Saturday, July 27, 2024

Outstanding Özil Offers Options


Whilst the dust settles on Arsenal’s capture of Mesut Özil, those of us not still blinking in disbelief at the size of the transfer fee have moved on to wondering how, where, and why the German will fit into Arsenal’s outfield setup. This is a lineup that was thought to be most crucially missing a striker, a defensive midfielder, and a centreback – and he is quite clearly none of these.


Mesut Özil is an absolutely outstanding footballer of “top, top quality”, and a perfect Arsene Wenger footballer if there ever was one. He has peerless technique, is extremely unselfish, always picks and executes passes sublimely, and he can beat players when needed (this is to imply that he does not set out to dribble – he merely does so to get into situations that enable him to pass or shoot better). You might compare him, if you had to, to a player like Robert Pires (without the swoon factor of course), whose every action was made with the team in mind, and executed effortlessly. If I’m overdoing the hyperbole, excuse me – I’m as excited as you are. If you aren’t, check out some video evidence, or 7am kickoff’s excellent (as always) numbers review.

His versatility also open up Arsene Wenger’s options in terms of setting up the team and shifting players around. And he suits the way we play – quick, inventive passing when we’re dominating possession, and swift counter-attacking when we aren’t. Both under Mourinho at Real, and for Germany, Özil has been a fantastic exponent of counter-attacking football. His movement and running (whether in wide areas or through the middle) are excellent, and he is able to set up or finish moves in a variety of situations. Germany’s back-to-back 4 goal performances against England and Argentina were great examples of his movement and ability to be decisive.

Wenger now has the option to mix up the composition of his midfield depending on the opposition – weaker teams might come up against Özil in behind the striker, stronger teams might see us play Özil and Cazorla wide and in front of a more tenacious midfield trio (e.g. Arteta/Flamini, Ramsey, Wilshere).

The most important thing about Özil is that he will make the players around him better – there’ll be less of a burden on Cazorla, and more service to Giroud, Walcott and Podolski.


Like Cazorla (who played the majority of his career out on the right) Özil is very two-footed and capable of playing on either flank, but will always roam infield. As you might expect under Mourinho, his positioning was a bit restricted at Real, but expect him to flourish in the fluidity that Arsene Wenger’s systems provide.

We are still lacking a striker, and the failed bid for Demba Ba shows that, but Özil’s ability to play on the left or right offers opportunities for others to play up front. Podolski and Walcott can now be considered genuine contenders for a striking berth in the absence of Giroud – Podolski did okay there towards the end of last season with a couple of goals against Wigan, and has a lot of experience playing with Özil for Germany. Walcott on the other hand will thrive off the kind of service that Özil can provide. And if all else fails there’s still Nicklas Bendtner!

Also, I think it’s safe to say that with the arrival of Özil, the whole Wilshere at #10 / attacking midfield experiment is probably going to be delayed for a few years (if not scrapped). Injury hasn’t helped, but Jack’s performances in that role have been ineffective. He played his best football for us in the year before Cesc’s departure, alongside Alex Song – making tackles, winning possession from deep, and driving the team forward – it’s a role that he seems more comfortable with, and given the makeup of midfielders available to us, one imagines that he will play there again this year.


Our big problem last year was that we struggled to create chances. Some people like to say that it was Giroud’s profligacy, which didn’t help, but the truth was that in difficult/tight games, we looked bereft of ideas, often leaving Giroud with half chances that he missed. Yes, Higuain might have scored a few more of those, but it wouldn’t have remedied the problem. Effectively all we had was Cazorla, and/or sometimes the interplay between two of Giroud/Walcott/Podolski, and when we couldn’t make use of these options, we became predictable and struggled.

So Arsene Wenger went looking for someone to create chances. As yet, no one at the club has shed any light on the Higuain situation, so we don’t know what really happened. What we do know however, is that Wenger wanted Luis Suarez, and going by the rumours, felt that paying more for Suarez offered much better value that Higuain. Why? Well because Suarez is the kind of player that creates chances – he was amongst the top five creators of chances in Europe’s top leagues last season, and if you add his 20+ goals into the mix, it’s what Arsene Wenger might (someday once again) call a “no-brainer”.

