Friday, October 18, 2024

Sp*rs get arsey over FA Cup allocation

Sp*rs have released a statement on their website explaining to their fans that some of them won’t be able to go the FA Cup 3rd round tie against Arsenal because of a reduced ticket allocation.

FA Cup rules suggest that the visiting club should be given a 15% allocation, but according to their official website, Arsenal refused. They say:

The club applied for the maximum allocation of 9000 tickets (15%) for the forthcoming FA Cup third round tie at the Emirates Stadium. Following lengthy conversations, Arsenal Football Club has advised us that on safety and security grounds, experienced at previous Cup fixtures this season, they are only able to provide an allocation of 5,186 (8.64%).

Which sounds fair enough as otherwise they’d have to have the whole Clock End or upper tier tickets. Also, bearing in mind this game takes place at 5.15pm on a Saturday, when most of the visiting fans will have been drinking fortified wine and smoking cheap diesel all day, it’s sensible.

Still, not to be outdone by common sense or people’s safety and security, Sp*rs have responded in tit for tat fashion, saying:

In the event of a replay taking place at White Hart Lane, Arsenal will be provided with a reduced allocation equivalent to the percentage that we have received at the Emirates Stadium.

They then went on to say ‘Nyer nyer ner ner ner’ and ‘I know you are, but what am I?’, before writing ‘Arsenal r gay’ and running off.

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Edu's Braces

To be fair we r gay arent we?

Runcorn Gooner

In the event of a replay……wishful thinking


Haha I was thinking exactly the same thing. They are gonna get smashed


1-1 at newcastle
Major Lolz

Wengers spare change

How many spuds fans does it take to change a lightbulb ? Both of them…………and they would still have trouble.


If how many is the question then NONE will be the answer because sp*rs are always in the shadow.

New Haven Gooner

If having that GQ photo of Giroud hanging over my fireplace is gay, then I don’t want to be straight.


To be fair there’s only one club in Northern London so where else would the match take place?


most people who live here call it North London. Plastic


Is that what plastic means? i’m London on loan from Brussels.


Didn’t Chelsea get the full 15% allocation for the CC?


Well that ain’t fair. Offering us the children’s section of mcdonalds while they dine at the Ritz.


what the hell do you have against the children’s section of mcdonalds mate those slides are fucking exhilarating

Santi Claws

Oh please don’t try to take the gloss off that glorious allusion. Top notch Alex, top notch.


The comments section of this website is truly the greatest.


Indeed. If I need a pick-me-up, the comments section is where I’ll be heading to. Legendary.


God they are a joke I mean really?! essentially saying ‘look these are our toys, watch how we throw them from our pram’ cunts.


What a desperate attempt of trying to redirect their fans’ anger on the fact that they are sliding to mid-table mediocrity. And moreover, its exactly this sort of gesture that gets their fans in a confrontational attitude before the game. Classless and with a complete disregard for consequences. Spurs are run by a bunch of 12 year olds.


I genuinely think this site is amazing


I too genuinely think this site is amazing.


so does Tom.

New Haven Gooner

Hah! They think there’s going to be a replay.

By The Eyes of Özil

In the event there’s a replay??? Silly Bird on a Basketball, there will be no replay!!


Hahaha! Ha haha hahaha ha!!!


Well that’s a nice, mature and considered statement isn’t it? Obviously they’re trying to save a bit of extra cash for transfers and getting a 14 yr old on work experience to be their website person!


I hope there will be no need of replay


There won’t be, they’re trying to make themselves feel better. F***ing Spuds.

Mikel Artekkers

I think they must be referring to the Chelsea game when they talk about security issues experienced at previous cup games this season. I can’t think of another cup game at the Emirates this season (CL excluded) but maybe that’s just me going a bit mental. Chelsea got the full 9000 allocation and to be honest their fans were causing issues. On my train to the game a whole group came on and started abusing people at random (including making paedophilic remarks to a 10 year old girl) and one of them had to be restrained by the other fans… Read more »


Sounds more like chelski do one.. Let’s say both of them


Awwww, is sp*rs going to cry?

In all seriousness though, I hope we dispatch of them quickly and ruthlessly in that match.


i will find you…

Tapscott's Testicles

I am curious as to who, at the club, they are giving the job of working out what the actual 8.64% works out at. If brain cells are required it could be a long fucking wait for tickets…..


I’m no rocket scientist, but I’m pretty sure I could manage to allocate the tickets in the normal, designated sections for travelling fans fairly easily.

Daft Aider

Slightly surprised there is no mention of “mummy” or “it’s not fair” in the sp*rs statement


Hahaha!Didnt know they Played-out on Saturdays!


They are such cunts. It annoys me that they haven’t done anything super significant since winning the league back in 1961, yet they think they are our main rivals. When I first became a fan of football in 2006, aged 11, I couldn’t understand why Tottenham were listed as one of Arsenal’s rivals in FIFA 06. I soon found out why, but still, they are nothing but noisy neighbors. We’ve been in Islington for 100 years and are known thoughout the world. It would do Spuds a lot of good if they shut up and stopped comparing themselves to Arsenal.


Tek a bow son.


Well when I became an Arsenal fan aged 6 in 1961, I said to my grandad at a reserve match, “Why don’t we like sperz grandad?” and he honestly looked at me and said, “Little Frankie,they are the scum of the earth and nastier things than that,you must always hate them”. So aged 58 (and 6 league titles for us later, 0 for them) I do as my grandad told me, hate the fuckers!


