put it that way – over a three year period. Two more quality signings – say Vertongen and Hazard – and a fit again Wilshire will do the trick. And if we ship out the deadwood seven or eight, we’ll have plenty of room.

This 25 man rule is frankly a smokescreen for inaction. If the usual suspects are dispensed with, we can still carry on with Abu Diaby and have plenty of room beyond that, given the exemptions that the rule allows.


Diaby’s contract is to June 2015. Do you see any other club coming for him and paying those wages unless he has had a good run of fitness and form? In which case, we wouldn’t want to sell him as he was fit and in form. So, like it or not, Diaby will stay on the books.

Cygan's Left Foot

Like it or not, we could buy his contract and let him go just as a club do with a football manager. I hope you know how that works to save me typing it!!!!!.


I dont know how it is difficult.= or how it should be a problem. If anything, it’s simple really – get rid of the dross, get quality replacements in. Simple as that.

Quality in, garbage out. Or as I like t call it, QIGO!


Like all of us, wenger knows the players who are underperforming and have no long term future at arsenal. There are 3 major barriers to solving this problem easily:
1) Does the player actually WANT to leave?
2) Can we get a club willing to buy at a reasonable price?
3) Are we guaranteed to acquire a better on the market?

These things are never that simple. Most of these issues are out of wengers hands


Agreed. But we have to start cutting our losses now, even if it means players going for cheap. How long will we continue having the likes of Squillaci, Diaby, Chamack etc on our payroll? Not to mention these players taking up squad space ..

Gearoid Kelly

Wages, wages, wages. I don’t want to belly on about our wage structure, but Squillster was a French international when he signed and you need to up players wages to sign them (RVP wont jump ship without a rise. I’m sure Fab, Nasri, Clichy got rises.) Almunia was our no.1 when he signed his deal. This is the reality, these players seemed decent signings at the time.

It all adds up, mistakes will be made, but just remember, everything isn’t what it seems at first glance….

Cygan's Left Foot

Jomo, I agree it is not simple, but that is why he is paid 6/7 million a year to sort it. But, I might help him for free …. the likes of Squid, Chamachk, Park still have good market value in France, so any team will take them for free like a flash and as for their wages they will make the difference as a signing on fee spread over the period of conatract. Arsha, the Russian will kiss our hand to take him for 5/6 mil. Big Nick will get us 6/7 mill even with his 50+k wage. Carlos… Read more »


If a player is loaned to a club and that club pays their wages and a loan fee, as is often the case (except for City players when they tend to subsidise the ridiculous wages), then they are not on in our squad and we are no longer incurring losses. The only thing we lose is how much the player goes down in value in the transfer market.

In some cases, a player’s value can go up if they have a great season. Vela and Miyaichi probably fall into that category (but we’re not looking to sell Ryo).


Getting rid of dross is bloody difficult, and it’s not just that some of them are on inflated wages. You can’t look to the top clubs to offload your poor performers, you have to look further down, and in case you haven’t noticed most of the clubs outside of the very top ones are financially in the shit. Players with a history of injuries are a further difficulty. Cutting your losses in this case is difficult, and the best you can hope for is to send those people out on loans every year until their contract runs out or someone… Read more »

Gearoid Kelly

Hear hear! Best chance is one good loan spell, followed by someone coming knocking. e.g. Bendtner, Vela…

Sunny Patel

No need to publicly say this before RVP and Theo re-sign, as it just sounds like an excuse prior to another non ambitious transfer window.

Cygan's Left Foot

Just RVP will be great.

Theo?????? Mah, I will take 15/20 mil from Liverpool.




