Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fulham 0-1 Arsenal – player ratings

The performance wasn’t up to much but the result was spot on, here’s how the player rated in the 1-0 win over Fulham yesterday.

Wojciech Szczesny: 7/10 – Two clean sheets in a row, and was the busier of the two keepers. Made some good saves, and was solid throughout.

Bacary Sagna: 6/10 – I remember a time when Bacary Sagna could cross a football. No issues with his defensive performance but seems stagnant in the opposition half. not helped by the fact he’s got to try and figure out where Walcott is most of the time.

Nacho Monreal: 6/10 – Plenty of energy but seemed to be reluctant to drive at the Fulham defence. Was skinned early on which required some drastic defending.

Per Mertesacker: 8/10 – Got the winning goal, now has as many in the league this season as Emmanuel Adebayor, and was a genuine colossus in defence. Dealt well with the extremely fouly Berbatov.

Laurent Koscielny: 8/10 – Quiet and assured alongside the BFG, he just did his job and did it well, gets as assist for the goal.

Mikel Arteta: 6/10 – Perhaps affected by the Sidwell challenge early on, passed it well as you’d expect but perhaps a touch too patient/cautious when we needed something a bit more creative.

Aaron Ramsey: 6.5/10 – Made 114 successful passes yesterday, and had 3 attempts on goal, the highest of any other Arsenal player. At least tried to be positive in and around the final third when others shirked responsibility.

Tomas Rosicky: 6/10 – Not quite his usual zippy self, but credit to Fulham for preventing the space for him to exploit. Not much else to say.

Santi Cazorla: 4/10 – Probably his worst game for us, and looks like he needs some serious battery recharging. Has played more Premier League minutes than any other player and it’s beginning to show. His corners were terrible, and for a man so fond of shooting with either foot it was frustrating to see him try delicate passes instead of just giving it a good lash.

Theo Walcott: 4/10 – Followed up his poor game against Everton with another one today. Seems to think he’s got a free role which allows him to drift all over the pitch. It meant we rarely had an outlet on the right and added to the narrowness of our game.

Olivier Giroud: 4/10 –  Got little service but needed to impose himself more on the game. He’s big, he’s strong, he needs to put himself about a bit instead of hoping referees will give him love for the finger-waggle. Red card was harsh but compounded a difficult day.


Lukas Podolski: 5/10 – Looks like he’s running through treacle at the moment, which makes you think his injury is really having an effect. Offered little after he came on.

Jack Wilshere: 5/10 – Like Podolski was put on to give us more in the final 20 minutes, instead it swung the momentum in favour of Fulham. Like the German, it’s hard to think he’s fully fit.

Bonus result rating: 10 out of 10. Argue with that, I dare you.

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[…] report – By the numbers – Player ratings – […]

The Arsenal Gypsy

Morning Blogs.
I would not dare argue with your assessment.
Bang on.
Arsene running due to lateness…..6/10.


At least he was not fighting the zipper again, I think the camera showed him at it again on Tuesday against Everton


I think Blogs is a bit menstrual this Sunday morn,thread lightly folks.


one thing for Walcott, his set pieces delivery wasn’t bad. got us a goal, too.

i still agree with the fact he’s been behaving like a lazy sheep recently, but after all the fleck he got after being selected for set pieces it seems kind of worth mentioning. i think he’s underrated in this aspect.

still, not really good that he is useless 9o% of the time.


I noticed this as well because Cazorlas corners were terrible, even if your tired, clearing the first man isn’t that hard is it? I think everyone has a go at Walcott in matches when opponents park the bus, but really he could drift inside and try shooting more maybe. Problem is whenever someone takes a shot you feel unless its dead on target they get blame for wasting it, maybe thats why they don’t shoot so much.


6? I thought he looked majestic..could have gone badly wrong in those slip-ons!


Have all Arsenal players been banned from shooting from outside the box, Im sure Arteta and Santi could have had about 4 to 5 each yesterday but decided to pass into congested box over and over again.


I think this is down to training and not really the players’ faults.

Ian Pepperell

I think we have to be great full for the three points move on to the manx and would be nice to see giroud and the german play up front together 4-4-2 if his red card is appealed and overturned. never a red. in fact never a card.

