Saturday, February 8, 2025

Arshavin rejects Reading loan

Andrei Arshavin has rejected a 6 month loan deal to Reading.

The Premier League strugglers met with the Russian international, but were unable to come to an agreement that would see him move to the Madjeski Stadium until the end of the season.

It would also have brought Arshavin to the end of his Arsenal contract. Having joined the club for £13m in January 2009, and starting with an incredible bang, his career has dwindled to the point of non-existence.

He was sent packing on loan last February and this summer was offered to Zenit and a number of other Russian clubs for free, but despite some interest no move was forthcoming because he did not want to leave London.

It remains to be seen if Reading, or another Premier League club, will rekindle their interest in him. If not he’ll see out his Arsenal contract, making the bench every now and again, maybe, or thrust into action because of an injury crisis.

How sad.

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Rad Carrot

Oh for fuck’s sake.


wengers furrowed brow

In defence of AA23, NB52 and now poldi plus ramsey When you start cutting vegetables with scissors, spread butter with butcher knife and use axe to peel potatoes. You will get the job done but you will never fully utilise the specific items to its optimum use. Yes, in absence of certain tools we might substitute them for whatever tools comes handy. But in the long run whether be it butcher knife, butter knife, axe, tea spoon or table spoon every item has its rightful place and right use at the right time in perfect condition. And same principle can… Read more »


Squillaci will soon be leaving, Chamakh on his way westham?, Arshavin better be next then it’s happy fucking new year at the Arsenal lads.

Now all that’s left is new top, top signings, Arsene?


most clubs have two players for each position. even if we sell or loan out djourou and squillaci we still have our two teams
szcesney mannone
sagna jenkinson
mertesacker koscielny
vermaelen miquel
gibbs santos
arteta coquelin
wilshire diaby
walcott chamberlain
cazorla rosicky
podolski arshavin
giroud gervinho

in addition to that 22 there is a third back up team

so unless we lose some of that 33 permanently or on loan i cannot see any new signings apart from may be a short term loan to cover gervinho


*Dear Arshavin. Get out.

furious arsenal fans

At least better than gervinho


Lazy fat cunt


Fucking hell, there’s no need for such bile to be leveled at any Arsenal player.

Chill out.


Everyone loves Arshavin….at least in the Arsecasts! 😛


Like him more than Gervinho. That’s for sure

Joel E

He is the only cover we have for Cazorla.. Amazingly creative player who has been ruined by Wenger


I think you forgot Rosicky.

goon nowhere quick

Rosicky great man in wall for free kicks …..gutless prick


Arshavin is cover for Rosicky, who is cover for Cazorla. Atleast that’s how it should be

Wrighty's Gold Tooth

Bit strong.. Plus, I’d consider Rosicky cover for Cazorla.


Plenty of chances…..yes. At the wing.
Perhaps plenty of chances at the centre of the pack could well have helped his “application”……..


I agree with Arseblog. Did you see how Podolski destroyed Newcastle? He was the one through which all the counterattacks came. Great vision and tenacity in his play.
That is what Wenger wants Arshavin to do. You cannot play through the middle nowadays as teams try to flood the midfield. You try to bypass their midfield and try to get in behind them through making runs and playing one-twos on the wing. But you do require hard work.

Also, great players can play in any position: look at Toure- beast in AM position and a beast at DM.


Arsene is slightly responsible in my opinion.Either way i can’t understand Arsene’s decision to not even put him on the bench anymore. Surely a better option than Gervinho.


Furthermore, even in the centre, he would have to work very hard: look at Cazorla during the match. He is the first one who presses and has to cover a wide area to either side.


plenty of chances in the center was simply out of question when Cesc was around.


I do think that Wenger is a little to blame, but Arshavin’s still a professional footballer so should have just done his job and applied himself. Such a shame though, I really rated him, and his goal against Barcelona was one of the coolest things in football!

Rectum Spectrum

Lec are you suggesting we did a Thomas Brolin on him?

He’s a lazy welfare lout. cashing his arsenal welfare checks every week and refusing to get off his sofa and look for a proper job. He’ll see out his arsenal contract and then magically decide atually yes, i do want to go back to russia. why see in that time in little reading where he’ll actually have to play every week?