It obvious we need to move players on, but does it really need to be said by arsene with two games to go and fighting for a third placed spot that should have Been ours weeks ago. If its that obvious then it doesn’t need saying, nothing will get the fans backs up more than hearing arsene saying this sort of thing, at a time when the club needs the fans support more than ever. We are not good enough at the moment and will not be good enough next season even with podolski. We know it and you can… Read more »


i disagree.
We ARE currently good enough to challenge for the title. After a real shaky first few months of the season (due to injuries, cesc/nasri debacle, and players bedding-into the team) we have shown title-winning form!
go here and check the table, starting from feb 2nd (the last 13 games). we’re level with the mancs. now add poldi and wilshere to the mix and the future suddenly looks bright.


keep in mind Jomo that we have massive problems with injuries literally every season. This is why when you need to call upon back-up players or rotate the squad, you want quality as opposed to simple quantity…which brings us back to transfers. I might be a pessimist but Wilshere has not played since pre-season and Wenger said he is definitely not going to be playing Euro 2012, it dampens my hopes for him coming in next season the same player he was before. A player’s gotta come back sometime though of course, it’s just the idea of having to reintroduce… Read more »


I knew this is coming… The usual from the 7 Year Trophy-less Manager!
Any signing would “Kill” Eugh Frimpong development would be the next coming from that dirty mouth of his
The signing of Podolskiis clearly replacement for RVP

Still denying? Forget about Gervinho Nasri last summer

Why can he leave the club? This man has lost it and a decade went by to prove that he is not worthy anymore!

Go ahead Wenger flap your slly looking arm on that trench coat for another empty season


Oh, wait, your name is also Wenger? If so, I definitely agree, you ARE a cunt.


Gutted to Have read arsenes comments, am fucking fuming. How nice would it to have read before our biggest game of the season so far… I beleive this squad has performed miracles this season with the setbacks we have endured but with 2 or 3 quality signings we can not only compete with the likes of city and man u but I feel we can win titles and cups. And show the football world that arsenal have the ambition and will to compete with the biggest clubs in Europe. Thats what he should have said. Fucking crazy statement to have… Read more »


Look at the fully fit squad:
GK Szcz/2 reserve goalkeepers
DL Gibbs,Santos
DC Verm,Kosc,Mert,Djou
DR Sagna,Jenkinson
Midfield: Song, Arteta, Wilshire,Ramsey,Rosicky,Coq,Diaby,Frimpong
Wings: Walcott, Podolski*, Gerv, Ox, Arshavin
Fw: RVP / Podolski*/

That’s 25 players that are more than capable of challenging for trophies if they stay fit. More options would be nice, but first we need to free up the wage budget to re-sign RVP and to be able to compete for quality players. I don’t understand the butthurt.


Oh and I forgot Miyachi.

Cygan's Left Foot

Miki, If you think this squad could challenge you are more blind than Arsene himself. the last squad to win us the league ….. Jens …. 49 unbeaten…world class Lauren… lion of a player … good player Kolo…..full of skill and energy .. good player Sol .. the human tank .. world class Hole …cunt ..but world class Gilberto .. world cup winner .. world class Paddy .. world cup winner class Bobby cup winner class Freddy .. here there and every where .. border line world class. Bergkamp ..Magicain .. the BEST Henry …. EPL best… Read more »


Voldermort, you seem to have been a gooner for almost the same length of time as I have and you’ve handled this debate well- just as you’ve said disagreeing with someone without having to resort to name calling is great! Arsene has always made comments like this, he just answers questions, it’s not as though he seeks hacks out to clear his throat. It would serve him well to just say no comment to everything, but that’s who he is so I am not concerned with him or the club saying all the right things. As long as things are… Read more »


So who would suggest the new manager is to be???
Wenger still knows. Class is permanent, form is temporary.


Utter doom mongering bollocks by clueless plastics! What do you want the manager to say? Jeez, no wonder Arsenal get slated for having whiney fans.


come to an away game with me before slating our players ands chances you cunt.

We need a couple of signings, but the squad looks the best it has done for years. The boss’ comments are completely understandable IMO, yours however are pathetic.

Grow a pair you pussy

Naija Gunner

Let the show of prosperity continue Sir Wenger!

