Thursday, December 19, 2024

Wilshere: I hope Walcott signs new deal

Jack Wilshere hopes Theo Walcott can reach an agreement in negotiations with Arsene Wenger after making clear he wants to see his England teammate stay put at the Emirates.

With his current deal set to expire in the summer Walcott is able to discuss a potential Bosman move with suitors as early as January. However, despite claiming he wants to stay and having received assurances from Arsene Wenger that he has a future as a striker all signs suggest the 23-year-old is currently willing to let the clock tick down on a Christmas deadline.

Speaking after last night’s 2-2 draw with Schalke, in which Walcott scored his 8th goal of the season and his 50th for the club, Wilshere praised his compatriot’s form.

“Theo has been great,” the midfielder told the Evening Standard. “His future is down to him and the boss to sort out. I hope he does sign. He has been great for us. He’s an English lad and great to have around.”

Turning attention to himself, Wilshere spoke of his frustration at being banned for this weekend’s clash with Fulham but did take heart from the prospect of a rest before the North London derby on the 17th November.

“I am gutted to miss Fulham after being out for so long. It’s disappointing to miss any game but if I think about it another way, maybe it will be good for me to have a little break and come back for the Tottenham game [a week later].

“Last night, I felt better than I did over the weekend and the weekend before that, so I am feeling better after each game.

“It’s a long season, so I need to take it easy a bit but I am looking forward.”

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Calvin Alias

Just sign the damn contract Theo. Don’t give Jack a reason to leave too.

Naija Gunner

I wouldn’t say that about Walcott, it’s every man for himself now at Arsenal. It all depend on whether you are down with the way the board are running the show at the club.

But I hope he signed!


No one wants to see him leaving, much less playing for Liverpool or, worse, Chelsea and looking like the finisher I suspect he has always been. He was our second-highest scorer last year; pretty much our highest scorer this year as well, despite rarely getting a game. Trouble is, he holds all the cards as whatever we offer him someone else can offer him more since he’s leaving for peanuts in Jan or for free after that. I reckon he’s determined to go or he wouldn’t have been stalling for over a year. If Chelsea/Liverpool don’t offer us much the… Read more »


Miranda you were spot on untill you mentioned Wenger and Gazidis, you don’t know what they are going to do after presumed Walcott sale of 4mil – buys like Oxlade-Chamberlai and Garcola to name a few certainly has Wenger involved!! I wonder if you remember fans reaction (you possibly included) at the purchase of the Ox!!
Our manager is good and will always do the best he can.

Naija Gunner

I hope Wenger sees something in him and for once accepts most of his demands and he(Walcott) signs a new long term deal with us, we can’t keep sending negative attributes about the club to other up coming stars at the club and other clubs.

Wilshere is a top lad, whom I think genuinely loves this great club of ours but I hope we won’t have this kind of “horror movie” with him in the future when it comes to getting him to renew his contract!


No, never give in to all demands.

Hudson Hornet

Theo is good as gone. I cannot see the club moving past the 15% reported difference or Wenger playing Theo regularly enough.

He can actually start to officially talk to people end of next month.

I wont be too miffed, but disappointed that a board that keeps barking on about financial sense loses a 10m+ asset on a free,

Great work, Boss.


Jack said he’ll never leave arsenal and made a promise to the fans


Lol if I read that in 1886 I would really have noded in agreement. But it’s 2012 and to some loyalty is just a word to be toyed around with as we have seen so far ( hoping Jack retires with us though, he should he’s special!)


You do realise Theo is a Liverpool fan? Read the quote on his wiki page.


sign da ting!


Love this so much!
Seeing the positive in keeping fresh for the spurs game.
If we grind out a grubby win against fulham then we will have enough confidence for the derby as form is generally useless when it comes to derbies.


no doubt we need em, just sign it Theo! come on…


Theo sign d damn contract
Jack will make sure we bash shit spurs. I feel d wind of change blowing. just like against dem last season


Been through all this before with Fabregas, Nasri, Van Persie. I would like him to sign but I think he will leave. Arsenal have set a trend of talking and then the next thing you know that star player is off.

Wenger and Board are selling all our best players and replacing them with incompetent players. Although they have bagged a bargain with Santi Cazorla.

Disappointing season so far. Just like all the other seasons.

