Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger: I want to keep van Persie

Despite the speculation regarding Robin van Persie’s future, sparked by his statement earlier this month, Arsene Wenger says he wants the Dutch striker to remain at the club.

In his first full interview since the end of last season, the manager said, “For me, Van Persie is one of the best strikers in the world, if not the best, and my desire is to keep him at the club.

“As for the rest I will do what is in the best interests of Arsenal Football Club. That, at the moment, is where we are. There is not a lot more to say than that.”

Yet in typical Wenger fashion he did say more than that, somewhat opening the door to van Persie’s departure.

“If the transfers happen, they happen. As long as you are at the club you give your best for the club and that is the only pride you can have as a football player and as a manager.

“If it changes, it changes. I am convinced that Robin is like that, he is completely focused every day on his job. He loves football, he loves the game and as long as he is here he will do that.”

With reported bids from Manchesters United and City, and Italian giants Juventus, along with van Persie’s rumoured refusal to go on tour, it’s hard to see how his future lies at Arsenal, but perhaps Wenger’s comments will remind us that this is all in the game, yo.

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Basically, this is – “We are waiting for the highest bidder and once that happens, he’ll leave”. I hope he does leave as soon as possible. Get in replacements and we are good to go.

I’m glad that Wenger recognizes we need additions to the squad.

Last arse

RVP just reached his Arsenal sale by date! Lets not prolong it!


He doesn’t deserve you wenger.
ROBIN VAN PER$I£ doesn’t deserve you!!!. Period!.


How about these Fernando Llorente murmurings? I know that there’s probably very little in them, but the thought of him and Giroud together battering Stoke does excite!


Oh, and fuck that red nosed Fergie.


Refusing to go on tour? If that is true then he needs to be disciplined, I suggest we tie his ankles and wrists to the goal posts and let Vermaelen take pot shots at him.


I’d rather have Bouldie give him an uppercut to his testicles and ship him to Mars.


Nah, his foreskin should be tied on to a hook and then be towed around in a car driven by an irate wayne wooney or an angry and drunk jermaine pennant!!!.

Too much??

Merlin's Panini

Now that Vermaelen’s a Shaolin master maybe he can tie him up and treat him to some Chinese water torture.

Last arse

I want to keep cesc, I want to keep Henry, I want to keep Na$ri, I want to keep Helb, etc, etc. I DON’T WANT YOU KEEP VAN P£R$I€!


Then you are off in the head, every one of us should want to keep Van Persie. That said I want to win the lottery as well…


Wenger basically said that the offers for him right now is not the best for Arsenal, but he is willing to sell if it match his valuation. Hppefully it will end soon and we can get his replacement ASAP.


They won’t sell to United. Wenger knows that City will top any offer that United make, so by ‘leaking’ a bid by United will hopefully make City inflate the price. I think he’ll go to City, simply because they will offer the most money. Juventus and United being are just pawns and Fergie coming out and saying that they’ve made an offer is playing right into our hands.

Kaz Keamy

I so badly want us to sell him it’s unreal.
Wenger saying he wants to keep him actually disappoints me. Who woulda thought that a month ago?


read between the lines. Its to inflate the price.


In other words, if you want him in Manchester, you will have to dig a bit deeper into your pockets boys.
This isn’t all doom and gloom – anyone that buys RVP will only be able to sell him for £5-8 million three years from now when he is 32.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Hardly a concern for Man Shitty.


Essentially, he’s telling all potential bidders that we’re not desperate to sell. If they don’t come up with an acceptable bid then he stays and that’s all there is to it. It’s possible that Robin and the club have come up with a price and if it’s not met, then Robin will stay and be a model professional in his final year.


I think his statement alone already tarnishes his image as a ‘model professional’.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

So he issues an apology, written by Arsenal in the same way that his open letter was written by his agent and a half dozen sleazy lawyers.


