Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Theo ‘belongs here’

Arsene Wenger says Theo Walcott belongs at the club after the England international scored a hat-trick in the 7-3 win over Newcastle today.

Everyone knows the contract issue is ongoing but the Arsenal manager says his desire to keep Walcott is the same as it ever was.

“You know, the intensity of my desire is exactly the same as it was before the game. My desire is to extend his contract, he belongs here and hopefully we can do it.

“I think the commitment for a club is a long-term process. I don’t think it should depend on one game. Should he have had a disastrous game today, it would not have altered my determination to extend his contract and to sign him. That does not depend on one game.

“I think he loves the club and the club loves him, and the reciprocity in love is the most difficult to find.”

We’ve been down this road before, there’s nothing new to say, so let’s just enjoy Theo’s goals today.

The boss also had words for two-goal substitute Olivier Giroud who took his total to the season for 11:

“Yes, he came on very sharp. He looked dangerous on crosses, he looked mobile, technically sound. He had as well an impact when he came on.”

And while criticism of the way Arsenal are run has many valid points, let’s not forget Newcastle gave Alan Pardew an 8 year contract.

Good work, chaps!


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First of all, let me start by saying i love the arsenal no matter who stays or leaves. Ok right, now. Theo delivers! Say what you want but he has 13 goals halfway through the season. If that doesnt impress you, i dont know what will. Good players need high wages, its the way of the footballing world. If we dont, some other club will pay him what he wants and i wont blame him for leaving. I wont call him greedy. Dont look at it as him trying to strong arm the club into breaking the wage cap, look… Read more »


Nice to hear such an intelligent opinion.


Well he did say it wasn’t an issue of money and was an issue of playing through the middle. We have to hold him to his words, really. I believe in Theo and his loyalty to the Arsenal, but it’s not like I’ve never been disappointed before. Just gut feeling.

If it was only about money, I doubt he would have said anything. Robin didn’t say anything in particular until he started his direction this direction that thesis.


its all about the money. wenger has said numerous times over the past couple months he’ll get more of a chance upfront.. and yet 2 months later, no signature. theo made his comment to save face, and wenger is happy to let him get away with it as long as he keeps performing, but its surely coming to a point where he must sign


Great post but unfortunately the ‘Walcott case’ won’t be the one that finally wakes the board up to the realities of modem day football and wages required to keep the top players happy and on par with their peers. Wengers grandstanding that Walcott won’t be sold in January will disappear the second a £10m bid comes in and the won’t be able to help themselves.


Great post but unfortunately the ‘Walcott case’ won’t be the one that finally wakes the board up to the realities of modem day football and wages required to keep the top players happy and on par with their peers. Wengers grandstanding that Walcott won’t be sold in January will disappear the second a £10m bid comes in and the board won’t be able to help themselves. Cash is king.


he obviously cant get worse, true. His finishing improves by each game. Leans on one side then just slots it, much like the king did (lots of memories). For this only i want us to keep (threeo). A henry re-incarnation might just be on the cards. Still not quite there but as you said, he can only improve.


Theo has added a new dimension to his consistency in patches, last night he went from brilliant to frustrating to brilliant again in 90min. As long as he scores three and assists 1-2 more I don’t care. I wonder if Blogs will eat his words in todays blog? Some say he’s not worth 90-100k, but we’ve got Arshavin and Podolski on 90k, so I don’t know if it is unreasonable. Furthermore, a replacement as good as Walcott would require a big transfer fee and similar wages, so it would be actually cheaper to give him what he wants, that’s just… Read more »


Happens every season doesn’t it?
A player plays well then gets sold.

I fucking hope theo signs dat ting. We clearly need him.


This. It’s not that we sell our best players – it’s that we sell them when they come good.

Hopefully Theo will buck that trend but, if we’re honest, it’s a longshot – he would have signed long ago if it’s what he really wanted.

Fuck it though, great win today and here’s hoping there’s many more to come!


Isn’t Giroud’s goal tally 9?


