Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 2-0 Fulham: The Guff

A look at the reaction from the media and blogosphere to yesterday’s 2-0 win over Fulham in the Premier League.

Arsène Wenger could savour a triumph that keeps his team at the top of the Premier League table for at least another week. They may not be favourites to finish in first place, but, here, Arsenal showed their determination not to surrender it without a fight. – Paul Doyle, Guardian.

For what seemed like the first time in a while, this was not an occasion for trotting out that old cliche about it being the kind of performance that can be a sign of champions. And yet in a funny way, it was exactly that. For as much as championship wins are defined by those backs against the wall jobs of legend, it is ensuring that afternoons such as this are filed away as uneventful home wins. – Goodplaya.

Arsenal’s anticipated fall from their perch is simply not happening. Each challenge levelled by their rivals is met by performances of a poise and maturity conspicuously lacking in recent seasons. This display, even allowing for their first-half carelessness was no exception. – Oliver Brown, Telegraph.

After a few false dawns it feels fair to say Jack is approaching his best form again. Turns out all he needed was a regular run of games in his favoured position alongside the holding midfielder. Who knew, eh? The manager, probably, who with the imminent return of Ramsey now faces one of those cliched ‘nice problems to have’. – Arse2Mouse.

A year or so ago, it would have seemed unthinkable that Manchester City would be considered the league’s great entertainers, and Arsenal the model of consistency. Nevertheless, it’s turning out that way. If the Gunners can continue their relentless form, City’s beguiling attacking play may yet prove to be in vain. – James McNicholas, ESPN.

It is no secret that Cazorla could find space in a phone booth. It is no secret that Wilshere can survive the most fearsome of challenges and emerge with the ball. It’s impossible to intimidate him out of the game. And it is no secret that Arsenal now have the collective spirit that can help them maintain their bid to end a nine-year trophy drought. – Steve Stammers, Sunday Mirror.

Follow the links for more post-game goodness.

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Lovely Stuff. 🙂


Blogs, the guff is such a great idea. hope it’s here to stay!

remember the invincibles

the guff is excellent. Absolutely. hope it stays!


Football in England will be the winner if Arsenal trounce City & Chelsea’s mercenary sides and win the title this year.

remember the invincibles

and for years to come.

Mach iii

Steve Stammers has it. Good head on his shoulders.


How did Kossy avoid the “guff of memes” that surely Torres would of been destroyed for heh. Still a MOTM performance though, beast.

I was also unusually aroused by the first goal. That layoff to wilshere from Giroud is worth way more than a dutch skunk volley.


Its a pass get over it. When Giroud does anything small people quickly jump in with outrageous praises but when he misses those big match defining opportunities it is swiftly played down……


Just small people?


proof. moaners/whiners will never be happy


And this is proof of what i was alluding. Giroud is untouchable

He's a blatant diver, but good at it

Not so, King Herold.

I think you’ll find that quite a lot of people want to touch OG. Apart from your good but misguided self.


Serge Gnabry to Richardson

“i will nutmeg you son, i will fucking nutmeg you!….oh oh op there you go!….told you!”


“Journalists” wrote us off at the start so we don’t care what the media have to say. We know how strong we are and long may it continue

Another victory parade like ’98 on the cards? Im all excited


There’s also one from the ☆Heroldpaper☆. it goes like this

“That young man, Gnabry. so aggressive yet so immaculate. A trail of Black shirts is what he left in his wake, dancing past the fulham “brick wall”, one step over after another, time seemed to stop as he made his way into the box, making certain acouple of arseholes were ripped just because he can, the german stallion unleashed a baker-killing shot, giroud ducked (seemingly to protect his almight face) just as the keeper got down to punch away the glove ripping shot”

Awesomeness had ensued.

Kanu's Gold Medal

Fulham was wearing blue.

Parisian Weetabix

Heroldgoon please stop trying so hard.


I thought that was brilliant. now my whole is crushing down….


