Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger: we still have an eye on the market

Arsene Wenger has hinted that the club’s transfer business is not done yet. Speaking after the 4-0 victory over FC Koln, which featured the club’s three big summer signings, the manager admitted they’re keeping an eye out for good deals before the transfer window closes.

Speaking to Arsenal Player, he said, “We are still looking, and we’ll see. We still have an eye on the market and the two eyes on our team. If a good opportunity turns up we will take it.”

Having already brought in three high profile players – Santi Cazorla, Olivier Giroud and Lukas Podolski – the boss was pleased at their contributions during the final pre-season game.

“They have done well, they have integrated well, shown great spirit and quality.” he said. “Cazorla a real midfielder with good vision, Giroud a specialist centre-forward, and Podolski is a versatile striker so it gives us a lot of options.”

Podolski scored two against his former club, drawing praise from the manager for his finishing. “He is a great finisher, we see that in training. He’s lethal and doesn’t need many chances to score.”

There is a slight concern from the manager’s point of view that the team aren’t quite 100% physically and he’s hoping for an injury free week as players go away on international duty.

“Mentally we are ready, physically we are not completely there but I believe all the teams we have the same problem. Tactically we are all right, we’ve had a good work out and we have a style of play that everybody knows so it shouldn’t be a big problem. Let’s see how everybody comes back, we have internationals this week, and you always have bad surprises from that.”

And he sent something of a mixed message when asked about the captaincy, saying, “That will decided this week as well. At the moment we rotate a little bit, Vermaelen was assistant last year and van Persie is still here, so at the moment there is no need to choose another captain.”

That might be the most telling ‘at the moment’ and with Wenger refusing to be drawn in any way on van Persie’s future I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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How different is this attitude from “I don’t want to kill denilson etc”?. Great to see.

Matt F

I think his attitude changed when Denilson died on his own accord.

Cygan's Left Foot

I think the Fab and Le cunt transfer woke him out of his “project youth” coma. He realised players and supporters want to win things and players and some fans start to lose faith on him. We don’t mind mixing experience with up and coming star out of our your system as long as we play team that fit to wear The Arsenal red and white. Arsene and most knowledgeable fans know that, Arsene the best in business in spotting a good player and turning him into a world class player without spending big. Also, taking players that has ability… Read more »


Chamakh is a good player, just one who’s lost all his confidence it seems. He did really well (in a different system) during his last 2 seasons at Bordeaux. And only 2 years ago there were headlines of Liverpool buying him for £25M (Yes, I know … shades of Andy Carroll). http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Liverpool-agree-25million-transfer-deal-for-Arsenal-and-West-Ham-target-Marouane-Chamakh-article285677.html But he chose us instead on a free. As for Park, that’s something bizarre even now. Did anyone see his opening goal a few days ago against winning a bronze against Japan? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/olympics/19220508#asset (50 secs in) He can obviously play football. And score sensational goals. Maybe it’s the… Read more »

Gooner Up

Our attack looked great yesterday. The new players link up well. And Cazorla, what a PURCHASE. He looked incredible yesterday on the pitch. Diaby


I’m making it my goal to finish everything I say from now on with ‘Diaby’! 😀

Thomas B

Makes perfectly sense.


Busiest transfer window ever and we are still keeping eyes open?!
What kind of sorcery is this?


The best kind….


I will meet a hobo today and offer to take him home for some dinner. If it’s doing things we don’t normally do then it’s all good.


Thank you captain obvious!


I’m a little surprised people here aren’t discussing “the eye on the market”.

Who else are we in for then? Sahin? I suppose only if Song leaves? Another question that always come to my mind is, what happens to M’Vila? Surely he won’t be staying at Rennes, will he? So where will he go?

Yet another striker? AW said himself that Poldi and Giroud weren’t bought as replacements for RvP, so what IF RvP is actually leaving? And remember, the likes of Park etc. still are Arsenal players…


Could be Sahin. I don’t think it’s a question of whether Song stays or not (hopefully he stays); the Sahin rumour gathered pace before the Song-to-Barca rumours, and it was only after the latter that papers started making up stories about Sahin being Song’s replacement. Not true. I believe we’re after Sahin no matter what. Let’s face it, a squad with Sahin and Song is better than one with Sahin and no Song. Another consideration is that Wilshere will be out until 2021 probably, and Song is off to the ACN this winter, so a midfielder of Sahin’s ability would… Read more »


Think about our midfield through AW’s eyes. It’s very crowded already.
Arteta, Song, Wilshere, Ox (who’s been playing in central midfield), Ramsey, Diaby, Rosicky, and Cazorla. Not to mention Frimpong and Coq.