Wenger remains the same. Trying to ‘keep’ players, however I hope I’m not the only one who has learnt from the past and wants to ship RVP out fast. I don’t want to hear another week of this shit. I wish him farewell, I also wish that if he goes to city, he never scores another goal in the EPL or UEFA. £ 200000 should cover the disappointment.


wth all due respect,t getin tooo much.rvp commit urself

Andy in Stevenage

How can he be focused if he didnt go on the Asia tour. Sound like bollox to me. Sell the ungrateful brat.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

All o our best players will be unfocussed if that is the case. They nearly all stayed home. If he stays with the club for the final year, as Arsene suggests, he will perform to the best of his ability as he still needs to get that lifetime deal at the end of the year, and anything resembling an injury or a lack of game time will cost him in the long run. Not to mention that he says he wants to leave for trophies and is getting older. He will HAVE to try to win a trophy or two… Read more »


Shrewd move from Wenger, no point saying we want rid of him as club’s wouldn’t bid full whack for a player we are openly trying to flog. But saying it like this leads people to think that we still want to keep him so the likes of Citeh will have to match our valuation to get him


An no longer interested in whether RVP stays or not. i wish i could know who we are lining up as his replacement… or be it a reinforcement?..

..because i know even if RVP is forced to stay, he will not perform as well as he did last season as his heart lies somwhere else.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I don’t believe his heart does lie elsewhere. It lies with winning trophies and making large piles of money. If we keep him he has to put one off for a year and hope the rich clubs still want him a year for now. However, he can try to win trophies with us, and we have improved our team over last season. If he stays I just hope that the Arsenal fans can put their disgust with him on the back burner and wait until he leaves next year before calling him a cunt like Nasri. Much better to remain… Read more »


I had faith in wenger..but like most my patience is wearing thing.
We must not sell him to any premier league club especially city.
We are fast becoming the laughing stocks of the league.
How many times do we have beg and plead with him to spend to stop our best players leaving.it seems that our options don’t count..even though our ticket money and subscriptions pay all your wages!


I think Blackburn would disagree with your evaluation. They are steadfast in their triumphant status as the laughing stock Club of England, courtesy of Venky’s.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Unless the board cave in and let Shitty have their way there is a deadlock. If Shitty or United bid for him we tell them to fuck off. If we try selling him to Getafe or some other foreign team not run by a billionaire he tells them to fuck off. He could well be with us for the last season of his contract. Arsene may be saying he desires to keep him because he has got the board’s agreement not to give in to any filthy rich clubs or our uppity striker. They gave in last year and the… Read more »


the king of pr is back.who else than wenger , if wenger is truthful then he betraying us the fans.we already moved on!!!!!!!!!!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yep, and in the same ‘vein’, if you can’t get it up tonight then it’s best to chop the little fucker off as he is betraying you just when you need him.


Wenger,smart man.he is waiting for the highest bidder
Old red nose just fell into his trap.hilarious

[…] 阿森纳在官网上发表了他们接下来的亚洲行的大名单,正如大家所料,范佩西将不会出行。 他的缺席只会让有关他将来的流言越传越凶,况且传闻曼城、曼联和尤文图斯都对他报价了。卫报则表示曼联的报价不够高,阿森纳不予考虑。BBC则表示俱乐部拒绝了来自上述俱乐部的三份报价。而温格则在今天早上表示他想把荷兰人留下。 […]

why is my name required

Arsene, you may forgive robin, but we don’t.
How can we, after he turned his back on us? He chose money over respect. He made us believe in him but in the end he stepped on all our trust. Im sorry but the only way he can repair this damage and apologize to the manager and especially the fans.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Robin is a footballer. Arsene is a manager. Arsenal is a football club and a business. Your trust and forgiveness or otherwise is nothing to anybody except other fans. Arsenal don’t make you support Arsenal. You choose to do it. You can only do one thing that will make a difference to Arsenal, and that is cheer and sing at matches (and buy merchandise and tickets). Booing will feel good to you, but it won’t help the team play better if RVP should happen to stay for a final season. It will just unsettle the team, and you saw how… Read more »

Gafar olalere olanrewaju

Is as if wenger is a clown still talking of keeping vp for what!We fans have tired of reading anything about this guy than vp sold to any interested club u cash in on him invest in another prolific striker florente jovetic lewan they are all there for sale solders go another solders enter barrack stand but steady after ronaldo leaves man u its still remains they won trophies in his absent then who is vp wenger should have knows vp is a wayward player injury prone only 1 season witout injury what wenger thinks might happen next season i’m… Read more »

Indian Gooner

what is this language ?? 😐

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Google translate from some weird language that has no punctuation? heiroglyphics maybe?


