Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal v Napoli – line-ups

Arsenal: Szczesny, Sagna, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Gibbs, Flamini, Arteta, Ramsey, Rosicky, Ozil, Giroud

Subs: Fabianski, Vermaelen, Jenkinson, Monreal, Wilshere, Gnabry, Bendtner

Napoli: Reina; Mesto, Albiol, Britos, Zuniga; Inler, Behrami; Callejón, Hamsik, Insigne; Pandev

Subs: Cabral, Fernandez, Armero, Cannavaro, Mertens, Zapata, Dzemalli

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This is lovely. Let’s get them. Up gunners.




Wonderful, I was not looking forward to 90 minutes of blather about “the one that got away” and whatever happens we won’t get it. Or at least not 90 minutes of it. Hooray.

Reina to have a howler!

Parisian Weetabix

Very interesting. I wonder how Ramsey and Arteta will line up. In fact I wonder how all of them will line up! I’d guess Arteta and Flamini will be the base, and then Tomas, Rambo and Özil will all rotate, with Rambo and Tomas falling back to form our two banks of four. But it’ll be interesting to see whether Ramsey returns to the wing.

I’m rambling. Either way I’m over the moon to see Rosicky back! COYG!

Pin Finish

No Higuain? Good stuff. I fancy a fairly tight affair. Calling 2-1 Arsenal. COYG!


Both Arteta and Flamini, interesting, will be interesting to see how the midfield slots together in this one.


Got a feeling Arteta might go back to is old role at Everton in a more advanced position…..


arteta on the right maybe? dont think ramsey out of the centre on this form is the best use of him, possibly rosicky on the left with Özil in advanced mid? ramsey along side flamini


Not complaining but whys higgles not playing?

Burn Baby Burn

Napoli knows they wouldn’t be able to find him in Kos’ pocket after the match.


No higuain!

1 nill already to the Arsenal!


No higuain for napoli?
Anyway, i hope rosicky is fit for a match like this, having just come back from injury. I was expecting to see him on the bench, not starting. Hope he does well! COYG!!

Parisian Weetabix

Are we on ITV tonight?


No. We’re being given a well earned break from Andy Townsend!

Harish P

Dat Midfield 5! *drools*


Watched Napoli’s game with Dortmund, their forward quartet were all dangerous players. Glad Higuain is out but Pandev is a good footballer too. They’re especially dangerous on the lhs with Zuniga flanking Insigne. Rosicky will have to be alert presuming he’s playing on our rhs. Big game, come on the arsenal!

Harish P

@Parisian Weetabix

Nope, Sky. Celtic/Barca on ITV tonight.

Jack's Right Foot

I’d say this is a safe team to combat Napoli’s technical quality; kind of playing 6 midfielders who are all most comfortable in the center. I’m intrigued.


we are gone for good

go go coyg


TR7 glad he’s back!

Clock End Mike

Also, it’s really encouraging to see an experienced bench for the first time in a while (I even count Gnabry as not entirely inexperienced, having started the last three matches and scored his first senior goal for the Arsenal last weekend).


Parisian Weetabix

@Harish P: Gah. I do like Barca, but they’re nothing compared to the Arsenal! Looks like a shitty stream for me tonight. Cheers mate!


Arteta, flam and Rambo is as industrious as it comes. Jack and our goal scorer on the bench. COYG! Q. How many goals have we scored against Reina??? A. A lot.


I cannot wait to see Özil Rosicky play together. Good for Italians that they like to play counter attacking football because they won’t have much of the ball COYG!

Siz C

Wtf is ITV doing playing the Celtic game!!!


Out of interest, who is captain tonight?

Jack in the Box

should have kept arteta on the bench and played gnabry, need some pace on the wing


I prefer having more pass masters to unlock a Benitez defence away from home


I’m afraid this starting XI will lack width if Rosicky, Özil and Ramsey are the front three in midfield. Don’t think Gibbs can provide that on his own. But then again, Walcott is our only true winger, he’s injured and we are top of the league…


We played better in the 2nd half against Swansea with a more compact shape….

Jack's Right Foot



For once being in Australia has an upside football wise * settles in on espn
What a first half

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