But Liverpool wouldn’t sell. So what did we do? We went and bought the player who’s provided the most assists across Europe’s top leagues over the least 5 years. Özil, with his brilliant technique and vision will give us the extra little bit of magic we missed last season, and with him and Cazorla pulling the strings together, we are going to see a new dimension to this already very promising Arsenal side.

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Adams Jnr

Might be starting to get Ozil article fatigue.

Ahh fuck it, keep them coming.


Much better than Suarez article fatigue!


I feel like I’m charging on drugs everytime I start reading an article about how we could line up/the options we have. My heart starts beating really fast, I pull these involuntary,spastic smiles and I feel like having a cigarette haha SÖ excited

Fuck this international break! (Although I’ll be trying to catch any Germany games I can)



I just realized why Arsene wants to keep Abou Diaby so bad. Because then, our front six would be:-


Arsene, you sly bastard.


Wily wenger may have failed to procure suarez but his signing of the artful Ozil will transform every centre forward into a luiz Suarez although without having to bite anyone.extremely excited we have Ozil now.can’t wait to see him in an arsenal shirt.


How about using Arteta instead of Abou for the ‘A’? I’m afraid the number swap probably indicates Diaby’s time is drawing to a close.


Nobody’s taken his number though. I suspect 2 may have been his lucky number, but not any more!!


And if you add Emiliano, Emmanuel and Kosc, then it would be something close to “Orgasmeek”…

*leaves room quickly*


Can’t get it off my mind!too excited to see in few days time how carzola and ozil will together linked.defenders must be sweating by now while giroud salivates!


The thing that has me grinning (other than the fact that two days later I cannot quite believe its actually happened), is just how do opposing defenses cope. Last year Santi had free reign for a while until opposing teams realized what he was capable of doing. That gave more room for Theo as a little attention from the defenses was moved away from him. Rosicky’s return added that little boost to get us over the line creatively. This year, teams could be facing Giroud and a five of: Ozil, Santi, Theo, Ramsey, Jack. Who does the defense try to… Read more »

Sagnas Indestructible Neck

Poldi/Rosicky Walcott/Ox
Wilshere/Arteta Ramsey/Flamini
Gibbs/Nacho Kos/Verm Mertesacker Sagna/Jenkinson

Bench: Sanogo, Viviano, Diaby, Ryo, Gnabry, Zelalem, Frimpong

Note: It looks to me as though Giroud and Mertescker may be our most important men this season. They simply cannot get injured. If they do we don’t have the height at the back or the sufficient cover up top.

Your thoughts?


I can’t wait. I love him already.

Gunner From Another Mother

Funny he will be debuting against Sunderland and Stoke in the league like many other recent additions…

Dick Law

I’m a bit scared he’s going to be playing those two anti-footballing sides so early in his Arsenal career. I don’t want to say it….. but…….

Please no.

Jack Jumblies

Hopefully At Stoke he can set up two goals and have Flamini sub in at halftime to lock the door at halftime.

We now have the Prem’s deadliest midfield, deep and talented. Last year’s most efficient defense, an ever-improving Giroud…hold on I need to get a paper towel.


Truly a Dennis Bergkamp signing, can see a midfield of him, Cazorla, Wilshire, Jack (and Rosicky/Chamberlien) lighting up the EPL & UCL for many many years to come.
Very excited of what may follow in the coming windows.



Does Jack Wilshere have a brother we didn’t know about?


