Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Club announces ticket price rise

Arsenal have announced that ticket prices will rise next season.

In a statement on the official site, they say that a 3% increase will be applied, ‘in line with inflation’. It’s the first change in prices since a 6.5% increase in the summer of 2011.

In 2012 a freeze was announced with Ivan Gazidis saying at the time, “We understand the pressure fans are under in the current economic climate and hope this will go some way to helping them.

“Our season-ticket holders are the heart of our Club and we are recognising their loyalty by holding their ticket prices for next season.

“This is the fourth year out of six that we have held season-ticket prices flat against continuing pressure to keep pace with rising operational and player costs.”

No doubt the club will point to the high profile, high cost purchase of Mesut Ozil, and other inflationary factors, as justification for the price hike.

Other may say that a price rise now, when the club has still struggled to fill the stadium this season despite a marked improvement in the football on offer from a much more exciting team, is misjudged.

That’s not to mention increased revenue from sponsorship and the new record breaking TV deal which kicks in next season.

Season ticket holders will find out the price of their tickets at renewal time, with Club Level renewals beginning in February.

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And here I was, hoping they’d reduce the prices after the latest commercial windfall.




I was so tempted to write something silly like “Theo Boycott” or something, since I’m so clever and all. Then again, one cannot be clever and just write jokes and stuff without a little serious stuff:
Considering the fact that I live in Norway and therefore haven’t ever been to an Arsenal match so far in my life, I’d guess that a 3 per cent increase in ticket price would be so much considering travelling costs etc., but I acknowledge the fact that the frequently match-going fans won’t be too pleased by this.

The 3 Billion Dollar Stan

I get the feeling that they must not be too confident of a win against City or this announcement would have been held off for now!


What are the current ticket prices?



A Yank In King Arsene's West Stand

Apparently our cheapest is £985 and most expensive is £1955. I’m West Stand Upper (far back), about level with the box, and mine is about £1150. I’d be curious to see a whole map, though.


£1150 is about what I have to pay for one single match, if you add in the airfare, hotel, meals, beer, and souvenirs as well as the ticket. Count your blessings! I’d love to live in the same city as Arsenal!


As an Irish gooner, its hard enough to afford to go over with the current ticket prices for Grade A fixtures, never mind another increase.. However, if we produce silverware and/or a decent title challenge I won’t complain much!


As an Irish gooner, its hard enough to afford to go over with the current ticket prices for Grade A/B fixtures, never mind another increase.. Usually can afford two games a season. However, if we produce silverware and/or a decent title challenge I won’t complain.


“Produce silverware”…..if we did that we’d have plenty!

wiederverwertetem Kunststoff

Hi. Just calling for Wenger’s head.

The sooner he is sacked, the better it is for all concerned.

Thank you.


le shite, is that you?

dink arnold

My work day is long and when I find myself with no news on arseblog and no new blogs at 7amkicokff I end up checking out le-grove in the same way I look at crazy right wing news sites for perspective. After reading all the negative comments over here about that site I find the blogger there much more acceptable than I would’ve thought. Granted there are plenty of people who make comments which are far too reactionary than I would like, I find that happens here too. Le grove isn’t as anti wenger and awful as you all seem… Read more »


Yeah, but to have one’s post analyzed, one has to make a half-decent point in it.


How long have you been reading it for? If you read it at any point over the summer you’d have a different perspective. Our success have silenced many of the ‘fans’ over there.


Obviously this is pellagrini or however u spell the blokse name, hes clearly scared of le prof


Yeah hi mental ill inmate who’s escaped and for some reason chose to visit arseblog.


Because we will be paying to watch the winners of the double isn’t it?


