Sunday, September 8, 2024

Besiktas: Chamakh is on our shopping list

Given that Olivier Giroud and Lukas Podolski won’t be fit for the start of the season, and that Robin van Persie, Nicklas Bendtner and Ju-Young Park all look likely to leave the Emirates, Arsene Wenger could almost be forgiven for having second thoughts about selling Marouane Chamakh.

The Moroccan international, who scored once in the Premier League last term, revealed last week that he hadn’t yet sat down with the boss to discuss his future, but maintained that he would do his utmost for the Gunners if called upon.

Despite his apparent enthusiasm, it doesn’t look as though the ‘for sale’ sign has been removed from around the neck of the former Bordeaux man just yet with Turkish side Besiktas confirming they are interested in his signature.

Speaking yesterday, manager Samet Aybaba revealed that both Chamakh and free agent Tuncay Şanlı were being eyed.

“We have a few players on our transfer list, however, we have to make our decisions very carefully due to the delicate financial situation we find ourselves in.

“We are interested in Marouanne Chamakh and Tuncay Şanlı.”

Whether official contact has been made remains to be seen, although with the player due back at London Colney along with the rest of Arsenal’s touring party it looks certain that a decision on his future will be taken very soon.

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hmmm maybe this is a signal that arsene is looking to buy another striker? i mean we’re selling park, TGSTEL, van per$ie, vela and even maybe chamakh. niang put aside you have gotta sign someone right? huh? huh?


Could also mean theo moves to a central position… Remember we’ve already bought two strikers.


Either way. I think we’re better off with chamakh gone. Probably frees space for a defensive signing. A versatile defender or a DM would be good.

gun powder

can’t be. Theo can’t hold the ball and is not tall or skillful enough to play central.
He can be a roaming second striker.


I think giroud/Walcott up front would be a great partnership if Wenger does decide to play the 442 again. Walcotts speed alone should beat any defender in the world. His runs have been improving of late so with Alex songs through ba reason why Walcott couldn’t find shouldn’t score double figures this season.


The only thing I’m slightly worried about is the fact that with so many players coming in and going out, it will take the team some time to adapt too all the new players and get used to it. So the start of the season might get a little tricky. But the changes are necessary I suppose.

gun powder

the midfield and defense are stable, and that keeps the ship steady. Upfront is quicker to settle that the other areas.


well we have the 2 new signings and you could have Theo playing off Giroud in a 4-4-2 or even Gervinho could be in the middle of a 4-3-3. Plus there’s Joel Campbell, Afobe and perhaps Niang who should come thru v soon. So unless he buys an experienced, older striker, IF Van Persie leaves, I think that’s that.


You don’t read much do you?


umm not sure why I got the thumbs down and I do read JB, a lot infact – when I said “that’s that”, I mean we aren’t going to buying any more strikers. Not midfielders or defenders – that’s not what my post was about.

Taking The Mik

Hopefully he’ll be Chamakhing his bags and moving on.

Cygan's Left Foot

I will even book him a plane ticket where sheesha smoking is allowed and get his sheesha ready for him to smoke on arrival.

Justin Ashbee

Lemme have a smoke of sheesha first!!!!

Midfield Corporal

I won’t get too excited, I assume his wages will be a problem even if we let him go on a free.


The “delicate financial situation” will surely be put into focus given Chamakh’s wages. Bordeaux said they wouldn’t sign him back because of his “high” english wages. Same for the Squid.

Merlin's Panini

would be best for all involved.


Heh, Fifa 13 is so realistic… If you play carrier mode as Joey Barton, you start from Jail……should be fun.

Dr Baptiste

What does he carry? Shopping bags? A book of quotes to make himself sound intelligent?

Persie out, arsenal lives

I’m guessing you’re the kind of doctor who does prostate exams!.
Coz you seem to be quite the pain in peoples arses or are you the spelling police?

Dr Baptiste

So another Arsenal fan with a sense of humour malfunction


Genuine spelling mistake there- yes!
I’m sure you’l make one too in the near future, but unlike you I will not point it out, I will instead choose to appreciate your thought!. You’re welcome.

Dr Baptiste

Did you lose your sense of humour at the same place as Chamakh’s confidence? If so, I doubt you’re going to get it back for a long time


Hey Wale, quit being jumpy. Dr. Baptiste’s comment is directed at Barton and not your spelling slip!




And if you play as Sp*rs & win the league, the video clips of the celebrations are in black and white.