Great performance from Walcott. Took his goals well and top cross from him for OG’s goal. That being said , I don’t think he should be used a s a ST against top teams but rather weaker teams . I say this simply because a performance like that can’t be judged in a tactical or measured manner given the utterly chaotic nature of the game today. To get the best out of Walcott our tempo needs to be really high and we always need to be on the attack. I don’t think he’d be effective if we attempt to slow… Read more »

jack jack jack

He’s effective when the opposing team plays a high line, allowing him to make runs in behind (which he does very well these days). If the other team sits back he doesn’t have the tactical nous or the skill to make as much of an impact. So a tired newcastle team really only have themselves to blame for the rollicking.


Theo attacks the back post Podolski scores. Traps a ball back to goal swivels and scores. Shimmies past 3 defenders gets fouled gets up and chips the keeper. Fires in the perfect cross Giroud scores. Any finally plays the high line out on the LEFT and slotted it in. He wants to be a great player really badly and we should make every effort to make sure he is a great player at Arsenal.

jack jack jack

Don’t get me wrong, he had an absolute stormer. My point is that there’s a definite correlation between teams playing a high line and attacking us, allowing Theo more space to play in, and Theo having good games (whether playing up front or on the wing). There have been plenty of examples of matches where teams have parked the bus and Theo has been invisible. Either way he’s undoubtedly a useful player and I agree that we’d do bloody well to sign him up as soon as possible. But honestly, I think it’s Theo, not us, who needs to make… Read more »


I remember robin van stapleton saying Walcott can score 20+ goals. Well okay!!


Haha Pardew.

Hindsight is 20/20 though.


Rocks off!
Zipping trough the toon at lightning speed


Offering any manager an 8 year deal so early is ridiculous. They should have waited two more seasons and then given him a 4-5 year deal if he did well. Ferguson and Wenger were never given direct 8 year deals. 3-4 years every time.


I think you will find that although he has an 8 year contract he would only get paid 1years wages if fired, so in fact the 8 years means fuck all, and not sure why blogs made the comparison to arsenals situation in regards to this article about Walcott.


Yes, he does belong here. But ” top, top, top players” earn high wages comes with the territory. Sign him up and give thw squad and supporters a morale boost!


HFB now has 11 if I have counted correctly including strike at schalke. Hopefully he’ll double that come may: 22 in your first season will be incredible considering what Thierry, RVP, Dennis and adebayor all got in their first seasons.

I was so gutted when he didn’t complete the perfect hat trick today! He was so close but his movement is world class around the box

jack jack jack

He is class. The handsome bastard.


Well let’s calm down a little bit, he did well but Newcastle were exhausted and before this game I don’t remember many people claiming he’d pulled any trees up.

When he scores the winner against Man U I’ll have a little bit more respect for him.


We all have a highlights reel of Thierry Henry scoring great goals in our heads (eg the goal his statue celebrates). We have forgotten the times that he f*cked up, missed easy chances or made the wrong pass. Give Theo a break, he has a chance to be great (150+ goals for Arsenal, he has 56 already), let’s hope it is with Arsenal and he stops the flow of players who get good with us (RVP, Cesc) and then leave Arsenal.


What ended up being a very satisfying game for us arsenal fans could have quite easily gone wrong earlier in the game when that ‘wee club’ were matching us goals for goal. In the end, arsenal decided that attack was the best form of defense……i would suggest that actually defending would be a better form of defense, 2 of those conceded tap ins were an embarrasment. Seems at the moment we’ll have to adapt to the slogan ‘score, but we’ll make sure we score more than you!!’. Good stuff from the vast majority and great team effort. Coyg


Great win, Giroud & Walcott as the main strikers seems like it could really work for the future(granted Walcott stays),the best part is they could play together to great effect. And we have one of the most talented teenage strikers in England in Chuba Akpom coming through the youth team.


I just wanna see more celebrations like the one with Gibbs today!


Three points are three points indeed, good sir!
I will take this win and cross the horrendous memory of the 4-4 at St. James for good.