Dr. Silent

Yeah, might be worth trying something different against the Mancs.

Giroud’s card probably won’t be overturned, but his suspension might be reduced. Who knows. It’s impossible to tell with the FA being the FA in the FA-iest of ways recently.


Knowing the FA, they’ll Uphold Giroud’s red and cancel out Sidwell’s.

North Bank Gooner

Knowing the F.A Arsene will get a 3 match ban for being Arsene.

Erwan C

Spot on ratings and well thought out explanations me thinks, though maybe a tad harsh on Cazorla. I’d have bumped him to a 5 or 6 but I agree that he was subpar from his normally high standards. He must be so tired spent by now.

Nacho Vermertesagna

I’ll take a generally poor performance if we still win the game. We need to be much, much better against Skunky’s new team next week though (exception – Per and Kos, who were both excellent yesterday).


yep arteta appeared allergic to shooting..but 3 points in the bag nonetheless..
massive day today in terms of champions lg places…as much wenger says it depends on us…it depends on the other teams too…so heres to dropped points for spurs and chelski today…

Arsenes Nose


Gibbs' Ears

Blogs you’re the only one who acknowledges that Podolski’s injury is affecting him and his fitness. Everyone else appears to have joined the “Podolski up top” hysteria. The last thing we need is for him to be out longer than he should if we’re to make his injury worse. Though admittedly we currently have few options in attack.

Santi needs a rest. Unfortunately don’t think next week’s the right time for that.


we needed to unleash the OX in this game… so front three of Ox, Podo and Gerv for Manure


Yep i think Giroud plays his part for a guy who’s been there for a season. Walcott had 8
seasons to prove himself and he is still
struggling to do that. Wenger needs to realise
Walcott is not the player he expected and let
him rest for a while. Like I said I would opt for Oxlade anytime of the day, i dont know what wengers’ is thinking not playing ox.


Only Mata has more assists than Walcott! Not to mention 18 goals, that is Wenger’s thinking.

When Theo isn’t in the game he can still be decisive, like the free kick yesterday. The fact you would opt for the Ox “anytime of the day” is exactly why you will never be a manager.


I think it’s a shame Podolski didn’t start (injury worries?), because then our wide forward sub would’ve been Walcott or Oxlade-Chamberlain. I’m reasonably confident that either of those two would’ve had some very decent chances against a tired 10 man Fulham. Of course, there was no way of knowing they’d have a man sent off. I’m still worried about Giroud. His ability to win high balls and hold up play is a little underwhelming, on the other hand, his non-headed assists have been a positive surprise. Good debut season for him but I’d still like the club to buy a… Read more »


Can’t argue with the ratings. As for Blogs blog this morning, It does matter to me how Arsenal win, it’s why I support them. The team lacks anyone who can beat a man, they are all technically strong but ultimately cowardly in their approach and unimaginative. Walcott would thrive if there was somebody who could set him free, but he can’t do it himself. I hope the Ox gets some game time again soon because I think he one of a few players at Arsenal who can beat a man and create opportunity. I am well happy for the three… Read more »


Have you watched United lately…they’re there for the taking! Rooneys a stone overweight and bar an offside goal which should be deducted Van Persies displaying the kind of shite we’d all been praying he’d show…a repeat of 2 years ago…1-0 to the arse!


Exactly, no one is setting Walcott free, he can’t score if he doesn’t get chances! He showed again yesterday that he can stick them away with that offside goal. We could have done with Fabregas…


Fair ratings, but do think the midfield suffered from our complete lack of movement from our forwards. We was waiting for a cesc style defence splitting pass but absolutely no one even looked like making a move to make a pass like that possible.
The corners and crossing was pretty much terrible all game and that cut out another outlet for the forwards to maybe shine a little.
Kos and the bfg brilliant all game as they have been most games recently, either one could be player of the season.


Excuse my bad English 🙂
Monreal 5/10 – a bit unstable in defense, didn’t offer anything in attack
Rosicky 5/10 – not good enough performance, probably because of lack of playtime. I could see him several times moving to positions where Cazorla already is
Giroud 3/10 – he is moving well to free space for others, but rarely makes runs so he could be dangerous himself
Walcott 5/10 – at least good free kicks by him .. much better than the corner kicks by Cazorla. He could have been much more important in the last 20 minutes than Giroud was.


