Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger praise for goalscorer Wilshere

Arsene Wenger has praised the character of Jack Wilshere after the midfielder rescued a point for the Gunners in a 1-1 draw at West Brom today.

The England man suffered a torrid time in the first period before shining in the second and firing home Arsenal’s crucial equaliser in the 63rd minute.

And the Arsenal boss was happy to praise Wilshere for his performance and impact on the game.

“He had a difficult first half where he was fouled a lot,” he said aftewards, “but he has shown that he has character and kept going until the end. It’s good that he was rewarded.

“I don’t think he will ever be a goalscorer but he is a player who can create chances for others. In our job it’s quite simple, you need players who score and players who give the ball to those who score.

“He is more in the second category than the first. But of course from the second category you want a few goals so it’s good that he knows he can score goals.

“Let’s not forget that we had the same problem with Ramsey a while ago and suddenly once they start to score it comes naturally.”


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Bolarinwa Mayowa

What do u think jack’s been smoking these days?


Dunno, but i know he’ll be flyin high with us in many years to come…


some fans always whine no matter what. Support Wilshere & Giroud! Like Nick said,These guys are gonna be important gunners for years to come. Yeah we didnt get the 3 points today, but im still proud of Arsenal this season so far.


Jackie Wilshere…He Smokes What He Wants




does anybody feel that against team like west brom who defend very deep and with 8-10 players behind the ball, using both arteta and flamini compromises our attacking verve a little bit ??


To an extent I agree, but its a no win situation until we get our wide players back. West Brom play a decent counterattacking game, so Wenger put together the same formation as against Napoli. On Tuesday, we got the start that helped. Yesterday we didn’t and looked tired/jaded; maybe because of Tuesday. If we had gone for a more offensive formation, maybe we would have been caught out? We’ve played a double pivot in most games since Spurs last year. Artrta and Flamini aren’t exactly a pair of destroyers, and are fine if the midfield in front works. Jack,… Read more »


I saw that BBC article earlier today and nearly fainted from shock. A pro-Arsenal write-up from the BBC? By Robbie smegging Savage? I should go buy a lottery ticket now …




Thank God for Jack and his Lucky Strike today.


I have a dream…
Of a world without racism or nationalism…
A world where men stand equal amongst each other…
A world without nations where we can all be one…
A world where we don’t have to cheer on cunts like John Terry just because their English…
A world where Santi doesn’t have to fly to south america for pointless friendlies…
A world where we don’t have to wait nearly 2 fucking weeks for the next goddamn Arsenal game…


What is clear is that we need better than Giroud to win us the league. On this day a W.C striker would have got us the full three points…….

Westbrom fans booing wilshere? pathetic!


Giroud didn’t have his best day today but I think your comments discredit him a bit. He has been stellar this season and does so much more than just score goals. His hold up, physicality, play off the ball, and his support play has really improved from last season and is quite fantastic for a “big man” striker. I also don’t think he can be faulted for not finishing off his best attempt, from Jack’s lovely ball over the top. He did really well to bring it to ground on his first and second touches. I definitely think we need… Read more »


I think his criticism was directed at the goalscoring aspect of Giroud’s game. Fact is, we were looking for a goal, and yet Wenger saw it apt to substitute him. For Bendtner. Bendtner!

Bould's Eyeliner

I think by that time Wenger decided that Giroud needed to be rested, and that 1 point was the safer decision.


then why sub on Bendtner? Wenger was hoping Bendtner might score a goal. Probably after Giroud reverted to one of his 30 yard desperation shots.

Not to put down Giroud, I think he has been doing amazing, but we have to be one of the only top four/title chasing teams with one striker (no, Sanogo, Poldi, and Walcott do not count, unless Poldi gets a run as a central striker and proves himself, anyway he is injured)

Remember the invincibles because we aren't good anymore

It’s true, girouds hold up play is excellent, his goal scoring needs to improve.


We’ll be fine when Podolski, Walcott, Cazorla and Ox are back!


Remember an over the top ball to Giroud from Ozil? the frenchman flashed his shot way wide and took it too quickly failing to
realise the amount of time had. now 2 out of 3 times giroud would still take it like he did. That’s what im concerned about. we need someone to bail us out at times and giroud is far from that. dont get me wrong i love the guy and appreciate all his other qualities but his clinicality leaves alot more to be desired…….. A W.C striker in January and were sorted for the title!


Is that all you picked out?

Henry's Almighty Tallywacker

He’s right though. But Giroud won’t score every game of course, so we need another guy in the mix who’ll step in when Giroud doesn’t bag one. World Class would probably be nice! Suarez would be amazing, but I don’t want him at the club.

Gooner of Navarone

You’re right. Myhill did really well to save that attempt from Giroud. I really thought we had our second. I honestly don’t think we should be disappointed. West Brom has played fantastically well this season. Sessegnon, Amalfitano, Anichebe, Anelka, loads of decent last minute buys. They have goalscorers and creativity in there.

But it’s fixtures like these where we ought to stamp our authority. Draws at Etihad, Stamford Bridge and Old Trafford are alright, but this is where our lack of depth puts us off.


Seeing that today’s result has left us a bit – say – underwhelmed, could I attempt to put a positive spin to things by pointing out that we are first, and that we’ve achieved all this in the absence of this little magician here:

What an exceptional video this is, for such an exceptional player.

Adam Richards

It just further highlights (not that it is needed) we need a recognised 2nd striker to come in; and the minimum quality needed is someone who competes with Giroud for that role week in week out. I don’t care if it’s a 55 mill player or not, what matters is the quality and scope to fit into the team. If that costs 55 million, so be it.