Master Bates

Na$ri was an ‘incompetent’ replacement of Hleb. just saying

Master Bates

What I am saying is we will always have a couple top players in the team , and when they leave they too will be replaced by players who are seen ‘incompetent’ or not good enough Like Adebayor who was later replaced by a talented injury prone cunt.

So while I hope we keep our best players and hold a a good squad for atleast 3 seasons ,I am still happy that we always manage to replace players and maintain some consistence


2014 Wenger’s contract is up. Think he will follow the clan out of the door?

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If he wanted to sign he would have.
Prove yourself that you are worth what you asking for being player of month when everyone has been awful doesnt make your case up theo.


In todays market In the form he has been in the last two seasons he is worth his 100k. The club should not see it as backing down but as a statement of intent. He is young and getting better every year. Of all the kids we have nurtured he is the furtherest along. Theo jack ox and gibbs backbone of the england team in Rio and beyond. Sign da ting.

Master Bates

no he’s not , He doesn’t deserve more than Cazorla ,Splashley Young,Bale(sorry),Valencia etc etc


none of those guys you mention are going to sign another contract for less than 100k. Its shedloads I know but it is, what it is.


Apologies to our corporeal. jenkinson is definitely part of the england backbone to. Thats half the England team is our boys.


sign the contract or F off to Liverpool!

Master Bates

I really don’t care at this point , I am numb , we’ve lost bigger players.

I hope we don’t lose Wenger.


Theo is needed at Arsenal. Hes still young. Inconsistent, but still improving. Hes our top scorer, not bad for a ‘winger’ on the bench. Only attacking player with pace bar oxlade. If we get rid we most defo need to replace like for like. Have you seen this Columbian Luis Muriel we are linked with?? Top, Top player lol


I don’t think theo is worth 100k, nor do I think he is good enough to lead the line, I even question if he is good enough for a starting place.

the sad truth is, he is one of our best forwards…

at this point I can’t see him staying, visions of glory and money are playing in his mind, and with our top players leaving the last two-three seasons, he might just think it is a good time to move on.


wenger need to imrovise & meet walcott’s demands halfway, say offer him 85 K per week and play him as a striker (CF).
with everybody fit this can be our strongest line up:
Arteta-Diaby- wilshere


Dunno, might still prefer Giroud over Walcott, but it’s a close race. They offer totally different things.


i’d love to see Giroud AND Walcott.
there’s no shame in a big man flicking on or knocking balls down for a little man to bury.
Even Giroud and Podolski or Podolski and Walcott would be different.
I’m sick of this 1 striker system, its so predictable and relies on perfect execution to fashion chances.. Execution that unfortunately is lacking at the moment for us.

Try something different


When he goes he will just be labelled another greedy cunt, like many before him.
Then one day when jack decides he’s had enough of winning fuck all and he decides to leave maybe people will wake up and realise its not all down to the players and it’s the lack of ambition and direction from the board that’s at fault.


I agree. Labelling players ‘greedy’ (the fan default explanation), thus conveniently displacing the blame on to them, doesn’t address the real problem. Players don’t leave clubs that are successful for clubs that are not (Anzhi, say, or of others in Russia, China, Ukraine) purely because the wages are massive. They leave in pursuit of success. Because success brings money with it (through TV revenue and lucrative sponsorhips), the move usually will mean a wage rise, but the wage rise isn’t in most cases the motive for the move. Good players want to play with other good players; they want to… Read more »


I accept that motivations are likely complex, and vary between players. My guess is that for many thier sense of self worth Is closely related to thier earnings. Elite players belong to an clique more home to them than club, where status is likely related to bagging a good gig.

Midfield Corporal

Agreed, of you can earn more money and win things then why wouldnt you leave? I look at the squad we had in 08, if we’d kept hold of most of them and added one or two quality players each year we’d be right up there, but instead we just let any one who wants cherry pick our players. Arsene and the board have been weak. Can you imagine Fergie’s reaction if we wanted one of his players? He told Liverpool to forget about signing that Argentinian full back, I forget his name. Christ even Liverpool told City to sod… Read more »


Even I as an ardent Wenger supporter have to say that Walcott situation is a massive fuck-up from the management (which includes Wenger). Actually it all dates back to selling Ashley Cole to Chelsea. No matter how much we hate him for joining Chelsea, we cannot but feel a massive disappointment because he has never been adequately replaced. Also, that sale pretty much signaled to all our rivals that Arsenal board can pimp any of their stars if shown enough cash. I know Arsenal board will say that they were just being cautious due to massive debt and we have… Read more »


Sg.i said last season that I would not renew my season ticket, but did more out of habit and loyalty to mates that anything else, although I have sold on more and more of my games this year than I needed to. This board will only change its stance on taking the piss out of the fans once the the cash cow that is us stops producing. Sell Walcott and sign no one in January and that seems the most likely, then we will finish outside the top four and the crowds will fall, I guarantee it. Been a gooner… Read more »


We have set the bar at 4th place and now over time have become the best of the rest and ‘win’ 4th place every season.