Exactly, why take Walcott off in the final 20 minutes against those tired Fulham legs! It’s like Wenger decided his subs before the game even started…the players that came on made no difference anyway.


i thought after the early red any sort of tussle seemed to result in a fulham free kick…why there was so many tussles in 80 minutes of 11 v 10 is another matter though….theres a spare man somewhere!


Big concern that Szczesny again patted shot back to striker rather than hold or tip round post. Got away with it this time but very bad technique that needs to be coached out of him quickly.

Cazorla's Left Foot

Agreed. He has got to be more confident than that.

Fabianski in the few games he has played since Munich, has held on to tougher shots that the one Szczesny parried straight to fullam player. Otherwise he was solid.

I never though i’d say this, but Flappy’s handling of the ball has better than Szczesny’s.

Santi's Class

To be fair Fabianski is technically the better shot stopper, while Szczesny’s the better boss in the box.


Positive thing is the defend looks solid,which not usually associated with arsenal these days. Loving the sagna,mert,kos and monreal at the back.Front three and the midfields had to be more positive on the attack, get the ball more frequent in the box and play it low. Cazorla and Arteta should try some long distance effort,we miss those at the cottage.


The defense is something to beam about at the moment. As you said this is not normally the case. I would play Gibbs against Man U though but if Monreal plays there will no complaining from me. Perhaps with Giroud out our attackers will be more fluid, when Theo was scoring a few it was when Giroud wasn’t starting and I remember a game where Theo didn’t have a great game but his runs split the defense to allow other players to get into dangerous positions. We need to put out a team that will harrass Uniteds defense. We should… Read more »


Given Girouds recent performances, it’s not that terrible if he’ll be suspended for the next games.

Gibbs' Ears

Comments like these makes me wonder why some people “support” Arsenal.


There would be a lot more comments like that if it had been Theo suspended…

Q Ball

To be fair, he was just expressing his opinion. Supporters can offer dissent, especially concerning a player who has been terribly out of form the last couple of weeks. I would prefer Podolski or Walcott up top with Giroud as an option off the bench. Not having Giroud at least on the bench will hurt us, but I think the point Lasagna and others are making is at least this suspension will force Wenger to make a change. Arsene often stubbornly refuses to rotate players out when they are out of form.

Gibbs' Ears

Arsene had no problem dropping Giroud earlier in the season when he was out of form and playing Theo/Gervinho as a striker instead. If he continues to play Giroud it’s because he recognises that Giroud brings other things to the table i.e. defending corners, holding play, etc. Things that Theo and Poldi may not do as well.


Exactly how is the manager having less options to play on the pitch a good thing for the team?


With many of the team struggling to get more than 6 /10 its amazing that we won. We have no real stars yet the team has a great chance of placing third again. May be the stats are too harsh. Maybe Fulham suffered because of the red card. Whatever the reason the Arsenal have fashioned a paralysing run in the last third of the season. Is this no stars team the winning formular I wonder. Man U. on Saturday will be an excellent measure of just how far we have come this season.


Yes, the player ratings are clear pointers that the squad requires strengthening. And also that our current crop of players need to improve their game to match the expectations we have of them. Walcott especially.


I’m personally ready to cut Sagna a lot of slack, bearing in mind what he’s faced with in front of him. If his attacking game has slipped so that he makes sure he’s on the mark defensively (which he is), I’m ok with that.

I like Jenks a lot but would love Bac to stick around and mentor him.


good bad im indifferent. this team is bad and play bad too. its taken seven years to get here and now questions seriously need to be asked about wenger. gervinho was playing well but a bad walcott and tired? carzorla and of course a poor podoski are prefered. its been the case for a long time where wenger plays s better players over those on form or fails to tweek the team to accomoate them. i know rosicky had injuries but he sat on the bench for a long time with people desperate to see him. same with kos. giourd… Read more »


Would love to see Arsene give Gervinho a shot, Poldi up front maybe. Walcott either benched or up front. Mix it up, take som chances. Maybe even try Chuba. However, we need want and can’t be without Champions league next year – so i can understand the caution.


Bit hard on Gervinho I thought.


