Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Walcott facing two weeks out

The ‘mysterious’ abdominal strain that kept Theo Walcott from taking his place in the starting line-up against Stoke could keep the winger sidelined for two more weeks according to reports in the The Mirror and Daily Mail.

The England international was initially thought to have withdrawn from Saturday’s game due to illness only for Arsene Wenger to reveal after the win that he wasn’t sure of the specifics.

“We hope we haven’t lost Walcott for a long time. He has a muscular abdominal problem but I don’t know how serious it is,” said Wenger.

“Is it a question of days? I hope so. He had a little problem before the Marseille game and it became a bit worse.

“It is a bit mysterious because we don’t really know what it is.”

Two weeks on the treatment table would see Walcott miss tomorrow’s Capital One Cup game at West Brom, Saturday’s trip to Swansea and the home Champions League game on Napoli. It also throws into doubt his participation against West Brom in the league and even England’s final two World Cup qualifiers (although in truth we couldn’t give a toss about that).

Arsenal’s current injury list sees Santi Cazorla (ankle), Yaya Sanogo (back), Tomas Rosicky (hamstring), Lukas Podolski (hamstring), Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain (knee) and Abou Diaby (knee) all out of action.

Add the fitness problems to the cull of the Academy this summer and it’s not obvious who’ll Arsene will pick for tomorrow’s game. We wait we baited breath…

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I bet it’s a Hernia. But that’s not glamourous to be a football injury.
Giroud to miss next week with a severe STD. The handsome devil.


The horrendous ‘mysterious abdominal strain’ I had recently turned out to be kidney stones. If that’s the case, get ready for the worst two weeks of your life Theo.

(hope you like suppositories…)

New guy

Kidney stones are bad news. For his sake I hope it’s not that.

Zorro in the box

I hope its not a hernia……
We really need theo at the moment…. Anyone know when AHA! is back?

I would really like to see Ryo start against Swansea this weekend. He has just as much frightening pace as Theo and he’s got some pretty decent distribution on him with both feet. Not to mention his step overs. I think with Ozil feeding Ryo, it could be just as potent as Ozil > Theo.



Oh well, at least we are still top of the league 🙂


So we’re top of the league and champions league group with half the team out?


Happy Dave

Lets hope its not a Wenger “Only two weeks” as we need Theo fit


When is Santi coming back?
any news on that anyone?


There was a picture doing the rounds yesterday of him with a protective boot on his foot, so it’s safe to say he is a number of weeks away from making a return. Unfortunately.


If this interview is legitimate, it doesn´t look that bad:

“I hope to be back shortly. Every day I’m feeling better and I’m working on all ways to reduce my downtime. It all depends on how I train and strenghten my ankle. As the days go try to go about doing more things and if all goes well I will try to return for the game against Napoli, but that’s not certain.”

Bould's Eyeliner

I’m convinced Wenger is staging this to give him a much needed vacation – he’s been playing week in week out for far too long now..

A N Other

This is very bad without him our attack is very one dimensional. Also, cannot counter attack much without his pace. He would have been perfect for Napoli game.


I know, let’s all find things to moan about. You go first…..


There’s too much sugar in my tea

gooner odst

The room i’m in has too many walls.

Erwin Schrödinger

Welcome to my world.

Bould's Eyeliner

My cat is dead. What’s wrong with you.

New guy

You’re totally right, we were useless without him on Sunday. Useless, useless, useless (that’s one “useless” for each goal scored).


Wenger out. They were rubbish!!!!!!


To be honest, I’m glad we’re facing these injuries now when our fixture list is a bit less intimidating. The CL ties are the biggest challenge for the next 6 weeks, so hopefully we’ll have our strongest team back for the start of November when the big matches start coming thick-and-fast.

Zorro in the box

While this is true to an extent, the PL matches at this period of the season are important. If we genuinely want to challenge for the title, we need to establish a strong record now. By Christmas we need to be touching the top if not looking down from it.


This is a good opportunity for serge and ryo to step up!


A classic Carling Cup encounter is on the cards. It will be interesting to see who does get selected and if so will they seize their chance? Gnabry is a sure stater and Bendtner I can see sending a positive message to his critics. Either way, I’m looking forward to this game! COYG

New guy

I’m especially curious about who will play in midfield. A lot of the rest comes close to picking itself. I assume either Fabianski or the new guy will be in goal (probably Fabianski); Vermaelen, Monreal and Jenks will play together with … another centre back (Kos? although the Verm/Kos axis hasn’t always worked very well); Bendtner or Akpom up front with Ryo or Guh-nabry on the right; makes sense to give Arteta a game now that he’s back up and running; and that leaves two spots in midfield and one on the left which is functionally another midfield spot in… Read more »


Arteta – Eisfeld – Frimpong!

