Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 6-1 Southampton (inc goal clips)

Arsenal something something with a something Southampton at the Emirates today.

Arsene Wenger sprang a bit of a surprise, opting for Gervinho in the central striking role, with Lukas Podolski and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain either side of him.

The Gunners had gone into the Interlull in good form and continued that from the off today. Southampton were more cautious than in previous games, sitting more deep with more men behind the ball and initially Arsenal found it hard to break them down.

It didn’t take too long for the goals to start going in. In the 11th minute, Lukas Podolski’s strength in midfield allowed him to set up Gibbs outside him on the left, his cross shot was saved by Kelvin Davis but rebounded in off Hooiveld to make it 1-0.

And it was the German who put Arsenal further ahead in the 31st minute. After Francis Coquelin was fouled outside the area, the German curled home a delicious free kick to double the lead. About a time a left footed player scored one for us, eh?

It was 3-0 just four minutes later. Arteta caught the Southampton defence static and his bouncing through pass was hammered home at the near post by Gervinho, who looked to be enjoying himself in the middle and had provided some moments of real danger previously.

Another Gibbs cross deflected past Davis to make it 4-0 just two minutes after that but Arsenal’s hopes of keeping another clean sheet were dashed by a mistake by the returning Wojciech Szczesny. What should have been a routine catch was fumbled into the path of Fox who had the simple taks of finishing from close range just before half-time.

The second half started with the visitors looking much more like an actual football team having had a manager’s red rocket at the interval, and Arsenal with a three goal lead lacked a little bit of urgency.

There were some dangerous moments at both ends, Southampton helped by some dodgy Szczesny distribution, while Davis made a good save from an Oxlade-Chamberlain rasper. Aaron Ramsey replaced Francis Coquelin and soon afterwards created Arsenal’s fifth.

He controlled a Cazorla pass beautifully before running into the area, away from goal and clipping a shot with the outside of his foot which rebounded off the post to give Gervinho an easy tap in for his second. Arsenal then brought on Giroud and Walcot for Podolski and the Ivorian, and it was the England international who wrapped up the scoring after more fantastic play from Cazorla. 6-1.

Overall, it was as good as you could hope for. A 6-1 win and no complaints. That’s as comfortable as it gets at home,  Match of the Day will be a decent watch tonight and all those people predicting that today would be the day that OG got off the mark were dead right.

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Brian Mendoza




Hudson Hornet

Santi Cazorla


Van persie can FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!!!, we do have podolski, we do have arteta, we do have cazorla…….yes that I agree.

But today we showes we do have whole goddamn ARSENAL TEAM!!!!!. Meaning we score when we want!!!.


Arse, arse, arsenal, we score when we want, we score when we want


We score when we want, we score when we WAAaaant, We’re the kings.of North. London and we score when we want


who could give that a thumbs down ??? UP THE GUNNERS !!!


That was quick!


After 4-0 the match report was already halfway. Arsenal made it too easy for blogs.





I love the direction our beautiful club is taking.

What you think about all this rvp?………..oh wait I dont care what you fucking think, you twat!!.

Near flawless perfomance by our lads today. You have to be proud to be a gooner right now, you just have to!.


How the hell did you get this report up so quickly?! Amazing performance by Arsenal. So proud right nw…


seriously !! good work arseblog !!


Oh yeah!


Loving the start of this season – hope we can keep it going! Carzola is a BEAST!


Let’s continue this on Tuesday, and then take down Man $hitty next weekend
Up the Arse!


Og scored og scored.
A legend is borned


I assume o g stands for Oliver giroud


own goal…


I have to give a lot of credit to Gibbs, he was fantastic. I also think Jenkinson looks great. Really happy with how these young guys have been performing.

It’s a shame Gibbs doesn’t get “official” credit for at least one of those OGs

Rad Carrot

Really, really good performance, would rather focus on all the good sides rather than any bad. Really happy for Gerv, he played outstandingly well, looks to be coming good this season. Ramsey brought us back into it in the second half too, good to see him have a good game even as a sub. Maybe a dodgy 20 minutes in the second half, but we came out of it with conceding further and we were already 4-1 up, so not that nerve-racking. S’true that Walcott could’ve passed more, and Szcz had a bit of a shocker, but let’s be happy… Read more »


Agreed re: Ramsey. Contrary to the haters, he has the quality to be an Arsenal regular. Just needs confidence and the players around him that allow him to support, rather than carry too much of a burden, as he had to last year due to injuries and departures.


