Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Brady backs Wenger to spend in January

Gunners youth supremo Liam Brady has backed Arsene Wenger to get his chequebook out in the January window … if he can find the right player.

After the 2-1 win over Villa last night, the boss admitted his squad was a ‘little short’, and Brady believes the Frenchman is of a mind to spend.

Speaking to RTE Radio 1 this morning, Brady said, “There’s every chance Wenger will spend in January, he’s got the money, but it’s down to who is available and whether their club will let them go.”

Pressed on what he thinks would be Wenger’s priority, he said, “A goal scorer, but they’re the most difficult to find. But I think business will be done by Arsenal.”

There were further injury worries for the Gunners after last night’s game with Tomas Rosicky suffering a broken nose while a suspected broken metatarsal for Nacho Monreal will have Wenger sweating over his defensive options.

However, at the other end, Olivier Giroud scored his second in as many games (for him) while Jack Wilshere has now got 5 goals for the season, eclipsing his best ever return.

With Aaron Ramsey still to return and Lukas Podolski waiting impatiently in the wings, there are still options, but Brady clearly believes there’s a willingness to bring players who can add something to the attack.

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Time is running down, your move, Prof. We’re all waiting.


I don’t see what’s so dreadful about this comment that over 60 people feel strongly enough about it to rate it down. The point the makes about time is a very good one. The ideal time to have moved for a striker was last May-June when the need was already obvious and we had plenty of money and available talent to choose from. The next-best time to have got moving was November-December so the deal could be sorted for when the window opened on 1 January. If Wenger believes the squad needs to be strengthened, only starting to look around… Read more »


I don’t know why others voted it down, but for me its the same judgmental, ‘i know better’ rubbish that was being spouted throughout the summer. It assumes that the Arsene and the rest of the club are sitting on their collective arses, and because nothing appears in the press, or Arsene doesn’t do the Maureen style showboating, that nothing is being done. On a different tack, it also assumes that there is a mythical ‘world class striker’ just sat there waiting for Arsenal to call, and has a compliant club happy to let him go mid-season. Even should such… Read more »


So true, but that’s not the way Wenger does business (though I wish he did). Except for the purchases of Poldi and Giroud, Wenger never buys early. I would love to see the club announce in early January “This is the striker we wanted this summer, we’ve been working ever since to line up the deal, now the window is open and we’ve done it” Instead the strategy seems to be… January 1st, let’s go look for some players, I hope we find one! OK, maybe they honestly cannot find a better player than we already have, is that because… Read more »

Arsene's Jacket

Winter is the worst time to buy someone. Negotiations usually start during this window for the next summer. The last “world-class” player with big hype that Arsenal bought in the winter was Arshavin. We all know how that went.


We don’t need new signings desperately, a striker & RB would be good. All we need is our players to stay injury free. Hopefully Nacho hasn’t broken is metatarsal and would be out for 1-2 weeks max.


How do we need a RB. The understudy of Jenkinson to Sagna is the perfect fit. Young promising talent to take over our established solid rb in coming seasons. Isn’t that the perfect situation?

Mongolian Gooner

I’d sleep better if Sagna was tied down to a new contract.


I always sleep better with a nice cup of cocoa….

Arty's Art

Or if we had more experienced cover than Jenkinson


Its not fantasy football. Who would possibly sign with experience to sit on the bench.

I love the situation we have at RB, assuming Sagna signs on of course


Yes thats the only position that worries me. RB. Everyone else got their position and proper back up covered but when you turn to RB, can’t help but….Gulp!

Bould's Eyeliner

Sagna’s got plenty of fight, and he’ll do whatever he can to stay uninjured. Much of that points to match preparation etc., and even at his age his physical fitness is among the best in the team. Except for maybe Ramsey, he could even be the most fit. As for Jenkinson, the kiddo did fantastic last season early on with a decent run of games. I don’t care how experienced you are, you don’t have match consistency when you don’t have a run of matches. Look at Podolski’s form. 100+ German caps, all the experience in the world you could… Read more »


I’d like it if he bought Santon. Think he fits our philosophy perfectly. Even if Sagna signs a new contract, especially if he doesn’t. I don’t know if Jenks has that potential to reach Sagna’s level, or even better.


well I want us to sign dani alves and messi. there I said it

Dave Gooner

Dani Alves? He’s a puffed up diving scobe. I would fucking HATE to see Alves with the cannon on his chest. Unless that cannon was being worn by Frimpong.

Igor Stepanov's career

Isn’t Santone a left back?

Black Hei

As Wenger puts it, someone who can play in the lone striker role or alongside Giroud.


Monreal’s injury last night, if indeed a broken metatarsal, makes the need for a new central defender more urgent, IMO. This is because Vermaelen would have to cover for Gibbs during the period. I trust the club will do the business that needs to be done and we may see up to 2 arrivals this winter.

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Flamini and Sagna can both fill in at leftback as well.


So can the Captain TV

Me So Hornsey

the odds on a certain Mr Henry, who’s currently training at Arsenal, to sign temporarily?


I’ll give you any odds you like. How much money will you be gifting me?


Would be nice, and might do wonders for Giroud’s confidence. Cause Henry would leave soon so he would still be a 1st choice striker (which he clearly wants to be, like a small child, to be in the center of attention) but again provide an amazing backup. Then next year Sanogo could be a backup cause for sure he will grow. If Nick leaves.


After the Ozil signing, I have faith in Wenger’s poker face. Fingers crossed we can find someone

Igor Stepanov's career

The Ozil signing was never planned it was just fortune that allowed it to pan out the way it did.