I take back every mean thing I have ever said about Wenger. The man’s a genius – spurs, Manu, Man city and Chelsea must be thinking how the hell he pulled it off.
We are not the finished article but we have significantly increased our potency. Arsenal to challenge for silverware this season methinks. With a bit more depth added in January, we just might win something!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Wenger had a vision of exactly how he wanted the team to play, Özil fitted the vision perfectly, and here’s the cruncher… Wenger told him about it. Hooray for Wenger telling Özil that he was the one man who could make a good Arsenal team into a great Arsenal team. Nobody at Arsenal is likely to overshadow him for the next year or two, so he will get all the plaudits he ever wanted, and if we do become a great team then who would not agree that he was the one responsible (and Arsene Wenger, of course, who held… Read more »


The thing about strikers is why would we want Ba on a loan? It is clearly a short term choice, and since the rumour was Chelsea would have taken £10 mil to sell him, we really did not want him for the long term. The idea now seems to keep Bendtner as back up, but again as short term. The only outcome it suggests is that we are not going to compromise any more. It might be January, or next summer, but we will get the striker of the quality we want. Ozil might not have been part of the… Read more »

Humble Gooner

Ba would just be for cover: lots of games and potential injury for Giroud. Ba isn’t a great long-term solution, but a loan deal would have been perfect for us (no long-term commitment but short-term cover), for him (gets to play), and for Chelski (off their wages). But Mourinho and his anti-beautiful-football ways nixed it. He’s hoping Giroud gets nicked (targeted?) and then he can scratch us off the contender list.


true. It will be interesting to see his tactics the first time we play them. Target Giroud or Ozil?


I’m actually happy for this inter lull. Gives us time to bed him in (pause) and get used to the system.

The midfield combos are looking siiiiick, even against park the bus tactics.

And plus when Chamberlain and Podolski return i see our counter attacks ripping defences to bits.

This team is looking too much already, rose-tinted specs aside.


Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yeah, let’s see those bloody opponents try parking the bus, when they are going to need to park a bloody convoy to keep our attack out now. Good thing we have Flamini though. The obvious way to combat us will be to kick Özil off the pitch, so he’s going to need a minder. Flamini and Wilshire between them will look after him.

Finsbury Park Gooner

I seriously hope so, I’m already getting cold sweats about him making his debut against Stoke or some other bunch of orcspawn.

Paul S

Don’t encourage the interlull! It doesn’t help much because he’ll be with the German squad until their second game in the Faroe Islands on Tuesday night. He’ll probably be travelling and resting Wednesday and I guess his first training session would be Thursday. I’d be surprised if he started against Sunderland.


Damn. Tony Pulis and Robbie Savage reckon we’ve strengthened in the wrong areas so won’t compete for silverware. Oh well , another trophyless season in store then. . . I jest of course. What a pair of cunts.

Good Omens

As soon as I read Pulis and Savage, I switched off. Sorry mate if you had a point to make.


I just can’t understand why I see Savage pop up everywhere.
Was he ever a good player? Was he ever a good manager? Is is bright & articulate? Does he have a great voice or writing style? The answers to all these questions is a resounding no.
Amazing what a poneytail and strictly come dancing can do to a career…

Emir of Emirates

I can’t just wait to see what the pair Cazorla – Ozil will do…slept last night dreamt about how he made 35 assists and score 19 himself…woke up wiv an errection !!!! Magical

ellay doma

Mate u crazy!!! Cldnt help but laugh…but kudos to wenger he is a genius



Grammar my friend, grammar.


That is spelling my friend, not grammar.


Im more interested in seeing a O..zil /Rosicky combo. Counter attack on speed, forward passes all the way!


Dearest Mr.Wenger, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for questioning your abilities and vision. Please forgive me for calling for your firing — I was extremely dumb and naive. My statements were premature. I love you Arsene. To make up, please note that my dog has been renamed Arsene. He is kind of confused now but he will realize that I have a plan — just like you did, you multilingual genius. You are that smart guy that didn’t buy a $500K house in Vegas (worth only $200) in 2006 – instead, you bought a house in Malibu… Read more »


Loved your comment haha

Jay Serrao

Thanks for that comment.

When Ozil signed, I don’t know about the rest of you but, I cried. C’mon Wenger, let’s go!



When he buys a quality striker in January then he’ll bought a house in Vegas!


I like how we looks like Prince in the middle picture 🙂

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Actually I thought he looked like Shakin’ Stevens. He must never do a photo shoot like that ever again.

