Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Montpellier 1-2 Arsenal (inc. goal clips)

Two goals in two minutes from Lukas Podolski and Gervinho saw Arsenal secure a hard-fought 2-1 win in the south of France against Montpellier.

Despite conceding an early goal from the penalty spot, the Gunners survived a second half onslaught from the Ligue 1 champions to return to London with three vital Champions League points.

Having promised to take the threat of the French champions seriously, Arsene Wenger stayed true to his word. Despite suggesting he might rotate his team there were fewer changes on the team sheet than expected. Diaby, back from injury, replaced Coquelin, while Mannone and Giroud came into the fray in place of Oxlade-Chamberlain and Szczesny.

The game started slowly, although a bitty first seven minutes, notable for little but an Abou Diaby yellow card after 20 seconds, was suddenly brought to life by a generous penalty decision to the home side.

It really was a nothing incident. Thomas Vermaelen appeared to be stewarding Younes Belhanda away from danger when he went to ground on the edge of the box and sent the Moroccan international tumbling. Play seemed to carry on before the referee pointed to the spot, seemingly on the advice of his assistant. It looked ridiculously generous at first glance, although the replay highlighted clumsiness on the part of our captain.

Belhanda dragged himself off the turf to score from the spot with one of those dinky chipped efforts. It’s fine when it’s your team scoring like that, but when it’s an opponent the first thing that comes to mind is ‘arrogant cunt.’ (1-0)

The 30,000 capacity home crowd roared their approval, but Arsenal heads did not drop. Indeed, just eight minutes later we were level. Diaby, pulling the strings in midfield, fed Cazorla who in turn moved it on to Olivier Giroud. The Frenchman toed the ball first time to the onrushing Podolski who eyeballed the keeper before sliding the ball home ruthlessly. It was the German’s third goal in three games – you might even say he scores when he wants. (1-1)

Gervinho and Jenkinson had worked well together in the opening 15 minutes and 120 seconds later they combined to give the Gunners the lead. A fine low ball across the six-yard back by the right-back was smartly tucked away from close range by the in-form Ivorian. (2-1)

The game was a scrappy affair for much of the rest of the half. Belhanda stuck an elbow into Vermaelen’s chest, Mannone pulled off a smart save from the nippy Cabella and Yanga-Mbiwa earned a yellow for taking out Arteta.

The Montpellier goal wasn’t overly threatened, although Gervinho nearly added a third after a mazy dribble, while Giroud attempted a difficult volley which flashed well wide. At half-time 2-1 seemed about fair. We’d had more possession, they’d had more shots on goal.

The start of the second half was nearly a disaster. Abou Diaby was caught dilly-dallying on the ball in his own box and presented the ball on a plate to Cabella. Free to shoot at goal on the diagonal, the winger blazed high and wide.

It was a lucky escape for the Gunners, but the home side took confidence all the same. Playing with a higher tempo, and targeting the wide areas, they forced the issue for the first ten minutes of the second half as the Stade de la Mosson crowd roared them on. Thankfully, their finishing was abysmal; most of the fans behind Mannone’s goal were forced to duck more than once. A cute lob from the ever-dangerous Cabella did hit the bar, but after that we began to find out feet again. Sort of.

Cazorla had a shot after a charging Diaby run, but tired legs reduced our effectiveness in the final third. On 75 minutes Giroud, to warm applause from the home fans, was replaced by Aaron Ramsey as Steve Bould looked to sure up the centre of the park.

Four minutes later Belhanda had a glorious chance to equalise. Receiving the ball in the six-yard box his quick feet bamboozled Mertesacker to free up space for a shot at goal. He looked certain to score, but lost his composure and blasted it straight out at Mannone. Payback for being a cocky knobber in the first half perhaps? To compound his misery he picked up a booking four minutes later.

Theo Walcott and Francis Coquelin took to the field in place of Santi Cazorla and Lukas Podolski as the seconds ticked down. However, despite Arsenal doing their best to run down the clock, Montpellier continued to force the issue. A Cabella dive in the box set nerves wrangling, only for the referee to dismiss any suggestion of a second penalty. Second later the whistle went.