I really doubt we’re a match for Sahin given our current squad. Even if Song leaves, because I expect we’ll move for M’Vila if Song goes.



Yes, I agree with you regarding Song/Sahin and that it’s better to have both but as Witoldo says the midfield really is crowded. But if AW (mind you) already says that he’s in the market, my guess is that there is more to come. It might well be a back.

The M’Vila question is still tempting though, which “top” club is still out for such a player? Barca, Bayern (~Martinez…), Milan (Thiago rplcmt?) and probably us; it depends which domino falls first I suppose.


Correction, that’s two eyes on the team, and one eye on the transfer market.

Who is this three-eyed monster? Gazidis? Or has Wenger converted to Hinduism?

Gooner Up

Our attack looked great yesterday. The new players link up well. And Cazorla, what a PURCHASE. He looked incredible yesterday on the pitch. Diaby looked hungry too


Yes It’s good to be us .. so far this transferwindow.

gun powder

Diaby looked hungry?

he has been close to being left dead starving for the last six years.

Dan Smith, I curse you to death


If RvP stays and put in a good effort this season. I will not have that “statement” cloud the memory of what he did for us last season.

I still think it was 70% Dein-Agent-Crap and 30% Robin wanting Arsenal to strengthen the squad.


It was 100% Robin seeking out of the club, trying to generate a bidding feud resulting in him getting a fat sack full of cash every week… just so sad for him he appears to have missed the cited gravy train, but the united one may be chootling into view. Wankers.


The irony for Robn is that in trying and failing to start a bidding war, he could by default remain at Arsenal, on his current wages! I think what hurts the most is his ‘respect’, I don’t want it if he isn’t prepared to fight any longer. I am honestly sorry that RvP has fallen so far, so quickly, but that is a result of his own actions. Despite my feelings for him, I still hope the club keep him to the final months of his contract. a) The squad would benefit from such a high profile bench warmer b)… Read more »


I think that poorly advised is quite accurate. I think he has, understandably, had his head turned by city’s massive wages and was told by his agent that the “you guys” statement was the best way to flush out his potential suitors. Turns out the potential suitors aren’t quite as serious as anyone thought at the end of the season and he has put himself in a corner. He’s obviously quite a proud man and unwilling to publicly say he’s made a mistake but I think that’s what Wenger is hoping for, hence all the “we want to keep him”… Read more »

gnarly charlie

Aye, 100% Robin misjudging his own ability and the demand for that ability. His age and injury record puts him out of reach for most.

If we keep him, well, then he has to play out of his skin to get any offers this time next season.


He would get the wages he wanted, from at least three clubs, but Arsenal were not given the transfer fee they want for their captain and top scorer. So, I’d say RvP was at least half-right in that he could get paid a lot more elsewhere, but his people must not have anticipated clubs hard bargaining with Arsenal because of his injury record. It is certainly not the case that there has been no interest. He might be in Turin today if Conte was not hit with a ban. The bottom line is RvP was not and is not far… Read more »


Once again….. In Wenger, WE trust!!!



Adept stuff by wenger there. Reiterating his stand on van persie yesterday and today giving the clearest of indications that he’s gonna do everything to ensure arsenal succeed.

Take a hint van persie!.


“We still have an eye on the market and the two eyes on our team.” 3 eyes. Creepy ….

Merlin's Panini

where is that third eye I wonder…


Maybe his japs eye??

gun powder

another eye is for the search of suitors


Well, his glasses give him four eyes, so the question really should be: what’s he doing with the remaining one?

(I’ll get my coat. And my contact lenses.)


I hope Wenger means that he is concentrating on our promising team and is mooning ManUre, Citeh, and DNAFC with his brown eye over RVP and Song.