Has anybody noticed the worrying trend in Wenger’s transfer dealings this summer? He’s abandoned his quest to have the prettiest team in the Premier League.

Oh robin

Ozil is beauuuuuuuuuutifullll… dont u dare say anything about him ! :’) :’)
oh wenger, keep’em coming

jack jack jack

A front three of Joachim Löw, Gene Vincent and Marouane Chamakh would strike fear into the heart of any mortal man.

I miss Bergkamp

Funny I thought it was Beatle on the left and Elvis in the middle


Classic !!!


I started supporting Arsenal when I was 11 and can’t imagine Arsenal without Arsene, I don’t know why some fans were shouting “Wenger out” thinking grass is greener on the other side. Let’s all get behind the team because united we stand!! COYG!!


I started supporting arsenal when we won the double. My first real football memories are the invincibles, arsene has been through it all and has just pulled off the transfer coup of the century. I have always supported Wenger but at times doubted him. All gooners should unite and agree that arsene is the best manager in world football today and he should get the support he deserve.COYG


(Sorry, just had to) I started supporting Arsenal when we won the double. Growing up I had to grow a thick skin in playgrounds full of Liverpool and United fans because we were so crap. I had to survive us losing 2 FA cup finals in three years. I was 13 before we won anything I can clearly remember, which ended an 8 year trophy drought. I waited 18 years for our first title. The most consistent run of success we had until 1996, was playing the most dour, defensive football Arsenal have ever played. After surviving all of all… Read more »


DAY 2. the nights have been long, constant endless orgasms mesmerizing at our new look midfield, ive needed a change of pants for I dont know how long now, work: the boss is mad, he yells at me yet i continue to scribble the arsenal lineup into a piece of paper I have not the care anymore, we fucking signed ozil!

DAY 3. (see day 2)


im excited to see zelalam’s improvement as well, learning from özil. they both like to make similar passes. damn, we have a solid midfield now and for the next 6 years at least.

Wrighty's Gold Tooth

Amen to that. Been thinking the same thing myself

It Is What It Is

He’ll take even more pressure off of Santi, as Ramsey has.

Should inspire and motivate Gideon and Gnabry even more. Dan Crowley too.

Just like Theo, I feel Ryo would also benefit greatly from training and playing with him.

Joel Campbell will be back next summer too – another explosive outlet.


Sorry mate, I don’t usually do this, (no grammar or spelling Nazi) but its one of our players and a guy in 15 years we could be talking about as a legend.



(I know I’m being a wanker, but getting player names right is one of my few hotspots) — and that is after upvoting the comment 🙂


Here in the states I’ve been telling everyone the good news! They don’t care but I am telling them anyway. I am so pumped. These 2 weeks are going to go soooo slow.

Hoosier Gooner

Me too (also in the States). The first thing that I did at work yesterday was to put an “Ozil is a Gunner” picture on my office door. Got bemused looks. But the other day I ran into someone wearing an Arsenal jersey with Podolski’s name on the back, so there’s hope even around here. I live in a medium-sized city (250,000 people) in the Midwest, not in NY or LA.


Am okay for now about what’s going in that team let’s wait and see what ozil will change in that team good nite have a good nite rest

Sofa King

One of your points was my own first thought about our new number 11, it’s something few in the media have picked up on, Ozil’s signing opens the door for Theo to play up front. His increasingly better finishing ability has obviously been recognized by the Boss, we’ve effectively now got 4 out and out strikers at in the First Team, even without TGSEL

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Getting excited! Getting Excited!!!! GETTING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

Getting a tissue.


Actually laughed at that, thank you.


The high of signing Ozil will never go away 😀

Oh robin

if at all it goes, lets hope its because there is something even higher :”D



Very optimistic Gooner

I tried setting up a new email address earlier but apparently “The Arsenal Midfield” is to strong to have as a password!


I can’t decide which shirt I’m going to buy with Ozil on it. I’m leaning towards the home shirt! 🙂

Whelmed sideways

The first picture is not Ozil, it’s the son from Angry Boys.



“Oh,Oh-oh-oh Özil”.Wow!