Plenty of questions were asked of the defence this evening. It was by far and away the most pressure they’d been under this season and for the most part you’d say they handled things pretty well.  Granted they weren’t rock solid, but they held their line and Vermaelen and Mertesacker won most of the high balls looped into the box.

If anything the reason for their increased workload was the result of our midfield being run ragged in the second half; a state of affairs which also took its toll on the attack.

It will certainly be food for thought for the boss as he eyes a trip to the Etihad on Sunday. For now though, the unbeaten run goes on. Good stuff.

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big black clock

Looks like Bould heard Adam’s comments before the game. We were playing like Chelsea in the UCL last season throughout the second half. Hope old man Tony got what he wanted!

1st away game, 3 points. 2 more home wins and we should wrap it up. Up the Arse!


All about the result We are Fucking Awesome!!

Hudson Hornet

Lads got tired.

But will not be tired on Sunday.

Subsitutions reacted quickly to our tiredness.

Rotation keeps the squad fresh for City.

Another drink please.


Not much of a poem.


I prefer to think there are two haikus in there somewhere…

Lads got too tired
But won’t be tired Sunday
Subs saw weariness

Rotating players
Will keep us fresh for Shitty
Lots more whiskey, please

Hudson Hornet


It was more of a late night summary of fan comments.


that last goal was like theo to rvp last year. who need walcott/rvp when we got jenk and gerv


Job done. 3 pts. Get the fuck out.

Loving the offside trap. Who’s idea’s that?

Dean '67

Definetly not tony adams’ idea.

I love you bouldy.

Runcorn Gooner

They were even starting to put up their arms in unison.Well done Bouldy


What I liked most about the trap was that they kept playing for the ball until the whistle blew. How many times have we seen them stop, expecting the whistle and not getting it? +1 Bouldy!


Its been so long since i stopped getting anxious in the final minutes , no nervous moment today. was it because of montepellier or our defence i dont know . Lets test this feeling on the weekend.


Ive got to say i was ANXIOUS when Belhanda had the goal at his mercy in the last ten minutes, only fire straight to our Italian Stallion. Other than that, i love this new defensive set up. I was really hoping to see Koscielny get a ran out tonight though, as Man City might be a game where we need his pace back there and could do with the warm up. other than that, 2012-2013 UNDEFEATED SO FAR. UP THE GUNNERS!!! Not sure about gervinho’s new hitler celebration though….. hahaha as long as he keeps scoring goals he can celebrate… Read more »




bloody hell and here we were talking about the lads getting some rest before shiteh… just shows that champs league opponents cant be taken lightly…
the guys looked exhausted in the second half


Trust us. We get the only one of those knob ends behind the goal you’ll ever see even look at a fuckin game. Let alone make a decision.


I didn’t understand a word of what you mean and I`m not even gonna try 😉

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

He means the 4th official behind our goal who may have influenced the referee to award a penalty to Montepelier…..usually they don’t do very much and are Platini’s idea of modernizing the game!



It’s Platini way of screwing with The Arsenal.

I swear he is out to get us.


I think he’s mostly out to have a hot dog with Usmanov. I saw those two fuckers sitting next to each other in the stadium. I’m pretty sure Usmanov was telling Platini a very tasteful story about Kroenke’s mom.


That was exactly my reaction. They’ll not make another decision this season and they will discarded in the summer.


He means the pointless assistant-assistant ref/lino muppet


Yeah, I meant that waste of fuckin skin standing behind the goal line.


Of course the one and only decision to ever be made by them is a weak penalty against us…
Surprisingly I’m not surprised


The reason that penalty might be considered “weak” is because the referee or assistant is unlikely to call it most times due to the fact that it wasn’t obviously a penalty from their vantage. But look at the replay. it was a penalty.

Ideally, there would be some consistency from the extra officials so that sort of foul is always called inside the box. Then defenders might be habitually more careful — a boon to attacking football.

Dean '67

Not the best performance from the second half especially but still 3 crucial points and 2 awau goals is okay with me.

Worried for giroud abit but let’s keep hoping he eventually breaks his scoring duck. Coyg


Doesn’t matter who’s scoring the goals as long as we’re winning.

Dean '67

I’m sure giroud thinks that too. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t relish a goal for himself.


Secod half brought flashbacks of nervous games last season… Arsenal needs to calm down sometimes and show better teamwork to control the pressure.