Nigerian Gunner

I have to question the timing of Monsieur Wenger’s comment. In all honesty, our squad is not strong enough even with the return of Wilshere and Diaby next season. To rely on these players when we don’t know how their fitness would be next season after their injuries is not a good one at all. There are too many players in the squad who are surplus to requirement who should be moved on for quality additions. Squillaci, Chamakh, Park, Denilson, Bendtner, Vela, Almunia should be moved on for quality additions. Quality is better than quatity. A squad of quatity without… Read more »


you are 100% right. this is wenger’s aim also. to remove the rubbish and bring in quality. however, i think he is simply saying that this task will be difficult because selling lots of players instantly (for a good price) is not easy. some of these players may want to stay at arsenal and continue getting a nice salary, instead of moving to lower league clubs (or overseas) for a pay-drop. we must trust wenger. he will do all he can to build the best possible squad, but he will always remain financially astute, because the long-term success of the… Read more »


Almunia is out of contract at the end of the season, so he’s as good as gone.

Squillaci has one year left.

Chamakh has probably got about 3 years left.

Park, not sure due to the change in his national service requirements, but possibly June 2015.

Diaby – June 2015.

Vela – June 2015.

Bendtner – June 2014.

Denilson – June 2014.


I’m somewhat puzzled that someone would give me a thumb down for listing when these players contracts are up.


Anyone know the status of Joel Campbell and Wellington for next season?

Asian Gunner

Can’t wait for August.


Yeah Voldermort isn’t wrong but this squad when fully fit are possible title contenders (and they are because by comparison man utd’s current crop aren’t so special) but what is always an issue in sport is injuries and it’s time to cut the fat with some/all of those unwanted players because our current squad ignores that issue. We’re wasting money on players and sometimes we have spots on the bench which are near useless. Hopefully the club can do the business needed, we’ll see a couple new faces with some quality/promise about them and then i’m confident we’ll bring home… Read more »


Sid, I’ve been going since the fucking early eighties you mug, season ticket holder since 1980 and went most away games for almost 15 years including Europe.
Happy to go an away game with you anytime happy to meet for a beer at WBA to discuss the use of the word cunt.


It strikes me as odd that a person who has been going to games since the early 80’s (thus saying that he is at least 30 years old) is named after a children’s book villain. I also think it’s pretty easy to say to people on here that they have been going to games since X date. Nearly all of the fans that I travel with have got a fairly good outlook on the club, otherwise, what is the point of wasting the money on tickets, travel and time going? I’ve been going since 1930, I haven’t missed a single… Read more »


I’ve been going since 1893, missed one game with the lurgy back in nought four but home and away man and boy ever since


This is all a bit unnecessary. I for one have faith in our team. We’ve got a great blend now of experienced talent in RvP, Arteta, Rosicky and now Podolski and young talents like wilshere, ramsey, ryo and the ox. Plus a CB pairing that’s the best we’ve had for a long while and a keeper we’ve been crying for since lehman went off the boil. Don’t spread pessimism when theres so much to be optimistic about!


yep love it! goonero for assistant manager! coyg!

Eric Irish gunner

Haha nice offer

joe shmo

Well, looking at this year’s squad, quite a few players could move on: -Arshavin (transfer?) -Benny (although it would be nice to keep him as a reliable, hard-working sub) -Chamakh (transfer – nuff said) -Fab and Vito (who both seem to want to move on, but if both do, at least one other experienced keeper will have to come in) -Park (on a season long loan?) -Squillaci (posisbly replaced by Bartley as I think he is +21 years of age) and then from those coming back from loan, Denilson and Vela seem like they’ll head straight back out the door.… Read more »


Missing anyone? I have to say Diaby.

If the 25 man limit is really constraining Wenger’s thinking then earmarking a slot for Diaby, on the off chance he may be able to trot on for 15 minutes in a couple of matches, has to be foolhardy.

Pele of Romford

Make your point fella and people may not agree with it. But when you start saying things like ‘his dirty mouth’. It just shows you’re a bell end mate. You don’t think it’s conceivable that arsene bought them to play together, but one of them wanted more money for half a good season? You’re probably one one that mob who thinks he purposely tries to keep the money that he doesn’t spend on transfers so he can go swimming in it like some scrooge mcduck type character at the detriment of our club.He made some mistakes but come on. Honestly,… Read more »