Goon Goon Goon

We could, but thinking that depends on whether you are a glass half full or half empty person. He’s been doing well so far and he’s slowly but surely proving his critics wrong. Let’s get behind a good player instead of fucking him off.


You’ve been unfair to Walcott. He is a smart kid. Why wouldn t he get 90000 or 100000 if he feels he can get it…. or whatever is an issue with his contract…. although nobody knows for sure whats on the table.
One we know…
He is a top arsenal player at the moment.


Even the legendary Henry and Magnificent RVP never had this instant success playing centrally after playing mostly as a winger. This logically means Walcott is on course to master or dare I say surpass their acheivements as strikers. Wenger, don’t let Walcott slip though your fingers. He’s our best player for now. What perfomance! quality stuff. Wenger would be mental to let him go. Really just really, sign him up!

Gunsen Gunner



The sad and frustrating thing is that Walcott has probably already made his mind up that he’s going. If he was going to stay then he surely would have signed a new contract by now. I don’t think that we should go overboard about him. On his day his day he can be a fantastic player – we saw it today and a number of times last season. But he can also be inconsistent, and sometimes disappears just when we need him most. That’s probably why Wenger is refusing to hand him the 100k-a-week deal that he wants. Ironically, this… Read more »


Not nani please I really don’t think I could handle that. If it happens then arsene really has lost the plot, may as well sign downing too and make a complete arse of ourselves.


Ya but nani is better than gervinho. I bet we don’t sign anyone.


I bet we sign that brazillian chap from sao paolo and that tall danish striker from juve. Right.


All jokes aside, I wonder how much better of a player Denilson would have been had he had the chance to play next to arteta.


I think some of our players are not good for Arsenal…
but Nani?!
I would hate him if by any crazy chance he joins our club. That will be the bottom. That will be like Ferguson is selling us his junk after buying rvp.


@Frog clearly it’s cesc fabregas’ fault for not bringing the best out of Denilson

Red Cannon

Fucking hell! Anyone but Nani. That guy is a black hole. The ball goes in, but never comes out. Plus he’s a huge wanker. Plus he’s a ManUre cast-off. No thanks.

The BearMan

The Bear is pleased with / for Walcott. Fans have been rubbishing him for several seasons, now we know it was the blindness of de all knowing manager. How many more players he has been playing out of positions???


The 3 goals we conceded was as a result of when we stopped pressing the opposition and was ball watching while letting them pass the ball around. I Hope we have learned something from this….that we play better when we press the opposition and make them make mistakes. Arsenal is not a defending team…we are suppose to be the Barcelona of England. No team should be able to pass the ball better than The Arsenal. And did anybody noticed Giroud has got a chocolate foot too……what a strike from a left footed striker. If he uses his right foot more… Read more »

loose cannon

match in one word: funfuckingtastic.


I apologise my english skills. My native language is finnish and I can write and spell better spanish and swedish than english. But I’ve been a Asenal fan a long time, since days of Charlie George. First time I realised t to be a fan was 1972 Cup final against Leeds. I loved Arsenal since the first game I saw Charlie Ceorge and others from the tv broadcast. Since those days I’ve seen better and worse days. I have seen some games at Highbury or at Emirates and more games via television or www-broadcast. This and the former seasons unsettle… Read more »

Dial square

Hey don’t worry, your English is better than some of the native English speakers on here.


I’l try not to understand you, that way my head won’t hurt.


swedish+english+finnish isnt that ‘swenglish’……. Go on.


Do me a favour. If you’ve really been an Arsenal fan since the 70s, you know this isn’t the worst Arsenal team you’ve ever seen.

Dick Law

Wenger, make him an offer he can’t refuse.


Wenger and his zip jacket were at it yet again. Ahh…..ahh….ppfft….zipp. Ahhh!!!. He’s a part time comedian this gaffer.


