Thursday, December 19, 2024

Reaction: Giroud happy as burden lifts

Olivier Giroud says he’s happy to get off the mark for Arsenal in the Premier League but never doubted his ability to do it.

The Frenchman scored Arsenal’s equaliser in the 3-1 win over West Ham this evening and is glad to have lifted some of the pressure on him

“I’m so happy to score my first goal and assist my friends in the team,” he told ESPN.

“Everyone was talking about this goal, saying ‘don’t worry, we trust you, keep going, concentrate’. I stayed confident.”

The goal will lift some of the pressure on the HFB while Arsene Wenger and Theo Walcott also reflected on the win, with the England international singing the praises of Santi Cazorla.
“He’s come in to the Premier League and taken it by storm – he’s our conductor. His goal was fantastic – I don’t even know what-footed he is, to be honest!”

While Arsene Wenger said of the magical Spaniard, “It was an outstanding performance. If you love football, just watch him play – it’s a delight to watch him.”

The boss was also happy with Theo Walcott who scored his 4th goal of the season, converting from a central position after Giroud’s excellent pass.
“Theo has that in him. One or two years ago when he got in front of the keeper, he did not always finish the chance.”
Considering the amount of playing he’s had this season, it’s a good return and the best way for Walcott to convince the manager he’s worthy of more first team starts. It might also show the player himself his goalscoring ambitions can be achieved when chosen out wide.

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Oleg Luzhny

Well done Giroud.

Yet the commentator kept banging on about Carroll…meanwhile Giroud had a goal and an assist and won a lot of his aerial duels!


I was watching it on ESPN, and Stewart Robson was commentating. He didn’t have a single good thing to say about Arsenal the entire game. The man is a sour moaner, who strongly disapproves of everything the club is doing, and I can’t believe we employ him.

The Law

Actually, we fired his ass in the summer, and good riddance too.


Did we? That’s great news.


maybe because Carroll is English,still,it seems that the commentators are losing it this season,remember the game against liverpool;the commentator kept saying that they were the better team–it was quite irritating,god what’s going on with these commentators!


he deserved that goal…!! he wasmassive in the air.. 2 goals and 4 assists…!! COYG ..
this is the season i have been waiting for,… santi the saint.. i love him..:P

Chamakh's Hookah pipe

let the good times roll

Chamakh's Hookah pipe the other end :P

mertesaker was amzing… made 2 very crucial tackles ..
he is the arteta of our midfield..

Frantic Gooner

And here I am thinking Arteta was the Arteta of our midfield


Haha, you mean he’s the defender of our midfield, right? Arteta is the Arteta of our midfield. But still, I get what you mean.


That’s what I meant to say… Haha, what a poor correction I made.


*He’s the Arteta of our defence


Lets hope he will continue to pleasure us fans!

Chamakh's Hookah pipe

The fans were truly amazing today too, out-singing the east-end chavs and making a total mockery of them with my old fave: “is there a fire drill?” well done gooners! COYG 😀


Good result but even more satisfying shutting up them vile hammers cunts


Besides, the irony of me calling them vile and them calling them cunts is not lost on me but what can I say….they are

donal doherty

I lov.e arsenal

Gunsen Gunner

Olivier could be Superman in that header photo.Hovering in mid-air……


Long balls 1 – Real football 3.
Giroud 1 – stupid media + england carrol 0


Podolskis crosses were just too hot to handle for the defenders,was unlucky though not to score, Santos i hope fills in well for gibbs (hoping he gets back soon though). Santos just seems now more of an attacker and often seems to get away with slightly mis-timed tackles. Cazorla is the king and fat allardyce is well fat!


I was a bit worried about Santos, but I felt he did a decent job out there. Actually made some good stops and good tackles, despite being a bit out of position at times (as he tends to be).

Runcorn Gooner

Does anyone know who gives him a lift to the match these days or does he get the tube like Roy Hodgson?
Good to see him in the team he adds a bit of sparkle when he is about.
PS How unlucky was Per with that shot.


Taxi for Santos!


Could someone please explain to me why all the pundits and announcers have been talking about giroud like he has been struggling this year..? Every time he steps on the pitch he has been a major cog in our our offensive wheel. I realize strikers job is to score goals but you can’t ignore the intelligence of his play. As for theo, he is most useful to arsenal on the right side. Both him and Lukas making cutting runs to the inside of the box with giroud lurking upfront makes me excited for this seasons prospects. Go gunners. Also cazorla… Read more »

Chamakh's Hookah pipe

I think its because they are retarded baffoons who find it difficult to say positive things about The Arsenal.