The treble*


so for a match-day ticket it would be an extra 4-6 quid more, and 20-30 quid for a season ticket. Its hardly highway robbery when you consider the increase in prices of things like Fifa/Football Manager, how much you pay for your smartphone, how much you paid for your flatscreen tv, or how much you pay every day for starbucks/McDonalds, or a night on the piss. It sucks that they increase the prices, don’t get me wrong, but if it means i could keep my ST (If i was lucky enough to have one), then i would do it in… Read more »


Problem is they haven’t struggled to fill the stadium, we’ve just struggled to attract our season ticket holders to every game, very odd decision especially as the club is about were told to roll in the cash Puma etc.


Wish the season ticket holders that can’t be bothered to turn up to every game would come on here and offer us poorer gunners the chance to go see a game – for a reasonable price obviously lol


This, I would love to be able to see my first game live if only I could get a ticket, even though the total cost for me and my girlfriend would be over 500 without all the local expenses.

I'm a gunner...nice



Not that big of a deal. The demand for Arsenal tickets is still very high and will only get higher once the club starts winning things. However, I do hope that we can incorporate some safe standing and not have to raise prices anymore.

Brazilian Gooner

Guess who’s paying Mesut’s transfer fee!


And Diaby’s 2013 hospital bill!


Rather that, than a handout for a guy who will cripple our club when he gets bored and leaves.


Stupidity,insincerity,3% hide. The purchase of Ozil as an excuse. Total nonsense.

Big Al

Thankfully I still have another season and a half of my Cannon Club membership, so that my prices won’t go above 26/7 pounds. I shall make the most of it, before having to pay the (sometimes ridiculous) full prices

Royal Belum

Is there any suspended ticket similar to suspended coffee?


Hike in ticket prices! European football moving to BT Sport! Flamini slammed for wearing short sleeves! Lunch time kick off! This fucking country has gone right down the fucking shitter. Next they’ll want us to roll over and shit Mars Bars.


Cynical timing to announce this now. Do you they think being top of the league will softening the blow?

Only problem is wages haven’t kept up with inflation… except footballers’ wages, which have exceeded inflation.

Do you they think being top of the league will softening the blow?


The is embarrassingly bad PR and timing. At a time when the club is making record revenues from tv. Cringe.


ok, real terms, its not a big increase, so fair enough, yes ok our seats cost more than most already, but hell we gotta get the money from somewhere and were not getting a fat oli baron pumping in untold billions and so fair play, HOWEVER i do feel it is perhaps slightly cynical announcing it at a time when we are doing well and before the city n chelsea games, fair enough though, i can live with that BUT i wonder, what will this do to our Jan transfer capabilities? assuming £4 x 60,000 £240,000 a season (yes assumes… Read more »


That’s £240,000 per game, not for a whole season. Counting the Cup matches and assuming we go a reasonable distance in the Cups, it’s about £6.5M in increased revenue. Or, somewhere around one seventh of an Ozil.

Ian Dorren

Nonsense we’ve struggled to fill it. I’ve managed to sell any ticket I wanted on the exchange inside 30 mins. I’m not happy about the rise but at least it isn’t above inflation. They should freeze it the following season.

Block 12

I have a season ticket in the North Bank. According to my trusty calculator, it’s going to go up from £985 to £1015. That’s £30, or a little over £1 per match. I hate the idea of any price rises, especially with our season tickets being as expensive as they are, as this will just give the media another stick to hit the club with. But it’s an extra £1 per match to see The Arsenal. I’m not going to be cancelling my tickets over it.


Announced when top of the league, naturally.


It’s not the club ‘fault’ that they are at the top of the league for months…

green arse

Apparently sagna passed his fitness test for tomorrow. Can anyone confirm?


Özil needs to be paid for.


They’ve got to fund Arsene’e pay rise from somewhere.


As long as the £4.50 hot dogs and £4.20 beakers of gnat’s piss don’t go up in price….


