Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: I may rest Welsh Jesus

Arsene Wenger says he may give Aaron Ramsey a rest in the coming weeks having been forced to field the Welshman from the bench yesterday following Mathieu Flamini’s early injury.

The game against Norwich, his sixteenth for club and country since August, was the first time the 22-year-old started on the bench this term having previously missed only a handful of minutes.

Despite becoming an integral part of the Gunners free-flowing football – he’s already turned water into 11 goals and a bucket of fish into 4 assists – the boss explained why he feels the need to treat his young protégé with kid gloves.

“We play seven games in 23 days, and that means we will need everybody. I could rest Ramsey a little bit because he has basically played every minute of the season and also the two international games for Wales.

With Santi Cazorla back in contention and several other injured players on the mend, the boss explained that giving a breather to some means opportunities for others to shine.

“It gives me an opportunity as well to give the players a little breather before they will get injured. I will juggle. Everybody will play. At the moment, don’t forget we still do not have Walcott, Chamberlain or Podolski.”

Reflecting on the 4-1 victory over Norwich which extends Arsenal’s spell at the top of the table and opens up a two point gap over Liverpool and Chelsea, the boss concluded:

“We have belief. The belief is strengthened by every win. We have come out of a long period where most of the time in recent years in October we were already looking forwards from being behind.

“At the moment we are in a better position, but there is a long way to go. We just have to focus on developing as a team and keep the solidarity we have.”

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Might stop grinning any time soon.

Bombay Gunner

Got to love Rambo. But yes he probably deserves a rest.

Was admiring the picture on the blog article. 3 players on the ground looking at the ball desperately. While Aaron smashes the ball in the tiny gap between the keepers hand and leg. Fucking brilliant.


‘once ramsey starts scoring he wont stop’…what other manager would come out with that when his form was so poor, and goal scoring non existent?…thats Jedi shit!!


I remember the look on Ramsey’s face, and his reaction after he finally got a goal in the Wigan game last season.

That is where he got that little lift in confidence, and hasn’t looked back since.

Parisian Weetabix

I also love the fact that we have 3 midfielders, a striker AND a defender in the box looking to score from open play. And that I would back every one of them to score. It’s good to see.

Naija Gunner

Who’s the troll that gave this nice comment a thumb-down?



Aaron!! Motherfucking Rambo!! Take a bow son…COYGs!!


Youll find that Jesus wasn’t so hot on crosses…

Jesus Saves but Ramsay Scores


Haha, I really think Rambo has his position nailed down in our midfield.


The Y** army down the road will be having a fit

Follower of Rambo

Praise Him.


With cazorla back and walcott, podolski plus chambo on their way back, we got a really good depth in this squad. Compare to the last years when we basically field the players till they got injured.


They effectively sold us Ozil…..


eh – that was for journeyman

Young Gooner

This is the effect of depth in our squad, we can afford to rest our best players without affecting our flow of game. For many years, we couldn’t have the chance to rest our player and there are times that we wish Diaby will recover to help us. How things are changing this season…


Is he in the infamous “Red Zone”? if he is then its better to rest him. for on his health depend the health of our season.


We need to recharge his batteries


Crystal Palace is probably the best game for him to miss. We definitely do not want to overwork him, look at the stress injury Wilshere got. Though Rambo looks like a mature footballer now so my feeling is that he’s ready for a decent workload.


These day we don’t hear that TEAMS will points over the season when we used to chase, now it about US keeping the momentum. GREAT!


A well deserved rest. Thank you Aaron for that wonderful solo goal yesterday. You guys made my day. Thank you perez for the gift of Ozil hope you are not regreting?, what more can I say? Arsenal forever.


But even if the lad is rested, he will surely be on the bench….COYGs!, lets make winning an instinct at the Emirates…


Deshi basara, deshi basara, deshi basara…..


This season the fear factor is back, when Henry, Pires, Bergkamp and co were named on the teamsheet, the opposition would be shitting themselves before a ball was even kicked.

We are now in a similar situation with our current team/squad.
We do have depth in the squad and hopefully we can rotate everyone and keep them fresh and fit.
Long may it continue.
Ozil is the danger, Ramsey is the one who knocks!
(only Breaking Bad fans will understand what the last sentence means) 🙂


Give him a proper rest. Those granades and the bazooka must weigh a ton…

Dream chaser AFC

The best Team on the planet right now


How bad is Podolski’s hamstring? Sagna had the hamstring injury and he came back in 2 weeks! Poldi’s gone for almost 2 months now!(initial estimate was 6 weeks right?)


Podolski’s was a grade-3 strain, Sagna’s was a grade-1 strain


Sagna also fell on his neck and played the next game…we are talking a different level here 😉


Or different material. Like titanium.



Sadly Arteta will have to sit out.

For me, Walcott doesn’t start for this team anymore. But he’d make a darn good supersub.

Sign Suárez in January to rotate with Giroud and the title is ours.

Clock End Mike

No thank you (to Suarez). Rather have Walcott.

Black Hei

I would rather have TGSTEL than Suarez…….cracking up as I type.


TGSTEL is not a bad shout. Currently he looks the perfect replacment/support for Giroud. He is not as bad as we sometimes make out.


tbh id rather ramsey and wilshere compete for the spot beside flamini who competes for his own spot with arteta unless vs a mega team when artea and flamini take both central roles, cazorla to the left Özil to the attackin center role and walcott right back in on the right, we lack width with him out, wilshere can take the attacking center role if we dennis forbid get injury to Özil, cazorla take the left still as jack dosnt do so well there.