So much hatred for Arshavin and so much love for Ramsey. Double standard in supporting Arsenal player is not good. Being British doesn’t make a player better than a foreign player. Arsenal fans also should accept the blame for Arshavin’s loss of confidence.


while i agree that his work ethic leaves much to be desired, it is a worth while point to note we have consistantly played him out of position there are certainly worse players at the club


Be nice to see Arshavin used as a sub occasionally and I think his being completely frozen out of the team is a bit of a mistake but he had plenty of chances and opportunities and Wenger stuck by him when he was in a spell of terrible form. A real talent and a player I like but when we bemoan the Arsenal players’ lack of commitment then Arshavin was sometimes the worst culprit. This season when we’ve moaned about the lack of cut creatively then I think he could have been used as a sub more often.


Wilshere, Arteta and Eisfeld could all play that creative role if required.


I am afraid thay cant cos I dnt know what we are training but very often even our first 11 looks like they dnt understand eachother so God knows what can they play with other part of the team.


He has lost the desire in my eyes. Won’t track back and has become a liability. Will see out his contract and disappear. Shame but he has run his time.

Arsenes Nose

He does as much tracking back as walcott .. I just feel he wans’t used properly… Not every player can adapt to change in positions.. Not every wenger’s experiments come good


Step up QPR/West Ham/Fulham! That way he won’t have to leave London.


Yeah I think is just too lazy to pack his own bags, let alone take a 20 minute bus ride to Reading.


Out of those 3, I’d opt for Fulham.

Rectum Spectrum

i couldn’t give a flying fuck where he goes. so long as he goes. actually scratch that, I hope he goes to QPR, who have bid to pay all his wages plus a £500k loan fee to make sure they get him, hoping he’ll help save them from relegation. Only to discover his wee legs have deteriorated from lack of use like when you get a leg cast taken off after months, and then he’s gets a sick line and goes off work on the stress and then asks for some extra cash to get new kitchen utensils. like a… Read more »


So he’d rather sit on his backside and gallivant about London than play first-team football at a Premiership club? I’m not a mind reader and I don’t know how Arshavin is reaching these decisions, but from the outside it seems like he’s completely zeroed out on motivation.

I accept that Reading hardly rates with Berlin on the list of the world’s greatest cultural metropolises, but surely the idea of being a footballer is that, at some point, you play a bit of football…


he just loves arsenal so much!


I think its more to do with his family being settled in London… if that is the case I respect his decision. I do feel quite sad think about his Arsenal career though, his could have become a legend and has scored some important goals… I think the blame lies with both Arshavin’s attitude and the management.


Half the people that live in Reading commute to London every day. It’s in the commuter belt, so he wouldn’t have to move.

This decision has fuck all to do with where Reading is situated, as I’m pretty sure that the little Russian can afford a map.


Or maybe he’d just like to take one more chance to get into the Arsenal team, as opposed to just giving up and slumming it somewhere else for the rest of his contract.

You do realise he’s still required to work hard the whole rest of the week at training right?


Of all the possible explanations, this is probably the least plausible of all. Firstly, the fact that he still has to train during the week is all the more reason why you’d expect him to jump at the chance of playing first-team football. For a footballer in his position, training without any prospect of getting first-team game time is basically pointless. Arshavin is not in the club’s plans and will be leaving Arsenal in the summer. Wenger knows it, the club knows it, Arshavin knows it, and his agent knows it. The fact that the club would prefer loaning him… Read more »


I’m guessing he doesn’t want to be involved in a relegation scrap. Reading might ask him to work hard, y’know :p


Or perhaps he’s afraid of defending against other teams since reading see very little of the ball. 3/4 of the time they are defending, Arshavin can’t have that.


Not every player can be moved to new position. Epl have best fullbacks in the world , Arshavin was playing CAM all his live he don’t have pace to be on the wing plus be is getting old now. Wenger made mistake, the same he’s making putting TW14 in the middle.


Boo Hoo, he wasn’t played in the middle. That awful Mr Wenger played him on the wing where he had to run up and down for over an hour. The same position that he looked great in at the start of his contract (despite being more physically unfit). No one was asking for four-goal performances every month, I’d be happy to see him get in shape and do his job. He has the technique so crossing and finishing aren’t his problem. The problem was a lack of application, which is inexcusable. Would he have played better in the middle? Possibly,… Read more »


In Russia, club is loaned to player.




This guy is as lazy as TGSTEL, lost to manu last season is still fresh in my memory when substituted for AOC and couldn’t chased valencia when beaten to the ball, that still leave a bad taste in the mouth and now he’s so comfortable on d bench that he doesn’t even want to make an attempt in revivering his career. It’s pity and disgusting @ the same time. What a lazy player.


What is “d bench”. The fourth bench after a, b and c perhaps?