WOW, simply, WOW. I know it was “only” southampton but their the same team that stuck it hard to the manchester clubs we just tore apart their. No doubt the media cunts will play this down as much as possible, so lets go and stick it to the money bags and truly announce ourselves as title contenders!
What a beautiful day to be a gooner!


With so many people saying Giroud is destined to score his first goal against Southampton like some Arsenal greats, I just knew he wouldn’t. Still, I think once he does get going he will be unstoppable.


He’ll be just fine. Barely played today. Still got faith.

Thomas B

Agreed. Henry scored his first in his 8th game. No rush, goals will come.

Good Omens

Also took Bergkamp five games and our next is against Montpellier, if fate is to be the arbiter of Girouds first goal, well.. need I say more.


I think the Interlull reduced his playing time, and with the way our boys played tonight, he’d have had a hat trick were the game 120 min long and not 90. I wished he had, but Montpellier indeed beckons.

Nuck Fasri

Arsene deliberately don’t want want his account opened today so he can set a new record and when he becomes an Arsenal great he doesnt share his opening record with Henry and Beck; the cunning professor. He knows OG will come good, and somehow, I know it to.


Southampton made it very easy in the first half by sitting far too deep and giving our lads in midfield plenty of time on the ball. By the time they actually started playing in the second, the game was already over.

Szcz had a shocker today. Carzola looked class yet again.

Sterner tests will come in the following weeks. It’ll be interesting to see how our much vaunted defence stands up against the attacks of City and Chelsea.


There’s already enough so-called expert views from the media and pundits that whenever we get results it’s mostly because our opponents played awfully or gave us too much respect.

While i think we should keep our feet on the ground we should not deny the team their due credit. I thought we’ve seen every player worked tirelessly and fought for each other in the 4 games so far and we got the results because we controlled and played better than the opponents.


True. Southampton weren’t very good, and Hansen highlighted that on BBC.
But to think optimistically, last season we were (giving the rest of the team its due, of course, since this was possible due to the rest of the team) overly reliant on a couple of players. This time, we are balanced, not relying on any one player when we move forward and I think that’s the great thing.

Merlin's Panini

Last time we beat Southampton 6-1 was the beginning of the unbeaten streak that saw us on our way to becoming the Invincibles the next season! Bring it on!


We’re shit. We’re a feeder club. Arsene out. We should have bought m’villa and Cahill.


Or you should get the fuck out of this site. Troll.

Dick Swiveller

Pretty sure it was irony, or something akin to it.

Sadly it’s becoming more and more difficult to detect on Arsenal sites though, as there are people that actually seem to believe the strangest things.

Merlin's Panini

I think he was being sarcastic.


Unfortunately here we do understand sacarsm. Where are you from sir?


Or you could recognise sarcasm.


Hey, he did get over 24 thumbs. Leave the poor fella alone.


Sarcasm of course judging by his previous. There’s no way the moaners will emerge from their cracks today. But while the sarcasm gets 10/10, a 3 day ban for you Frog for mentioning Cahill. 🙂

Great win! How much difference a year makes. On to tuesday now!


Bugger. You’re rite, I forgot about the Cahill ban. I guess I’ll be back for Montpellier.


Fatgooner already posted


a change of names from Frog to Sherlock Holmes would be in order here sir.


I believe he is being sarcastic? If not, he can go shove a shovel up his ass.


You do realize, anyone can post as anyone’s name. I believe this dude is having a little dig at the real pugnacious frog..

ps im not fat gooner..


Sure, fatgooner we all know you’re the only poster here with the audacity to use the word pugnacious. Dead giveaway mate.


For a team struggling to score without RvP, we sure do score alot. So much in fact that we are at the top of the goal difference chart.

Its good to see Ramsey in a form that resembles his pre-injury form.


Yes, 10 seconds of good play and here it is: he is in good form. I’m glad but what about the 2 giveaways later in our third?


oh shut up, just shut up already!


what the twack is an RvP?

Lagos Gunners

I think it’s some sort of formation. Or maybe a newfangled Nike jersey material?


Ramsey’s touch was spot on today. Really admire him as a player and character, even if his performances were a bit below par last season. Really hope he can get back to the player he was before those Neanderthal knuckle-draggers snapped him in two.