Dr Baptiste

They also send you a DVD

Merlin's Panini

would be better if it just said “error” and you had to start all over again.

Stay calm and hate 5pur2

And if you play as Spurs and finish 4th, you still don’t play in the Champions League.


With gareth bale as the monkey mascot, no costume needed.


Good luck to him if he leaves, best for both parts if he doese.


I can think of about 60,000 reasons a week why this isn’t that likely to happen unfortunately!


Come on Besiktas, you won’t find another striker who’s only good at smoking shisha pipes anytime soon!

Persie out, arsenal lives

Number of fucks I give about chamakhs footballing future———>0


Well, you should at least give one fuck, because new arrivals may be contingent on departures, and Chamakh is one we will need to get off the books. It’s best for all concerned that his future is sorted out quickly. Also, I’m not targeting you specifically, but I really don’t understand some comments on here which reflect animosity towards the Moroccan. In my opinion, the only thing he did wrong was not be a better player than Van Persie, whose return to regular football went on far longer than most would have suspected. In the meantime, Chamakh has rarely if… Read more »

Persie out, arsenal lives

Okay, i’l now give half a fuck.


That’s the spirit!

Persie out, arsenal lives

This is my cup of care/fuck on chamakhs career, \_/

oh look it’s empty. ¯\(ツ)/¯


I think thats why wenger was playing gervinho through the middle in pre season i would suspect he will start there if indeed poldi and giroud not ready!


That’s a good point. It’s also telling that Walcott was never given a chance through the middle this pre-season, despite the absence of Van Persie, Giroud, and Podolski.

Theo keeps going on about how he wants to play centrally, but you can’t play there with the touch of a donkey and with a tendency to lose possession in dribbling situations. He needs to improve technically for Wenger to give him that chance.


kinda disagree, he does, from time to time, trip over (literally) or out-run the ball (which is classic) but I think he’s a pretty good finisher, takes a one on one goal well and he’s just too quick for anyone, especially on a breakaway or when someone’s playing for offside.


Perhaps “touch of a donkey” was a tad harsh, but anyway, yes, on his day, Walcott is a very good finisher, but to be a central striker, you also have to be able to hold up the ball, get past defenders in tight situations, and accurately involve your fellow attackers. I think Walcott is quite limited in those respects, which is–I imagine–the reason Wenger hasn’t even experimented with him centrally in pre-season. I mean, it’s been Chamakh or Gervinho or Afobe. That says it all in terms of Wenger’s faith in Walcott’s *current* prospects of playing as a striker.


disagree again – see my post above – Walcott could possibly play as striker in a 4-4-2 off Giroud or Podolski, these guys can hold the ball up and he can lead breakaways or run in behind the defense.


Ah, I see. Well, I was working under the assumption that we’re sticking with the 4-3-3. Yes, I can see what you mean if we were ever to go back to a 4-4-2 on a consistent basis. I’d still want someone with better technique and decision-making playing in that position, but…yeah.


I wod rather play 4-6-0 and wait for podolski and giroud rather than miss any opportunity to sell chamakh and park. if i was going to keep anyone it would be arshavin and bendtner but if offers are there for all 4 plus squillaci then they must be sold. if the transfer fees and saved wages are re-invested wisely who knows rvp might be tempted to stay if he isnt then we simply buy the best striker we can afford with the money we get for rvp.

Manuel Enderle

nah don’t sell him. he’s a good squad player, just needs a run of games…i think he was decent in Asia…Good link up plays etc..just give him a least he wants to play for us 😉


I have a feeling RVP is gonna stay, not because he wants to, but because no one is willing to pay 20mil for a player with his history and age. I actually like how Arsenal are dealing with the RVP situatuion. If he goes, I think we are decently covered, if he stays, its just an additional bonus. Should a transfer happen, I believe it will be late in the window, but unlike the Nasri/Fabregas situation, it won’t disturb our preparation as much.

big black clock

He hasn’t really given us any reason to consider keeping him during pre-season, has he?


Who knows? Chamakh might come good this season if not sold. As long as he still dons the Arsenal Jersey, i still rate him!!


Chamakh is on 50k a week, I dont think he’ll be going anywhere, he’ll probably leave on a free when his contract is up in 2 years. The best thing we could do is loan him out for those 2 seasons, even if it means paying 30-50% of his wages for that time. It looks like we’re back in for Niang from Caen who is a huge prospect. He can be third choice striker and get another striker to be 2nd choice behind Giroud. Podolski/Gervinho wide left. Theo/Ox wide right. Cazorla behind the striker. Loan out Afobe, Ignasi Miquel, Aneke,… Read more »


hoping if rvp sold we look to buy a left back maybe baines we are fine up top with giroud poldi gervinho and afobe if needed.