And on the 6th day, God gave us a Rambo cameo vs Norwich.

A Yank In King Arsene's West Stand

I know we all know this, but it really does bear reflecting upon – we’re all marveling at how far he’s come and how different he is from one year ago, but the real, mind-bogglingly impressive thing is how far he’s come from his injury. His foot and ankle were dangling off of his leg the wrong way, ffs. And now he’s the form player on the planet.

Again, I know that’s not news to any of us, but I’ve just given that a proper think and am gobsmacked. What a spectacular turnaround for a spectacular person and player.


Funny… I haven’t been seeing Fatgooner these days

Arsene McCloud

He will be on soon, posting about his disappointment with the half time hotdogs. And it’s Wenger’s fault that the obvious sub-standard fare hasn’t been upgraded in years.

Black Hei

If the hotdog is so bad, you wonder how he got so fat in the first place.


When is Theo back? Really miss the different attacking option his speed gives us….


I’d only rest Ramsey when we play against average mid table sides….like Man Utd.


They’re going to 8-2 play us at the moment! They would get battered!

Black Hei

Another 33 guys who do not understand the “S” word.


Olivier must be due a break soon too. He’s worked his socks off for us and for France too. I thin, there are so many goals from midfield that it wouldn’t necessarily be a risk starting Bendtner for a few of these games.

sagnas hair

plus, Bendtner looked ok against norwich. It sure looks like he could entertain the crystal palace defense no problem


I fully support the need to rest Ramsey (and any other players who have played plenty of games for club and country since August). But doing that is just so not Arsene. It’ll be good if he really keep to his word and rest Ramsey for a game or two (I say start Rosicky and bring on Aaron if need be later in the game). Really hate to see we overwork our stars (Wilshere a few years back) and they enter that dreaded “red zone”.

sagnas hair

to Arsene’s credit, he did try to rest Ramsey last game but had to put him in early because of the injury to Flamini


It is so surprising that people still think they know what Wenger’s gonna do and try to predict his actions. Even after miserably failing in that endeavour, regularly.

Clock End Mike

Why “Welsh Jesus”?

Sorry, but for all his greatness as a footballer (and probably as a person, too), Aaron Ramsey’s not God (who’s transcendent) nor His Son (who preached humility and forgiveness, died for us and rose from the dead).

No likeness, no comparison.

I’ll probably get thumbed down for this, but it’s not to put Aaron down. I love the guy, and the way he’s been pleying since about March. I was going mad like everyone around me when he scored that wonderful goal yesterday. It reminded me of Dennis, and I never thought I’d be saying that…

Clock End Mike



Fucking rights your going to get thumbed down for this comment mate 🙂


I don’t get you.. you say he shouldn’t be compared with god and then you do it yourself?

Clock End Mike

I should have seen that coming 😉

Jesus wept

Don’t be a clock end Mike.

Arsene McCloud

God did.


Welsh Jesus? He was crucified by all and has risen from the dead?

Personally I see him more as a Welsh Wizard…must have stolen Zizou’s spirit and channeled it into his own body for the duration he is on the pitch.


Next week against Palace should be the perfect opportunity, then big games against Liverpool and United


yeah a bit rest now and then and ballon d or at the end of the season .. go rambo rest recover conquer .

Ugandan Gooner

Welcome to heaven, The Emirates Stadium, where God (Dennis), Jesus (Rambo) and Angel Gabriel (Ozorla) are on hand to solve all your football problems. Cast your burdens ( Stoke, Filthy neighbours, etc) on their shoulders and you will get eternal happiness.


With the flame injured can we rest him and all the risk chelsea are breathing on our necks mind you


Look at it this way. God forbid, if we drop points, it will be us breathing down their necks 🙂

Cocky Bastard

I hope the injured players can come back soon. 3 competition requires great depth. Imagine Diaby Walcott Podolski Ox all starting in cup games. Madness.

Piers Morgan's punchable face

So if Bergkamp is God, and Ramsey is Jesus… does that make Ozil the Holy Spirit ?

Black Hei

Jolly, that will make Ozil so happy. Go on, tell him, he is a Muslim after all and he so appreciates such comparisons.

Piers Morgan's punchable face

Lighten up buddy !

Nick the Gooner

@Clock End Mike… You are right to point out that there is a difference between Rambo and God…

In Aaron, we have something we can all see and believe in. (much like Arsene & Jack (Holy Smoke), et al…

Jesus wept

They didn’t mean THAT Jesus Mike. Blimey. Now you’re probably going to Hell.


What on earth is Ramsey smoking? As mentioned on MOTD, he is absolutely Zidane like. In fact there is a sort of imperious intuitive quality channeled into the play which affords resemblance to the French Maestro. But for the fact he is doing something at Real, I would have sworn some medium had channeled Zizou’s spirit into the welsh Wizard. Egards some dark art is afoot! Absolutely astounding dribbling from Rambo. I use to castigate him for not being able to pass his man but not anymore. He is growing by leaps and bounds and still only 22! Those media… Read more »


Rest Rambo now; Work Jack and Rosicky!!. Just keep Rambo by your side should need be.


Very interesting interview i understand why Piers Morgan saids what he does.

I dont like him but i understand him and him being a Arsenal fan i dont really WANT to hate the guy.


I think there’s only one Welsh wizard. That’s definitely Aaron Ranseyyyyyyy.


Did someone actually say they’d rather have Bendtner than Suárez? Head’s gone.

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