I think it is due to the overall laziness of the announcer/pundits. Had the previous striker on Arsenal had a stat line comparable to Andy Carroll at Liverpool, the story would be about the improvement at that position. But Giroud had the unfortunate task of taking the position abandoned by RVP (cunt) who had finished a prolific scoring year with a high conversion rate. So the lazy pundit will not look at the intangibles Giroud brings and the fact the team is playing at a much higher level and will just harp on the easy column on the stat sheet,… Read more »


those media dickh*ads don’t give giroud the credit he deserves for his wise runs,hold up play–they just think he should bang 4 goals in every match,but I suspect even that would not cheer them up,I remember how listless the commentators were about his goal yesterday.Although,he has started slow,he will be our leading goal scorer this season,and who cares if he is not as long as he creates chances for others and scores here and there.


Well done son don’t become like me smoking shisha with my mate chamacko


I love you Giroud


What I don’t understand is that Theo does basically ‘upfront’ . We don’t play with ‘wingers’ we play 3 up front who can all get in the box and score. Theo can score playing where he is, he apparently wants to play as a striker in a pair up top? Well playing as one of three will have to do because that’s the formation we play. I’m impressed with Theo and think is a genuine guy but the more it goes on the more it looks like its abt money and nothing else. Wengers constant little hints and mentions that… Read more »


Agreed. Theo you are not Henry, and you will never be Henry and it insulting to the man himself the way you are going about it. Play the position that gives ARSENAL(not u boy) the best chance to prosper. Aka fall in line and know your role son.





Pascal Cygan

Other than the win and taking all 3 points, I think the real highlight of the match was when Vaz Te dislocated his shoulder after ‘tripping’ (blatant kick) over The Mafia Henchman’s head. That karma lad is at it again!


♥ Santi Cazorla ( 2 Foot Player )
♥ Giroud (holds up play well, assists and scores)
♥ Arsenal.

Pascal Cygan

By the way, does anyone know what the fans were chanting when the cuddly maverick took to the stage? Knew it was something to do with speeding, just couldn’t hear exactly what.

Manuel E

he drives how he wants,
he drives how he waaaaants,
ANDRE SANTOS he drives how he wants 😉

Chamakh's Hookah pipe


Arteta's perfect hair

“He drives how he wants”?


kinda fast


Beat Norwich beat qpr then let’s be having u man u we can turn our decent stry into a great start with three wins on the bounce. For people to take notice of us as credible title contenders next three games 9 points needed. End of who cares if it’s at man u what more motivation do we need with Rvp saying we ain’t title contenders lets do it boys 9 points bang


Thanks Blog for the link. After only looking at his photo and watch him play on the pitch, watching him in the interview is really delightful. You could justify the “H” in HFB from him. Just delightful…


Big Sam: “I don’t think there was anything we could do about the third goal. Cazorla has hit a brilliant strike.” You’re damn right he did


good game..our defenders coped well with caroll today… the ROTTEN VILE PENIS is not needed anymore…
Yes u heard it from me first

A N Other

For the first time in many years I can see multiple goal sources.. Last time it happened was when Henry, pires and ljunberg scored 15 or more goals each..


So happy to win this match. 7 points isn’t much at this stage but we can’t afford to fall further behind. I’m sooooooo glad Giroud got a goal. The commentators have been retarded. Chamakh version 2 my arse. Giroud’s touch, his control, strength, movement, finishing, and shooting are all better than Chamakh’s. hopefully with Podolski Giroud Gervinho Walcott all firing, and the midfield contributing goals, we can match anytime in terms of firepower. This team will only get better as the season goes on. Exciting times ahead.

that guy

am i the only one that liked the three man defense when kos came on. i think wenger need to do that more. merte in the middle and kos and verm on either side with a wingback like jenkinson.

Show stopper

I think giroud should be living heaven on earth right now.U should give the keeper job over 2 mannone & martinez.Up jenks,doin’ great

Steve Bould's hairdryer

Giroud u pleasured the shit out of me, i came twice today.

Emmanuel Oblior Ahaneku

“If you love football, just watch him play – it’s a delight to watch him.”- Arsene on Santi Cazorla. Am I the only who’s enthralled with Giroud’s movement in the box. The way he glides in behind a wall of defense is almost magical. Reminds me of Davor Suker.


Ooh giroud ooh. Wats the meaning of HFB


Handsome french beast!…..i think.

The Law

HFB = Handsome French Bloke

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Frankly I don’t much care about the Man U game or how Robin feels when we beat them. I want us to win all , if possible, matches with teams who don’t belong to the ‘big four’. Whatever that means but these are the teams that we have been most vulnerable to. I was lying about RV’s Pee hope he dislocates his bloody ankle in practise.


Chim chimeny chim chimeny chim chim cheroo, who needs Van Persie when we’ve got Giroud?


Does HFB stand for Handsome Fucking Bastard? Apologieën for my ignorance.

Santi Clauzorla

Handsome French Bloke

Santi Clauzorla

Santi Clauzorla can have my babies anytime!

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