Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boss unsure of Giroud rest

Arsene Wenger says he’d like to give Olivier Giroud a rest, but has praised the Frenchman’s contribution to the way the team plays.

Giroud as the focal point of the Arsenal attack gives us a physical presence up front, and he averages 2 defensive clearances/interceptions per game also.

While Lukas Podolski is waiting in the wings, he’s not quite the same kind of player, and Wenger admits that’s a factor. Pressed about when he might rest the former Montpellier man, he said,  “I don’t know.

“Every time I think I give him a rest but we have a team that is a bit short, lightweight and more focused on mobility and technical movement so he is the one guy who has that strength and structure for us.

“That fighting up front is very important for us.”

The obvious solution, of course, is to use Bendtner who is, at least, a similar player in terms of style and stature, or go and buy another forward in January. However, we’re not holding our breath about Arsenal doing any business when the window opens in a couple of days time.

Giroud also revealed after the game that the studs to the foot he received in the first half cut his foot, which would explain why he limped back onto the pitch after half-time.

Credit to him for playing through the pain, but if we’re to keep him fit, the boss might want to think about one of the other options ahead of the Cardiff game.

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Runcorn Gooner

Arsene,the answer is buy a striker.Please

Santi Claws

I feel like we won’t, because generally buying players in January is dumb as they’re overpriced, cup-tied, and teams are much more reluctant to sell, and Arsene obviously knows that. But if ever there WAS a time to invest heavily in a January signing, it would be right now: top of the league, players have a good understanding and character, rivals are inconsistent, and only one really seriously significant flaw, which is lack of firepower/cover up front. Losing out narrowly on the title without signing a striker in January would be devastating. I wonder if the Costa release clause is… Read more »


If we can’t get a top striker, I don’t think Wenger signs one. It took a long while to get the average and underperforming players off the books, and I’m sure he doesn’t want that problem again, considering the still tight(ish) wage structure.


I think Lewandowski’s going to Bayern Munich, but I’m not 100 per cent sure on that one. It would, however, be really fucking nice to have someone like him at the front!


The second goal that never came should have sealed the game. Giroud missed a dolly chance. He needs some competition up there.


Start Bendtner for Cardiff imo. We’re at home, they’re not having the best of times, we have plenty of goals in midfield, and a simple goal for Bendtner against any team in the league will do us and him a whole lot of good.


Nah, I think we definitely need to play Giroud if he’s fit and still has at least a little bit of energy. We need to take Cardiff seriously, just like any other team in the league, and after the Cardiff game we have a big break apart from the measly FA Cup tie against Spurs which I don’t expect Giroud to be a part of (or is it an international break?). Anyway, please buy a striker in January Wenger.

top gunner

I’ll have to disagree with you Matthew.
Bendtner played against Hull who are currently a better team than Cardiff, so if we can afford to rest Giroud against Hull, I see no problem with Bendtner starting against Cardiff.

And we need Giroud refreshed to mash the spuds 🙂

Dark Arts.

The nine days rest after we play Sherwood Forest (or wherever) should allow players to recover from the Christmas period. I take Matthews point about taking Cardiff seriously. After our jubbly win at our dear old friend Pardews’ place it’s no time to give away top spot. The upcoming run of league games is crucial just because they’re very winnable, but we’ll need to concentrate fully. Perhaps play Giroud against Cardiff and if need be add insult to injury by dropping him against the Wannabes on Saturday.

Dark Arts.

‘resting’ him (otherwise it sounds like i’m advocating insulting Giroud, or even worse wishing injury on him).

Unyoke the Ox

I’d prefer that we try podolski up front


Poor Ollie looked absolutely knackered when he came off for TGSTEL yesterday… With Le Boss admitting we are “lightweight” up top, I have a feeling he will go shopping for a striker next month…


I think Wenger meant lightweight in stature and physical presence, of which Giroud provides. I don’t think he meant lightweight in options.


Adding to that when I went to see Bendtner play (yes i went specifically to see him) against WBA I was impressed w/ his touches and how he found space – there was something new to his game that impressed me


He does seem to have turned a bit of a corner this year, doesn’t he? I admit to having been right on the top of the bandwagon calling for his head, but now it looks as though he’s decided to shut his mouth and let his play do the talking. If he continues to work hard, perhaps he’ll be the second striker we want, and it won’t cost us 30 million. I think we should start him against Cardiff.

