Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger hints at Swansea rotation

Arsene Wenger has hinted he’ll rotate his squad for Sunday’s FA Cup clash with Swansea.

Speaking at his pre-game press conference, the manager said, “I’ll play the team that I think has the best chance to win the game.”

Which is kind of what he says when he mixes things up a bit. The reality, however, is that given the way the squad is currently there’s little scope for much rotation.

Although Andre Santos and Abou Diaby are back in training they won’t be ready for Sunday, and unless the manager is going to use players he’s already deemed surplus to requirements, like Chamakh, Arshavin and Squillaci, then the changes he can make are minimal.

Tomas Rosicky could make his second start of the season, while Francis Coquelin could fill a berth in midfield. The cup represents Arsenal’s best chance of silverware this season, but they face a Swansea side who beat them quite comfortably, if a bit late, at the Emirates in December.

And Wenger is backing his team to show their mettle, saying, “We have rebuilt a team and we have to show that we can be consistent now.

“The FA Cup is special. It’s exciting and watched all over the world.”

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So how about


Wouldn’t mind seeing a bit of this Gnarby bloke myself, or Eisfield.


Eisfeld Eisfeld Eisfeld!!!!
And Gnabry too, yeah.

Master Bates

Cazorla should be rested


Everyone should be rested. We can’t afford this comp with our limited squad. Even if you think we’ll beat Swansea, we don’t have the remotest chance of a trophy, even the kind of meaningless one that the FA Cup has become with no big club particularly wanting it. If you think the absence of the big clubs in recent years from this comp gives us a chance of actually winning it, remember the final v. Birmingham, remember Bradford last month. Our players don’t have the desire or the belief or the tactics to overturn the committed well-organised lower-league sides. We… Read more »


What are u talking about of course there are options. of the 70 odd professionals at the club i would say only 15 are unavailable due to loans or injuries. of the first team squad of 27 you have fabianski mannone and frimpong unavailable. whilst squillaci arshavin djourou and chamalh may be in talks with other clubs only two of those would be concerned about getting cup tied (arshavin and chamakh) so that leaves 22 players from the first team squad plus the liles of martinez yennaris miquel meade eisfeld and gnabry who are surely in contention for a place… Read more »


Rosicky and Le Coq to start please.

Even Rambo could get a start.

remember the invincibles, because we aren't good anymore

not rambo. not yet. not when he’s still out of form

Rambo was good against So’ton, the little he played.

Jenks Mert Kosc Gibz
Rambo Coq
Eis Giroo Walls

How can he hope to get back in form if he never plays?


He shud had done that when they were playing the saints… But hey good 2 know wenger catching up with our thoughts.. That if he doesn’t play Gerv ..


Jenks Mert Kos Gibbs
Jack Rosicky
Theo Eisfeld


I feel rosicky and cazorla should get a chance to play together. Briefly against Bradford and the two looked the real deal. Just saying……


Yes, but Cazorla could do with a rest. 3 really tough games coming in PL. Maybe Podolski could start against Swansea considering he hardly broke a sweat against Southampton


Based on the number of games played, Cazorla and Arteta really need some rest.

5pur2 dr00L

Arteta plays 90 minutes week in, week out — never gets subbed. Got rested against Bradford, when maybe we could have used him a bit…? Do think he and Cazorla desperately need resting this week.


True, i remember it too


@nisanth – Boom.

Please submit this teamsheet to AW.


So your gonna use the FA Cup, a chance to win a trophy, as a chance to auction if you like, the cling-ons of the squad…..Brilliant. Not even our best team beat them last time out. So what does his speech mean?!?


Swans overran us in midfield last time out

I’d go for


4-4-2 Ox and Caz playing out wide, giroud drops deep, walcott runs in behind

but what do I know

This game is going to be tense, hope Mr. Hyde shows up and not Dr. Jekyl, or is it the other way around.


Same old shit. No new ideas. Swansea will hopefully be wenger’s last game.

Arsenes Nose

And you are….??


Piers Morgan’s found Arseblog!


Wenger seriously needs to sign some new players, arsenal can’t rotate at the moment, we got a good squad but no depth in it…


I am afraid to say this but Gervinho will start.. 🙁


He will start………..yes!, in 3 weeks time ( I think) for the ivory coast!

Master Bates

They love him there .

Good for him ,poor fella ,he tries his best to perform for us . Hope he finds confidence there

Rectum Spectrum

a rosicky start would be nice. probably the only rotation that doesn’t cost us in potential quality, between him and santi. I like how his hair bounces behind him when he darts off on his wee runs.


He runs fast with the ball, and the hair is the proof!


We won’t be changing our “beloved” 4-1-2-2-1, Wenger’s Christmas pudding formation or whatever it’s called.

What sort of rotation could we possibly use? Aside from either using Kos or Mert, because Lord knows we can’t possibly drop our captain, and using Tomas or the Coq in midfield, there’s very little depth in our squad.

Ah well. Swansea will be well up for another upset, might do us good to be knocked out of the FA Cup early.

Poldi's lonely right foot

You know you’re allowed to field 11 players, right?