I liked Giroud, he was a great pivot and great battling in the air. As long as Gervinho and Podolski are scoring the goals I’m happy with a support role for Giroud. He can improve, but the lack of goals isn’t worryingt, he got an assist today.


Got an assist though, so it’s a start, involved in both Goals actually.

Reckon he’ll score every now and again but I don’t think we’ll ever be relying on him for goals. His precence makes a lot of space for others and his pretty useful with the ball at his feet.

Still, Lorente’s contract reaches the point of no return this Janurary and we’d be mad not to make a generous offer to the fella.


Loving Gervinho’s new-found goal scoring habit!!


This. I didn’t catch the game – how was forehead’s overall performance?


Good. He was always a threat to break through on the dribble and his running was purposeful. He was definitely up for it tonight.


Agreed. That second goal started with his audacious dribbling.

Bendtner's ego

Wow. What a shit show for a second half!

Mert did exactly what he was supposed to do – deny the overhead ball and clean up the rest. Still a few scary moments.

Well played Mert and Tommy!


Announcers were harsh on Giroud. No goals, but his first touch was good, made some nice runs, consistently worked hard, and a great pass to hit an oncoming Podolski for the goal.


He was consistently being mugged by Montpellier’s centerback, too. That guy (I forget his name, hyphenated though it was) was all over our striker, grabbing him as if with the hands of death every time the ball was played up to him. Giroud was also kicked in the chest one time, kneed in the ribs, etc. It was a tough game for our man who wasn’t getting any help from the referee.


He just couldn’t help touching such a handsome man as Giroud

Bacary's right leg

We looked so tired could have done with resting some players.. a win is a win so woop.. I think if wenger was down there, there would have made some changes earlier on.

big black clock

On the other head if we had fielded a weaker team, we might not have won today. Arsene was right not to underestimate the French champions like we all were

big black clock

On the other hand*

No one will ever speak of this


I think Ox and Coq would have been good earlier on, even Santos on the wing when Gibbs was less keen on going forward. It was not a matter of having to field our best players because the opposition was too good, it was a matter of getting our organization back with players with a fresh mind.

Bacary's right leg

yeah true.. but we defo should have made some changes earlier. The midfielders were trending water.


I think its because of Bouldy’s inexperience. I’m sure Arsene would have made changes earlier.

Matt Jarvis' Uncle

No, we should get qualify for the knockouts as quick as possible and finish top, then maybe rest players in the final few games. I agree though that it was frustating to see the subs come on so late especially with players getting tired.

Rad Carrot

Good: – 3 Points. – Vito was confident and pulled off a couple of cracking saves. – Gibbs was easily MotM and is constantly improving. Bad: – We were shit. – We were worse than shit, we were fucking shit. – We were worse than fucking shit, we were literally shocking, butt-crappingly, fucking-hell-jesus-christ-get-the-ball-no-don’t-pass-in-your-own-penalty-box-what-no-don’t-fall-down-now shit. At least in the second half. – This has knackered out our first string with all the chasing shadows in the second half, so now we play Man City likely with Arshavin and Walcott on the wings, Shea in goal, Chamakh up front and Squillaci on… Read more »

big black clock

So if Man Utd grind out results by clinging on for dear lives, they have the “spirit of champions”

but if we defend after taking a lead away from home, we’re “shit”?

Rad Carrot

I wouldn’t say they have the ‘spirit of champions’, I’d say they were shit too. And I have. I said that Chelsea were shit against Barca last year and got shouted down – but they really, really were. Please. I’m not saying I’m not ecstatic we got the win – I really am. But this was an alarmingly bad performance, if Montpellier had better finishing we’d have lost this without a doubt, and I’m really concerned that we’ve slipped into our old roots. I know time will tell, but if we lose to Shitteh the lack of rotation is going… Read more »


Red Carrot…



Got to say I agree with Red Carrot. I think with players like Ramsey and Coq trying to force their way into the team, players who can probably cut it at this level, not rotating is going to cause us serious problems down the line. I thought we looked dangerously low on energy in the second half, to see it 5 games into a season is really worrying, I can’t understand the logic behind not playing players like Santos, Walcott, Kosceilny and the two mentioned above. Arguably all four are pushing for first team places and would have been hungry… Read more »


woops all 5 players

Also to a few below, City have a deeper squad than ours. Through financial doping of course but it’s a fact. I don’t get what’s so wrong with the guys post, it’s a rational expression of the guys worries, is that ban’d now, how is not being 100% overjoy’d after a not totally convincing victory hysteria?