Rambling Pete

I’d be inclined to give Bendtner a run out against Cardiff with Podolski on the left. The German’s delivery could be perfect for big Nick to thrive on, and it’s a chance to take advantage of a Cardiff team that still don’t have a manager because of their crazy owner. I remember when I was a lad I got a job at a local factory owned by a man who was nuttier than an Eddie Murphy movie about a professor. Every Friday we had to line up to get our pay packets, and he’d be there handing them out. Sometimes… Read more »


And i ended up reading the entire f*cking bullshit! What a royal f*cking waste of time!

Oor Wullie

Haha. Fucking awesome.


Marvellous post!

Red Ed

Why *do* they call you Rambling Pete ?


This marvellous post and the Bendtner story just made my day


hahahaha, you need to start your own blog. Genius!!


I read..Bendtner wanked while being strangled ..correct ?


Welcome back Pete.

It Is What It Is

Read to the end of the third line, then I had to check who’d posted.

Nice to know you’re well and experiencing future anecdotes.


Pete, I’ve missed you. Never leave us again.


Arsene is givin a big hint to.Bendtner…I want to play you but you have to work very hard up there!! Or maybe the.boss telling him to start lookin for coz a new guy is comin 🙂


Ahem…. I’d like to join you. I’m not cup tied and I wouldn’t cost an awful lot. I’m tall, I’m strong, I can hold it up, I can finish and I’m not lacking in skill or pace either. Since Mr Laudrup has bought this overrated Bony lad, I’ve been put in a deeper roll which I don’t thrive from. I want to play up top again, this suits me much better.

Come and sign me plez!

Dick Swiveller

Now that I’d like to see.

Igor Stepanov's career

Well your injured for the next two months, so no!!

Ginger Gooner

I’d change the formation against Cardiff slightly, not underestimating them at all, but at home you’d like us to go for it a bit and we should be less reliant on Giroud’s defensive contribution – start with Pod and Theo quite advanced, but pack out the midfield with flams and arteta to compensate. I’d rather have a rested Giroud playing against spurs.


All these fanboys dickriding Giroud and defending him wit the same damn excuse (but… but his hold-up play/ he’s knackered). A striker at this level should’ve buried that 2nd chance and kill the game. No denying he’s a decent squad player but he lacks consistency and shouldn’t be the only option.



“I dont want Arsenal to buy another striker, if the boss says i need a rest then we have podolski who can play there, theo can too while i also do think tiote is a dirty bugger”

well not in the exact words but giroud does not want a new CF to be bought and i hope to bergkamp doesn’t listen to him!




Any updates on Sanogo? Just askin’


Apparently he’ll be back in January.


As for Bendtner, I aint a fan of him but I do believe he can do a decent job if given the chance. It must be extremely frustrating to come on for last 5 mins when a chasing opposition is all over you.


Whats up with Arsene’s tactics lately? Makes no subs against chelsea, waits for an injury to put podolski (game-winner) on against west ham, subs off walcott when the opposition is prone to counter attack.


And Carl “panic” Jenkinson just isn’t Arsenal material. No disrespect but he should be loaned out and see if he shows any improvement. And to everyone defending him saying “but he’s a gooner, he’s got arsenal bedsheets and all” Get Realistic!


you know that because you have been to his bedroom …????? report you to police or council shall I…


team rotation is dearly needed boys

Tiger Tadgh

It’s ridiculous to way nearly every singleArsenal fan knows it’s highly unlikely he will buy another striker, I’m pro Wenger but holy JAYSUS open your eyes. We are top of the league, we have loads of money, our main striker is black n blue just give him some fuckn help


At the risk of getting thumbs down, I’d say, bendtner too is a decent dribbler of the ball and can hold the ball up. He is a poor man’s giroud. I think wenger should give him a start against Cardiff, with Giroud on the bench if needed.We are already without some of our in-form players, so that might force wenger to start with Giroud…But starting bendtner is a risk we can take, especially against an out-of-form Cardiff.

Malaysian Gooner

I’d go so far as to say Bendtner is the better dribbler, but is no way near Giroud in terms of link up play.


Wenger needs to buy a striker when the transfer window opens. That is the only way we can win the league and keep the likes of Mourinho quiet for life.