We’ll not get the best out of Giroud until we play with a second central striker. Even on a bad day, he’ll win most balls in the air, but it’s rare that there’s anyone to pick up the ball from his header. He’s perhaps not been the most composed in front of goal, but it’s a first season performance, and the lack of a second striker playing through the middle diminishes his impact on the game. I’d like to see a genuine striking pair emerge within the team, but the current formation doesn’t make that easy, and makes of an… Read more »

Dial Square

With Giroud out of the Utd game (a bad thing in my opinion, contrary to what a lot of people think) maybe a chance for our £100,000 a week superstar striker to show us what he really can (or can’t do).

Fed Up

Should be a 2 for both wally and ollie


Argument against the result rating: could’ve done better by scoring more to improve our GD, which could be decisive in the end.
9/10 at best


I thought Koscielny had an excellent game. He was commanding in the air and him and Mertesacker are playing brilliantly together


I also have loved the way Ramsey and Arteta have been covering the defense, it has made all the difference in the world, takes a load of burden off the back four and the GK.

Dial square

Couldn’t stomach RvP scoring and having to watch Utd celebrate winning the title at the Grove.
Walcott has been demanding to play up front but has been bloody hopeless since he got his big money contract, so if he plays just one good game the rest of the season, make it this one and all will be for given…COYG


Theo scored 4 goals AFTER he signed a new contract, against Chelsea, Liverpool, West Ham and Brighton. And he’s consistently been giving assists, get your facts right.

Dial square

Wow 4 goals- brilliant! How much is that per goal??? And you say Theo has consistently been providing assists, really, is this before or after the “consistently inconsistent” quote???? He is without doubt the most inconsistent player at the club..You can use all the facts and stats you want to make your point, if only I knew what point you were trying to make!!


I think Theo got assists against Norwich, Bayern, Sunderland, Stoke, Liverpool and Spurs. He got more assists after he signed the new contract than before, only Mata has more assists than Theo in the league! My point is quite clear! As for goals, he will start scoring again when the midfield start providing him with chances. It’s so lame when people keep bringing up the wages…


They say Arshavin gets 95 grand a week, Wenger won’t even put him on the bench. Then there is the unlucky Diaby who is always injured. You should be more concerned about what they earn every week than Theo.

No player at the club has more goals or more assists than Walcott yet you call him our most inconsistent player lol…do you actually realise how laughble your comments are:D


The midfielders and strikers are pretty poor in this game, only defenders and keepers did their job. Probably not a 3 points we deserved, but a win is a win.

waithaka; kenya

i’m arsenal fun and im worried that arsenal appears to me we are playing the same way we did at the begining of the season when a game could end without any shot at the target.The game with the fulham was horrible the players did not show any determination to win the game.the way they played one was left thinking that the arsenal team was less by one person and not the fulham.This is not acceptable to a club which want to be in c.leageu next season.I donot understand the logic used by the arsenal players to get the ball… Read more »


Listen even great teams have bad days at the office and we have to give alot of credit to Fulham they fought like beavers. Its worth using the old cliche of great teams grind out results even when not playing well and we’re finally starting to do that. 2 months ago that would have been a game we dropped points. Do agree with the shooting outside the box comments i mean i cant think of the last time i saw a 20-25 yard screamer from a guy in a red shirt!


Probably Podolski against West Ham! We definitely need to try from distance more often. When the box is congested, it’s almost impossible to pass through.

Also, our corners have been so ineffective recently that I don’t even feel that surge of excitement that you should have. You just know that a goal isn’t coming. Maybe time to start taking them short sometimes?


Exactly this. Of course I prefer for Arsenal to play better than they did yesterday – we know they can do so much better. But its an asset, one that Man Utd have, to grind out results even if they are playing like shite. This is one thing this team hasn’t been able to, but of late that seems to have turned around a bit. Holding on to slender leads, going down to 10 men, playing sub par but getting the win. That’s a really good development to see.

Denilson's through ball

I wouldn’t worry too much about Giroud’s 3 match ban guys, we still have Chamakh.

Looking forward to seeing him carve open the United defence.

Have faith guys.


Oh, can I just say ‘Come on City’! And Liverpool a bit later too!


No-chin has just scored after 4 minutes! Excellent.