Pele of Romford

At Wenger=cunr


Voldy, Chill out. There is no point crying over spilt milk on the wages issues, at least Wenger has got the mop out and is trying to clear up. Without a poor start and a little bit extra up front to bang the goals in, I think we could have given the Manchester sides a run for their money. Is this squad capable of pushing higher? Sure. Any deadwood he can remove, such as Park, Chamakh, Squillaci, Bendtner, Vela, Denilson can be replaced with a better alternative, then the better chance we have of going for the top spot. The… Read more »


Seems a lot of people are reading into this that its just Wenger getting his usual excuses in early, and hinting that he won’t sign anyone else, or at least no more ‘big name’ players. I don’t know – maybe I’m ever the optimist but I prefer to read it a bit differently this year. I think he’s realised that an overhaul of sorts is needed, but he’s right in that we need to clear out a lot of the dead wood. This is as close as he’s ever been to coming right out and saying that, which I prefer… Read more »

[…] seem as if anything is imminent, despite getting Podolski done before the season has even ended. Arsene says: We wanted at least one target to be sorted out early.  Now we are in a position where the second […]


Whatever wenger says. He’s the boss, not me.


Typical Wnger-how about getting rid of the deadwood to make space for better players?

A few days ago, my comments on the article about relying on Diaby for the last 3 games didn”t go down well. But I’m justified by the fact that Diaby will have no impact this season!


Childcatcher, I am 48 the name was suggested by my 15 year daughter as it has a touch of irony on a site where few people use their real names. Nothing to prove to people regarding my support for the club. Just take offence to being called a cunt by a keyboard warrior. Who may or may not go away games. I don’t insult people in this site because thier opinions differ from mine and happy to respect others. upto to the point where I’m called a cunt. I go all home games some away games nowadays not as many… Read more »


I think all of us know the players who are of no use to the club and need to be released/sold and there’s nothing negative in doing/saying so. However, the alternative to paying some of these guys a lot of money and having them on long contracts is being held to ransom by the same players/agents and then having to commit to a contract when said player may or may not have his head turned by other clubs. That is why I think the Adebayor contract extension was a bad move, but then it got us a great transfer fee… Read more »


Am I the only one who thinks we don’t need any more new signings? Sure having hazard and/or goetze come in would have been excellent but I really think the squad we have with key players fit has enough quality in depth to have a strong season.


Hear hear mate! Honestly, I think. The best thing we can do is clear up the wage bill and use some of it to keep key players like RVP and Walcott (some may disagree on his qualities, but he is capable of putting fear into any defence on his day). If we can get to this point, any signings of Podolski’s ilk are merely luxuries. Think about it – GK and Defence are good, definately enough quality across the front 3 with youngsters in the mix (Ox, Ryo), only area that would be a target for external improvement would be… Read more »

H.P. Arsecraft



On a slightly lighter note, i see looking at the fixture list on the official site we are playing coldplay at the end of the season – reckon Park might get a game?


I’m just surprised that Wenger hasn’t waited until after the season is over before he told us what we were all expecting. Like I said in my two posts yesterday, Wenger simply is not the man to take us to the next level. The squad needs major reconstruction – any fool can see that – but Wenger won’t do it. Blaming the 25-man squad rule is a red herring: the real problem is Wenger’s over-payment of too many average players, thus making them impossible to move on. This man’s incompetence is badly hurting our club. Next season we can look… Read more »


Ok, I’ll bite. Lets talk about this ‘major reconstruction’ that we supposedly need. Who would you ship out, apart from those players that basically don’t play in the first team (i.e. ones that we need to ship out anyway)?


Players who should be sold:

Almunia (but out of contract, so will go in June)
Diaby (if we can ever get him fit)

Players who should go out on loan:

Walcott (sorry, but too many shit performances this season)

New Signings:

Papa Cisse (he has an afordable release clause)
Eden Hazard
Clint Dempsey
Leighton Baines (left back is our weak spot)
Yakubu (to come of the bench)
Ben Arfa
Junior Hoilett


Jack Wilshire.



The amount of deluded commenters makes me sad. Welcome to reality, folks. Wenger’s just pointing out what people should already know.


Offtopic, but does anyone know why Alex Song isn´t suspended for the last two games? It was his 10th yellow card against Stoke.


Oh really? That´s was something new to me.