It may be “in line with inflation”, but it most definitely is NOT “in line” with most people’s salary increase (if they actually had one). Still, at least more merchant bankers, hedge fund managers, venture capitalists, top bankers etc will be able to attend the games.


hopefully we wont lose to shitty or chelski after this announcemnet because the hate will be back were its subsided because of our position. my red membership went up and it aint given me any more access to games, i would rather have an option not to receive the membership packs and pay £5 less, i think there very tatty and a pile of shite…………….


An extra few quid to see the best in the land and sit on the best seats….BARGAIN!!!


Surely, the club should introduce performance-related ticket prices.

If we win the League then a 5% increase would be justified; but another season without a trophy would merit a reduction in the cost of ground entry. Player contracts would be accordingly reduced to cover the shortfall in the club’s income.

So now both the players and the fans would fairly rewarded for the club’s achievements – or lack of them.

Sounds fair to me.


Fuck Off Fat Gooner


I miss that crazy Sir Balls guy. I miss someone to vent on. I’m sure he’d have had some nonsensical comment to make about this


I really wonder if those 3% is worth alle the negativity and shit they’re getting now. Fans hate it and the media loves writing about it.

A few £ > bad pr and unhappy fans ?


ops, should be :

a few £ > good pr and happy fans


Quite bizarre timing. What on earth are they thinking of?


Josh Kroenke gets appointed to the Board and within days ticket prices increase.This despite the largest TV deal in history,bumper new sponsorship and kit deals, and millions sat in the bank while Giroud is flogged to death due to the inability to buy a striker in the summer.Don’t be taken in by talk of paying for Ozil or keeping up with City or Chelsea;there is nothing stopping OUR billionaires putting money into the club (one even wants to but is not allowed)Instead the fans pay the price AGAIN.This will lead to more genuine fans being priced out and replaced by… Read more »

dink arnold

I really hate the thumbs up and down option. So many comments end up containing things I agree with, then a bunch I don’t agree with and I don’t have the time to comment on each one. Your comment, for example, the first lot of things I’m like ‘yeah, he’S right’, but then I’M like no you’re so full of shit and assumptions it’s painful. fuck. I enjoyed it when for a day or two (if that) this site went without thumbs up or down. without this black and white you’re with us or against us nonsense. The world doesn’t… Read more »

dink arnold

unfortunate, unfortunately

Fortunately I’m drunk and have an excuse.


Nice drunken rant though, ‘drink’ – and still just about coherent enough! You are correct about the nature of the thumbs up / down. I have the same issue with the “was this review helpful / unhelpful” on Amazon’s reviews page, which seems to be more about feeding and reinforcing people’s existing views & opinions, and massaging egos. Whatever you do , don’t challenge people’s preconceptions or make them think!


As a “tourist fan” I get that my opinion doesn’t really matter since I’m (involuntary) a part of the problem but this really, really, truly sucks balls. A football club should always be a football CLUB, first and foremost. Obviously, the commercialization of football has changed the way the football-boards do business but it should still really be all about the players and the supporters. The players are playing for the supporters and the supporters are supporting the players. It’s like a circle of football-life. Sure, getting a few international businessmen to rent a VIP suite brings a lot of… Read more »


Hopefully this’ll keep the rabble out. With their singing and what-have-you.

I just find all that incredibly uncouth.

Thin Gooner

People seem to be forgetting that we can cash in TGSTEL for £100m in January, and buy another Özil.


Greatest comment section that ever lived


John W Henry

What do you think they’re smoking over there at the Emirates?


Last week it was jamaican gummy, this week back to hi grade.


it wll make the club more profitable which will bring better players

nothing will change cause we didnt get a bigger stadium and the waiting list is so high this leaves only one optio n which is to higher the prices


Poor timing again old chaps.

Should have done it earlier or waited till we actually delivered one decent result from 4 test ( 3 of which we have thus far failed)

Ticket price rise? you are having a laugh.

Gee Five

From a Canadian: It’s still a crapload cheaper than a Toronto Maple Leafs game. And they suck dead donkey ass. Wish I lived over there…..sniff……

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