Thoroughly enjoyable game to watch. Haven’t seen us play pretty football in a while, like really pretty football. And for once in a long long long long time, my heart doesn’t flutter when a ball goes in towards our area(did it even?) Credits to Bould again. Sczc should probably work on his distribution with the upcoming games though, if he wants to retain his spot.


Great to finally see an Arsenal team beating a team that we are supposed to beat so convincingly.

What a player Carzola is!
There was one moment around the tenth minute when he controlled a goal kick and deftly laid it off to an arsenal player. He must have Velcro or glue on his boots.

I got to say that I feel a little sad for Mannone, he helps the team to 3 clean sheets and as a reward gets put on the bench, then Szczesny comes in and is in direct fault for the goal.


I agree re: Mannone… It is a little tough for him, but Szcz is undoubtedly no.1, for his presence and leadership qualities. There’s definitely areas of his game that need big improvement though. Once again his distribution was dodgy, surely that’s something that can be sorted reasonably easily in training?


Doesn’t Wenger give goalies two mistakes then they are replaced?


I agree to certain extent that Chesney is our number 1 but I’ve always held the opinion that your only as good as your last game (I know it sounds cliché)

and this comment from Wenger just now on BBC:
“Vito Mannone is VERY VERY close to staying in the team. A fight is there for the shirt with Wojciech Szczesny.”

Suggests that he may not be no1 for long unless he raises his game.


Undoubtedly first choice? Going to two years as the first choice and still with the confidence level of Senderos. What about playing people based on form rather than having chosen ones who know they will play no matter how many howlers they make. That Mannone was visibly boiling on the bench says it all. Let’s set standards.


You guys want Mannone promoted ahead of SZCZ, after a couple of decent performances against sides that didn’t really attack a great deal?


@Paddymack. Absolutely, we want Mannone to stay right in an unconceeding defence instead of a jittery Schezny who went out of his way ro make sure an amazingly focused defence didnt clinch the record clean sheet which would have been a confidence boost going into Man City. And it is not just about the goal, which was calamitous and an unbelievable unforced error. He’s jittery, his clearance is poor and he lacks confidence that should come with a goalkeeper who’s been a first choice for more than one season. And by the way, Liverpool had more shorts on goal and… Read more »


Some of you have very short memories. SZCZ will be fine, in fact I think he’ll be the no.1 at this club for many years to come. Bringing him straight back to the first team was the right decision in my opinion. But glad that Mannone seems to have made an improvement, and it’s nice to have a keeper on the bench we can rely on should SZCZ get injured.


“a jittery Schezny who went out of his way ro make sure an amazingly focused defence didnt clinch the record clean sheet”

You think he made that mistake on purpose? What a strange viewpoint. Every player has bad games now and again. If Wenger had promoted Mannone ahead of SZCZ today, and he’d made a sloppy error, you’d all be shouting at Wenger for making the wrong team selection.

By the way, I think a 6-1 win is a pretty decent confidence boost for the team anyhow.

Dr Baptiste

Just like to say he’s only played in 2 games, seems to be a common mistake at the moment. Mannone has 2 clean sheets while Szczesny had 1 coming into this game.


Not sure I understand your point mate? I think the defence as a whole (and that includes the midfield) has made a massive improvement this season. Mannone did really well at the start of the season, don’t get me wrong. But chances are we may have kept clean sheets with Szczesny in goal too.

Just find it odd how some people are getting on his back all of a sudden.


Something, something, something dark side?


Cygan LF can fucl right off.


Who needs wotsisface when you’ve got Southampton players?


Ahhhhhh, that feels good doesn’t it Gooners. Everything’s starting to click. Cazorla, Arteta brilliant again – and an honourable mention for Kieran Gibbs. He’s turning into a world-class left back slowly but surely.

Dolgion Ch.

Interesting to note is that our team is so much more unpredictable. Gervinho up front? And scoring 2 goals?? Poldi and Cazorla as of yet still quite unknown quantities (I didn’t expect that beauty of a FK from Poldi), Walcott not a starter, but impact sub once again (which he’s most effective as, IMO). Alex Chamberlain dazzling all over the final third, looking dangerous with his shots from range. Opposite teams cannot pin us down like last season. With Song + RVP gone, it isn’t clear to the fans either where the goals will come from. Also, Gibbs is doing… Read more »


How pissed must Theo be to see Gerv up front in a central role…?!


Good to see Theo building a few bridges after the game. Also nice touch with him and Ox going to the Saints fans. That’s the classy Arsenal way boys.

