Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arshavin ‘very glad’ to have Zenit deal confirmed

Zenit Saint Petersburg have confirmed the signing of Andrei Arshavin.

The move, which comes after months of speculation about his future, sees the Russian international sign a two year deal with the option of an extension.

Speaking about his return home to the Zenit website, the Russian declared:

“I am very glad that it happened. I am glad to get back to the city. It’s good to wear the Zenit shirt. I just want to play football.”

Asked if the move might aid his chances of returning to the international scene the 32-year-old confirmed it was his aim but played down whether or not it would happen.

“Of course, I want to return to the national team. I do not know whether being at Zenit helps this or not. I just want to play football. And I want to do it in my hometown.”

Arshavin famously helped Zenit to triumph in the UEFA Cup in 2008 and also has two league titles to his name including last year’s success while on loan at the Petrovsky Stadium.

According to the Zenit website he helped Arsenal to the bronze medal in the Premier League 2009/10. It’s shame we didn’t hold an open bus tour for him.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, best of luck to Andrei. May time and nostalgia bestow Petrovic-esque cult status on your time with the Gunners.

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Peace out!!!


Oh the player he could have been…


Yeah, hard to see it and not feel a bit sad in a way. Still, another one off the wage bill, which is only good news.


A bit sad though. It looks like wasted talent to me. Might be glad he’s off the wage bill but still sceptical on seeing who we’ll be adding to the squad. Hope there’s quality in the market this time 😉


I used to love the player he used to be. There once was a time where Arshavin looked the happiest player on the field. Looked like he was always having fun out there, especially with his cheeky celebrations…… Then he discovered black pudding.


he’s a goonar!


Good luck andrei.
Wished to see him in epl for another team, so we could just enjoy seeing him play upfront and not have have burden of him to defend.

glory hunter

You can still watch him in the Russain league you know 🙂


Arshavin had an unsatisfying career here at Arsenal for himself and us fans, to say the least, but no Gooner can despise this man’s cheekiness and some valuable memories he left behind on and off the pitch. Best wishes, Andrei!


Arshavin had an unsatisfying career here at Arsenal for himself and us fans, to say the least, but no Gooner can despise this man’s cheekiness and some valuable memories he left behind on and off the pitch. Best wishes, Andrei!

Arshavin's cousin

He hasn’t brought us any presents from London. We are really upset with him. We really wanted TGSTEL


Still my favorite owl!

Harish P

All the best, Arshavin.

I’m a little surprised they took him though. Wasn’t he considered disrespectful or something when he ended his loan deal there?


Stay off the pies little chubby one and good luck

Jimmy Neill

will always be remembered for owning Liverpool in THAT game. spokoinoi nochi. ‘Good Night Little Ones’ in Russian


And that goal against Barca

Jimmy Neill

true say


True professional. Didn’t complain about lack of game time or fans’ reaction to him. Hope he returns to his best form.


His waistband would argue against the ‘true professional’ label there, but yes, at least he wasn’t a moaner.


true professional? the man had talent no doubt. but his pwrformances didnt scream dedicatedprofessional to me. lazy shitbag.


A great player with incredible ability – just a lazy attitude. This is the worst-case scenario for any football player. Bendtner, Jay Emmanuel-Thomas, Marouane Chamakh and others could have all bettered themselves if they really tried.

This should be the blueprint of how NOT to play.



steve boulds hairdresser

Does this mean Andrei will bo longer be in the Arsecasts? It was the most he done for us last season.


^^Insert comment about how he could have been a great player at Arsenal


He’s was a true good gunner this kid, anyone who doesn’t wish him well is abit deluded. When I have memories of you unlike denilson e.t.c you must have been abit special. good luck.


Sorry, but why should I be deluded if I don’t wish him well? I don’t wish him anything bad, but what the fuck, I don’t care if he does well or not. He cost the Arsenal an awful lot of money and didn’t delivered and didn’t cared. If he returns his salary for the last two years plus interest I will say fair play to him and wish him well.


Agree 90,000 Quid a week for mostly bugger all. If he pays us a 20 million quid before he goes I too will wish him well, other wise f’off you f#ken load of useless expensive sh##

bronze medal

and people always say we haven’t won any trophies

bronze medal

and people always say we haven’t won any trophies

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]


Regardless, love andrei. Wish him all the best for the future! Great guy.


Arshavin, our last truly big name signing…
How many years has it been since we’ve really had something to get excited about in the transfer market?