I have high hope for the Arsenal this season. The team seem to be higher in quality man-for-man than City’s Russian-Oil-Monied team.


City = UAE oil money ; Chelsea= Russian oil money


Get your market-distorting petro-dollars right 😀


no, no,no u got it wrong

Chelsea=Russian Mafia Money


No chelsea = russian porn money….

Merlin's Panini

I’m so glad that oil is a non renewable resource. They’ll certainly be fucked one day.


I advise you not hold your breath. First, you may never see the day they “run out” of oil. Second, people with that much wealth never get really screwed because they diversify.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

It’s the fact that oil is a non-renewable energy source that has led to Shitty being taken over. Their owners have to diversify their entire country’s economy in a very short space of time, and they are going to need a high profile to do so. This business of buying city is mainly one of advertising. As such they may stay forever, unlike that Chelski guy who could jump at any moment now that he has won the CL and FFP might impact his chances of doing it again quickly.

Smash Arsenal GH

Buzzing for the new season!!! Aside the new signings, Ox, Gerv, Gibbs, Le Coq, Diaby, were Immense yesterday. Bring on Sunderland Now!!!!!


i don’t think gervinho will have a good season, he’s a slow thinker. he had lots of opportunitys yesterdat to cross the ball, yet he kept hold of it. however i think we’ve got a huge season ahead of us, cazorla is amazing, giroud is great, podolski has a monster shot, we’ve got wilshere coming back, diaby playing well, and gibbs and the ox maturing. if song stays we’ll have a great chance, if van persie stays we’ll win a trophy or two 🙂


I hope your kidding lol.

Arsenal Man

I love that

Dr Baptiste

Such a slow thinker that he used quick feet to go past the full back twice in a short space of time and to also shoot from the tight angle that gave the team a goal and better chance of scoring than crossing into a box filled with Koln defenders…….


Yeah. Real slow thinker to see the keeper flat-footed and out of position to sneak the ball home for a fourth goal. Ho hum.

Merlin's Panini

must have been watching a completely different preseason to the rest of us. Gervinho has looked markedly better than post-january last season.


I agree that he is a slow thinker in terms of final balls, but I dont agree that he will have a poor season. he goes past full backs quite easily, but when it omes to making that vital final decision, whether to pass or shoot, more often than not, he chooses the wrong one. However, he has really improved from the bald headed gervinho of last season.


I think we’ll start our Sunderland match like this:

Jenkinson, Koscielny, Vermaelen, Gibbs;
Cazorla, Chamberlain;
Walcott, Giroud, Gervinho

Unless they manage to give Podolisk a squad number in the next four days.


I think Arteta will start ahead of Chambo and didn’t Wenger say that Giroud and Podolski would not be fit enough for the first game?

Perhaps Chamackh or VP will start as the CF


I think Arteta is injured, but I don’t know if he’ll manage to recover in time.

Also there are reports that the Ox is injured, so we may see Diaby or Ramsey in the midfield.


They were fit enough yesterday. And let’s be fair – Giroud isn’t going to get substantial minutes for France while they’re playing one up front. Germany have already said they won’t play Poldi. So I think it’s a good chance they’ll line up no problem against Sunderland.

Anything but Chamakh.


* and Podolisk was fit as hell yesterday.


Think Santi won’t make it into the starting line up after a midweek match in Puerto Rico. Not sure why Arteta didn’t play yesterday but I think AW’s instinct, applying the “use it or lose it” rule, is to play Diaby whenever he’s fit. Yennaris may be genuinely challenge Jenks at full back and I don’t know if the left side is clear cut. The back four is always blend and Boulds input will be interesting – maybe we might actually study an opposition team sheet and try and negate some of their play. We could also work on hitting… Read more »


Podolski’s twitter said he’d need two weeks to be fully ready

Bob Smith

We did look good yesterday and let’s hope this carries into the next few week too.

But, still looking at the market?
We have a HUGE squad, thee only reason to look at the market means that the pressure to move some players on is increasing OR that he still is waiting to see a bid come in for RVP/Walcott (I’m not including Song because it’s still to silly) and decide who to bring in before the window shuts, this is was I think le prof meant.

Dr Baptiste

Yes we have a big squad but only 25 can be registered, so why not get better players in the fill the spots and continue trying to move players on.