Merlin's Panini

I’m loving this season so far. We look like a real team now. We’ve got about six interchangeable options upfront that can all do damage, a great midfield and defence. I’m loving watching the changing shape when we have to defend. The way they just morph into 442 and nick the ball back is brilliant, and the movement once it’s won back is just breathtaking.
I’m so glad we took on a newly promoted side and ripped them a new one.
Up the Arsenal!


All these midfielders… taking a leaf out of the Barca book maybe?

Lagos Gunners

Best thing about it is when the camera panned to the bench, and you could see all the talent we have on there. For the people that always said we had no depth, we currently can’t even start all our striking options. And as for our midfield, Wilshere, Diaby, and Frimpong still are in the coming. Makes a bit more sense why Wenger didn’t go into the market after Song left. I’m no longer worried about red-zoning Arteta like we did last year, which I think is what cost us January. We can easily rotate Arteta and Wilshere and Diaby… Read more »


jokes that got burried.
*Arsenal can’t score without rvp
*rvp has more goals than the whole of Arsenal

NB: Terry is still a cunt

Naija Gunner

“We score when we want”

Bring on shity, am soo happy for all the players. They all look mean and deadly.


Boo! Rubbish!

Why didn’t we get seven? And why didn’t Gervinho get a hat-trick? And we conceded a goal!

This performance was crap!



Ha ha! Interesting to see that the trolls are all hiding under their respective bridges this afternoon…

Brian Mendoza

To be honest fats, I can’t tell if your being serious or not. I just don’t know anymore.

Brian Mendoza

It is always time for that


This must sound over the PA system at the Emirates when he scores. Make it happen Wenger.


Haha what a funny tune, anyway Prince Poldi sure is delivering the goods.


Hell yeah!

Red and White Stripey Socks

Oh I feel good now! Nice to see the team click.
I understand Southampton arent the greatest but hey still got to put them away.


Let’s not forget that Man Utd. only just scraped past them, and Southampton very nearly pulled their pants down.


And the other Manc cunts of course.


Amazing game today, would have really liked a clean sheet just to push it on but I think the all of our quick goals made szczesney alittle dizzy.

In other news montpellier player younes belhanda said this today.

“Arsenal will score eight past us”…………….so it’s settled then.

And ofcourse the no news part….
Terry = super cunt


“Arsenal something something with a something Southampton at the Emirates today.”

hehe… Blogs, were you a little hasty posting this?!

gooner odst

im loving the podolski-carzorla partership, I hereby dub them the “Carzolski Coalition”, may their enemies be buried by a massive goal deficit.



kinda works 🙂

Cygan's Middle Foot

Amazing performance! It would have been perfect if Chesney played better. Hope Vito can give him competition so he won’t take it for granted.


Arteta was the man of the match for me. He ruled the midfield in both ways. Now we are ready to face the reality check next week! I hope we gain from this even more strenght!

Naija Gunner

“We score when we want”

Bring on shity, am soo happy for all the players. They all look mean and deadly.



Blogs, on this wonderful performances, i still have one complain to find. Bar Szczesny poor flap, I’m sad that Walcott didn’t give Giroud the ball when he’s open. With Giroud more than 7 shots on goal to score one, he need teams to feed him the ball more. Hopefully he can score againts Montpellier.


Yeah, Giroud was barely given a chance today. I’m confident he’ll be just fine.


True that, Nikki, but I agree with the announcers that it felt like Cazorla would have let Giroud take the penalty had it been called. This feels like a real team!

Eric Irish gunner

Dident see game but looking at some comments can’t wait for MOTD tonight, sanga, wilshire, diaby,kosceilny still to come back our squad is looking good


Cue all the pundits doing a U-turn and suddenly declaring us ‘dark horses’ in the title race. Wankers.


And of course, The Little Mozart too. Good days. COYG!!


Good point, he was sensational towards the end of last season! We must a ridiculous amount of strength in depth in midfield when all players are fit.


Can see now why they didn’t push to keep Yossi…


Ar-se-nal score when they want, score when they want.!!!!!

Lu Lu Lu Lukas Podolsk i!!!!!!


Did anyone else see the back line raise their hands in unison looking for the offside?

Brian Mendoza

You could say they were a bit bould

I’ll get my coat

big black clock

Our most improved player this season? Kieran Gibbs, by far.