It’s kind of like being the cousin of someone famous for them I guess 😉

Corona X

My cousin used to step on my fingers when I tried to play with his toy cars and stuff.


He was a spud then.

Eboue's Tears

I became a fan about twelve years ago and honestly in that time I never really learned to hate them with the passion of gooners who were born into it. I just feel sorry for them generally. Every year they make what looks like great signings and get their hopes up and every year they fail miserably. Hahahahahahha. Ha. Haha. My true hatred is directed first and foremost at Chelsea. Terry, mourino, Cole, etc are classless whinging cheaters. Utter cunts. And their fan’s are either racist drunk troglodytes or nouveaux rich wanna be posh counts who don’t even realise that… Read more »


It’s no coincidence that their club logo is a massive cock.

Who The F**k are Sp*rs?

We’re only doing them a favour anyway. Sparing the poor Cocks a sad, pitiful drudge home after the get well and truly beaten is like doing our bit for charity.

Santi Claws

“In the event of a replay taking place at White Hart Lane”


Also, off-topic, but it looks like the Dutch Skunk has been dealt a delicious misfortune.

How amusing. Muahahahaha

Dave Gooner

van Persie and Everton United are sooooo welcome to each other. Its possibly the best thing about Taggart’s retirement. How I laugh.



Small Correction…I respect Everton so i would put ur comment this way “Van CUNT Persie and Moyes United are sooooo welcome to each other. Its possibly the best thing about Taggart’s retirement. How I laugh.



Hahahaha sp*rs are in dreamland thinking of a replay then again they always are not with *we will finish above Arsenal* season in season out.

Hahahaha to rvp seems like the Horse placenta is finally wearing off.

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Dutch Skunk injured… really? Have the feeling he’ll never wear a AON shirt again.

Was Gareth Bale REALLY injured over the summer when he missed all of the Sp*rs pre-season fixtures?


I love that the Dutch Skunk has a range rover, like him, unreliable prone to breaking down over priced and obnoxious

Dark Arts.

Oh well, more money for Crack (or whatever other grotty activity endemic in that sleazy suburb).


Lol the bitter f*ckers


Van Persie out for a month after taking a corner.


I am such a small and petty man.

pauly bear

I hope we lose and they dont get a reply haha that will show them !!


Wow! Just wow

Oh yes.

I can understand how having all those Spurs fans would be like having an open sewer running through your bedroom but I think they have a point. The FA cup has always had a great atmosphere due to large numbers of travelling supporters. The FA have rules. We have accommodated 15% before. We have a modern stadium. What’s the problem?

Dave Gooner

They’re so smelly?


They are Tottenham. It takes weeks for the smell to dissipate.


they also smash up the toilets so they can think they are at home


Lets fuck these cunts up. Hunting cunt and fighting runt


sp*rs u mad bro?


I would love to relocate the Away Fans to another part off the ground. The away end looks so much better for atmosphere. As for them complaining about allocation’s… anything to have a pop! Sad acts

lee gooner

when i was just a little boy i asked my mother what would i be? will i be arsenal? will i tottenham? heres what she said to me
wash your mouth my son and fetch your fathers gun
and shoot some tottenham scum.

why Dont we sing this anymore?

Paul Gascoigne

I drink to forget the pain of playing for Spurs…


Sure Chickens, it won’t be any replay anyway because you are shit.

Ozil's Gum

Equivalent allocation? So like…12 arsenal fans will be allowed to squeeze into the flaming shithole that is shite fart lame. Don’t worry spuds, no replay will be necessary.




They are announcing their match strategy 3 weeks before the game. Park the bus, defend, defend defend and hope for a replay.

Haringey London Borough Council

All talks of a “replay” at the address in question on Bill Nicholson Way and 748 High Road are unfounded. Football has never and will never be played at the public compost site.

Thank you


We’re being unfair with 8.64 % allocation…..
…but who the hell cares? Tottenham are being unfair to us with their very existence.


Shit, was that the real Gazza commenting? I thought he would be flat out on his back by this time of the day!


Childish really, It’s not like we have drawn a cock and balls on their…..cock crest. I mean what have we done to them??? Apart from building a new stadium, out qualifying them and picking up more trophies over the last 20 years on a fraction of the budget….Get over it already!


Daniel Levy.

He’s a cunt.


After going to a derby at SHL, they would have to pay me to go back there anyway, i’m not surprised they want more tickets for our ground.


It’s in the rules, which was known before the stadium was built. So surely it’s the arsenal board who are being petty and childish.


I hear shit hart lame smells of feet and good ol’ harry breath im sure even the spud dont want to sit through that!. we will make sure of that. NO REPLAY!


Dear Ozil
please give me eyes to see beyond what man can see so that i assist rvp in gettying well soon at 38yrs


Mr Blogs, what were u doing visiting Sp*rs site?
I bet someone had a gun point at you…anyway you wouldnt mind so much it would have misfired though..

Dirty Den

The Emirates with 15% worth of Chavs would of been a bit OTT! Middlesex Scum


They think they’re getting a replay! Hahahahahahahha!
Deluded fuckers!

Harry Barracuda

I’d like a better explanation than the one the club have offered to be honest.

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