Until the directors restore the bar to 1st we cant really label a player greedy for wanting to join Chelsea, City or Utd.

I don’t want us to bankrupt ourselves but a little ambition would be nice, instead of this apathy feeling.


We have upwards of 40 million sitting in the bank, some say as high as 70 odd. Most understand that we can’t compete with city or Chelsea. But we are not even giving ourselves a chance whilst selling year on year and then refusing to spend the money that we do have on positions of obvious need. We don’t spend the money we have now so why do the board keep pushing this FFP in two years time and the new commercial deals and the extra money. All we will do is have more money not to spend. We need… Read more »


Nail, head, wallop.

Spot on old fruit.




Not sure I agree that we’ve got loads of money to spend. We made an operating loss of 18m last year; it’s only our transfer surplus that’s been keeping us going at all. I also don’t buy 2014 with its supposedly improved sponsorship deals as the new millennium when all our problems will vanish into thin air. Not if the rumoured miserable 25m new shirt deal is anything to go by. Compared to our old 8m deal with Nike (tied for ten years for security against the stadium costs) 25m may sound like a lot, but relative to what other… Read more »


What I want to know is why we made a loss last year. We used to be profitable. The profit in 2008-9 was considerable, despite the stadium debt and interest repayments then presumably being higher than now. So where’s all the money going? Gazidis refers to ‘unusual expenses’, but what? His salary? Maybe it’s the new medical centre – hah! Don’t see much return as yet on that particular investment.


I’ll just add that Arsenal has a big wage bill. Splashing money on new players won’t help a bit if we are carrying failures on big wages. Everyone goes on about Wenger’s transfer genius, but the team is carrying some expensive failures. Theo is one aspect of this, do we really want to place an inconsistent player on our top most wages? Squill, Chamakh, Arshavin, Rosicky, Diaby, Djourou, (add Bendtner, Denilson) are all on considerable wages yet do not feature very often. My bet is that at least one of the three from this summer, Santi, Poldi, Giroud, will be… Read more »


neutral – spot on. Unfortunately.


Miranda-either you’re right there’s no cash or (given clinging to a CL spot sets an instability boundary) the club is persuing a strategy unfathomable to mortals.

neutral-I don’t think the whole squad is sub standard. There’s some serious talent, and a number of other good enough players. I take the point though that the optimal time to invest has surely passed.


No wonder Arsene is our best salesman! It is entirely due to him that AFC is profitable. Maybe we should rename our club Arsenal Football Academy. The best finishing school for world class talent. I wonder where would Man U be without RVP this season? And where would we be if we had bought with ambition to give proper support to players like RVP, Fab and now Santi.


Probably with Cazorla, I believe Theo is one of our players that have that X-factor (I would even include Arshavin to a lesser extent), because while he can frustrate, he can produce the goods when it really matters. I dont believe money has anything to do with him not signing, but its his desire to play as a striker. One partnership pops in my head and its Shearer and Bellamy for Newcastle, where Shearer was strong, won headers, held the ball etc, while Bellamy made runs behind the defenders, latched on to through balls, etc. Walcott will only ever get… Read more »


We need to keep everybody, the board must surely have the understanding that if we continue to be tagged as a team that sells the players when they become wanted by other clubs that this will affect commercial revenues at a time when we are gearing ourselves for new contracts and wanting to develop more. I believe Theo is already gone sadly, and I fear the thoughts of maybe Bac leaving in the summer(why would he stay) and then whose to say Tommy wont get a mouthwatering offer from Barca…. think we have issues now, what then…. It really doesn’t… Read more »


LOL, would die laughing if Barca wanted Vermaelen, at the moment.


(But agree with the rest.)