Also, Montpellier arguably had the chance’s and the run of the game to at least get a point, this was not a vintage Arsenal performace, see the Liverpool match.


Er, didn’t read the post that got hidden actually, thought his second post was reasonable.

First post is incredibly negative, and kind of defeats Rad Carrots good points by overstating the case.


What did he say again?


Glass half empty?

Ace McGoldrick

Can see why you’re red. Getting so angry after an away win and all.


I debated signing in with another account to give this an additional thumbs down.


Don’t mince your words Carrot, tell us how you really feel!


We’re only five games into the season. The players have 4 full days of rest before the game against those cunts. They’ve just had a hardcore game away to Real. I wouldn’t worry too much about tiredness, surely they can’t be burnt out by the 6th game of the season.

Let’s not get hysterical. 3 wins in a row.

Lagos Gunners

Very very good point. People like the above make comments as though Shiteh are chillin in some day spa and fully refreshed to take us on. They have the same exact schedule we do, and did just about the same level of rotation.

Jeez, Carrot.


Chill 😉 3 points is 3 points, in 2 days nobody remembers the game, and the game at city has not been played yet




Troll? Are you joking? He’s made a couple realistic points and is getting absolutley canned for it, you just can’t be this sensative about criticism of the club.

We are on a blog “discussing” Arsenal, this means they’ll be different veiw points. What is wrong with that?


Vito was confident and pulled off a couple of cracking saves
Whatever the fuck did you watch?


And everybody says that I’M negative!


I am not too sure if you noticed mate, But manchester City were also playing tonight, who also used a first string squad, and they also got beaten in the 90th, Which means that they were playing full pelt for 90 minutes.

So we are either A) on an even playing field with Man City this week or B) in a better position because we won going into the weekend?

So your arguments and negativity can get the fuck out of here.


I think fatigue was a factor for a lot of the players. I was praying that injury bugs won’t hit us throughout the second half. I am proud of our boys and proud of the result. I think Arsenal could have subbed a little bit earlier though. Now bring on Man City and hopefully, our boys will be fit for the challenge. (Also I hope Man City is shaken to the core from their RM defeat today ~)

big black clock

Yup same feeling here. Particularly worried for Vermaelen. Looked off-pace today and had played 270 mins of football in a week prior to this match.

Can he last till we play the Chavs? I hope so.

gooner from bangladesh

Kos is still waiting for his way in. Wouldn’t mind giving him or Mert a rest.


The issues is that is that with four competitions to play in, in a game that takes more out of the players than at any time in history every single game, we MUST make full use of our squad or pay later. I have more faith in our squad than I’ve had for a long time, at least 5 could have come in to night, it would have made our visit to City easier, it would have improved those players match fitness, it might have provided a dollop of impetus on a night we looked stodgy, except those 5 magic… Read more »


Don’t worry, we will rotate for the Chithy game! *irony Before the game yesterday I’d thought we should have rotated the team a bit and was surprised as many were we didn’t. But during and after the game I must admit this was probably better to play our strongest team because actually it was not a very easy game and we might have lost or drawn otherwise. The coach obviously knows better and that’s why we keep winning! After all I am not too worried about fitness for next Sunday, there are 4 full days of rest and Chity will… Read more »


I believe Arsene thought that winning this game on the road would give Arsenal a huge advantage in the group. Without question, the most important thing right now is to advance…..this game was actually more important than the Citeh match this weekend.

Also, he didn’t want to put Bould at a disadvantage on his debut.

Dean '67

Giroud why didn’t you turn when given that chance. Who saw that crisp pass from cazorla fot giroud?, I thougt that was that, a goal finally for giroud.

But hey he got an assist eh, so up!


The midfield did look weak tonight, and it may not be popular to say, but I think Giroud adds very little. Montpelier did a good job closing us down and I worry that it might have been a little too easy for them. Sunday will be an interesting test.. I wonder if it is good or bad that MC lost?