New guy

That’s true, we do need Frimpong to be fit for whenever we play city so that he can frighten Nasri

Santiago Cazorla

How about…


Jenkinson Hayden Vermaelen Monreal


Arteta Frimpong

Gnabry Ryo


Bould's Eyeliner

We could certainly put Jenkinson, Vermaelen, and Monreal in, but unless Arteta is starting as holding midfielder, and offers some protection, I don’t really know if I could trust that back four to remain coordinated. Gnabry definitely, I’m not sure if Ryo should start, he seems the type of player to get exhausted easily. I think Ramsey should be starting simply because his form is just too good – he doesn’t have fitness issues, and it’d be great for him to work up his positional relationship with Arteta again. Bendtner will be quite the show, I suppose Giroud will be… Read more »


Hayden to start at cb?


so long wally


I imagine the arsenal medical team have got themselves a large red stamp like you see in the movies when someones doing documents, only rather than ‘denied’ or ‘accepted’ it reads ‘2-3 weeks’.
then they just stamp it on everyone’s injury reports for ease.

i think we could suffer a bit more than people may expect with theo out, but it will be nice if we see a bit more of gnabry/ryo down the right as a result.


I know we don’t have any other options in terms of an out and out winger but I’m just not convinced Serge or Ryo are ready for two massive games, Swansea away followed by Napoli. Maybe we could consider a change of shape with more going through the middle. It’s a real blow. Bar Giroud, he’s the only player who is pretty much irreplacable right now. Prove me wrong though Serge because I’m guessing that’s the option Wenger will take.

Clock End Mike

Ryo? He’s blisteringly fast, too.


Man, I do love the classic Arsenal fan black and white opinion. It’s all doom and gloom after the Villa game, everyone thumbed down for making positive comments, Wenger should leave, the worlds going to end etc etc. Then we sign an awesome player and win a few games and we’re going to win the league, best team in the world.

Because their having their super happy mood swing, they can’t accept that we are allowed to have reservations about throwing on unproven teenagers in massive matches. Sometimes I think we’re all bipolar.


we should have signed a world class winger for competition and cover for Theo. I really hope the Oliver G doesn’t get injured too!
Serge and Miyaichi are too green IMO


Presumably that would be a world class winger who doesn’t mind sitting on the bench when Walcott is fit. Good luck finding him. Do report back when you have.

Denilson's back pass

Oh, I don’t know, that Gervinho fella seemed decent enough cover.

Till we shipped him that is.

Zorro in the box

This is the thing, what do you mean by “world class”? Wenger uses the phrase “international” which was what Gervinho was. He was a quality winger on the international stage, but wasn’t up to the style of the PL.


sorry I meant Walcott can sit on the bench and fight for his place

I would rather have someone like Suarez playing in Walcott’s position then relying on Serge and Miyaichi


well willian joined chelsea and he’s certainly not going to start most games. thankfully, we are not chelsea, who fork out 30m on a non-starter. great bit of business, that. an ideal option for us, in my opinion, would have been an older winger with plenty of experience. someone who knows he’s not first choice, but can comfortably perform as a squad player. all that is required for a squad-level winger is some pace, dribbling, can cross. some potential options are/were giacherini at sunderland, gaitan at benfica, farfan at schalke, etc. Remember these aren’t meant to be marquee signings, just… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

How do you think those wingers become world class? Sometimes, as a club, we have to do the work ourselves and not just spend money on the finished article.


which hasn’t worked out well for us and that is why we have spent money on Ozil


Except for the times it has worked out well for us.

Richie Waweru

I really hope he’ll be back soon. The Swansea and Napoli games look like really testing matches to me. Hopefully Ryo and Serge will really shine in Theo’s absence.

Gooner of Navarone

That’s ok. Gnabry can take care of Swansea and Ryo can take care of Napoli or the other way around.


Podolski and/or Tomas will be back for the Napoli game…

Team for tomorrow;

Jenks – Per – Vermealen – Monreal
Arteta – Frimpong
Gnabry – Eisfield – Ryo


I though Poldi is out for three months?


