Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bould hails ‘fantastic’ Ramsey

Steve Bould has hailed the character of Aaron Ramsey after the Welshman’s recent form and how he’s worked to silence his critics.

Although he’s still got some way to go, his recent performances suggest there’s more to come from the energetic midfielder, something Bould recognises.

“He was getting a bit of stick [from some supporters] to begin with and I think he felt that a bit,” the assistant manager told Arsenal Player. “It takes a big character to come back and he’s come back massively.”

“Seeing him in day-to-day training, he works extremely hard. He never moans, gets on with his game and has done everything he’s been asked to do. He’s physically fantastic and he gives something to the team. I think he’s improving all the time.”

With Jack Wilshere still out, and Abou Diaby sidelined in the long-term, Ramsey will have a big part to play in the run-in, and Bould is confident that the qualities he brings to the side will come to the fore.

“The great thing about Aaron is he never looks tired,” he continued. “He’s never weary. He adds something to the team, he gives that physicality and on the ball he’s improving all the time.”

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Ramsey is still young, he will be a massive player.


We’ve got the Ox, Ram and Coq, now we just need the Wil to win.


Interesting that Bould is getting more press time. Two fingers up to Stuart Robson?


Bould hails ramsey as “tireless” – this true. Even when he was not having the best of days this was very evident. Chasing lost causes, hassling players, e.t.c. Good work rate from the player and he has now started to inject abit of the old ramsey back into his game. Onwards and upwards baby!

Pensive Gooner

I was one of the fans who had lost paitence with Ramsey – I was very strong in my belief that he would suffer the same fate as Eduardo – who was instrumental before his injury but was never able to become the same player he was when he returned. Ramsey’s undecisiveness on the ball used to annoy me a lot and I was simply not able to understand why Wenger kept persisting with him. I am so glad that Wenger did – as it finally seems like Ramsey is getting back to the level he played at before he… Read more »

Terry White

These views seem just like mine !, We are too quick to get on players backs. They need our support when they`re not playing well. With Walcot we all jumped down his throat at the first opportunity and the same with Ramsey.
Congratulations to Steve Bould and who was that other person involved in sticking with Ramsey, is he some French git, what was his name, oh yes, Wenger.
Perhaps he doesn`t talk out of his arse as much as we do


Ramsey still isn’t quite at the level he was before his injury technically, but in terms of experience he is doing very well!

Let us not forget this was a player Cesc was worried about losing his place to.


To be honest, cesc might have had better passing range and vision but he could never have matched Rams’ work rate.


Now, first of all I am a big fan of Ramsey, and is thrilled by his progress the last months, but lets not get ahead of ourselves – cesc was, and is an incredible player, and he is the reason we expect the young players like ox to play well and be consistent, because cesc could do it. I have no doubt that Ramesy is, and will become a fine player, but I will not say he is in the league as Cesc just yet…


Oh man – I remember watching Ramsay against West Ham, what 3 seasons ago? He absolutely ran the show. Comprehensively destroyed them. I hope he can do that again, soon.


He’s our Alonso. The next Arteta.


When Wenger persists with a player for a long while then there must be some potentials in there. Arsene always know and he’s right once again for sticking with Aaron. I tell you Ramsey is gonna get better and better and y’all will hail Arsene for giving the Arsenal a massive player again!!!

Allan Michaud

Well, not really. Senderos and Prince Nicolas of Bendtner were given heaps of time but never looked good enough. Ramsey on the other hand looked the part until his broken leg. I for one was not slagging him off when he went through his bad spell earlier in the season, although I was beginning to wonder if he would ever rediscover his form. I am very happy to see him doing well and I hope this is a lesson to all the assholes that were giving him a hard time. SUPPORT YOUR TEAM NO MATTER WHAT, HURLING ABUSE AT YOUR… Read more »


Hmmm…,..i’ve always been behind this blole


thats hot


And still only, what, 22? This is a player who will be peaking around 2018, he’ll be a very good player for us. To be honest I’d already say I prefer him to someone like Cleverley.


He will be massive, that I am confident of. He’s got such character, and his skill isn’t in doubt. Its all about developing this lad into the player most of us know he can and will be. Luckily Arsenal and Arsene Wenger are good at that.

Arsene Wenger

Finally hearing a few good words for me and my lads. Now that they’re of age, they’ve learnt driving also hence they know not to drive with the handbrake on. Or play.


I’ve said previously, if he can be Arsenal’s Stephen Fletcher I’d be well pleased, if he can be better then it is also great. Not every player has to be a world-beating super-star, maybe Ramsey was trying to hard to be that player.

Glory Hunter

I think he meant Darren Fletcher of Man Utd but he deserved all the thumbs down regardless!


Your right, on both counts. Anyhow, you’re all cunts.


I personally dont wish Ramsey problems with his shitter. But yes, Fletcher was annoyingly consistent and score jammy goals in big games. Imo, Ramsey is better technically than Fletcher and if given game time will be our new Parlour/Grimandi. Both are some of my fav. Ex players. You need players this in a succesfull squad.


In a dissimilar article about twelve months ago, Ramsey was being singled out for serious criticism for Arsenal poor run of form. I noted then in my contribution and described Ramsey as the stone the builder reject that shall become the head-corner. People! That goes to prove that what we see is not what it really is and we should learn to be patient instead instant gratification.

Roland C Rozario

Bould is making ‘headlines’! …… He speaks and gives his opinions n expresses himself! This is good, obviously he is being heard!


Wenger knows. We’re not there on the training ground and by the looks of things, Ramsey stays there all day. So the people who pass bad judgement really have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes. Believe in the team because Wenger & Bould clearly do.

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Jim Jimminy

Would anyone else like to see steve bould with a huge beard?


I mean his quality is ok, but have you SEEN the cut of his jib?


He is and has always been one of my favourite players. His demeanor on and off the pitch exemplify Arsenal as a club. On the pitch, he has a tremendous skill set that he continually works at, his work rate and passion are off the charts and will run till the ends of the earth for the result, and during the peak of his criticisms he kept his head down worked hard and simply got on with it. Off the pitch, he’s understated, mature, calm and keeps out of the headlines. That’s the type of player I like wearing the… Read more »

[…]  The Welshman has formed quite the partnership with Arteta, with assistant manager Steve Bould singing his praises as well.  What he lacks in size he makes up with technical ability and desire, and his more […]

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