He is certainly not happy with our man Jack today.


Was kinda taken aback by Wenger’s comments on jack, kinda disheartened actually, but I’ll be damned if Wenger’s given the number 10 shirt to someone he thinks is in the ‘second category’ of anything hoping he’s just trying to quell the enormous expectation around jack and just give him a good environment in which to play and express himself without this ridiculous weight of expectation (something Ramsey, admittedly despite all his other tribulations, didn’t have to deal with).


Hi Mike. I got the impression you have misunderstood what AW meant by first and second category.

with the left and the right

between scorers and providers, jack belongs in the second category. you sir are a mor- for the sake of civility I won’t finish that sentence


Never go full retard.


Worked hard as usual, but lacked sharpness, ame goes for ramsey, btw Arteta had nothing to do with Felamini around, better if we player Jack or Rambo there with Mozzart/Gnabry wide… afterall wide positiones cripple Rambo as we all know…


10/10 for effort but I think his pass completion rate was under 50%. Constantly giving the ball away. Don’t think he merits a place above tommy at the moment. Obviously going to be an awesome player, but maybe trying a little too hard at the moment. Chin up Jackie boy.

Parisian Weetabix

Rosicky’s combination of pace and technical ability is very important. We pinged the ball around nicely at times, but our midfield seemed either unwilling or unable to really drive with the ball at their defense. In the absence of any other pace this is vital. If we have the confidence to consistently play one-touch football, it will result in chances. Jack had a shot just wide in the 1st half following a lovely move, in which we seemed to suddenly crank it up a gear and play crisp first-time passes. However we only seem to do so sporadically in recent… Read more »

Red Cannon

Solid analysis.


TBH I was surprised Jack was starting today given the week that was. He was pushed and fouled and booed, but very rarely was anything given by another inept ref! Now lets be honest, a lot of us wanted to maybe see Jack subbed at HT. Of course Wenger didn’t because as always he knows, and what the hell do we know anyway!! Great to see him get the equalizer but for me the pass to Giourd was well ….Ozil like I suppose. Looking forward to seeing how he gets one after the break.

Gunner pundit

Wilshere might not have actually smoked. Have you thought to yourself why isnt there a picture of him blowing out smoke


Wenger’s a c%nt, moan at Wilshere for smoking? guess what cuntface it’s legal, you’re the richest paid manager in the world won nothing for donkey’s years and knocking off a bird in Paris, who are you to preach morals, Die Wenger Die


No Selma, it’s German. Die Wenger, die… it means: the Wenger, the.


Did you take your medication today Cuntman?


I meant to thumb you up. sorry about that


Get a life you stupid troll.

Arsene McCloud of the clan McCloud

We’ll done for doing the the rounds on the blogs tonight.
Now fuck off back to your home.

Don’t do drugs kids. This is what happens.


What a tragically daft analysis. Your mother is proud of her remarkably eloquent son, I’m sure.


Did better second half but once Walcotts back I think Jack should be back on the bench. If we line up in the league with Arteta or Flamini at the base with Ozil number 10 and Cazorla wide left, then as long as Ramsey remains in form then he starts for me. Jack needs time to get back to the top, and I don’t think playing on the wing has helped him at all. Makes the idea he didn’t use Gnabry even more bizarre. Hoping Theo gets back nice and soon. Not a great performance today but we didn’t lose… Read more »


my reply comment blogs?

Arsene McCloud of the clan McCloud

MOTD didn’t show either penalty on Jack, and somehow inferred that Kos should have conceded one?
What is the point of playing the games? lets just buy scratch cards to see who wins the league.


Why were the West Brom fans booing Wilshere? Was there any particular reason?

Brian Mendoza

He had the gall to get in the way of all the Brom players’ legs/feet/boots


Luis suarez and we r PL champ! I reckon


Still dont understand why we passed on villa, could have been a super option up front. Guess we were still chasing dreams back then.


On a day like today, when a flash of brilliance could have provided us with three points, I’m reminded of the fact that we’ve parceled out some of our more brilliant playmakers to other clubs. Yes, it’s true, we’ve brought in the likes of Ozil, but how could that possibly compare with what we’ve given up?

Eboue, I miss you. 🙁


Stank the place out first half did little Jack.


Ive said it many times. Arteta slows down are game.


Agreed, I’m glad we struck shortly after the are mark. Areteta was nothing but a burden.

Ahhh nice

@Eman – Michael Jordan was 9 times defensive first team player. The best offensive players know how to win the ball. Cazorla was one crazy find on Wengers part! COYG!


No mention in today’s blog of Koscielny’s idiotic foul in the last minute that should have been a penalty? This guy continually loses his mind in high pressure situations. It will come back to haunt us.


Re Giroud:

Sell da ting.

Thank you.

Adam Richards

Do you have shares in Bendtner some how?


It sure is sad when cousins breed.


I give a football relatated imperative, and trust a random idiot to insult my genes, as well as making public his crushes on his/her family members.

Adam, no, but I could have on Podolski, Walcott and Sanogo though.

To reiterate, I stand completely by what I said!


What Jack does for us is provide a bit of dynamism in movement particularly vertically where we can at times be mired in horizontal cultured passing without. Jack is one of the few players in the squad (Diaby the other, maybe Ozil or Santi) who can beat his man (maybe two) and take the ball from deep through a crowd in midfield. Having said that, I thought we got our balance slightly wrong. Think Jack is best for us coming from deep next to either Arteta or Flamini. Thought we over articulated ourselves playing both Arteta and Flamini, the pair… Read more »

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