Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta: Gervinho is like LL Cool J

Mikel Arteta has admitted that Gervinho has been affected by the weight of criticism directed at him this season, and says that the Ivorian – just like rap star turned actor, LL Cool J – needs love.

Having started the season with something of a flourish, scoring 5 goals in his first 7 games, the former Lille man hit something of a slump, characterised by some dreadful misses – not least of which saw him scuff wide from a couple of yards against Bradford in the Capital One Cup.

But Arteta believes there’s a ‘top player’ in there, and is hoping that he’ll contribute well between now and the end of the season.

“The big thing Gerv needed was confidence,” Arteta said in the programme for the Everton game. “He’s been playing in an environment where, sometimes, people were getting a bit frustrated.

“He was aware of that, and it’s not easy to play when you’re carrying that on your back. When he’s felt a bit of freedom and support from everyone, he’s shown his potential. He’s a very dangerous player, quick and mobile, and it’s hard to play against him.

“When he’s at his most accurate in front of goal, he’s a top player.”

The Spaniard believes that some players need a bit of an arm around the shoulder.

“Gerv is one of them,” he continued. “You have to get yourself on his side and talk to him in a positive way. He hasn’t found it easy with the language barrier either – it’s been tough for him to understand and speak English.

“Sometimes it can feel a bit lonely if things aren’t going right, so we have to give him love. With the way we play and attack, exciting players like him are exactly what we need.

“Now he looks full of energy and confidence and can’t wait for the next game to come.”

The Ivorian can probably consider himself unlucky not to have been involved against the Toffees last night, but after Theo Walcott’s ineffectual display may find himself back in the team for Fulham on Saturday.

Clearly Arteta’s words are meant to boost Gervinho’s confidence, and although it’s impossible not to be frustrated by him at times, it does seem as if the vocalisation of that has affected him in a negative way.

The flip-side of that coin, however, is that professional footballers should show more balls and play their way back into form and people’s hearts – Aaron Ramsey springs to mind – but that makes the assumption they’re all the same.

In conclusion, we don’t know, but we’ll hope for a few more Gervingoals between now and the final day of the season. In the meantime:

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“Gervingoals” for top 4 🙂


Oh man been looking for this vid…thanks a lot


Should be time to release the Ox by now. He’s been very good when he has come on for the last weeks.


I’m still confused why Wenger doesn’t pay him more, he was soo good last year. This year no matter how good a game he has, he never seems to be in the starting line up the next game. Then again, with Gerv, maybe they should be watching his old performances with lille and see how they got the best out of him.


I seem to remember him having a few ineffective games in succession and then getting eaten alive by the usual reactionists (Note: I’m not saying that you were one of them). Maybe he’s still building up from that, psychologically, or Wenger is being cautious. If we, as Arsenal fans, have learned anything related to this from past observations, it’s that the rapid psychological rise and fall of players does us little good, and that it’s hard for anyone (including Mr. Wenger) to predict how it will play out.


I remember when we first signed him, I read somewhere what Lille fans thought of him.The general consensus was that he was an awesome player but with sometimes painfully frustrating decision making. Which pretty much sums up how he’s been at Arsenal, I think at lille he was just played often enough to show the better side of his game. The fact is when he’s on his game he can make defenders shit themselves as much as anyone else in the prem. Personally I’m looking forward to seeing him next season when he doesn’t have any distractions like ACON, It… Read more »


You make some good points, but… I was talking about the Ox (like the two comments before mine).

Finsbury Park Gooner

I don’t know if the Ox has done enough to justify a place in the starting 11 for most of the season, it’s only recently he’s started to look like he could force his way in.


I like the way you put that, usual reactionists.
Some fans are so fickle..


I seem to remember the exact situation with Walcott a couple of seasons ago. No matter how effective he was he just couldn’t get a start in the lineup. Plus Walcott was older and more experienced at that time than Ox is now. I think Wenger is just protecting him. You have to remember he is still only 19 and hasn’t really done anything to prove himself except give a few good performances last season.