Looks like the media reports about The Chinless One wanting to come back was true; first he scored against sp*rs and then he studded Walker. Bale next?


And then he missed that sitter because he wanted to keep Mert and Kos higher above him in the goal scoring charts. What a guy!


Always had a soft spot for good old Samir.

I won’t hear a word against the greedy mercenary chinless cunt.


People will realise what giroud brings to the team when he misses the next match. Arsenal will struggle to create chances, and will miss
his presence up front. Even though he is frustrating at times , he does create chances and space for the other players.


And his defensive contributions on set pieces and corners especially.


Arshavin needs some game time now…at least some farewell 15-20 mins against utd…. Players need to prove there are better than the babies in Manchester.


I’m 50/50 on that, it’s a risk for sure. Theoretically I’d like that, but he’s been so ineffectual this season and has seen so little of the pitch I’d be worried especially in such a big game.


Frankly I am beginning to form the opinion hat Walcott has some compromising photos of Arsene as I cannot fathom any other reason why he keeps on being picked despite he fact that he seems to regard the ball as some kind of plague bearing agent, so loathe is he to come into contact with it. And when he does his first touch has all the subtlety of a mallet to the head. So often when he plays its as though we only have 10 on the pitch. 4/10 for yesterday’s effort seems more than generous to me.


Totthwat 0 Man sity1 43 min played


Not meant as an excuse, but let’s not forget that this was Arsenal’s third game in eight days. It’s not surprising to me that they looked a bit jaded out there, especially after the exertions against Everton. Hopefully, we’ll be fresher against Manure.


Also, I hope fans realize what Gervinho brings to the team besides shocking misses: his movement causes chaos and opens up space, and he more than anyone else takes on defenders directly. Since he’s been out of the lineup, we’ve struggled to fashion chances with our possession.


When Cazorla used to take lots of long shots, it would force defenders to close him down leaving space in behind for Walcott/Giroud etc to run into. I can’t really understand why he didn’t in that game


Bang on ratings.

I hope the 8 days of rest will do us wonders, some really tired looking players out there yesterday, especially after that hard ass game against Everton. Fulham played on Wednesday but didn’t play the weekend before so they weren’t as hard off as we were.

Also hope that this below standard performance lights a fire under everyone’s asses to light up the Emirates against Man Utd.


The reason for the post-match vitriol is despite Arsenal’s good run of form, the performances have been mostly poor against poor teams with nothing left to play for. When Arsenal play boring shite – 90% of the season – all Arseblog ever says is that it’s the result that counts, but of course there’s no hint that this Arsenal team are heading in the right direction. They’re mediocre, nowhere near competing for a trophy – any trophy – and fans are fed up with it. Perhaps if Arseblog wasn’t so nervous about upsetting Arsenal FC he might speak the truth… Read more »

Dial square

Hey feel free to start your own, you seem to have all the answers!! And it would save you coming on here spouting your nonsense.


I agree Arsenal is not seriously pushing for the Premiership or the ECL title these days and I have said that all season. But I totally am impressed with our latest run of success. It has been fantastic. Now that United will probably be champions tomorrow next weeks game should be a little bit easier for us. With Spurs winning and Chelsea right there Man Utd has become a must win. Should be a great game and a great atmosphere. Arse 5-2.


A different manager would perhaps opt for ox ahead of walcott it depends with the preferences you know and I never said I wanted to be a manager! 0_o


why is everyone constantly shitting on giroud? he’s by far the best option on the squad. no striker has ever taken every chance they had. true, he has been a little off of late. but no other gunner could do what he’s done this year. podolski is a great attacker but in terms of a pure striker he is slightly lacking.

63+ 12 = 75pts = 3rd place

Nacho: in the 93rd minute a deflected header-from-a-corner was heading straight to Berbatov’s boot. And Berbatov was 3 yards from an open goal and he doesn’t miss many of those. Thankfully, Nacho was right there to blast it away. Think he deserves better than a 6/10 because we’d all be facing dismal weeks this week if it had ended 1-1 against Fulham. Sagna: you can almost visualize in-advance his crosses from the right being ‘blocked’ by an opposition defender so can’t really argue with a 6/10. Bacary obviously doesn’t think highly of Theo, as a partnership with a more disciplined… Read more »

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