Arsenes had a transfer policy transplant. The article on the frantic behind the scenes work by Wenger, Gazidis and Law to land Özil is MASSIVELY reassuring for us. Now lets kick on and add a top, top, top striker in January who will be attracted by our manager and world class midfield. COYG!!


My favorite part of this giant signing coming is his admittance that the majority of the reason he came was Wenger and his undying faith in his players… which is what Wenger’s critics like to use against him.

I doubt Ozil would have come if Wenger had been sacked…. you know, for not signing “big” players. Oh the irony

Oh robin

True that mate, He’s always had faith in his players. Never criticizes anyone harshly in the public. Heck, he even defended gervinho and santos … his faith showed results so many times , more recently – ramsey (another manager would hav thrown him away at the first chance), kos(this is an example of a defender that has been made rather than bought.. and he’s top top quality). the dutch skunk(wont speak about this one for obvious reasons), giroo (i will refrain frm saying he’s der… he is still learning and will improve)… unfortunately there are also the like of diaby… Read more »


Im ordering me an away shirt with his name. See, spending money makes the club money. Wenger will get his £40mil in merchandise sales etc


There seems to be little or no mention of Ramsey in this dream midfield now – we can’t forget about Rambo who has been consistently our best performer so far this (albeit) early season and pre-season.

Where will he fit in? Will he be confined to the bench?


Long term, Wilshere/Ramsey behind him as part of a double pivot, I suspect


For now, I’d pick Ramsey ahead of Wilshere any day. We’ll have to eventually start experimenting with a Ramsey/Wilshere partnership for when Arteta is not available. Hopefully Wilshere will step up and Ramsey will be as disciplined as Arteta to perform a more defensive/possession-control role.


I thought there was very little mention of Rosicky, a man who may be very important for us.

If Giroud gets injured or needs a rest, I think we could see Cazorla at LW, Rosicky CM, Ozil at RW, allowing Walcott to play CF, or something like that.

Or we could occassionally see Rosicky at DM with probably Ramsey until Arteta is back.

But of course, the options are endless, as many people have pointed out.


This is working out really well in FIFA so far; been flogging everyone online hahaha
Even the idiots who have a first XI of Goalkeepers rated 99







Cool… the effort i went to, to make it formatted and looking somewhat decent went out the window. Sweet

99 problems but being a Gooner aint one.

I too think wilsheres best position is alongside a DM..His best spell at the club was when he was alongside song as you said, with his performance vs barcelona a standout. Ozil/cazorla interchanging, with theos pace on one flank, girouds movement and ramsey/wilsheres energy and drive from deep.. Striker in January and we very well should win a trophy. Our lack of options upfront will inevitably lead to wenger having an attempt at a false 9 system.. Also something you didnt mention was Ozils workrate..I watch la liga religiously and the guy while no midfield destroyer, works exceptional hard for… Read more »

Adam, Watford

Given that he will prove to be our best player by some way, by the end of the season, if not before Christmas, how long will it be before some media numbnut ( Savage, Shearer, Hansen, Lineker, Lawrenson . . . ) will say we are a ‘ one-man team ‘ and bang on and on repeating that mantra until the Red Tops are like a dog with a boner about it as well ? Of course we would prove them wrong about being a ‘ one-man team ‘ but you know what these idiots are like once they have… Read more »


i dont understand people talking about our lack of a quality cdm when we have plenty of players that are more than capable of doing a job there you have ramsey,arteta,wilshere and then the underrated flamini who i think is amazing. And our defence is actually pretty solid we have 4 cb`s (yes i said 4) sagna,kos,per and TV5 and we have a very good rb in jenkinson and have an up and coming rb that i dont think a lot of people have heard about who is amazing and should compete for that spot called hector bellerin , stole… Read more »


Now time to turn Walcott into a world-class striker… 🙂


Ozil is an incredible player, but he is far from two footed.

Adam, Watford

You mean he has more than two feet ???

In that case, this is an even more awesome signing than anyone could have ever imagined !

I miss Bergkamp

Its that third leg that gets opponents (and dates)

Adam, Watford

That FIGures !