The 25 players quota so far: ___________________________ 01 – (1) Szczesny 02 – (2) Diaby 03 – (3) Sagna 04 – (4) Mertasacker 05 – (5) Vermaelen 06 – (6) Koscielny 07 – (7) Rosicky 08 – (8) Arteta 09- (10) van Persie 10 – (11) Santos 11 – (12) Giroud 12 – (13) Cazorla 13 – (14) Walcott 14 – (17) Songinho 15 – (20) Djourou 16 – (21) Fabianiski 17 – (23) Arshavin 18 – (24) Manone 19 – (27) Gervinho 20 – (29) Chamakh 21 – (28) Gibbs 22 – (—-) Podoliski * Left out Park, Squilaci… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

They are still part of the Under 21’s as they start the season at the right age. So we still have 3 places left due to our homegrown players quota and that can be filled with some more world class talent.


Seriously, am I the only one who thinks it’s completely mental that Bendtner is nailed on to leave, but no-one’s talking about offloading Chamakh? Granted, I accept that no-one can fault the Moroccan for failing to get minutes last season after the campaign Van Persie enjoyed – but come on: Look at Bendtner’s stats. Even when he was struggling to get in ahead of RVP and being shunted off to the flanks, he was still contributing a hell of a lot more than Chamakh. Plus, his japes are amusing. I say we keep him. It’s not as if anyone good… Read more »


Hello Fellow Gooners, I feel we don’t have to sell any of our players,if we want to win something this season , instead we should add more depth as squid, vela, almunia etc have left and are leaving. Someone was telling me yesterday after the match against Koln , that we had to sell, and i made him understand, why sell….if we sell him we get maybe 20-25million, if we keep him, we sure to qualify for the champions league worth 25-30 million,if we keep him to run down his contract, we spend less and still make 25.30 million on… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

What’s this I hear, Van Persie isn’t renewing his contract? Why didn’t somebody mention it before? 🙂 In all seriousness, if we hold onto RVP until the transfer window closes I think he’d have to sign a contract with us, it would be a huge risk for a player with his injury record to run his contract down, plus he’d stay on his currently salary for that year. His stock is the highest it will ever be now, if in 12 months he hasn’t had such a good season, are the top clubs going to offer him the money he… Read more »


Some blogs are reporting the Ox is injured 🙁

Arsenal Man

Yes I have come across that too but yet to confirm it. I hope it’s not a serious one


ox n koscielny! theyre both out and wont play for their national teams, but nothing serious, more like a rest for the weekend kick of! 🙂


Never know our boss has 3 eyes.


There’s a terrace chant in the making

Big fish, small feet.

Am I the only one that thought Van Persie coming on and being “the captain” was a bit fucking bazaar?

Dr Baptiste

Maybe it was to help sell merchandise…..

Bizarre I think you mean and not really. Until it’s made final, RvP is captain whether we like it or not.


It aint bizarra it’s bazaar. I’m sure RvP has the best oranges west of Usmanov!


Wenger is the best manager in the world when it comes to spotting talents and bargaining the best prices.


This is a new low to which the media has sunk. Check out their snotty little comments –


In my opinion, we should treat RvP as a new signing on loan, give him a blank slate to start with, knowing that he would be off at the end of next season (if he does actually end up staying this season). No booing, no hating.


Heh. If we’re reporting what happened in our computer games as analysis now, in my Fifa 12 game he signed a new contract banged in 34 and played for us until he was 33 when I sold him to Stoke. I could be a football journalist 🙂


I really don’t know what’s their problem with Arsenal. They show RvP’s doing well with every other team than Arsenal and that too when this summer has seen Arsenal strengthen. It belies logic completely. Only one manager has proven to have gotten the best out of RvP and that’s Arsene. Not even van Marwijk who with so many stars at his disposal can’t, for the love of God, get RvP to play as well as he does at Arsenal. I mean it sucks so hard, that people who claim to be sports journalists apply so little logic in their jobs.


It’s almost like they’re just trying to be sensationalist to whore for hits. Call me cynical…

Merlin's Panini

oh yeh, I saw that too. What absolute bollocks. The only person who would believe it is David Moyes.