And yes, please buy/loan a striker. Or give poldi a game or two at CF and let’s see then if we need another striker.

George the Gooner

1. Play Bendtner against Cardiff
2. Play Poldi against Cardiff
3. Rest Giroud against Cardiff
4. Beat Cardiff
5. Top of the League


Play Viviano instead of Giroud


Quite agree jenkinson never was Arsenal material,he was on the bench for Charlton and on loan to Eastbourne Borough, still cant believe the confidence in Bentner everyone was ready to feed him to the wolves 6 months ago, was at the game when he scored in the first minute he had a half decent game but spent most of the time out of position on the wing, so please find another striker if we are going to stay at the top

Dick Swiveller

So precisely how do we justify the run of good performances he put in last season?



Calling your readers cunt. Way to go Arseblog!


No, he called you a cunt. Not the rest.

Gary Baldy

Well, as the saying goes;

‘ If the cunt fits . . . ‘

teddy salad

whats a cunt?

Igor Stepanov's career

Another way to describe a Chelsea player


That stupid sign Bale makes when he scores.


What does Poldi need to do to get a game? Off the bench at Upton Park, make 2, score one – come from behind to win 3-1. Hero!… Next game – Unused sub. Bah! Way to demotivate a potential superstar Arsene. (Top of the league – not complaining).


I genuinely believe Gnabry and Bendtner should get a start against Cardiff.

David Brent

I prefer a flan

Samantha Mumba

Gotta tell you, I bumped into Darius Vassell down the pub. He’s looking for a club. Real international pedigree. Y’know Shaun Wright Phillips cost Chelsea 21 million. Also he’s 3 years older than Chielini. Mumba out.

Gary Baldy

Resting Giroud after he has broken his mini-drought might be counter-productive, start him and if needs be sub him at about 60 minutes for Poldi or Bendtner.

I like the idea of Poldi providing for Bendtner, how that translates to the rest of the starting line-up I haven’t given much thought but as an idea, I like it.

Gary Baldy

I just scrolled back so I could credit the post that suggested the Poldi/ Bendtner combo. So, yes, Rambling Pete, I agree !

Also, you should really sit down and collate your stories into a book, you have led an extremely interesting life of which I now feel vicariously part of !


What striker are we going to get…. who isn’t cup tied and is really going to enhance the squad?? And there aren’t many players who just walk into a new team and start scoring straight away either. Wenger has managed Bendtner to a point where he is going to play out of his socks for the next few months, either to keep a place at Arsenal or get a serious offer from another club….so might as well use him against Cardiff. I agree we do need to buy another striker, but just not sure on January signings and certainly don’t… Read more »


i tihnk Bentner has learnt some lessons that has impeded his development. Given the chance he ll do better becouse i hadly see anything Giroud can do that betner cant do & much more. And what is up with girouds right leg. He only uses it to stand or position himself well during sex. A good player should be able to push the ball into the net at close range. I am suprise people still reckons him as a good striker because of his linkup play,is that the only thing he should be doing?


Hei you “gays” Can we just love eachothers?!


*In Steve Bould z voice* Hey Olivier, u can sit this one out Son *points to the bench*


Szczesny >> Jenkinson Mertasacker Vermaelen Monreal >> Flamini Wilshere >> Gnabry Cazorla Walcott >> Bendtner


We don’t need IMO somoene to replicate Giroud. Bendtner from his limited appearances should provide a decent service being the battering ram. What we do need is soomeone slightly different who can be tricky, beat a man or two if not for pace with his dribbling (Think oour pursuit of Higuain and Suarez, neither Giroud type players) Someone like Pato ON LOAN could be a very useful option for us. he is quick, has champions league pedigree, isn’t cup tied and extremely gifted with technique. he is also at the moment not on anyone’s shopping list an a bit unwanted… Read more »


Giroud looked knackered. he put in another good shift and was good for the goal. I felt as much as he was drawing blanks in recent games, that he was getting himself into excellent positions but that his timing (anticipation which makes up for a lack of pace…ask Per) was slightly off. he profited with Walcott’s excellent delivery but also because it was a set piece. When Walcott is played without Podolski balancing his other flank it is relatively easy for the opponent to shift their weight to their left and stifle walcott/Sagna for space. With Podolski on, it stretches… Read more »

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