Podolski's lonely right foot

^^ have too many jaegerbombs? ^^


If Rosicky doesn’t start this one, either he’s still not match fit or Wenger has too much sweetness for Ramsey. Still cant think of a reason why he didn’t come on for Cazorla against Southampton. Class player, the more he can play the more it’s better for us.


Totally agree. How he didnt go in vs South i just dont understand.. He cant be sitting on the bench if he cant play 15 minutes??

piers morgan



Ivan is just a part of this problem, if Wenger got money available and still not spending them, then we can’t blame Gazidis for this.

Biggest Arsenal Fan Ever...

I think Gnaby and Eisfeld are injured…or gnabry only…

Santi's Class


I think this is a decent team. Ramsey’s good in the middle, and Rosicky can lead that midfield. Either way, left wing’s a risk since Gnabry could turn out to be great or mediocre; he is a youngster after all. Arshavin, on the other hand, doesn’t have that excuse but he still possesses considerable talent and creativity. Just have to pray that he still fucking cares about using it.

Come on the Arsenal!

gunn cabinet

jenkinson, mertesacker, rosicky, coquelin would be in my starting line up. and i would use the BFG with koscielny. maybe i would put walcott and ox – on the wings, with giroud coming to his place. if he came to replace some dutch skunk, he had better get the experience. these experiments with theo will only get us so far



Would be my team.

Although with Swansea likely to really have a go, I think Walcott might start up front.


There is absolutely no way Swansea is beating The Arsenal twice in two months. COYG !


I think you guys expect a bit too much of rotation =).. Tuesday – Sunday isnt that short of recovery and we have a full week to recover after this one. I expect him to just mix it up based on their team and defence etc. He wont put in Gnabry or Eisfeld or Miquel and you know it =)) For some weird reason i actually expect Theo to start up front again with Giroud sitting on bench. Mby hell put Ramsey on the wing as he does sometime and i expect 1 change in mid trio at most. Not… Read more »


@Juice: you’re probably right about limited rotation, but i think there will be a slight drastic change here and there. I wouldnt be surprised if Wenger tried a 4-4-2 with a team like:

Jenks – Mert – Verm – Gibbs
Ox – Rosicky – Coq – Podolski
Walcott – Giroud

I also wouldnt be surprised tho if Cazorla starts for Rosicky and Wilshere starts for Coquelin though.

I think Arsenal need a change, for the boss the hit the F5 button and what not.


Im up for that =)

I just dont think he’ll do it.


Stade Rennes have reportedly offered midfielder Yann M’Vila to Arsenal for £8 million…..

Now watch Wenger bid £1 million…..


I would love to see gnabry more,plays more like oxlade and he could dribble well,this is our chance to win a trophy and we must not underrate them else we will be “”michued'” again!!!


I’d go with

Jenks…. Merts…. Kos….. Gibbs
Ox…. Rosicky….. Coq
Theo…. Henry whoops, meant Giroud…. Pod

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The Devil in me says ...

Play Gervinho, so if he’s injured, can’t play for Ivory Coast, so he can’t miss another pelanty and had his form dropped so terribly.


Just found out he playing the same squad !!!


i think Eisfield should be given an opportunity…Cazorla could do with a rest






goon nowhere quick

Worst arsenal squad in history not an ounce
of heart in them apart from jack w the rest of them aint got nothing just there for a pay cheque


Think you’ll find that jenks has some heart

Ollie Giroud *sigh*

What about….



goon nowhere quick

18 points behind utd fffin disgraceful only 20 games played it will be close to 40 before season is over bunch of wasters

Mrs Squillaci

Arsenal are underdogs….unbelievable, but a sign of the times. No signings on the horizon….no chance.

Wenger's Zipper

What will be a surprise result for this fixture? That’s exactly what is going to happen. You don’t know what you’ll get from this Arsenal team.

Use First XI and Win- More fixtures and still in 3 competitions for new signings to play in, squad depth advantage.

Use Fringe XI and Win- Morale boost for the young players and an opportunity for a push into First XI

I will stay positive and not write anything about losing.


But you just did…


give Jack or schz the armband and start schz jenks mert kos gibbo coq rosay eis theo hfb arsh/gnab/Rambo mikel & santi need a rest until we can get one solid midfielder to rotate besides rosay(rosicky) and God willing diaby. this squad is young with fresh blood to bring on wanting to prove their worth to the team but experienced enough with the backfour and coq to keep calm & not be overwhelmed. i want to say give arsh a run on the left but Ramsey should get a chance I guess & or gnabry if he can manage to… Read more »


rosay jack
theo hfb eis/arsh/rambo/gnab


Of course he will rotate. He cant afford to play his strongest side and get dumped out like at Bradford. This way he has a ready made excuse when Swansea beat us.


Schez. Bench: Martinez
Jenks mert kos gibbo. Verm
Coq jack. Frimpong
Theo. rosicky Ox Rambo
Giroud. Cazorla

Theo with the armband to give him a little bit of lubrication for that new deal
Coquelin important if they play their passing game need someone to close down & put a few tackles in


Jenks mert kos gibbo.
Coq jack.
Theo. rosicky Ox

Theo with the armband to give him a little bit of lubrication for that new deal
Coquelin important if they play their passing game need someone to close down & put a few tackles in

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