That very lost to ManU last season was due to Vermaelen lost of position, remember? That was Vermaelen who should stop Valencia, instead Vermaelen just forgot he played left fullback and was jogging to the centre, while Arshavin alone was left to fight Valencia (and, after all, it wasn’t Valencia who scored after all, it was Welbeck who stroke from the centre). Arshavin was made a scapegoat then.

Go to Youtube, watch the momen again.


He met with McDermott and realised they would look fucking ridiculous stood to one another. You will never see a Meerkat with a Mole.


We had team full of overpaid sh*t like Traore, Squillaci, Denilson and Almunia in team like that Leonel Messe would look average.

Rectum Spectrum

yeah rumour is that why he didn’t sign for us and extended his stay with barca. it was close though apparently.

Mills N7

Leonel Messe? Even a passing interest in football should let you know how to spell the name of one of the most famous footballers in thew world…

Richard Davis

Arshavin has done nothing wrong thia season. we were doing great in the league cup until he stopped playing Arshavin. He has 1 goal and 7 assists and has hardly played. Was he lazy when he dribbled from the half way line to gey the winning assist againat reading? Another Wenger scapegoat. Look what Wenger is doing to Podolski.


Yeah I think Arsene is part to blame. Dont be cowards, some of his decision have been quite frankly preposterous. Like playing gerv ahead of poldi for CF, when all the time we knew poldi atleast has the experience of being a CF. Nothing gerv can say.

He continues to baffle me with, ramsey on left wing, not playing rosicky…… In Arsene I trust though, but some of his decisions?. I don’t.


Today arseblog make interesting listening, depressing in a frank assessment type many things ring true on thier today just hope we can bring in the players to provide this team, club, squad with the spark its clearly lacking.

Zorro in the box

I’ve always felt that despite Arshavin’s laziness and poor attitude, a lot of the blame for this is down to Wenger. Arshavin should have been used as an alternative or as cover for Fabregas, never used on the wing. He’s never been happy there and the times he’s sparkled were in the centre of the park.

His defensive duties would have been less there and he may never have lost his confidence and drive.


Wenger would have more to answer for if he’d spent 13million on cover for our best player. Arshavin had the ability to play on the so why not play him there? Because he couldn’t be arsed? That’s not Wenger’s fault.
Lot’s of players are asked to adapt, what makes Arshavin special?


*’play on the wing’


Errr, pretty sure he played on the wing when he stuffed 4 past Liverpool. I’m sorry, but for £80,000 a week or whatever he’s on, I think he should be able to put up with playing on the fucking wing, don’t you?

Merlin's Panini

Seems like he just doesn’t want to go anywhere. Maybe he’ll just disappear completely once his contract is up. Maybe he’s just a figment of our imaginations, like Tyler Durden. We were having a pretty shitty start to the season when he joined, as I recall. Maybe we just made him up to feel better about ourselves and now we don’t need him so much he’s just fading away.

Or maybe he’s just a lazy little bastard who could’ve been amazing but decided that pies are better than being a legend.


Oh God, I didn’t make up that 7-3 did I?


This saddens me. Wenger really has his work cut out for him and its a lot of his own doing. Lately we either play someone into the ground because he doesn’t trust anyone else (arteta Wilshere 2 years ago and now cazorla) or he plays people out of position. Granted, when things are working that’s defendable but fuck me, we had one shot on target against Southampton and the players who I think can inject something with 20 minutes to go don’t get a look in ( rosicky and arshavin). Instead we fall back on gervinho (shudder) and Ramsey on… Read more »


To be honest, I always enjoyed watching the little guy and still feel he has the potential to inject some magic into our games when used right. I’m not really looking forward to seeing him go.

Goon Goon Goon

He’s just content with running out his contract. He’ll go back to Russia after his deal. Massive shame

i want to boff giroud and im not even gay

Bring back Colin pates I say!!

The Gimp

Pay him off

igor stepanovs

what an incredible waste. in pure talent terms, one of the most skilful in our squad. doesn’t deserve to be playing though, and it’s all his fault…

we don’t have a good record on january signings eh? hope i’m proved wrong this time around though…

Arsenes Nose

Highly rated player mismanaged by Arsene it has to be said… he should have done a walcott and demanded to be played in the middle rather on the wings..

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Maybe he did and that’s why he isn’t playing each week

Arsene's bottle of water

He cannot leave. he is a GOONA!
In all fairness, he has more class in his weaker fractured foot than Gervinho on most days.

And Rosicky cover for Cazorla? Gimme a break. The same way Diaby is cover for Wilshere? We might as well sign Amaury Bischoff again.