It’s always good when they lose


Agree. If we keep playing to girouds strengths then I dont think it will work for as. He is indeed a hardworker but never really contributes much to our game. He wins alot of headers yes but it takes speed to divert the ball and head on to free space. Something giroud seldom does or does with little efficiency. I appreciate him but for now we look better with a false nine/gerv or a poldi CF. With gerv on left and chambo on the right. Giroud needs to be introuduced for either gerv/chambo in the 70 minute of games untill… Read more »


I understand where you’re coming from but Giroud does add alot to the team. I personally thinks he adds that positioning nous and physical element we needed up front. He physiques and positioning allows him to push and drag defences, creating much more space for our wingers and midfielders to make those incisive pass and runs thus more chances for the team. (Much like what Drogba does best)

I would say his only weak point thus far is linking up offensively with the team and his technique. That just takes time and training.

Boombastic Shaggy

Never in doubt (seriously). Thanks for the quick match report blogs.


phew, tough 3 points, but they are our 3 points now, forever
easily the best team we’ve played this year

well done guys


A period looks like this “.” 😉


you’re on your period?

Bacary's right leg

can I just say they talk about Arsenals defending and how we will get beaten by shitty if we defend like that but city havent defended well in any of their games including tonights.. joe hart for instances is on -2 in fantasy team lol. I just think they only talk about our defending as being bad especially Adams but shitty and manure havent done well.
I just dont get it sometimes.


Belhanda thinks he’s all clever and cheeky with that penalty chip but when the pressure is on he blasts it straight at Mannone.

gooner odst

what a bellend he is…but seriously this game should have ended something like 3-2 to Montpelier.


Or 2-1 to arsenal. Oh wait it did!

meh moody gooner

I assume we were saving fuel to face man city, that second half performance was woefull


Ya woefull how we closed up shop and defended a lead on the road in a champions league match. Twat.


and well done mannone, solid game


the game made me a bit more nervous about the sunday game …. but listening to mancini sounding so depressed in his post match interview is cheering me right up and feeling positive again 😀

the only sam is nelson

Citeh let in more goals tonight than we’ve conceded all season in 5 games.

Just sayin’

We’ll do them on Sunday. Easy.


Should do fine. Could give one of the center halves a break since Koscielny is just sitting there. Walcott and Chambo should be fine to start as well.

And happy that Giroud got an assist. Goal can’t be too far now.


It’s a tough decision to start both Walcott and AOC. Podolski, Cazorla and Giroud came off before the final whistle. I think all three have to play against Man. City. I bet the AOC comes in for Gervinho and we continue with Caz/Arteta/Diaby in the middle. I just think otherwise we’ll lose the middle of the park against Yaya and co. But hold on. This is the reason I was initially surprised Song was sold. Who else do we trust to come in? I wouldn’t trust any of our fit back up midfielders for this “statement game” against the champions.… Read more »


I disagree with you about Ramsey. He’s a quality player. I can’t understand why some people around these parts think he’s poop.

For me, AOC over Walcott any day and twice on Sundays, and not just because of Walcott’s cuntract condition. He’s just a better player.

As for Song…well, I think Wenger saw players like Coquelin, Wilshere, Connor Henderson, AOC, Ramsey, Gnabry in the stable and thought “15 million pounds for Song? Yes, please.”


I would bet you anything that for various reasons neither Ramsey, Henderson or Gnarby (definitely not) factored into Wenger’s decision in any way. I suspect the decision was taken because of Coquelin’s progression, Diaby’s health, and Wilshere’s expected recovery, and probably in that order of importance.

big black clock

Also I learned today that Bouldy is an infinitely better troll than Wenger. Was basically pleading my tv for some substitutions


3 points, done and dusted. All that matters.


and not sure why diaby wasn’t subbed earlier. he looked very leggy and ramsey has been excellent off the bench.


Diaby, leggy?

No way!



Let’s give credit where its due, Mannone didn’t look like a new hand. That guy has no nerves in his body. And he is yet to have a string of matches to give him the confidence that comes with being first choice. Thumbs up Don Vito.