A N Other

I would love to see how our midfield would shape this year..


As much as zalelem, im looking forward to seeing what Ramsey can learn from özil. Im excited to see what Aaron can grow into because he is improving every week


Wenger will add goals to his game, just as he has with other AMs – 15 at least this year for MO.


I don’t see any need to play Wenger at AM, or at all really.


Excellent article. Been trying to tell everyone how much he was needed. People are saying that we already have similar players in Cazorla (yes), Rosicky, Wilshere, Ramsey, and Arteta. It’s obvious they don’t watch many Arsenal games. Despite having some good attacking qualities, Wilshere and Ramsey are ‘box-to-box’ midfielders and both better in the 2 in front of defence. Rosicky is a bit more similar to him, but in the last few years is better a bit deeper. Has added a bit more bite to his game. Gets stuck in quite a bit. Still has great acceleration but not the… Read more »


Arsenal remains the best looking team. Ozil’s better looking than Suarez and have a look at his girlfriend. I find his big eyes cute. We have the best quality on and off the pitch.

I also love how the €50m/£42.5m was our own hard earned money. No benefactor involved. Considering Madrid and Barca have their governments and monopolies and how every other big team has wealthy owners, this is the highest transfer fee paid by a self sufficient club.


At 183cm his stature reminds me of a certain Bobby Pires. Not to mention his touches and passes, they were similar but I’d say Ozil has a better vision, whereas Pires makes better pass (execution-wise).


Sorry if I sound -ve but our priority should have been a DM, CB, FWD and may be if we got those than CM.
To me it looks like Arsene caved in to populist pressure and did a big deal because he/they said they will do so.
This is not like Arsene at all I must say.
For me if this deal helps us fight/win the title than its worth it otherwise its a waste as current squad is more than capable of top 4.

Will be glad to proven wrong though very glad.

Oh robin

I am sure you will be…


I think a lot of people either didn’t watch the games last season or have forgotten and all this talk of desperately needing a CB and DM are a testament to that. Our biggest problems weren’t staying solid or finishing chances but creating clear-cut chances in the first place. The amount of times especially in the big games where giroud was feeding off scraps, granted a better CF may have put them away but the addition of Ozil should go some way to alleviate the problem and create many more clear-cut chanes. In the run in the per/kos partnership were… Read more »


Yep, the same old stereotypical stuff. DM — We have not played with a traditional DM in 2 years now and the system has changed, (read Jol’s interview pre Fulham) Arsene’s basically using a new formation. Oh, and we’ve picked up Flamini just in case. CM, yup 3 isn’t enough. However we’ve lost 2 quality CBs/prospects in Djourou and Bartley because they were sick of being stuck behind Per, Kos and Vermaelen. Our only options are to buy someone who would replace one of those 3, disrupt our current defense and risk one of the current three leaving (all internationals… Read more »


ozil said that REAL fans never sang his name but preferred Spanish players like isco who they sung his name the first game so…

We are so glad you came
we are so glad you came
Ozil to the arsenal
day one we’ll sing your name


They did sing his name at the big unveiling of the Bale.


A lil’ too late – innit?? 🙂


imo we needed a st, cdm, cam/winger, gk. we got two of the four so hopefully we can stay healthy and get the others back soon. with Podolski injured and santi sliding out wide our only cam is rosicky and he doesn’t have the best injury history if we are going to be fair.


I woke up this morning thinking OZIL signing was a dream. Seeing his name on an arsenal shirt gives me goose bumps already. OZIIILLL

gooners n roses

None of them are available from Wenger strict criteria. Ozil is a no brainer signing. And dont underestimste effect of flamini just yet. But yes, im bit worried when no striker comes in especially demba ba deal falls through. Lets pray that giroud will be fit as ever comes january! COYG!


We were already seeing fluidity in Arse2013; this really now will be liquid football!

