Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Wilshere is the complete midfielder

Arsene Wenger has hailed Jack Wilshere for leading a more ‘balanced’ Arsenal team to a well-deserved FA Cup victory over a defensively stubborn Swansea side.

Producing a dominant performance in the centre of the park the England international finally scored a cracking winner with five minutes remaining, easing the tension in the terraces after the home side had squandered a host of fine chances.

The goal, volleyed in after a tidy assist by Olivier Giroud, now sets up an exciting tie away at Brighton in the 4th round.

Speaking after the game, Wenger praised his prodigy for a terrific all-action showing.

“He was outstanding tonight. I felt many players played well. As a team we played well and he was in a different position, he was high up and it suits him well.

“I have no experience of player being out for 17 months in my whole career, but honestly I always said that if we got Jack on January 1, then we would have done well. But he is ahead of what I could imagine.

“He is at the complete midfielder, he can play anywhere. He is a guy who can dribble and give a final ball, so the closer he is to goal, the better it is. He has quality and enthusiasm, and love for the game. That is the most important thing to me.”

Looking back on the game as whole, the boss continued, “It was unbelievable that we couldn’t score, but we got it in the end.

“We persevered and were rewarded and we had a good performance. It gives you a lot of regrets that we played with 10 men on Sunday when you see our second half and our game tonight.

“It is important that we continue to develop like that as a team.”

In further positive news the boss also hinted that the club were close to a resolution with Theo Walcott over a new deal. While there’s no doubt room for a few more tabloid ‘exclusives’ charting the twists and turns, Wenger admitted the saga was drawing to a close.

“I hope it will be soon, very, very soon now. I cannot tell you much more.

All in all, a much better day at the office. It’s Chelsea at the Bridge on Sunday and then three home games in quick succession at the Emirates. It’s time to build some momentum…

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-Ok Arsene now go and buy some more good players.
– Please?


F off mate. There are plenty other articles to spam the same old crap on, let me enjoy an article with interesting and probably entertaining (being Arseblog and all) convos. This drivvle has no calling for it here.

Here’s some heartbreak. Arsenal won’t sign no one. And if we do, it will be in another article so talk about it there.


Good morning to you to, if you want enjoy article and you don’t like some responses don’t read .
Freedom of speech , don’t have F off everybody .


@Olegaz: yeah the chap might have been a bit strong in what he said but he makes a fair point. It’s not like it’s the one off comment in the odd article, this same type of useless comment pops up on so many artices that don’t relate to transfers, it’s annoying. He clearly states he otherwise enjoys reading through the comments. Oh and your point is a double edged sword, you don’t need to make a point replying to the person if you don’t like it, (freedom of speech and all). Just don’t read it. So yeah, he has every… Read more »


Is there any doubt Wilshere should be playing in that #10 role after this game

Not for me.

Wilshere completed 45 out of 47 passes up till the 72nd minute, got a goal, pressured their back four without the ball all game, and made those runs that breaks defenses down. For me Cazorla’s great but Wilshere needs to be playing through the middle (With Cazorla on the wing, and Podolski playing at striker at times


He earned Bergkamp’s song.


It’s no point even describing how good jack played today, my sentences wouldn’t do it justice. What a guy, and he’s still only 21… Futures bright.

Have to add that I thought Le Coq was brilliant too, lead the line in terms of pressure and winning the ball back. Would like to see him play more, looks better every time. Great 2nd half today, attack, possession and even sound defending. Perform like this consistently and we’ll be laughing.

Tottenhams reckoning

I loved Coqs performance also, you could tell he is still very raw but I thought his vision was fantastic. His passing will improve, and here’s to hoping he will be a sound replacement for Arteta in seasons to come!


Well put. Coq and Giroud also deserve praise. Great assist by the latter for Jack’s goal (is it me, or is Giroud something of an assist master?).


coquelin!! mad tekkers, also a really good defender, there was this one play he stopped ki cold turkey on a potentially dangerous run, his passing wasnt at as his best today, but he was still good, coq and diaby aka aka quality pivot looked dangerous…i hope they get more premier league time


Yeah, I was saying it too yesterday. Some of the assists he has given this season have been sublime (The one for Gibbo’s volley in the last match against Swansea is another example). I think he should be playing upfront with another star Striker (not Walcott) who has just that punch we need. Maybe Poldi.