He’s pretty close to a come back already apparently…

Malaysian Gooner

I agree entirely with the line up but I rather we give Per a rest. Let’s play that new kid we signed.

To be honest, I really don’t care about the COC and would even rest Jenkinson just to avoid more injuries.


I think the most improtant player to be included is Per. With the defence shuffled we must have a commanding centre back.


True, but with Arteta and Frimpong infornt of him Per can sit tight at the back while TV5 runs round like a loon!!


… And then I go and spoil it all,
by saying something stupid like
Niclas Bendtner.



For the Swansea game I’d consider playing Monreal at LB and Gibbs at LW, as it gives us a pacey outlet in Theo’s absence.


Finally, a sequel. TJ and the mysterious abdominal strain.


Not good, let’s hope it is a conservative estimation of his time out of the team rather than one of our more commonly seen extended week-by-week misjudgements.

And now, in anal and irritating grammar police mode I urge the clicking of the thumbs-down button by pointing out that one waits with “bated” breath, not baited. We are, luckily, not a collection of Arsenal supporting fish 🙂

“The word baited is sometimes incorrectly substituted for the etymologically correct but unfamiliar word bated (‘abated; suspended’) in the expression bated breath.”
(“bait,” The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, fourth edition, 2000)


You comment should have started with “Not good;” instead of “Not good,” as the remainder of the sentance served to clarify the original statement.
We are, luckily, able to include correct punctuation (like a period at the end of one’s sentance).
And now, in anal and irritating grammar police mode (comma!!!), I urge the clicking…

One’s own medicine and all that…


That’s “sentence”, not “sentance”. How does the medicine taste?


I’d rest as many first team players as I could, not bothered about this cup the squad is too thin.

Matt K

He could always switch Ozil to the right and play Monreal left, if he doesn’t fancy the youngsters in those games. I think Gnarby will be a real good player for us though.


Wenger Out!


I kinda like gnabry there…he’s tough, can ride a tackle, tracks back brilliantly, i am not trying to build him up but it may be blessing in disguise for serge, plus I hope we will have santi back for napoli…


Just wonder why the injury gods so hate us… You think our biggest title rivals are citu and chelsea just wait until i tell you we only actually have one title rival and that is.. (injury FC). Without so much injury heaven knew we would have won at least 4 titles in the past 8 seasons. Its a pity we have to top the injury league every season even with depth, injury FC hunts us from academy up to the 1st team. Sad times but as someone rightly pointed out “we are still top of the league”

The fool of a Took

Oh, Sweet Heavenly Gods of Injustice, why do thee hate the Arsenal so?
Why not bring thy injustice to Manure and thereby bring them justice in form of broken bones and shattered ankles?

This is bad, let´s put Bendtner on the right wing (again) just to piss him off 🙂


Jenks – Kos – Verm – Nacho
Arteta – Flamini
Gnarby Ryo


How reliable are the DM and the Mirror ?


I’d play Flamini against west brom, a bit of a hard man to set the tone, and in form. Give Arteta his run out in the second half. Too embarrassing to mess up at this stage. Momentum – as per blog entry.


Ok, so all four established wide players are out but elsewhere in the universe the wrong Scot is imploding a rival, Mou stinks out Chelski, Liverpoo win the league at home to S’hampton, City have to try and like Nasri, and Spu*s exist. It’s the balance of nature.


C’mon Gnarbo! Take your chance!


Cazorla, Podolski, Ox, Rosicky and now Theo. (And Diaby has been played as a winger on occasions too.) Why do we always seem to get gluts of injuries in one position?! Remember 2006 when we had 9 full backs and potential full backs injured simultanously?


And the time Arshavin had to play as a lone frontman?


Why always ‘us’?


This is my fault. Sorry, Gooners. I switched my phone wallpaper to a picture of Cazorla days before his mysterious injury, then switched to Walcott this past week before his.

I considered myself tech savvy, but perhaps instead of assigning wallpaper pictures I’m sending targets to some assassin or kidnapper. Surely this is reason enough to put in a warranty claim to Samsung?


Change your wallpaper to Nasri or RVP!


It’s okay guys. Both Theo and Santi will be back after the international break. We will be fine as long as we don’t pick up any more injuries….

Jack in the Box

I don’t know why people are clamouring for Gervinho so strongly here. He was a disaster last season.

I rather have Gnabry play then Gervinho for sure. I genuinely think this little run of games is going to be huge for his development and confidence.

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