Gunner From Another Mother

I’d certainly like to see him given the chance to start against City regardless of Szczesny’s fitness. Not only do I think he’s earned the right with his performances, but I think it would be good to keep Szczesny on his toes, and to show him that his starting place is truly under pressure. Complacency is never a good thing


thought don vito did well

Santi Cazorlas coming to townn

3 points in the bag! Well done boys! Away at the French champions!! Excellent result! Oh, and Fuck you negative trolls!! Kiss my Spanish gooner arse


Big up arsenal

big black clock

Mannone did really well today. Usual complaints like dealing with aerial balls, distribution, and edginess were all put to bed.

Was solid and if he replicates this performance against City, we’re talking some serious competition for the GK spot

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

What’s with the whiny, gloomers coming here and spouting their pessimistic,worry-wort shite? Here are the facts: 1) 9 first team players played internationals, then against Southampton on Saturday then against Montpelier away tonight…..that’s 3 games in 6-7 days so no surprise they’re a little bit knackered! 2)Wenger not in the bunker so the usual rhythm and pre-game assurances were perhaps lacking? 3) Montpelier is a good team…they won La Ligue last season and have skills that most EPL mid-table teams don’t ,plus, they play the French way like AFC… overall a good result! 4) We have 4 days to regain… Read more »


I celebrated after the Liverpool game, and felt oh so warm and tingly after Soton.

This game made me feel really nervous, felt we could and should have rotated. Ramsey and Kos for instance at the bare minimum. It’s a fantastic result but not a magnificent performance, and it would be unrealistic not to recognise it.

It’s not dooming, I’m more positive than a lot of Arsenal fans, (though finding football harder since a certain dutch cunt) but it’s wrong to get on people’s backs for not only seeing positives.


So, our first team struggled but we should have rotated more?
We are not going to smash every relegation candidate and control every game aginst the top 8. Liverpool and Soton are what we’re aiming for every game but they aren’t to be expected. This is the type of game that will win us trophies.

big black clock

All I want to see before I die is Arsene sliding onto the pitch, fist pumping and screaming his head off like how Mourinho celebrated today

Santi Cazorlas coming to townn



Probably because he’d only do it if we won the CL


Platini would ram down the door at Colney and hand out a 20 match ban to Wenger if he did that.


Mourinho is a cunt. If he wants to run up and down the touchline like a preening wanker, let him. I’ll be more than happy with raised hands as Arsene climbs out of his seat, a long apology to his water bottle and a wry smile that last 30 years.


i love you mikel arteta x


The substitutions were far too late and arguably not the right ones. We really need to be doing more squad rotation, but once again it falls to the same 15 players to play all the games.


The substitutions were puzzling


I agree. Podolski, Cazorla and Gervinho looked worn out to the point of barely being useful at all. I would have put Walcott/Chamberlain on to try to push Montpellier a bit back. But then again, there is probably a reason I’m not the manager of Arsenal


Giroud, Cazorla, and Podolski have a big game coming up. Diaby didn’t play this weekend. Gervinho can be rested with AOC or Walcott coming in. The substitutions were preplanned. I’d put money on that. And the scoreline didn’t require any deviation from said plan.

The squad is in the first miles of a marathon. If this match were a cup final, maybe the substitutions would have been different.


I think our plan in the second half was to shutdown and save our legs a bit. That invites a lot of pressure though.

A draw, let alone a win, would have been a good result. They are the French champions for a reason.

We’ll do them at the Emirates.


Difficult win but a win non the less. 3 points and a solid performance. Bring it on citeh!

Too Drunk To Be Offside

A game away to the champs of not exactly the weakest league in europe. Who said it would be easy. A win from one goal down…….. away in the champs league……..fking awesome. I ask you all have we forgotten Dortmund last season, where we threw away the lead. Not today, the defence held up. Last season we would have let in 2 in the second half. The more I see of Jenkinson the more I like it. I know he has not had a proper test yet, and will on Sunday, but I say (slowly easing him into action part… Read more »


Given Montpellier’s woeful season thus far in the league, I dint think that they’d pose as big a threat as they did. Like you said, coming back from one down at an away fixture in champions league footie, commendable, no matter how scrappy we may have looked in the game.
Really hope we level City Soton style.


always wondered how arseblognews gets its match reports out so quickly but after following the arseblog live blog for this game, now i understand.


Maybe a game we would have lost in seasons past….good to see the lads dig deep!