I do not have time for these media guys. Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one. After defeat to Villa they said we were in a crisis. Then it was they’re doing well but haven’t played any top teams. Then we’d struggle to get out of our group. Then they traditionally have struggled in November. Then December will be the real test, they have to play 8 games in 4 hours can their squad cope? Last thing I heard was we’ll see what they’re really made of in March it’s going to be a tough month. It’s now the 19th… Read more »

Edu's Braces

Ive read that this is arsenals best chance to win it as other teams are struggling but to me its arsenal who have the scope to improve massively, all of city and chelsea’s players are £30m+ ‘stars’ already where as we can plug any gaps with stars of our own. Future is bright, COYG


I prefer it when the media slates us and gives up no chance of winning the league. It’s usually only when the players start to believe the hype surrounding them they manage to (in seasons past) spectacularly bottle it. I’m not going to even begin to contemplate celebrating winning the title until the jobs done and nor should the team. We have all had our hearts broken too many times over the years!

Naija Gunner

Good stuff from the media, this time around.

Let’s show that Salvage guy and his other scum team for not believing in our team to lift the trophy at the end of every season, let’s show them we are ending that eight year drought this time.


Clock End Mike

Are you referring to Robbie Savage? If so, maybe you should read this:

Not at all a bad evaluation of Arsenal as we are at present.


he’s still an ass*ole though.


The belief grows… COYG!


Couldn’t give a flying one what the media thinks. Power without responsibility has had its day. Been watching the MOTD team try to hoodwink viewers into believing the Scousers latest penalty wasn’t yet another Suarez dive. Shearer was so hysterical it came across as even he didn’t believe what he was saying. Public vote was 69-31 in favour of it being a dive. You bin rumbled, MOTD.

Alan Hansen

Och Gary, those bastards are making us Alans look a right pair of cunts, but there’s no need to start siding with them, you turncoat sassenach!

Gary Lineker

Fuck off Al, you stupid windbag, even I had to admit the gooners are looking good!

Percy Dalton

Nice to see a bit if revisionism from Shearer last night with his “I never said they can’t win it…” – that’s exactly what he said several times.
The club and Wenger have been shown very little respect all season and only now that we’re still in there are some pundits beginning to grudgingly acknowledge that we have a chance, albeit positioning that as if it could only happen if City throw it away.
Bollocks to the lot of them

North Bank Gooner

Have to sent the MOTD boys a pack of bacon.

Go nice with all that egg on their faces! 😉



What a great day for football if Arsenal can win this title. For some reason whenever the TV shows City/Chelsea on the TV, I find myself doing that ‘up yours’ thing with my arms. You know it looks a bit like that thing Anelka did to the Jews but you raise your fist towards your own chin. I don’t hate Jews btw. Just want to point that out. It’s their fans. Giving it the large one. Jumping on the plastic glory hunting bandwagon. To me, Chelsea and City fans are exactly the same as the Chav winning the lottery and… Read more »

Macho Man Ramsey Savage

Loving the self made millionare / lottery winner comparison. That is spot on


Steave Stamers, you got it!!


My bad, it is Steve Stammers.

Trex d' Gunner

The media and so called pundits are a bunch of idiots. At the begining of the season, according to the them, the scums were better than us and were going to wipe the floor with us, we all know how that turned out. Now their favorite excuse is the frailty of the Arsenal squad, and how strong the chavs and manshitty squads are. Guess what b*****s, the paper thin squad is top of the league, and every neutral football supporters (i.e those sick of sugar daddy run clubs) prefered team to lift the title. Choke on that Shearer, Owen, Hansen,… Read more »

Aks Arsenal

Hala Forza Glory To Arsenal


I like the look of the current league table.

1. Arsenal P22 PTS 51
2. Liverpool P22 PTS 43
3. Everton P22 PTS 41

I’m with those who don’t acknowledge City’s and Chelsea’s existance.

I will celebrate for months if we can win the title this season.


It’s clear that Wilshere is improving. But I still think his best position is ACM, because I don’t think he does enough defensively. For me Ramsey takes over that DM spot when he’s fully fit, because when he’s on form, he does much more defensively.


People are complaining abt our current run of ‘bad form’ but they are forgetting our stand out performer that tore record books in half with his stamina and passion: ramsey. We will see him back fully rested and burning the pitch with his sheer cleats, mark my words and we will WIN IT


Good game, but what’s even better is that this team hasn’t even hit top gear yet.


I personally already prefer The Guff to By the Numbers… I’m more of a words than numbers guy!


This is a bit off topic but.. why the OS X image?



David S.

Blah blah blah, it’s the press. If lose at Anfield and they’ll be calling us a ‘Club in crisis’ and saying we aren’t ‘championship material’

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