It was against Stoke, so it shouldn’t count. 😉


I’m not sure how it’s considered doom mongering to point out this squad isn’t good enough to win the title. It’s a fact. If it was good enough we wouldn’t be scrapping for 3rd would we? Every team gets injuries, again a fact that has to be dealt with. But for anyone who thinks the squad this year is good enough, we’ve been one dodgy tackle away from Chamakh or Park as our main striker. Scrapping for 3rd would’ve then been a right touch. But Podolski is a good start in making us stronger. The frustration is we’re always 2-3… Read more »


Our squad is definitely not good enough Mooro, but why people get upset over the fact that the manager is not openly admitting the squad needs a number of reinforcements still baffles me. If anything Wenger’s problem has not been saying the right things, it’s been doing the right things. I’d rather he bought 4 more players after saying we have the best squad rather than the other way around of saying we need loads of players and buying none. If he were to say we actively need to get a midfielder and 2 strikers and then for some reason… Read more »


An imaginative new variation on ‘LANS’ by Wenger there with the ‘second part of our signings’ comment. Dealing with the 25 man squad rule may be an issue for every club, but it’s clearly an especially big problem at AFC. I guess we can’t expect Wenger to come out and say ‘I’ve mismanaged the squad and so can’t make a lot of changes even if I wanted to’. He’s going to deflect onto externals, as he does for matches in which we play poorly.


As does every other manager known to exist. The only manager who has a record of openly admitting they’ve gotten it wrong on a regular basis is Mick McCarthy. And his record isn’t enviable, so it’s not really hoping for much. Every manager moans/makes excuses and blames everything but themselves when things go wrong, I wonder why many of us still expect Wenger to come out and take this holier than thou approach. At least you Jekyll have accepted the fact that this is going to happen….a lot of people find it hard to believe that managers will deflect the… Read more »


This is a self inflicted problem that we need to learn from. How many squad positions do we have that are occupied by players who have no shot at seeing the pitch. How many players do we have on the bench with highly inflated wages that we can’t get rid of due to their average pay/skill that earn those very high wages. We can easily afford to lose 6 players from the squad without thinking twice in order to make room. Squillaci, Bendtner, Vela, Denilson, Arshavin, Almunia, Fabianski, Djourou, Chamakh, Park can all go. Yosi goes back to Chelsea to… Read more »


Thanks for the support FG appreciate it mate. I stand by what I said, I don’t think this squad is strong enough to win the title even with podolsk, as Mooro said not sure how that makes me a cunt.
As a London cabbie I get called all sort of things as you can imagine but one that that gets me out the cab is when I get called that.
We may not all agree on this site but il try to respect other people’s opinions and debate against it if I disagree.


I recall posting when we were on a 7 game winning streak….. I said that certain of our doom-mongers on here were strangely quiet when we do well (fatgooner, voldemort, et al). Yet when one of the best managers IN THE WORLD speaks the obvious they jump on his ass. Strange world…. Fat goon says AW can’t take us anywhere….funny how he ignores where the balready taken us. Ungrateful idiot. The boss is the boss…. How about supporting him for once? COYG!!!


So because Fatgooner has a different opinion to you, he’s an idiot?

I don’t agree with some of what he says but don’t resort to insulting the bloke.

The same principle applies to ‘doom mongering’ neither of which applies to Fatgooner or Voldermort. They just give their opinion, just like you and me.


I have not said that Wenger can’t take us anywhere, I said that he can’t take us any further. To all of those who are criticising me, I would like to ask you one simple question: If Wenger is so brilliant then how come Harry Rednapp – not exactly the greatest manager in the world – on a much smaller wage budget, can take Spurs to within just one point of us this season? If Arsene Wenger could be honest he would say something like this: “I’ve screwed up. I thought that the likes of Almunia, Bendtner and Denilson would… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

FG sometimes you actually make me lol your analysis of the situation is fine, right up to the moment we consider that you’re only analysing the negative and completely ignoring the positive. so for example, hauling the team from the brink of a disastrous season to being favourites for third (beginning of feb nobody thought we’d end up in teh top 4 remember, and as for august…). picking up talent like kos, that everyone else missed, and getting the best out of him. RvP – a Wenger signing that plenty of gooners harboured doubts over for his temper and injury… Read more »