Sell him, but don’t allow to make any pre season in anywhere.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

What, and disguise our sneaky plan by making all the other players from the Euros miss the pre-season too?

Merlin's Panini

Bored now. I really wish there was a fast forward button for all this transfer window shit.


You can press Hibernate…


Or get frimponged and wake up when summer is over.
Yeah, he’s that good.


If we sell him and then we don t buy M’Vila and one creative/attacking midfielder then this is the problem that Rvp was referring to in his agent’s statement. Wilsher, Diaby, Rosicky and Ramsey (he s always out for me) will miss the beginning of the season and starting fixtures are tough. I can t believe that Podolski and Giroud (and maybe some 17 year old kid) will be our only shopping this summer. That s so sad and we ve already seen it before. 3rd place next spring will be “the trophy” again for Arsenal 🙁 Who s next?… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

If we start our season poorly then the weak, those who don’t believe, and the Glory Hunters, will hopefully all fuck off somewhere else, and we’ll be left on here with a hardcore of solid Gooners who believe in the team without having to be lured into supporting Arsenal by trophies every year.

Every year Wenger is keeping us in the fight to be at or near the top when reality kicks it’s way into the football world. One way or another that day is coming. I have the patience to stick with the club. Do you?


Question you raised, of the fans loyalty to Arsenal is very strange. Never crossed my mind that there are fans who are switching clubs every couple of years. Maybe thats happening with a teenagers or young boys whos fathers pushed them to support 5pur2 and after couple of years they switched to Emirates.
How old are you?


He had a good season but only 1 out of 8 years as others mostly injured. But it sounds like his mind is made up. He is just causing problems in the club and on the training ground. Let him go but not to and of the Mancs teams. Let Juve have him but for £15 million. It sounds like that is his preferred choice. Once he’s gone and newcomers come in we can settle down to business and win trophys this season. Thank you RVP for a good season for us last term but time to go. Even with… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Come on now. Give him his due. Since he allowed that crappy letter to be posted he has said fuck all in public to anybody about anything. It’s not as if he’s sitting in the stand taking potshots at our youth team is it? He said his bit. Now the club decide how to handle it. He’s not as cunty as Nasri yet. And as I have said before, we can stop him going to Manchester if we choose to. We can block every deal he wants if we choose to. But, he can refuse to join any club we… Read more »


So pissed off with this. Every year the same. And still we won’t buy the midfielders we need. What a shambles.

big black clock

How can i get you to shut up? Let’s see…EXPELLIARMUS!!


Robin van Cunty!! He’s a greedy twat you know!

Eric Irish gunner

Refusing to go on your, if it’s true fuck him in reserves and grow a pair of balls let him leave next year nearly age 30 for free and no one will want him with his wage demands and the club will come out with a bit of credit and not look like a fucking feeder club

One Arsenal

Looks like Arsenal fans are gonna suffer heartache for sometime with all these players that shine for a moment and immediately want to leave. For all we fans know the club has a ”plan” for the next few years which does not include keeping their better players, and so once a player is in the limelight he out to be sold! I don’t think the fans are fully aware of the details of the club’s footballing intentions. It simply doesn’t make any sense why each summer the better players don’t want to extend their contracts and want to leave, only… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

It’s perfectly clear why this happens to us. We buy some very very good young players who know they can learn from a master under Wenger and get game time in important games, and we do turn them into stars, but we can’t match the silly money that teams who don’t care how much they spend are willing to pay. They players decide to maximise their earnings because their career will be over long before they are 40, and they are tempted away from us. The reason it happens to us more than other teams is because we bring more… Read more »

Igor Stepanovs

Poor Wenger. If it wasn’t for all the sugar daddies, we’d be dominating the league for years now.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Well, sharing it all with Man United maybe. Don’t forget their money all comes from having a better commercial arm than we do/did. Even without sugar daddies United would still be around to irritate us (though the Glazers do seem to be acting like a brake, if only we would get our commercial team in gear and start building some extra income). I have to say, the rivalry on the pitch with United was always interesting. I miss that.

Der Springer

Curious Mr. Arse. Is the “Yo” at the end influenced by Jesse Pinkman?


I think he’d have used Mr. Pinkman’s trademark “Yeah, bitch!” at the end if that were the case.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

No doubt the “Yo” was influenced by the Duke. Cue jolly marching music as we ride out to battle with the restless natives, pennants fluttering in the breeze.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


For crying out loud, sell him already and let’s bring this soap opera to a close!