Arsene's Nose

Good game.,.I 4 one am not worried how long it takes Giroud to score(mayb I am) so long as he keeps up what he’s doing…3 points in the bag, Defence wasn’t as solid but we ground out a good result…Bring on Shity!


Ps: Walcott(if he dosnt sign) out Carbrela20 in!

50 Shades of Ramsey

Willy Wonka on Montpellier’s defeat


All in all!!!
We ‘ve it all in bag. Bring on CiTy


That kid called Cabella really had a good did Belhanda….but even at our average best(second half) we are the arsenal. COYG.

Midfield Corporal

Itv have just shown the Group B table. Both Schalke and us won 2-1 away but they put Schalke top. Surely it goes alphabetically if everything is equal and when I went to school A was higher up the alphabet than S. From commentators to pundits, ITV is riddled with cunts.


It’ s The Arsenal

Dr Baptiste

We are ‘The Arsenal’, so maybe they’ve taken that literally… Or are they now basing it on who scored first?


Great there’s already headlines like “Arsenal cling on for lucky away win”

I wonder what the headlines would have been if it was Man U or Chelsea?

“Superb Man U /Chelsea dig deep for a crucial away win against the french champions”


C’mon. Must we always be victims? It was a bit of a lucky win. We were under pressure for almost 45 minutes it seemed, and all Belhanda had to do was not shoot directly at Mannone and we would’ve had only a draw. I’ll tell you this: I lost my feed literally just as Belhanda avoided Mertesacker and right before he took his big chance to tie the match. I was sure we would not get more than a point from Montpellier and resigned myself to it as I click-clacked to connect to the feed again. Imagine my surprise to… Read more »


Arsenal clearly lost their shape and fluidity in the second half but that was largely due to them playing their toughest opponents so far this season, and this will be a great learning curve for the team. Defensively, i thought they played really well with a few notable exceptions. On the whole Arsenal displayed great resilience against a team who had a lot to prove and tonight Montpellier showed why they were the French champions last season. Vito Mannone looked solid and we’re still scoring goals minus RVP, so lets rest some tired legs and look forward to Sunday.


Arsenal were knackered as several players have played all the games so far, and some have also played internationals. Quite why we didn’t change things a little more like starting with Kos and maybe Santos, I don’t know. That is why we lost our shape. Also, we needed to sub off Diaby around the 55 minutes mark as he was shot and starting to make mistakes. Should have brought on the Ox then followed by Coquelin for Santi and Theo for either Pod or Gervinho 10 minutes later. We should have left Giroud on as he was still quite fresh.… Read more »


On the other hand, if you start players like Kos and Santos who haven’t had a full 90 minutes yet this season, what are the chances they will last in an intense road CL game? Wouldn’t you rather play your players with match fitness? It’s still only the beginning of the season, remember.

damien joyce

Well done for the win, I’ll start there. I must say though, we’ve been in Champs Lge now for far too long not to take the 3 pts as the only thing worth having on away days. That said we still have Wenger missing for our next two ECL games at home to both Oli(y)mpi(y)akos and Schalke, and that is where my worries start, okay we should beat Oly at home regardless, not wanting to disrespect them, but we cannot afford to lose at home to Schalke, just have to remember last year away to the greeks to realise a… Read more »

gooner odst

To be fair to GIroud his center-forward play was excellent. Hold up play, headers from goal kicks, off the ball movement was pretty good. Podolski’s finish was so German wasn’t it? Yeah we played crap and gave away possession at the drop of a hat in the second half but results like this really show that we can go far. All to often we draw games we should have won and lose games that we well and truly should have lost. But a good ‘champion’ team manages to win games they should have lost. We saw from the goals we… Read more »


Giroud will score yes but I dont think he’ll make it completely with arsenal and dont tell me it’s only after a few games. I’ve seen what he can do but still dont think he’ll make it with us.

Much like andy carrol made it with newcastle but just didn’t fit in at pool. We’re too fast for him and it’s clear he’ll struggle to make a mark.
Just my opinion and keep in mind not all signings turn to what you want no matter what you expect.


common, don’t be a Myles Palmer. He has started 3 matches for us, is still trying to learn how to link up with his teammates. I bet Arsene is right that strikers take longer to adapt.

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