Please, just sign the goddamn contract already Gonzalo
Someone kidnap his grandma, put a gun to his head, whatever it takes

Adam Richards

Double standards or what? I’m sure Bendner and Co will not be getting such a merry send off and in my opinion, Arshavin fell just as far short from my, maybe lofty, expectations as any of them. For me, he demised his own downfall. We paid him a seriously decent wage and a hefty price tag for his talent and commitment. We saw that for a very short period of his ‘superstar status’ contract, whilst he took every Arsenal Ruble he could, for as long as he could and for doing as little as he could on the pitch barring… Read more »


Arshavin made you want to vote UKIP? WTF?

You’d consider voting for a political party based on a story you’d read in a newspaper? A newspaper staffed by unscrupulous hackers and chums of Piers Morgan and Rebecca Brookes? A newspaper perhaps owned by Rupert and James Murdoch? That sort of newspaper?

Stop reading contradicting stories by people who make things up for a living, otherwise you’re going to turn into someone who actually does vote UKIP.


Still remember he scored 4 goals to Liverpool.

Best wish to Andrei.


“I just want to play football.”

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I’d cherish the day.


I just wan to play football . Bullsh##. he could have gone any where and played football. He did not go anywhere because he was on such a fat wage at Arsenal. The sooner the no play no pay rule comes in the better. Meanwhile Ashavin just F##k off.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Higuain: “Arsene, will I be a starter or used sub every week?”
Wenger: “No, we use rotation here. You will play once every two weeks”
Higuain: “Fuck off then. I will not go without pay for half of each year”


Misused? I think so. Were we fans a bit ungrateful? Think so. Did he ever complain? No. Always smiling? Yes. Every time he got a chance to play the last two seasons he contributed something. Okay, was only the Carling Cup this past season, but how important was Henry’s goal at Sunderland last season? Assist from AA23. I loved him as a character. As a player he could be frustrating, but certain players look great when the team is doing well, but when the team is struggling these players stand out (think Santos too). AA23 used to play ‘the free… Read more »


“…but when the team is struggling these players stand out AS ESPECIALLY BAD (think Santos too).”

Denilson's back pass

Gonna miss the little Russian.

Such a lovable little fellow, and so exciting to watch when he was bothered enough to put in a shift on the field.

Will remember him for his winner against Barcelona, and that 80 yard dribble up the length of the field for Theo’s goal in the 7-5 win over Reading after being on the field for 95 minutes.

All the best, you tiny red cheeked man.


will be remembered for anfield, barca and “i am gooner”, not much for 5 or so years 🙁

Arsene's stylist

First Internet Joe, now Arshavin. The Arsecast will not be the same again.




Seriously the saddest part for me too.

Merlin's Panini

I wish him all the best of luck at Zenit. Shame it didn’t really work out in the end. I always liked him (apart from when he didn’t track back) and always will. Won’t he miss Zhervinyu though?


Still one of the most frustrating players I’ve ever seen in an Arsenal shirt.

rj gooner

He could and should of been better and i think everyone agrees on that. But he left me with some great memories of him in the red and shirt and that’s all i ask for when a gooner leaves! Thanks for the memories andrei!!!

rj gooner

*red and white shirt :/

ozzi gooner

Cheerio fellow goonars! Great to see some of the ‘dead wood’ close to leaving.

As an Arshavin fan I can’t but feel sad to see him leave, however he couldn’t,t make the starting side and at least now he can aspire to regular football…

Спасиба Андреи and all the best for the future! You brought us much joy and head ache but those 4 against the Scousers will live long in the memory…

Hope we finally sign some quality players soon and happy ‘silly season’ to all my fellow gooners out there!!!

Oh to be an ozzi gooner

john leach

The best match he played in was the
One against liverpool when it finished4-4


Your goal at Anfield and the strike against barca i will always remenber. Good Luck!!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

This place is getting more depressing with every visit. The season to come promises to be our best hope for a trophy in a few years yet the haters are here in bigger numbers and with more anger every day. Every news item is “one more chance for Wenger to fail us”, “one more chance for the Board to screw us”, “one more reason our team is rubbish”, “one more disaster waiting to happen”, “one more lie”, or “one more cunt out of the door”. Surely there are better places to vent your hate than Arseblog? Goodbye Arshavin. Thanks for… Read more »


Just my 2cents but you are a proper Gooner and not a stupid cunt, I always enjoy your posts 🙂


Wenger ruined shava…end of story. Why didnt wenger convert him to an AM like he did with rosicky? I remember when people wanted rosicky to be sold and when wenger plays him in his position what happens?? He plays really great. Wenger hated arshavin after he criticized wenger for playing him as a cf and arsenal being 2 players away from being worthy contenders

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