Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sagna admits contract talks and frustration

Bacary Sagna has admitted he’s in talks with Arsenal over a new contract, but also that nothing is completed yet.

Recent reports suggested he was close to signing a new two year deal, but the right back says talks are ongoing and that he’s hopeful something can be sorted out.

“I always had good relationship with Arsenal,” he told beIN Sport. “I hope we’ll be concluding positively our discussion about my contract.”

When asked if the deal was on the cards, he said, “Yes, everything is possible”, and when asked if he could finish his career at the club, he said, “Only God knows.”

However, the former Auxerre man made public his frustration at the turnover of players since he joined the club in 2006. He’s seen the likes of Cesc Fabregas, Samir Nasri and Robin van Persie leave, something that clearly has had an impact on our ability to win trophies.

While we all know there were exacerbating circumstances, he said, “When they left I was annoyed. I was angry. Since I joined, we’ve lost a whole competitive team.”

Yet he says criticism of performances and results should be directed at the players before manager Arsene Wenger.

“We, the players, must be the first in front of critics,” he said. “We owe the boss for the confidence he puts into us.”

Quotes via @MattSpiro and @Grooverblog

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Please don’t go!


Bacary, PLEASE dont make Blogs change his mind and start posting this link bc you decide to leave –

I can feel Blogs change of heart, coming in the air tonight.


“Report: Wenger seals new deal and pay rise”
Rich getting richer? relatively speaking
Unstinting supporter of club and boss, but sometimes I wonder!


HAHAHAHA to spurs!

Wenger should throw everything at Liverpool for Suarez. He’s the missing link tbh chuck in wilshere if need be.


Wishire may be shite at the moment, but he’s our shite. Like Ramsey USED to be.

Chill the fuck out.

And yes, let’s get Suarez. But I doubt they’d sell for less than Bale now.


Wilshere is a luxury in our midfied atm. he’s a player we could do without and at the same time he would be a signing liverpool would consider taking from us as it will “weaken” us like if we took suarez from them.

With suarez we should have put £50 milli on the table now im afraid the chance is gone he’s surely worth £60m onwards. something we would never pay…or would we!


We didn’t think we’d pay £40 mil for a midfielder until Ozil…

I think it would be a mistake to let Jack go myself.

i don't comment here often

I’m really quite astounded at some of the negativity recently. By all means there are questions to be asked of the players, but are people really thinking there isn’t a place for Wilshere at this club? Look at Ramsey’s improvement for christ sakes. The guy is still young and he’s gonna have some bad games.

Come on folks, we’re top of the table and we’ve got a squad that can challenge for the title. A squad full of players who want to win, clearly hate losing, and have years ahead of them to improve.


i hope wilshere doesn’t go the michael owen way of peeking too early then fading as years go by. i was just saying if a chance to swap suarez/wilshere occured RIGHT NOW (emphasis there) seeing as we have plenty in his mould and none in suarez’. i would go for it.

but you’re probably right he’s important for our long term project. fuck suarez i guess..actually get me suarez. i dont know what i want anymore!!

jack jack jack

The fuck is wrong with you? Jack is the fucking future of this football club. How bloody fickle can you be?


Face it, Suarez chance is gone. If nothing else, Henry won’t be inclined to make a total ass of himself and he’s out of our price range now anyway. If we offered 50 in the summer before tweets, who knows, but now, it’s just not happening.


And frankly, don’t get your hopes up about a striker. We won’t spend another 30-40 mil in this window, not to mention that there are very few, if any, clear cut world class strikers available in January.
(also, arseblog, get an edit option)


do we even need a 30 or 40m striker? No! we’re not talking about improving on Giroud, he is good enough when he isn’t run into the ground, we need a genuine viable roughly equal striker, 15-20-25mill really ought to be enough.


Look, I like Giroud and all, but fact is, he is not the most prolific of strikers. He is very useful in our team, but it’s getting more and more clear that we need someone who can carry us on their own, who can produce that little bit of magic and win the game on their own when nothing else works for us. Giroud, sadly, is not that kind of player. He will mostly convert the chance if you give him a ball in the box on the plate, but anything beyond that we have yet to see from him… Read more »


Well said chair.


Any thumb down to @chair then we’ll know people in here don’t listen to REASON….or they just can’t control their thumbs.

Dark Arts.

There’s a number of players around who’d grab a few more goals than Giroud, though with whom we’d probably not be where we are in the league. There are remarkably few strikers of the level Chair’s talking about, though in any case I’d dispute that it’s ‘getting more and more clear’ that we truly need one. That’s not to say such a footballing superhero wouldn’t improve us, just that if one doesn’t fly to our rescue we shouldn’t then just submit to the power of the Special One, or something. We’ve got a fighting chance.


Chair, but for how long a striker can have that kind of form? Adebayor had that form for one year out of four with us, rvp had one star season with us and one with utd and now I think it’s game over for him. Similarly, aguero’s last season wasn’t really awesome. Every year there are only few players that can carry a top team single-handedly, and not (or most) of them are not strikes. And I’m even questioning whether you can count pool because they are not competing in CL or EL.

Neil #2

Don’t some of you ever learn? First it’s criticising Theo, then Ramsey, no Wilshere. Must you always be so impatient with young players? It’s a bit ridiculous, really.

Neil #2

*now* Wilshere

Remember the invincibles

If he gets banned it might be a good thing. The critics will lay off him for a game


i personally hope he gets burned so he won’t feature vs chelsea. let rosicky/cazorla at them.