Do you think this might have been written by a united fan by any chance. Stays with Arsenal 4th no trophys. Chelsea 2nd, Man city 2nd, Man united, win everything, and fly off into the sky on unicorns, yea!!

Dr Baptiste

I love how he’ll only get injured at Arsenal and that Man Utd will win the league whatever happens. Unless you’re David Moyes or ‘Arry Redknapp, Football Manager is not a great yard stick.

I remember in FM06, Andriy Shevchenko scored 37 league goals and in reality he scored 4. Only a few out…..

kiss my arsenal

seen tht earlier mate, how pathetic can sky sports get, biased, fergie-arse licking spud loving twats!


This must be the best summer for us in a long time with our transfer activity.

I kept getting thumbs down when I claimed that we never replaced Fabregas last summer but I’m sure with the impact that Santi Cazorla will make..my point will be proven.

I can’t wait for the season to start!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

Why do you insist that we must replace Fabregas. We want better players than Fabregas. Forget this silly clinging to the past and longing for a man to replace a guy who for all his skills didn’t manage to win us anything even when he was captain and undroppable. That’s not to disparage Fabregas, I loved having him here, but you always have to look forwards or you’ll run into a fucking wall one day.

I bet I don’t understand what I just said, in an hour or two.

Press Box Gooner

The Ox has pulled out of the England squad because of an ankle injury

Gunsen Gunner

Let’s hope its one of them “fuck you internationals” injury.


Ah, an “ankle injury”.


To be fair, he did get caught on the ankle on Sunday, at which point I thought he was going off. Hopefully its not bad and just to give him a few extra days to work it off

A. Usmanov

A little off topic but does anyone else prefer coquelin to song in the dm position despite a slight lack of creativity I do feel more secure with him there. I also be needing any spare shares you have layin’ about.

Dean '67

If it’s what we ask and then what we get, then I want a night out with sharapova. Can you have thaf arranged for me alisher. I’l buy a cazorla shirt, I promise!.

A. Usmanov

hahaha excuse my laughter its only that even I’ve been trying to get a date with her since those sweet buns strutted their way onto centre court. I can get you Laura Thompson for a few arsenal shares, we’ll talk yes?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

We only have a couple of shares left and we’re going to give them to Thierry Henry for his birthday. Suggest you sell up your Arsenal shares and use the money to go buy lots of Man United’s latest floaters instead..

Dean '67

Why thankyou alisher, thompson will do just fine. Pleasure doing business with you, I’m off to buy the cazorla shirt now. Fingers crossed it’s overpriced, meaning more money for yee tummy and more funds to buy pens and papers for your shitty letters.

A. Usmanov

The man who brings Dean 67′ dead or alive, I provide Laura Thompson.


Kees voss to usmanov and rvp:

“Why do we write an open letter, so we can get boos again”


Well one thing that’s very likely to happen in the “we’ll keep our eye open” market is Nuri Sahin coming to us. According to reports Spuds have accepted Real’s offer for Modric so there’s no room for Nuri and he wants to play at Arsenal. In 2 words, Bring it!

Also, the neverending saga that is Citeh stealing everything Arsenal, now Mancini is even stealing Wenger’s vocabulary as he referred to Tevez as a LANS for this season, lol. Fuck off Citeh you unoriginal cunts!

Anyone else watch Hazard’s amazing move in the shield?


Yepp, that’s the one! Classic fail right there. Meanwhile, Cazorla looks like he’ll be one of Arsenals best signings ever at half the price Hazard was.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

There were two things that I enjoyed about that clip…

1) I’m happy we didn’t spend a fortune to buy that klutz, We had a near miss there.

2) I really enjoyed seeing the bonus footage of Ruud Van Nistlegelding, He’s got even more long-faced since leaving the northern mob.


In re Mancini’s stealing Wenger’s vocabulary: Mancini needs to do something to liven up his interviews. Thirty seconds of listening to him in a post-game interview is enough to send me into a catatonic trance.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

I hear that having bought Jack Rodwell Shitty are going to use what’s left in their transfer kitty to make a recording of Mancini’s ten most interesting interviews, and then play it on a loop throughout their home games. With ear plugs firmly in place the Shitty teamsters will be running rings around snoozing opponents. This underhanded tactic is sure to fail against Man United (Fergie is a master of talking Counter-bollocks) and Arsenal (Wenger will send in the Ox on a lightning raid to replace all the City earplugs with those little black floatable turds women do when they’re… Read more »


i think wenger should bring in center half and holding mid bring in world class center half and bring in sahin or m’villa

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

Now you’ve seen the three new signings play they don’t count as new any more, eh?