I dont think this deal will go through. Chamack might stil be at arsenal cum next season

ezibgo onyearse

make him the captain….and maybe

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


spanish guy on press pass seems certain sahin goin to arsenal and cazorla, by the way these two can hit a freekick happy days!


If you watch cazorla videos the guy is so good he hits free kicks with left or right foot depending on where the free kick is!


looking like we might be doing a Spain on the opening day of the season playing with no strikers

Merlin's Panini

oh, by “doing a Spain” I thought you meant going out of the Olympics in the group stages.

Dr Baptiste



Damn. “Chamakh Attack” was an awesome catch phrase…….unfortunately turned out more of a “Lack of Attack by Chamakh”. badum-tssss…


this is unfortunate – I had high hopes (well, not that high) for him after his first six months in – even though a french friend of mine who watched him at Bordeaux told me he was terrible – guess he was right as I’m not sure what happened after but he lost the strength in his legs or something, he just can’t kick the damn ball.

Lord Teddy Ears

Wish him the best of luck on his move but we need to replace him with someone better


Chamakh leaving? TGSTEL, Park, Squids and now our sheesha smoker? Arsenal exudos?

Arsene out.


If he needs a lift I will gladly sort him one out. In fact I would piggy back him if need be


Chamakh would very much like to play for arsenal, well I hear there’s a fake one in argentina. It comes fully packaged with a sheesha smoking session where players are allowed to take a break from training and pertake in it. No discussion!.


Almunia joins watford……ha!!.


I feel a bit sorry for him. The ability is obviously in there somewhere, we’ve all seen It first hand. It was never going to be easy playing second fiddle to a player of van persies calibre and sadly the poor bloke did flop royally in the end. Although i suppose van persie flopped rather royally in the end too. Just less so on the pitch!


If Chamakh does go at least it will be 1 less bad hair cut at the club, just except you baldness and shave your head, that is the comb over of a man that’s hittin the pipe too hard.


only at Arsenal ! buy 2 players that wont be fit ! got to “ease them in ” . probably get 10 minutes after we`ve played Liverpool , Man Citeh and Chelski


Just been looking around for news and decided to try Cazorla’s Twitter account (@ Santicazorla12) … Most of the tweets have been deleted. But here’s what’s left from early yesterday evening. All tweeted by Carzorla. In sequence. I wanted to delete my twitter account. Should I? Sorry, I had to remove a lot of tweets. Trouble in Malaga cannot say on Twitter. You fans are fantastic! Great support. I enjoyed my game in Malaga. I will keep you informed on all matters of my future. I need to talk to someone. The PLA is also a very good league. The… Read more »

Justin Shields

Why is Podolski off prancing and dancing in Nigeria when we potentionally could no “fit” strikers for the start of the season. Surely we and him would have benefited more from going on teh Asia tour. they are extremely well paid athletes and well paid to be fit. We cannot afford another slow start to a season like last. This makes no sense to me.

Persie out, arsenal lives

It’s called marketing/widening the arsenal brand all over africa. Infact we would have risked him more had he travelled to asia. So shut up and stop whinning, he’l be ready for the new season and that’s all that matters.

Justin Shields

Yes i get the whole marketing us a brand worldwide. But at the end of the day its results on the pitch that really matters well to me as a fan anyway. If he ready for the first game, well that remains to be seen.

Persie out, arsenal lives

I think there’s a shield over your brain. Seems you can’t think properly.

Justin Shields



How does that work?

Baked beans
Frozen peas
Marouane Chamakh
Shaving cream
Washing powder
Bog roll


Looks more like a Sp*rs team sheet except they’d never have anything as useful as ‘Bog Roll’ up front. Nor would they have something as tasty as ‘sausages’ in central defence.


I just can’t get over this mental image of Mrs Aybaba pushing a trolley round Tescos in Istanbul and trying to work out which aisle they’ve moved the Chamakh to this week.
Then finding that the only Chamakh is well past its sell-by date and already in the bin full of rotting chicken portions out back.

You can easily see the problem I have here. Any bin full of rotting chicken portions should of course have John Terry in it.


But one thing was looking certain about him that he would hold never hold the club at ransom like RVP….no reason to hate him….all the very best

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