C’mon Baccy ol’ lad. Stay.

self made

Sign that thing…


It must be put on the table first…..


If lloris was a bank he would be closed down coz the kind of savings he’s offering are terrible!



I’ve got a feeling he’s waiting to see if Wenger signs. (Which I’m sure he will).
His answers are also straight from the book of Wenger. Fairly vague but with a hint of “I already know what I’m going to do”


Wengahh: The must-sack gay managaah of the week.


What’s “gay” doing there?

Now that looks much worse than even originally intended.


Get lost. Really, just get lost. Jackass.


What is “gay” doing here?…forget that what is HE doing here. you failed even at being a clown. pathetic.


I don’t want Sagna to go until with have a quality replacement but I feel his pain. He must feel like that awkward moment when your the oldest person in the night club that used to be the spot bk in the day.


Fuck Suarez, for the money they’ll ask for him we can get someone significantly better than NB23 in the summer. Patience gooners, Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Our Rome has been under construction for the past 8 years. Now’a good time to start being aggressive on the pitch, in competitions and in the transfer market.

Andy Mack

Only 8 year, wow.
I keep forgetting how quick the change has happened.


all we hear is bacary sagna……


Sign it Bac then move on to helping spank the chavs.

Bobby the beast

He will

Bobby the beast

Bacary is going to be vital if we are going to go all the way this season. Such a classy man.


Sign dat thing! Hope to see you carrying trophies @ arsenal


Need to go all out for Suarez. Only saw highlights of yesterdays game due to turgid BT Sports. Tbf Girouds goal & Bendtners goal wer perfectly fine. Very poor officiating. We also should of had a stick on penalty. Was just a bad day all round. A very difficult champs league group finally caught up with us. 9 day break is just wot we need, then we need to go all out to prove ourselves vs Chelsea

Bobby the beast

Dont we have a buy back clause for Carlos Vela for a few million? Wouldn’t he be a good addition in the striker department? I honestly wouldnt expect anything more than a loan in or a bargain buy on someone past their prime.

Andy Mack

Vela wouldn’t suit our system at the moment as a No9 striker.
When the opposition are chasing a game and coming forward he wouldn’t be a bad option to bring on (but we have theo and hopefully afobe to do that), but not a backup/replacement for the HFB.


I’m just glad the offer is on the table. Knowing Arsene, though, it won’t be over the odds for a player who won’t be at the top level for more than another 3 years and who has broken his leg twice. Hope he stays – if he keeps performing he’ll be rewarded.


The anti-Jack brigade are the same folks who wrote off Rambo last year. Form is temporary, class is permanent. He’ll be back.

A N Other

Sign him up..


we could get diego costa for about 25-30 million max. hes a great player that would take us to the next level

OG Mike

Agreed. But I doubt Atletico would sell considering they’re challenging for La Liga, and may play us in the next round of the CL

Remember the invincibles

He’d be intelligible for the the champs league. It won’t be a consideration for them. They would be weakened significantly. If only we had got David villa. This title would be wrapped up.


Ffs. Stop hating wilshere. Victim of his own success.


Yeah chewy is off to Madrid and the sooner the better the bin-dipper! I’m sure there are better options that are more sane and team oriented!


ADAM CRAFTON of the Dailymail with a complete cock up, nonsense, b/s, garbage article of the year. Well done!


Wilshere has been playing out of position for a bit covering for the injured walcott/podolski/ox and instead of applauding,we diss him,we all know he is a central midfielder,an excellent one who is only 21,wait till he gets back his fitness and he’ll remind all of the talent that he is

gooners n roses

Proper Arsenal he is. Its crucial to get him signed because Jenks still require some times to develop further. Plus he haa shown he is the handy backup central defender as well.


Lets not forget the club needs a new centre back as cover. Buying a young quality defender like Zouma would be the wisest move.


well, we – the fans – cant see what the real contract is. May Bacary demand a more than 100,000 quids per week? Or may he be given just 50,000 quids? We dont relly know. Just hope the deal will be done, in a very short time.
Sign that fucking thing, Bac! Then you will be a legend!


Instead of 60+m to suarez we can try for getting cavani in that price. He is lethal as Suarez but he is physically and mentally better than him


Sagna will be signing new contract, he loves arsenal. As he said he knows how much it will hurt if a star player leaves so he won’t do that


Hmm isn’t the topic about Bacary? I hope he will stay. He can compete at least 3 more years. Jenko will need at least 2 more seasons. That’s why we need to keep Sagna. We should try to convince him by showing him that we need him and that he can become a big legend. To Wilshere: How can you even consider to sell him? He has massive potential and will become a big player if he is willing to learn in future. Nevertheless do people have the right to say their opinion about his last games. And in my… Read more »

Remember the invincibles

He does moan a lot. And stays down after every tackle. I think a lot of it is to do with the trust he has in his body. It must be difficult to get over the kind of injury he did. I’m sure he’ll back and in time develop into captain material.


in 1 hand sangna talks about how we fail to keep our stars. on the other hand the boss is so good at playing good teams … i dont understand the extras sagna puts on table. come on gunners !


He is 31. A team like PSG might be of interest.

Would prefer us extending him for at least 3 more seasons but replacing him may be on the table at end of season.

May depend again on how we do.

If we win something big, it may hold a feel good factor for him to finish the career with us, if not (and we should not begrudge him), he may seek a last hurrah somewhere-else.



Zaharaddeen Getso

Bacary please stay, don’t leave

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