Naija Gunner

God! This is gonna one long happy season for Arsenal.

And I hope Chambo is okay, we don’t want to start the season with injuries.

Merlin's Panini

anyone seen this from Song?:

Kind of what we wanted to hear. I don’t know where they got the bit about him wanting a contract extension but I hope it’s true. He’s a good player and it would be a shame to lose him after putting so much work into him. I’m glad he’s finally said something about it.


One of the popular thoughts is that Song’s agent leaked the Barcelona story to try and drive up the price/offer and get Arsenal to give him a new contract early.


But those thoughts are based on fuck all actual evidence.

Notwithstanding Arseblog’s continued assertion that he knows “something” is going on because he knows someone on the inside or some shit.


Ganesh, im actually lmfao at that clip, the horse scores 10/10!!!!


Hehe! Chelsea fans couldn’t take it one bit!


Wenger looks like a wily old fox in that photo… what’s he got under his magic hat?

Alex Brannigan

Arteta and carzola. A Spanish flavour to our midfield. The best kind!

Merlin's Panini


Dr Baptiste


Merlin's Panini

it’s a spelling mistake not a pronunciation mistake. You don’t spell his name with a TH even if that is how it’s pronounced.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

I think he knows that, but we must get everybody pronouncing it properly for when somebody invents a good song for him.


Am i the only one who creamed myself when i read: “He is a great finisher, we see that in training. He’s lethal and doesn’t need many chances to score.”

I am so giddy with excitement.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

He’s an upgrade on RVP then. For all RVP was said to “score when he wants” he did take a 130-odd shots to score his 30-odd goals, AND they were mainly from good positions (due to the skill of the team supplying him with his chances). If we give Podolski the same support what could he be capable of this season?

Dean '67

Young man, get your head outta yo arse and sign that contract. It’s good for your wife (she likes the shops in london), your kids (they school in london and are pretty damn happy bout it), your mother (she just plain loves london …….and arsenal).

So it’s not about doing the right thing, it’s about continuing to do the right thing!. (what?)

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Pong of the OxCoq

Bollox to selling RVP to ManUre… If he signs on or not,we should keep RVP to see out his contract… If it’s the money he wants, i’m sure he would still get his big payday by following Anelka & Drogba to China.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla '60

He should fucking well listen to his wife and sign with us again. What kind of cretin does the opposite to what his wife “suggests” he should do?


Our midfield looks the part this year. As good as any other PL team if you ask me (you don’t I know). Defence will get stronger and stronger and in attack we’re well covered if RvP leaves and in a great position if he doesn’t. My only two concerns at the moment: Right back until Sagna is available Can we defensively afford to play Song as DM? I love him but his game does scare me a bit. As long as Arteta is there to cover for him we’re usually ok but if we’re playing say Song-Ox-Cazorla I think we… Read more »


The best thing about the midfield this year is that we have got options again.

If Song-Ox-Cazorla looks too offensive, with no cover, we can play Le Coq-Ox-Cazorla instead, or swap the Ox for Arteta and get a more balanced midfield that way.

Considering that there are another 4 first team midfielders we could slot in as well, its pure bliss after a year with a Midfield that essentially picked itself.


With Cazorla in the team, Song can have the oppurtunity to play his more natural defensive game. Last season because Arsenal needed a creative midfielder he played a more offensive role and you must admit he did that well too.

Get off his back, he is a brilliant all rounder. If Barcelona had him, you’ll be asking Wenger to sign him but becouse he’s ours you can’t give him the credit he deserves.


Tri-clops from He-Man is at The Arsenal now.


Another quality signing and we’re good to go. I would love to see sahin in arsenal shirt but not sure about the rumours.

I’m impressed with the club’s business to be honest, and how was it for the definition of ‘ambition’ eh Robin ?

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