I keep seeing it as a 4321 setup…
Ramsey Arterta
Walcott Ozil Cazorla
Ramsey advancing creating midfield overload, and Ozil and Cazorla switching at will…and Walcott advancing to a front two; …and our fullbacks hare-ing up.
And if that isn’t exciting enough we have the back-up: Wilshere/Flamini in DM
and in the front 4 Pod/Rosicky/& Ox to keep it sharp.

Just hope (as in sex/skiing/life) the reality is at least half as good as my imagination.

NZ Gooner

last week I lost the faith and I apologise to everybody for my negative posts I like to be positive and now after we signed Ozil I can be very positive .
I thinks its time to put Walcott forward but running off Giroud so Theo can still run his channels for the through balls of Santi and Ozil and if we lump it forward he can pick up the ball off of Giroud winning headers , I can feel a celebration and lots of Guinness very soon


Just to clarify, Özil is a very dominant left footed player, not really two footed! Still best CAM in the world though!


Özil shoving Walcot off them freekicks and corner kicks, especially from the right handside!!!!


Cazorla seems to have already shoved him off for the ones on the right

Still Miss Cesc

I already have an idea for a chant for Ozil–the oh oh oh oh oh oh part of Led Zep’s D’yer M’aker! Feel free to run with it and come up with some good lines or just use the ones already provided by mssr. Plant et al- “you don’t have to go” doesn’t quite work though. Oh we love you so, pass it to Theo…..I am flying without a net here but hell, I love the guy already and he has not played a minute in the red and white.


it’s gotten to the point where I have to ask my wife to pinch me everything I open arseblog just to make sure I’m not dreaming.


Thank you for that Ö


Wenger now has a BIG problem.

Arteta/ Ramsey/ Flamini

That is a problem like having a couple hot girlfriends.
Betcha AVB is swooning and Moyes is dying of jealousy.

BTW, did you Gooners love the six back line against the Spuds.
Two right backs, two CBs and and two left backs. Now that is a bloody parked bus.

Wenger has invented a 6/4 or a 4/6 (Fulham). Eat your heart out Spain.


It’s a great problem. Bar striker at the moment (BC of Podolski’s knock mainly), we have 2 players for every position (Plus surrogates who can cover if need be) : 1) CF – Giroud, Podolski (Sanogo) 2) RW – Walcott, Chamberlain (Ozil, Santi) 3) LW – Santi, Podolski (Rosicky, Gnabry/Ryo) 4) AM – Ozil, Rosicky, (Santi, Jack) 5) CM – Ramsey, Jack (Flamini, Zelalem) 6) DM – Arteta, Flamini (Ramsey) 7) RB – Sagna, Jenks, (Flamini) 8) CB – Per, Koscielny, TV, (Sagna) 9) LB – Gibbs, Monreal, (TV) 10) GK- Szsc, Viviano, Fabianski Most of the mugs that call… Read more »


This is so true. Totally agree with this. And I’m not entirely convinced Arsenal need another top striker right now. Giroud has been very prolific in recent matches, and unless he seriously botch it before January, I like him as the main man upfront. He’s linking up with the midfield so well in recent games and working his ass off too. Podolski is a such a clinical finisher he can easily rotate with Giroud up front, and conssidering the quality and creativity of our midfield, Walcott can occasionally play upfront too. He’ll have all kinds of service from our midfield… Read more »


Makes a lot of sense really. Don’t know what explanation you may need. The intent this summer had always been about signing a marquee name to add creative capability and improve our flagging branding. Thereby we were in the market for either someone in the striking role at up to 40m mark + a cheaper creative midfielder (remember Grenier?) or (when) the striker proved impossible, we switched our attention to bringing in a top quality creative player for that price and a cheaper striker alternative (Demba Ba or before that the exploration of Michu) I think we were a bit… Read more »


Falcao will be difficult because of the wages more than anything, even if he is available and we are the only club interested. Benzema and Suarez situation will be interesting in January, one might not get enough playing time, the other might not get enough quality football (CL). With WC 6 months away one or both could be in a desperate situation to get into prime form. Also, signing ozil means its more likely that someone like Suarez will go on strike to move to us instead of just passively pursuing it. And if Real go for him, Benzema might… Read more »

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