Merlin's Panini

Bischoff has scored 7 goals this season!

…in the German third Division.


That translates to not even making a single appearance in the epl…..right?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Nah, the PL is shite this season, haven’t you been paying attention?

Lewis Holtby

F*** Amaury Bischoff


Did they ever stop wearing those tight arse shirts?. Coz Arshavins tits need some space….




If Arshavin was not happy playing on the wing the. He should have asked for a transfer. But I doubt that crossed his mind. After all why get paid £90k a week to do fuck all on the pitch when he can get paid the same to sit on his arse.
The guys attitude sums up why we are where we are. Too many money grabbing fucks were in the team. Now we’ve got rid of some and only few left to go we might start seeing a change in our fortune.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He’s had a 10k a week payrise in the last twenty minutes. He was only on 80k a few minutes ago


For fucks sake. Call me crazy but I really don’t think AA23 gives a shit anymore. I think he’s happy to be fat & lazy and get paid the wages he does to train with the team & live in London so his wife is happy. He only really cares about playing for Russia anyway. He and Chamakh are the epitomy of what’s wrong with our squad! Too much money and not enough bollocks. No wonder our players just seem to not show up during some matches when they see these tossers getting paid more than they do for fuck… Read more »


No if only there are those two to blame.
We have much more problems.


Was he too lazy to sign the goddamn papers or what. One way or another Arshavins time with us will come to an end, so delaying this aint gonna solve anything.

Does he perhaps have a twisted idea that he’s somehow gonna get a new arsenal contract? well if he does then NOT PLAYING isnt gonna get him one…….take the loan Arshavin.

On another note, I hear he badly wants to stay in London and I ask when is the guy in the gunnersaurus costume contract up?……….Get in Arshavin. Get in.

The Dude

They tried that in 2011, but he is far too small for that costume.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Son of Gunnersaurus?


Shame, a dog fight for QPR would have been good for him (aka Frimpong/Wolves – injury aside). Shows he has no real desire to step up and fight and showcase himself. /me sighs.


* oops Reading

The Loving Hands of Wenger

Quite simply this guy should have been the fulcrum of this Arsenal side, an attacking midfielder in the Lampard / Gerard vein. I am not a manager but in my opinion he would have been fantastic there. Yeah he is a lazy cunt but he isn’t a winger and I don’t subscribe to the opinion that you should be able to play anywhere. It is painfully obvious he belongs in the middle. Just like Oxlade Chamberlain.

Merlin's Panini

He has the talent to have been way better than both of those overrated wankers, but not the application, sadly. Arshavin, on his day, can be almost as devastating a player as Messi. He can turn any defence inside out, shoot accurately and with power with minimal backlift, and crosses the ball wonderfully. On his day…

[…] 来源:[Arseblog] […]


Unfortunately i think were beginning to see some of the consequences of the other side of the club’s wage structure/policy. People often talk about how we can’t compete with other clubs when it comes to top players and the top salaries they command, but players like chamakh, squillaci and arshavin are extremely well-paid, and that’s why we literally haven’t been able to give them away. i dont think any of them fancy halving their wages and moving from london to some random smaller club right now when they can carry on earning big peas for six more months and then… Read more »


Quite right. Almunia said the same and when it comes to players like him, who keep quiet, do their best and fill a gap when asked, I don’t begrudge them it. The difference with someone like Arshavin is that he can do more. Players like Cronaldo match their ability with effort. I don’t and never did expect Arshavin to reach those heights but if he matched his ability with effort on the training pitch (as he admitted he doesn’t) he would be an amazing player, well worth his wage. As for players that never had it in them, it’s down… Read more »

Goblin Gooner

Employment wise feels like footballers are on rolling contracts, when one is runing down they get updated etc. Yet in other non footie jobs i’m sure you can still get fired or terminate terms early on a rolling contract.


He must have had the meeting at a mcdonalds in Reading and they wouldnt give him a discount.

CT Gooner

It all comes down to the fact that he gave up on playing football after Russia were knocked out of qualification for the 2010 world cup. Arshavin saw that tournament as his last chance to represent his country in a world cup. Some reports said that he wanted to quit playing all together other reports suggest he mentioned this to Wenger and the manager’s response was one of apathy and wanted to help the player regain his will to play football again. Clearly that hasn’t happened and he should have been sold off when Cesc and co left the club.… Read more »


The pathetic attitude of players like Arshavin, Chamakh and Bendtner does make you ask questions about the overall mood in the camp – and just why Wenger ever bought them in the first place.