But here’s a shoutout to Jenkinson. 4 games, 15 tackles, 1 foul. Top lad.

big black clock

I think today’s performance shows why teams park the bus against us in the Emirates. We will fucking punish you if you try to attack us.


Get in! come on you gunners! some may say its only Southampton, but you can only beat whats in front of you and do it well. Last season we dropped points against all the bottom 4 teams, wont happen this year.

MOTD should be a cracker


RVP while being a great striker, also kind of restricted our play last year. Everything was directed to him and when he got nullified we were pretty poor. I feel overall this team has a good balance of direct and tricky players. Using Gervinho as a striker was a masterstroke by Wenger although we shouldn’t really be surprised by it. Pre-season games had already shown this possibility. The Ox I felt was at the periphery a lot of times. I feel criticism of Walcott is so passé. Even the stupid commentators just want to take the lazy route and talk… Read more »


That’s a very good point about RvP and Song. It was predictable, Song assist, RvP goal, teams found ways of dealing with it and we really struggled. However, I think the biggest difference I’ve noticed is that everyone seems to be battling for each other. A real team spirit is building – we’re not giving up on the second ball, we’re fighting for the ball when we don’t have it and really starting to click as a unit. It’s really encouraging – this is what Wenger has been trying to achieve, but I think certain players haven’t been 100% committed… Read more »


I’m fucking worried about where Jacky boy would play when he comes back. Arteta & Carzola are have been perfect. Any suggestions?


Ease Wilshire back in slowly, It’s a luxury we can afford if our players continue their form.

Plus, new signings will need a break here and there. Afterall, Germany and Spain has winter breaks ~


We’re allowed 12 men on the pitch right?


Wilshire will need to earn his place back into the team


He will need to earn his place, that’s true. At the same time, I’m guessing Wenger will be keen to rest Arteta and keep him fresh. He’s crucial to our midfield, and we’ve seen already that he picks up injuries when he plays regularly. So I’m sure Jack will have a big part to play, and I think the midfield players can rotate very effectively.

damien joyce

Let’s not RVP’s great equaliser fk vs Sunderland after Larsson had got his own not long beforehand. We don’t have to like the cunt but we can appreciate he played largest part in getting us to Champs Lge.

6-1, lovely I can now adjust my tv viewing for next 24 hrs
7pm RTE Soccer Saturday
10.20pm MOTD (on mute for Lineker parts and maybe Shearer too)
9.30am Sunday Supplement
11am Goals on Sunday
10.25pm MOTD 2
12.30am ESPN Press Pass


You are damn right about RVP. He did score some incredible goals last season. I will always enjoy watching them and be thankful that he helped ud reach 3rd. But the man who got us into CL has to be the one and only GIBBS. But for his last ditch tackle, there may be no Santie in our team today.

damien joyce

okay yeah GIBBS moment was what done it I’ll admit, I’ll also happily admit, that seems to have reminded him that he is actually quite good at that defending thing, his progression from last year seems to be unreal. kudos to gibbs this yr i think

Arsene's Nose

Arsene! Give Arteta and Cazorla statues already..,THOSE GUYS ARE CLASS,…

Too Drunk To Be Offside

A great performance today, great result today, one that I didn’t get to watch.

So am going to ask whether are any websites from where I could download the match in its entirety.

Also what is this MOTD that every has been posting about (most likely a show on Sky), and if it indeed is, could I anywhere watch it.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Besides on Sky of course as I am not a resident of UK, and we don’t get sky here.

Dr Baptiste

It’s ‘match of the day’. A football show on BBC1 that is hosted by Gary Linekar and generally 2 of 3 people who know nothing about modern day football. The best place to see all the goals from today if you record it and skip the waffle


Perhaps the space Soton gave us allowed our creativity to flourish, but it still takes the goods to make those passes and ball control is tight areas. This is why the world beyond Gooners watches Arsenal, the beautiful play. Also, consider this: if Szcz had a poor game a couple of years ago, the score would have been a lot closer than 6-1. Our defensive play is phenomenal. That late slide tackle by Ramsey, I think, perfection. Jenks running his legs off. Gibbs basically scoring twice. BFG and TV5 with positional awareness of each other, mopping up when the other… Read more »

H. P. Arsecraft

One of the best games i’ve seen from Gunners in a long time and what a great player Podolski is. Outstanding..

Szczesny on the other hand needs a great big kick up the arse and sit out a couple of games. Mannone did really good and should get the nod against Montpellier.

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