Loop A Hole

Sure Ox has been very good coming on as a sub. And he has made things happen. Consider Ox starts, and nothing happens for the first 60 minutes, who do we bring on as an impact sub? Walcott hasn’t impressed me much in that role. Gervinho neither. So sometimes, it’s better to keep the winning formula. Play Walcott, Poldi or Gerv and then bring on Ox when the defenders are tired and are just jumping to challenges.

how can i keep calm?! I'm a gunner...

well said. The guys young he’s got everything to prove consequently starting affords a luxury players of his age shouldn’t really get as a general rule, for the sake of the learning process. The fact that he has an impact in premiere league games at such a vital part of the season is an excellent bonus for the club, supporters and him. Its why its so important gerv. finds/keeps form, otherwise if the ox is the only option when the game winds down in the 20-15minutes or so it doesn’t afford the manager a decent alternative.


I agree, our best 3 has to be Poldi, Giroud, Theo. I thought Podolski would have started against Everton. He has the most experience and delivers more consistently than the other two. With Theo, we know what he is about. If we play well enough Theo normally ends up with a couple goals. If we have an open game, Theo normally flourishes too. I think he would have been deadly coming on fresh in the final 20 against Everton, so maybe one of the other 2 would have been a better option from the off. The attacking selection for the… Read more »


I agree that we all need to support Gervinho if we’re going to see the best out of him. Unfortunately if he has one bad game then people will get on his back. I think his mental state is too fragile to ever be a top player.

It Is What It Is

Le Gerv needs a psychologist, nothing more……mostly to improve his mental strength.
The top two players in the world use them, must be worth something.


Harsh. You got to have something about you to be playing at Arsenal. The slating of Gervinho is unjustified and is a joke which has turned pretty sour. Ramsey deserves all the credit he is getting right now, but not everyone can handle insults on a daily basis. Our support is the best in many areas, one being at not giving talent a chance because of the need to slate players. How many goals does the guy have? Is Vermaelen such a bad player? We are our own worst enemy every fuckin season.


“When he’s at his most accurate in front of goal, he’s a top player”

I suppose, but he’s not accurate in front of goal often enough to be a top player…..


Fantastic to see Gervinho finally doin’ it. On his day, ain’t nobody who can get near him, he’s something like a phenomenon. Unfortunately, far too often he seems a bit lackadaisical, loungin’ on the pitch even. Times like that I just want to pull him to one side and say, ‘Hey Lover, Mama said knock you out.’


West Side!

Respect Bro


Gervinho is similar to LL Cool J in the sense that both of them produce absolutely horrible work and will never be ‘one of the best’ in their respective fields, ever.


Never thought I’d be saying this but on current form Gervinho > Walcott any day please.

Arsene Wenger

I don’t understand the reactionary comments regarding Walcott here. He is a medium sized player returning from injury against a highly motivated team of big guys who have lost more matches than only the Manchester clubs (by one) this season.

Don’t compare Gervinho’s performances to Walcott’s, as Gervinho would have probably got destroyed against Everton, especially when compared to his performance against Norwich.


Yes that’s right….he does play football like LL Cool J. …..and Des O’Conner.


The forehead!!!


Im sorry gervinho, I really am. I imagine him feeling out of place in the trainning ground, knowing no one gets criticized as much as him. whether deservedly or not I dont think it would help his development as he is a player who feeds off confidence from the stands (general feeling towards him) you’d think.

Get behind gerv, giroud, walcott e.t.c. Now is the time to pull together and push on.


Well said. We’ll have loads of time to criticize and trash players once the season is over, now is the time for unity and support for the team.