I talk to myself about how Jack Wilshere is great. I’m doing it right now, while I type this.

Breaks sweat for the team, showing everyone out there what it means to play for arsenal.


Wilshere a while back spoke of how he feared he would never get back to his old self due to his horrific injury. Remarkable how since he has came back, he has easily shown the most passion, desire etc out of any player at the club. We fans absolutely love him, purely because win, lose or draw, he gives everything he has every single game. I just hope this attitude rubs off on other players and they all start to be as committed as Jack. Without a doubt, Wilshere will be a near future Arsenal captain, and I certainly hope… Read more »


Take a bow, Mr Arsenal.


There is a silver lining to this season and it’s Jack.

Please build a team around this boy, but made of quality this time round – he’s different gravy.

Bitter Pill

If Wenger had agreed to build a top quality squad around Fabregas, I strongly believe he’d still be playing for Arsenal today. If a quality squad isn’t built round Wilshere and we keep scraping for top four with no trophies to show for it, I’m afraid even as much as he loves this club, he’ll get disillusioned. Wilshere needs players who not only compliment his brilliance and industry but also players he can learn one or two things from and improve on his own game. I salivate at the thought of having two other players in the squad with his… Read more »


We may even have 10 RVPs in the team yet not win a trophy simply because we need atleast one player who plays his heart out for the club like Jack wilshere. I am absolutely positive that arsenal will win a silverware with jack’s captaincy in future.


And for all the talk about how quiet we are, even with plenty of empty seats, good support tonight.

And that was largely down to Jack. Have a player giving a shit and giving their all like that, and the crowd will respond.

North Bank Gooner

it was great to hear the home fans having it! Jack is special, lets hope he stays fit, he isnt at full strength yet, there is still more to come 😀


Jack will be leading the team out of the tunnel by the time he’s 23, head and shoulders above most players. Plays no.10 role with more purpose than Santi. Ecstatic to see Diaby back too, hope the lad can get a run of games. Super talented player

melb gooner

Watching jack tonight reminded me of just how much I have missed cesc.
What a performance puts a smile on my face!!


While watching the game last night I suddenly miss Eduardo.
Oh Edu what could have been.


I hope we get Theo signed soon so we can end this mad show with his silly set pieces that is utterly crap

Tom Thumb

Hopefuly jacks performences of late will rub off on his team mates from here on in.A joy to watch hm play tonight.Keep up the good work super Jack.

Chrissy Mac

I love Wenger, and there is no doubt that he is the right man for the job in my opinion. But why wouldn’t the team be more “balanced” with an orthodox defensive midfielder. I love Arteta sitting deep with his ability to see the game but I hope Wenger does not revert back to a triumvirate of any three of Arteta, Wilshere, Diaby, Cazorla, Rambo or Rosicky. Thought the Coq really helped Jack play today. Passing still a little wayward but feel he should be given more chances. Would a big money DM be able to adjust and preform better… Read more »


Yes he is a complete midfielder and with a little bit of help in the transfer market we could have a COMPLETE MIDFIELD.


Last year our FA cup 3rd round winner marked the return of a legend, this year out FA cup 3rd round winner marked the making of an Arsenal legend

Loop A Hole

Well played,sir. Well played.


So true indeed. Wilshere will be an Arsenal legend and I am pretty sure he will lead Arsenal to glory soon

Goon Goon Goon

Jack the lad without a doubt has Arsenal in his heart. This guy is definitely a future captain that we can build our team around. You need players that are shit hot and at the same time can dish it out.

Make him player manager lol


Am I the only one who got emotional when Le Professor was talking about Jack?

Arsene has come under so much pressure recently so it’s extremely refreshing to see one of his proteges doing so well.

Long may you reign Arsene. I will always keep the faith.


Wilshere = ace arse.


That moment when you walk into a spider web and suddenly turn into a karate master.


jack was amazing tonight, again. another complete performance and the game winner to top it off. i look forward to the day he’s given the armband.