All your Theo are belong to Arsenal


Theo belongs to Arsenal….Gervinho fuckin doesn’t.


yeah,played well against a knackered team with 9starting members out,in a period where he’s playing for his future and a pr war in the papers for an extra 15grand..He’s leaving,wenger is simply allowing everyone to see what its really about-and make no mistake,he will not be as effective at any other team in the premiership-this is as hamstrung as we’ve been creatively for a decade,a poor arsenal side and we’re stilling scoring quite highly-but the issue is chances and goals against the big teams,and walcott goes hiding in those situations.A player over 100g a week should always be a big… Read more »


That’s a pretty harsh post after the Arsenal just popped in 7 goals and got the 3 pts they deserved. Defensively, I think we missed our BFG’s intelligence and positional play. I like the Captain and Kos as players, but BFG partnered with either one of them is best for this Arsenal. Offence is a different story. OK, the 1st half was drab but 6 goals in the 2nd half was great for Gooners worldwide. Like everyone else, I hope like hell that Theo signs an extension. This club is perfect for him and we really do need him as… Read more »

A twat with a keyboard

I just don’t understand the point of talking about Theo’s contract anymore. He’s not going to sign. I’m enjoying his football this season but he will go and we will all be pissed off. Theo will leave us fans feeling the way we always have felt about Theo (bar this purple patch) Frustrated.

I respect him for the way he is playing but he’s leaving for more money. End of story.

A twat with a keyboard

By the way I want to add that I’m buzzing about the result today and think Walcott was brilliant. However, It’s pretty clear he won’t sign.


We’ve been disappointed before so it’s natural to expect the worst, but I tend to find that alcohol helps a lot in these situations. Na$ri, Cesc, RVP and Song have all left so why should Theo be any different as after all, he is a modern day professional footballer. But who knows? Maybe he really does love the club? Maybe he really does want to be the King’s predecesor? Maybe he won’t go to the Sheik or the Petrol Kings who can pay him the most? Maybe the English born ones actually give a shit and will want to stay?… Read more »


couple of things here. Theo had a great game, demba ba was a monster today as well and would be a great buy imo. ba seemed to be the only one competing late in the game for them as if he was having a trial in the game. we seriously could have scored 10+ today if HFB got his hat trick (as a 70 minute sub mind you). kos had a header off a corner that he may have netted, santi had a through pass to poldi that kruel beat him to it by a step, Santi’s shot that was… Read more »

The BearMan

Some players can come off the bench and make an impact on a game, while others like Gervinho have to play frequently and will get better with each game.

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Percy Dalton

He’s still not a striker for me. Yes his first goal was superb and was from the striker position, but in terms of goals he was actually more productive from the 20 minutes he spent on the wing with Giroud through the middle. The errors he made from not really knowing gone role in the first hour were frustrating to watch. That said this play me up front dialogue is just a smokescreen – he’d happily play on the wing if he’s paid what he’s asking for. Personally I don’t think he’s worth more than Jack and our offer should… Read more »

[…] Gunnerblog though, the performance is tempered by everything else that’s going on with him. Afterwards Arsene said that his desire to keep Walcott at the club is the same as it ever was. If he’d scored a […]

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Denba Ba was assured and confident today. Got to be worth c. £7m to replace Chamakh and Gervinho. Plus he’s got great initials. DB27. So he’s injury prone? He’ll be right at home.

Still pinching myself, SEVEN goals, MOTD displayed “7 (seven)” that was ace.


I believe we should start consedering playing either Kosceilny or Vermallen (not sure I got their spellings correctly). I believe any of these guys can shiel the defence from attacking treats, the are good earialy, physicall strong and also have great scoring potential. They can replicate what Busquet is doing for Barcelona.


Sorry we should consider them (Kosceilny or Vermallen ) as DM


Since the draw with Stoke we have been competing
for the Arsene Wenger trophy , fourth place, to win
Champions league qualification.
We are on target. Theo is scoring goals, pay him.
He will be one of our ” exceptional buys” this transfer window. Lol.
We have many “exceptional buys” in our team already.
We don’t need any more.
What we need is an exceptional coacing staff to bring the best out of these players both as inividuals and as a team.
Go the gunners.

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