We have the toughest and busiest part of the season to come. Most teams are going to be fighting to either get into the top four or to avoid relegation. We have the FA cup and champions league. We needed a striker before theo got injured now we must buy one to be able to compete to the standards we have set ourselves. At the moment our team as it is can compete with city and Chelsea, we have proven that by being top but another injury or two and we are in trouble. Now is the time to buy… Read more »


Is it wrong that I’m hoping that City and Chelsea start to suffer with injuries as much as we have? I felt gutted for poor Nasri getting hurt like that. No, really.


By all accounts he left the pitch blubbing like a baby.
Can you imagine?In front of 60,000 people.
The chinless gimp.
Must’ve been REALLY painfull.


Contrast that with Walcott’s exit from the pitch!


We need a World class addition to the squad to help push us on to join the next level currently occupied by Bayern,Barcelona Real Madrid etc.and top top talent are hardly ever available in the January window for already well documented reasons.
I would prefer us to keep our powder dry and complete the season with what we’ve got before really pushing the boat out in the summer and bringing in Suarez , Falcao or Rooney.


We ALWAYS need that extra signing to get to the next level! NO

Clock End Mike

Point taken, but you rather spoiled it when you suggested we might sign Rooney or Suarez. No thank you. I have an open mind about Falcao, not sure he’s what we need either.


Yeah, heaven forbid we sign an absolute world beater.

I’d happily quit my job to chauffeur that bitey racist to London Colney every day

Woolwich Peripatetic

If United fail to make the CL I expect Rooney will leave, the question is to where? Same thing with Suarez though I suspect Rooney would be cheaper.
Falcao you’re having a laugh, Monaco have no need to sell and they aren’t looking to weaken their squad either.


Rooney is certain to go to Chelsea if he leaves. He suits them too, being both an arsehole and of an age at which Chelsea regularly sign strikers.

I would say that Suarez is only ever going to go to Real Madrid or one of the nouveau-riche French clubs failing that.


Avoiding commenting on possible signings. I just wanna say what a dirty bunch of cunts those villa players are. Thats four or five players injured in two games against these fuckers. Pissed off isnt the word. The ref was shit playing on all the time when players were injured. Yes we did it once villa did twice.
Minor rant over COYG

Ilona Van Casand

Yep, I can see Henry coming in as a last option. Wenger has been looking all this season for new recruits but as said before, the players he’s interested in are not always available, or willing to come to Arsenal. I’m sure he’s got something up his sleeve!


Can’t we try our hand at buying a player who isn’t available?
We’ve been shafted soo many times these last few years, it might be nice to give a little back.


Henry……id fucking love it to be honest……still a better option to berbatov or the destro guy. Its win win. Itd get the fans going. The team would profit from his experience in and around squad. And with cazorla ozil ramsey wilshere etc supplying he could get us them important goals. He might not be as fast…..but still faster than most prem defenders lol. DO IT!


Deago. Costea sign up,,,,,,

Kanu's Big Boots

Can’t wait to see Henry in an AFC shirt once more!


Reckon if we sign anyone it will be last day of the window stuff again. You get the feeling Wenger has something planned but doubt it will be as big as Ozil signing.


Relax lads, McGringleberry can operate as right back in the same fashion as Lauren as well as being a formidable Titi striker type and a holding midfielder is the fabled Vieira mold. In Arseblog we trust


You’d have thought Brady would be ITK, but it appears not as he hasn’t said anything we didn’t already know – Wenger has money, his priority is a striker, January is a shitty window.


Well, he’s probably ITK, and I’m sure he’d like to keep it that way hence the obvious quotes. Just Arsene’s words in the media twisted to look like a new perspective but really it’s just the usual. I know you laughed too when Chelsea Oil hijacked Tottenham shit’s move for Willian. The game’s dirty, gotta protect yourself. they didn’t even have to do a medical. he’d already passed one. haha… Well, they are all scum… Scum scamming scum, the scum!


Not correct – Brady said his priority is a goal-scorer, whether a striker or not.


We will definitely need a goalscorer, especially for the bigger games, but am I the only one that thinks another defender wouldn’t go amiss. We’re pretty thin at the back, all things considered…

damian brown

What about Miroslav Klose. Short term but a pro en goalscorer and not cup tied.


It’s interesting how playing well and getting back that belief allows a little bit more of sensibility in regard to transfers. We are be weeks into the window and the clamour/frenzy for a signing is nothing like it was in the previous years.


Really good point, Al. You’re so right

The fool of a Took

Buying a player at this moment seems like a thunderous clusterfuck beyond madness.

Hopefully our players will stop getting fucking injured… <— my two cents

palace gunner

You see the problem with our teams is just injuries, & players remain have to take positions maybe they at times can’t with especially in fast paced games, i feel we need a the strength on goals,


Has to be Henry – please! He was on Sky Sports a few weeks and he mentioned how he would love to play with Ozil, and was full of praise for him. Make it happen Wenger!


Cannot see us signing anyone long term.

However, did hear a tantalising rumour about Draxler and possibility of Podolski going the other way. Doubt it could happen but one of those that sounded a perfect solution.


Yes, that is the perfect solution. I’ve long thought that Wenger is looking for a left sided player to balance the team. The left side of attack is not owned by one player the way the right is (when Walcott is fit), and Poldi is hardly setting the world alight. Schalke could use a player to replace Draxler and Poldi would get to play more ahead of the WC. Like Ozil, would be a huge statement of intent. But we would still need a center forward -but maybe could wait til summer if Bendtner could cover for Giroud, who we… Read more »

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