There won’t be any major signings in this transfer window: we can’t afford to pay them – not while we are still paying the wages of wasters like Arshavin.


I’d also tread caution with January buys – who is the last genuine solid January purchase? Not sure anyone wants another Reyes or Arshavin!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Thing is, I don’t think any football club decides whether it will be worthwhile signing them by asking “By the way, Andrei, are you a cunt?”

Los Polandos

I would like everyone to once and for all stop boasting their own ignorance with “he’s been played out of position” argument. I don’t know about you, but I actually watched quite a few zenit games priot to him signing for us, and he was usually deployed on a wing. With great succes I might add.
At least try to have an opinion on your own (based on something you have actually seen) instead of mindless repetition of the same empty phrases like “Arshavin should play in the center” or “we need a british centre half”.


Arshavin is some character and always liked him. Was wishing to see him contribute this season more with us but sadly aint happening.But then i thought what i want is just to watch him play and it would be better if he moved to other premier league club ,as we might have a chance to see him mesmerise the opposition that what i and most of us want.
P.S. He is still better than walcott and gervinho.

DC Gooner

I must say, the complaint that Arshavin’s failure at Arsenal is down to playing wing rather than ACM is an absurdity and frankly getting tired. The problem with his game has been work ethic and initiative. If he had those things he would be playing in some position on the pitch. A footballer with the requisite mindset will play any position he’s asked and run out of his socks to perform. If he cant work his ass off, evven while going through a rough patch, then he lacks the requisite drive to play football in an Arsenal shirt, or for… Read more »


that is the AA of pre Russia loan days, this season he has run himself ragged and gets no credit from Wenger for it who still persists with those with little interest or talent. Ramsey Gervinho to name but 2

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yes, they will. But when they have a bad day playing out of position 6 out of every 10 Arsenal fans will boo them and call them lazy useless shits and demand they be sold.

Don’t even think of contradicting me. Just look at the howls of fucking pleasure when we were told Djourou was looking to leave. We fucked Djourou by playing him out of position and then booing him til he lost confidence. .


You guys are looking at this the wrong way. We still have Arshavin. This is like a new signing!


If AA23 were like he was when we first signed him and scored 4 at Anfield then he’d be a LANS. Instead he’s a FANS = Fat Apathetic Nonchalant Slow


Wow, so unprofessional.


Shame cos he is a far better player than AW gives him credit for at least since coming back from Russia. has changed the face of the couple of games he has been in this season. Better than some of those other wasters who AW seems to favour over him – Ramsey for a start would be good if he made way


I think Arshavin ( first name Scratchinghis) is just another example of Arsenals lack of ambition, take a look at other big clubs in England & Europe and you would see players quickly moved if they are not performing, the thing that pissed me off most with Robin Van Sicknotes pop at arsenals lack of ambition is the fact that at Man u, City, Chelsea Ect he would have been moved on after a couple of injury racked seasons, other players who simply haven’t given the club a return on its investment in them are are still there too, these… Read more »

gooner odst

awww thats too bad.

[…] a difficult stance to argue with, and the polar opposite of the attitude of Andrey Arshavin, who has turned down the chance to move to Reading to sit in the doldrums at Arsenal.  Chamakh is 28 now, and not played a single minute in the […]


Keep him on at the Emirates as a cashier at the food stalls. He likes counting money!!!

Ze only way eez up

At this rate give it another couple of years and the Russian bugger will be as fat as that Sperz prick ‘Razor’ Ruddock (has that guy got no self-respect, I thought Steve Bruce was fat until I saw Ruddock)!!

ozzi gooner

Its always sad to see the haters come out in force. Even though I can agree with the educated thoughts of blogs and the like, I still believe Andrei has been positive during the frequent times he has been used this season. As iI recall le boss was positive earlier this season with his efforts at training and this was reflected in his brief appearances. However it’s hard to disagree with what Capello says and obviously something has happened to result in him not playing any football these past few months!? Is he as bad as what we currently use,… Read more »


Arshavin was amazing for half a season when he arrived and had a point to prove. 4 goals at Anfield was just one highlight as he helped us to a Champions League spot. Then he played as a striker and got fat and lazy. He’s still supremely talented and even if does frustrate, he’s still capable of creating and scoring goals. BUT he’s luxury that we can’t afford. Sadly Arshavin can’t put it the effort his talent deserves. P.S. If you claim to fame in 2012 is the fact that you use coupons at McDonald’s, then your time as a… Read more »


I remember him playing a striker, yes. That was fun to watch all that crosses by Sagna into the box where was lonely Arshavin.

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