I think we should sell RvP to the San Jose Earthquake so he can play out his declining years in the splendor of Buck Shaw Stadium.


San Jose has a partnership with spuds… so lets not.


Sell him to Colorado then…that should make Stan Kroenke happy.


“I want to keep Van Persie…”
I agree with Mr Wenger if his statement is followed by any of the following:
“away from Citeh”
“in a cage with a tiger”
“in a tank with a shark”
“hung upside down by his ankle like Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy in a cage”

Otherwise, it looks like desperation again from Wenger, which will only suit to fuel the rumors between the board and the boss, and who’s really in charge at Arsenal- non of which we need right now.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

So if he sells him we are weak, but if he keeps him without then torturing him we are also weak. You’d have to be pretty happy not to be Arsene Wenger right now.

Bendtner's Ego

Ever consider that SAF deliberately walked into the situation?

Having RVP go for cheap to a rival doesn’t suit United, either. Make city spend as much money as possible for FFP.

Bendtner's Ego

And on a side note, I’m becoming more disolutioned with FFP with Chelsea’s new sponsorship by Gazprom.

They are killing the game, but Blatter and Platini don’t care so long as World Cup makes money.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

That would be the Gazprom of whom Alisher Usmanov is the Chairman of their subsidiary.

Wikipedia puts it this way,
“He is chairman of Gazprominvestholdings, the investment holding subsidiary of Russia’s state-owned gas company Gazprom, where his role is to manage what Gazprom calls its “most difficult and sensitive financial transactions.””

What an absolute gobshite backstabbing two-faced nasty piece of work Gazprom sponsoring Chelsea is. The deal HAD to have been managed by Usmanov because that is what his job is.

[…] Van Persie.  RvP looks determined to move even with Le Boss stating as late as this morning that he’d like to keep Robin.  We all know how this will turn out, however- Wenger will whisper sweet nothings about aesthetics […]

[…] the subject of Robin van Persie came up and Arsene said: For me, Van Persie is one of the best strikers in the world, if not the best, and my desire is to […]


We are a feeder club now, mostly to citeh. Wenger hasn’t got the answer I’m afraid, and with a split board and a tight pocket, get ready for more misery in the future. I heard yaya toure wanted to leave man c…then they won the league an he is smitten. Oh, they also strengthen when they have to. Yes, with lots of money it’s easy to spend, but when your club is touted as one of the big 5 richest, and when you’re charging the most in England for fans to watch the game, how can we never spend some… Read more »


I believe Arsenal have far more leverage than the media coverage would have you believe. From van Persie’s point of view, the absolute worst case scenario for the injury prone 30 year old is that he’s forced to play out another season on 80k per week, which I suspect is why he tried to force Arsenal’s hand with the infamous “update for the fans”. He knows it’s unlikely that he’ll be in a position to demand the 200k/wk from Man City a year from now, especially if he pouts on the Arsenal bench the entire year, which is why we… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

That is what I have been saying in my own crude way for weeks. Nobody would believe me because they are all still in the anger and hatred stage of their recovery from RVP’s Agent’s Lawyers open letter. Keep him. Play him. Cheer him. Hope for trophies. Then sell him if anybody still wants him and he hasn’t signed at 15 year contract with his left testicle on the line as guarantee of his renewed and undying love for Arsenal. (Note, for a few million a year he’d probably give up his left testicle, but I recommend Arsene to add… Read more »

[…] To sum it up there is very little to talk about. The Robin van Persie situation is really starting to get on my nerves. I don’t know why the club on insist on keeping a player who clearly wants away. Doesn’t make any sense to me. Supposedly, bids from Manchester United have been rejected. And, Arsene Wenger has insisted he wants to keep van Persie for the coming season. […]

[…] To sum it up there is very little to talk about. The Robin van Persie situation is really starting to get on my nerves. I don’t know why the club on insist on keeping a player who clearly wants away. Doesn’t make any sense to me. Supposedly, bids from Manchester United have been rejected. And, Arsene Wenger has insisted he wants to keep van Persie for the coming season. […]

[…] the subject of Robin van Persie came up and Arsene said: For me, Van Persie is one of the best strikers in the world, if not the best, and my desire is to […]

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