Why would he need to tell people that? What good would it do apart from giving the anti-Arsenal part of media even more ammunition to attack us with and eroding his authority (which is a bad thing for the team even if you dislike Wenger)? Of course I’m not denying he has made mistakes in signing those players but every manager makes them. Ibrahimovic to Barcelona, Torres to Chelsea, Berbatov to United, Bebe to United, Carroll to Liverpool, those are mistakes just off the top of my head, and those were much more costly. Diaby was never a mistake, how… Read more »


Morefiah, you may want to look back on the posts that followed our winning run mate, I am largely positive when it comes to arsenal and praise them when it’s deserved, having said that I still have the opinion that we are not at the moment strong enough and as Mooro has said , we are maybe 1 or 2 more signings away from being a top side. That’s not doomongering


It’s reality.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] BY ARSEBLOG […]


Personally I quite can’t see what Voldermort has done to deserve to be called names. Chill pill.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with criticism…. but one must be able to take as good as one gives. Its funny how we can come on here and slate the manager or Ramsay, or whomever else, all in the name of our “right as fans” but we cannot stand the name calling, mud slinging and general vitriol when its directed at us. Quite moronic in my opinion. Take our friend Fat Gooner (FG) for example…. He wants AW to admit he “screwed up” and that he ” thought that the likes of Almunia, Bendtner and Denilson would turn out to… Read more »


Correction: AW didnt sign Bergkamp. But my point remains.


In answer to your question: Guardiola would be nice.

And ‘affordable’ is not an issue. Wenger is one of the highest paid managers in world football.


With Poldi, I think we’ll definitely do better on the scoring front. I just hope Wenger dumps the lame duck that is Diaby. I know we have him on contract, but couldn’t Wenger just loan him out instead of keeping him named in the 25? Let some other team worry about his injury proneness (just made that word up) and hopefully take a chunk of his pay as well. I’m sure one of the lower league teams would love to give him a go. I still believe Wenger will make the right decisions though. Poldi signing shows that he’s moving… Read more »


The word “cunt” should only be used for spurs ,stoke fans and John Terry etc


Morefiah, all is said was I don’t think we are good enough yet as the it stands to win the league.
Chill mate have a glass of rum, take a walk along the beach. I think you may have misinterpreted my posts just a tad. If you think this squad can win the premier league or champions league then your entitled to your opinion, I happen to disagree that’s all I said.


2 games, after that we can talk about the summer, cause lets be honest if we can win those two games our summer targets can completely change


With the returning loaness the signing of podolski and the 6 players maturing from under 21 to homegrown as of may 14th we will have 33 players 20 non-homegrown and 13 homegrown. benayoun almunia hoyte and murphy will be first out the door as they will all be out of contract. this will leave us with 18 + 11 so at least 4 more to go just to get down to 25. sure we might de-list one or two like we did with almunia in january. but as a business it is hard to justify paying too many players for… Read more »


Volde….heh heh heh….can I call you Volde? All the rum n stuff n the dancing girls on the beach in this balmy West Indian weather has me all mellow and stuff…. Am not trying to get into a fight with anyone… The fact though, is that its easy for all (myself included) to sit in our armchairs and look at the team and pass judgement about what is best/good for it. And sometimes we are, in fact, right too…… But the boss has a much harder task: he has to actually go out there and manage personalities, egos, budget, training,… Read more »


Il take you up on that mate, as it’s pissin down with rain here and a rum and a bit of sun sounds like heaven. I will ask the wife about the dancing girls though.
Enjoy the sun morefiah.


They way Voldemort has been abused by the “positive” brigade is nothing short of disgraceful. May I remind Sid, that it was the away crowd who was chanting “Spend some fucking money” last year. Little did they know that the departure of our best player, Cesc, would precede a mad dash panic buying session. What we want is for Arsene and the ownership/board to invest in the team and play to win. Dont play for 3rd. 7 years without a trophy is not unlucky – In itself we have had periods like this in our History but we the fans… Read more »

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