Awesome Jack simply Awesome

Bendtner's Ego

And to top it all off, that other Fulham club put on a shit show. Hardly rotated any of their players.

Oh, and they have a fat, Spanish waiter.


Hopefully arsene sticks to his word that jack should play higher up as CAM It’s hard to say for sure but with him higher up the pitch pressing it meant our midfield had less pressure on it and we had a base camp in their half as opposed to jack running his socks off further back. On closer inspection with cazorla is very useful wide because he pressures the defence into rushing their passes. When he is at Cam he has to decide to press Cb lb or rb. This at least eliminates a third of those choices for him.… Read more »


Nice to see Sagna crossing with his left foot…
and even taking a shot with his left.


(I’ve got ‘Sagna 3’ on the back of my t-shirt)
AGREED! Sagna would be far more dangerous if he wasn’t so predicatable. Flicking the ball towards the penalty box with his right-foot, then using his left-foot to cross, do a quick 1-2 with Giroud, or shoot… would really add to the dynamic of our offense. Man I wish that left-foot screamer of yours yesterday was on target! (only 3-4 inches above the crossbar)

£oyalty for $ale

Great player, great game… But for fuck’s sake, please do not overwork him.


Loïc Rémy completes move to QPR only for £8m

even qpr can buy a new player…. and make some f**kingprogress…



Yep- but whats he going there for? so he can have 6 months in the premier league shop window on 80k per week before qpr get relegated and secure a move to a new team on a free transfer.

Classic Demba Ba.

No thanks.


Gibbs has been hugely impressive as well. Yet another english lad who seems to give a fuck. I’m starting see the importance of the “british core” at arsenal. Players who want to be here, give their all and best.

P/s Ramsey has hardly put a foot wrong in the last couple of games, I want him to make it so badly aswell. Came through with Wilshere, it’s only fair the two be our super midfield of the future.


We still need to buy badly


I mean buy a good player badly…


Shit… We really need a good player…


Don`t worry, I understood and put you a thumb up for each comment.
I mean the tiny green approval thumbs up 🙂


Rvp was mister arsenal this time last year, ran himself to the ground, scored goals, gave a shit. Look what’s happened?

Idiot wenger will in time sell lil jack. Probably to united for peanuts again.

I do not trust wenger anymore.

North Bank Gooner

good lad, a lot more original than ” whos that clip clopping over my bridge “


Oh yeah, those cunts need someone to replace scholes. Jack is the perfect player to replace him.

I’d bet old red nose will put a bid in the summer. Wenger and the board will consider the bid and probably sell jack.


Get lost, you poor bitter mancunian…


Spelling, it matters.


Are you stupid? He just signed another 5 year contract. Jack aint goin’ nowhere, son.


This game made me think that he’s more suited to the CAM role in the Premier League than Cazorla is simply because he isn’t as easily bullied by DMs. Cazorla is great, but when he plays in the middle teams are always going to try and close him down. He may get more space to create out wide.


Happy to be a Gooner. Our captain put in one hell of a performance. Hopefully we can build from this, both in terms of performances and our squad.

Judgement day (once more)

The thought of red nose seeing Jack being awesome is fucking making me mad.
His finger is starting to scratch and his breathing is increasing in speed until his foul lips start to shout: Bring that boy in now!!!!

Fuck off, leave our Jack alone!


Sir Red Nose, you can have Squillaci, Djourou, Chamakh and Fabianski for free ifi you want. You can’t have Jack because he is not a c&nt like the previous #10.

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That’s my boy Jack

What is outstanding about him is that in addition to the undoubted technical quality he has a BIG heart and what some say “Bulldog mentality”. We need that more and more and I hope with our british core and true fan/players like Jenko, Wilshere, Nicco etc we get that. Players who feel the same pain and hurt after losing a game as the fans do.

In europhoria of all that, I wish AW gets rid of dead wood and compliment these players with some much need quality

the only sam is nelson

and lo, Dennis so loved the Arsenal that he sent his only son Jack to save the season

etc etc and so on


Let’s hope he can keep this level of performance for the rest of the season. Other players in the team can learn a thing or two from him!

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