Walcott should be played in highest possible position on the pitch. We don’t need him to defened. He should be placed on the edge of the onside line pushing defenders deep into their own box. That way any opposition must have at least two defenders deep back to stop Theo in case ball is sent to him by long ball. It gives us two great advantages. First it gives us advantage of having more players than opposition in time when we are defending. Walcott will keep busy two of their defenders plus goalkeeper on the other side of the pitch.… Read more »


theo would be useless if the opposition defends deep and tight though. also the boy lacks height and for any sort of airball. end of the day theo is most effective on the counter.

'desi'gner gooner

Your plan would never work my friend cause Walcott is terrible at dribbling past a man….He gets past players by out-running them. In tighter situations he is not as skilled as some of the other players. On the wing he receives the ball slightly higher up the pitch and plays the ball past the on-rushing full back and beats them with pace. By sticking one tall defender on him – the high ball becomes useless anyways because of his height….


Neutral. Sadly altho depressing I think your probably right and its just too late to address the problems we have now. We are to far down the spiral.
I need a drink.
And wel done to Celtic. Just shows what a team with heart and the will to play for the jersey can do. And also they were motivated and well organised. Something else we seem to lack.


Looks like there’s more problems on the horizon, with reports that podolski is unhappy playing on the left wing as he had to defend too much. That’ll be all we need…


Looks like there’s more problems on the horizon, with reports that podolski is unhappy playing on the left wing as he has to defend too much. That’ll be all we need…


Whoops, sorry about the double post!


Theo should be given a chance in the middle of the park – selling him just brings darker clouds rolling in. He is not a stir stick – in fact he has been a consummate Arsenal pro. Wenger benching him is infantile. Playing chicken with your best players is getting tired. Maybe we should sell Wenger. Man City might pay 15 million for a 63 yr old.


I’m a die hard Kenyan Arsenal fan. Guyz like us always get criticised for supporting a foreign team without any local elements. I believe that notion can be rectified by the signing of Victor Wanyama. That kid is a beast, can score goals and a good passer of the ball. If we won’t get him then you can be bloody well sure that one of the Manchester clubs will. That, for Kenyan gunners, will be simply heartbreaking.

ryo smarterfish

People keep saying that they are sick of Wenger selling our best players. Have you.actually stopped and thought about it? What if I told you it’s Wenger doesn’t want to sell our best players but are forced to because these players wanted to leave? These players that jumping ship as we are trying to build a team, they are ruining our consistency. They let down the fans, they let down the team and they let down Wenger. Be mad at them and not at our manager who obviously wants to win as much as we do. Some players are the… Read more »


Ryo, I have no doubt the arsene wants to win as much as we do, and of of course some of the players owe him, but these same players still want to win trophies and the clearly will not do that at arsenal. Take jack for example. He has seen 5 or 6 world class players leave in his short time in the squad, it’s ok for him as he’s young and stil learning his trade, what if in a few years the selling of our best continues. Jack is winner, yes money is important to him but that’s a… Read more »

[…] and being over-played was a factor in his original injury issue then some caution is no bad thing. Jack says: I am gutted to miss Fulham after being out for so long. It’s disappointing to miss any game but […]

[…] and being over-played was a factor in his original injury issue then some caution is no bad thing. Jack says: I am gutted to miss Fulham after being out for so long. It’s disappointing to miss any game but […]

North Bank Gooner

while there is a lot of meat on the bones of many of the above posts, (and i appreciate that 2 grand is a lot to shell out, and is huge financial support to the club, and therefore gives one the right to an opinion) is all the negative navel gazing helping? while things were going well at the start of the season the positivity was great, Stevie B was Jesus less hairy little brother, and we were gonna win the league. a few poor performances and the doom and gloom merchants all come out of the shadows repeating the… Read more »


Very well said North Bank Gooner, I couldn’t have put it better myself. The question is will some of these so called fans listen? Will they ever know that the club is bigger than them? That without much tightening of things the club could be in a lower division by now?!!

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Sign da ting!


Clam. So called supporters? I have a feeling I’ve probably been to more games than uve ever seen on the telly. I assume you think the club is being run for the fans sake and that selling our best players every year can only do us good Yeah ? Tell ya what mate listen to today’s Tuesday club. Alan Davies puts it better than I ever could. It’s a bout what it means to be a gooner. Fucking so called called supporters. Twat.


And the other point that is probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen on this blog is “will they ever learn that the club is bigger than them”. That’s exactly the point. The fans are the club, long before gazidis and long after he’s gone the fans will still be here. If you seriously believe the club is bigger than the fans, be they fans the dont agree with the way it’s run or those that do then you are seriously missing the point.

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