5 head


People like you is the reason Gerv can’t flourish. If you’ve watched him play on the national team, he has outshone Drogba and all the others last 1-1,5 years. Gerv needs love, and I promise you he’ll repay the fans


Ladies Love Cool Jerv!!!

petits handbag

Just go with the team that started against West Brom for Fulham Saturday, I just don’t see Jack & Theo doing it doing doing it now. Also Gerv’s momma said to knock you out….you being whoever plays left back for Fulham


I’m gonna shank it wide! My momma said shank it wide!

Seriously though: Support your local Gervinho.


Man up Gervinho.


heh 🙂


we can all get behind gervinho until were blue in the face wont improve his composure or touch. Hes just not good full stop.


“Man up Gervinho” followed in the comment section by “we can all get behind Gervinho until were blue in the face”

Well, it made me laugh…


Arseblog news making an LL Cool J reference…very nice, very nice indeed


Walcott over gervinho… way. Imagine this. Ball played over the top next week against utd. One on one. Who would u have running on to finish it? Walcott. Or One on one against the last man to score? Walcott. Gervinho has his uses but is younger, faster and more clinical. Walcott has had a better season, than gervinho. Walcott will come back definetely.


Going by form of each of their last 10 games (which is a huge stretch for comparison), Gervinho destroys Theo. This is why we all debating about who to start. Theo has not been doin it, doin it for a while now.

Mikel Artekkers

All things considered, I think our front 3 for the next game (Fulham away) should be:
Ox – Podolski – Gervinho/Walcott
Giroud has been poor recently and has started all of our games, so I think he needs a break. The Ox has been brilliant when he’s come on recently, and we all know Podolski has a killer shot. Walcott was disappointing against Everton, but Gervinho was pretty poor in the game before against Norwich, so I’m not sure who would be better out of those two.

vote for henry on skysports
Merlin's Panini

Paul McGrath won PFA player of the year? You are shitting me!

Mills N7

In that link, Sky seem to have confused the Arsenal team that went through the season unbeaten with a group of prohibition-era law enforcement officers led by Elliot Ness.


You mean Sky got it wrong??

Shocked I am, shocked.

Merlin's Panini

I still think we need Gervinho hats for sale at the Armoury. If he could see how many people wanted a magical forehead like his then he would feel the love, I’m sure.

The invincible arse

He just needs to stop being so gervous in front of goal.


Forget Gervinho, I’m even ready to show some love for Squillaci if that would help us finish in top 4.


Gervinho is very gud player les give him our suport as Ateta was sayin, the guy need care, love 4rm fans nd his mate that is only way we can bring out the best from him. Up gunners globarly


Who exactly is Arsenal captain right now?

I know who is wearing the armband, but Arteta is doing the job.

We can agree or disagree about Gervinho; I tend to agree with Arteta that the guy live and dies with his confidence and we can do a part in helping him.

I just love that Mikel is standing up for/defending his team mates, there’s a name for that job……..


does it start with c and end with aptain?


One thing is to defend or support Gervinho and another is being blind about his lack of class and commitment! ….. If u make 5 figures per week then the minimum u should do is staying and extra hour everyday in training working on your weaknesness and for Christ sake! Its Been 3years and he doesn’t want to know the language?? Then learn it to communicate with the people u work with!!!! … I’m sorry guys but I refuse to feel sorry for this guy!


so u want him to study an hour or work on his finishing “weakness”


Maybe someone should tell him the word ‘forehead’ means ‘talent’. Gervinho! What a massive ‘talent’! Confidence boosted.


Hit ‘Em High

I’m Bad

I’m That Type of Guy

Would be his LLCJ underground mix tape songs.

Double Canister

Merlin’s Panini
Those would be pretty massive hats!

and, yes Paul McGrath was a legendary footballer, back in the day. ‘
Don’t be worried ’bout Per’s speed because Paul never had any. Classy DM’s can read the game at walking pace.

[…] 另外,这里还有新闻两则,分别是阿尔特塔:法海你不懂爱,热鸟也会需要爱,以及吉布斯:如今球员间更加默契,通过后者我们也可以窥些端倪,看看球队状态进步的原因所在。 […]

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