Saturday, July 27, 2024

Podolski reveals injury struggles

Lukas Podolski says he’s not sure if he’s 100% fit yet after his hamstring injury, but says he’s ready to fight for Arsenal’s cause in the second half of the season.

The German missed 4 months with a hamstring tear (grade: bollixed), and although he returned to training at the end of November, is still to establish himself back in the team.

“It was a long time for me because I never had a long injury before,” he told the official site.

“It was not easy, you work hard, you train hard and finally you’re back. I don’t know if I’m 100 per cent but I think I played very good today and we’ll see in the next week.”

In the small amount of action he has had though, he’s contributed well. A goal and an assist in a 25 minute West Ham cameo was followed by a difficult game up top against Cardiff, but from his wide position – one which Wenger says is his best – he scored the Gunners first two goals in the 4-0 win over Coventry.

“You are always happy when you play and score goals for the team,” continued Podolski. “So it was good for me, good for the team and important in the end to be in the next round.”

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Looking forward to a 100% fit Poldi.


Rakesh out, Poldi in.


Wow, shocking revelation.


In the absence of Theo, Wenger really needs to play Poldi as much as he can. Because he’s the only one who can get as much as goals. Most clinical finisher we have right now. Poldi-Ozil-Cazorla behind Giroo is our best bet for silverware, with Rosicky, Ox and Wilshere as backups.


Depth is a wonderful thing.


Podolski’s pace is also great


anybody else thinks mata just wants to break our hearts?the man moved from the chelski to united out of all the teams. probably break my heart again when he moves to tottenham.


Posted this on another Podolski article but I’m gonna out my opinion out again.. Let’s be honest, as good as Podolski is as a finisher, arsene knows his team is more effective with cazorla on the left because ozil and cazorla are two very quick passers of the ball and are interchangeable during the match as they are both good at holding the ball, dictating the pace of attacks and chipping in goals. Playing Podolski on the left limits the midfield movement which is important to arsenal as most teams sit behind the ball against us until we are leading.… Read more »


Can’t say I agree. Poldi is also an excellent crosser, and surprisingly good at link-up play. He had quite a few assists last year. In the absence of Walcott, I prefer Cazorla on the right side and Poldi on the left, giving us an experienced, efficient pair of wingers who both are capable of 10+ goals in addition to creating lots of chances/assists.


The problem is trying to fit in Pod, Ozil and Santi into 2 places and Pod is the odd man out.


Two places? It’s three places.

Poldi = Left wing
Cazorla = Right wing
Ozil = Attack midfielder

At least for as long as Walcott is out.


why haven’t we ever tried poldi on the right? i would think he would be pretty dangerous cutting in onto his better foot. not that his right foot is all that bad. i tend to agree having poldi/santi/ozil all on the pitch is the best combo, regardless of which positions they start in…


Dont forget Gnabry and The Ox. What a nice headache for Professor Wenger

Dick Swiveller

I think pretty much the opposite of that but kinda agree too, Poldi is more direct and works the width of the pitch better than most of the guys in our squad, as well as drifting into those goalscoring positions. He complements the skills of Ozil rather than Cazorla overloading ‘The Hole’, in some games that’s useful and some it isn’t…it’s nice to have the options but I like the Poldi/Ozil left combo better than the Santi/Ozil combo, both pretty potent though.


also posted a comment on the other Poldi thread – he’s one of my favourite players. The buzz in the ground when he gets on the ball in a dangerous area is unlike any of our other players. Hopefully he can now stay fit.
I also think his extrovert personality is really helpful in the dressing room; looks like we have a lot of nice, quiet guys. I loved his ‘aha’ moment for eg.


Arsenal need striker to win something dis year

Anaekwe Patrick

Poldi is my man. Prof, sell poldi and the club is sunk. Make no mistakes about it. Poldi is a clinical finisher.


Why do you say that? Is it just your expresssion or what?
I like Poldi, but we are a great club even before Poldi.
Why would we sink if he is not around? Logically speaking.

I would not dare tell Le prof what to do for the good of the club as I am sure he has the bestest intention for the club and will do what ever need be for it.

Lethbridge Gooner

We have to be cautious the way we use Podolski. As much as we expect more goals from him, those ‘crazy run of fixtures’ need fit and full squad.


If Poldi starts on the left, does Cazorla drop to the bench or swap wings? Or should Ozil be given a rest with Cazorla in the hole?


Just play Cazorla on the right and Ozil in the middle. One of the great things about Cazorla is his flexibility; he can easily play either wing.


More net bursting thunderbolts from our Sledge-Hammer, please. And yes I am little bit gay for Poldi.


Let’s be honest, Poldi is a great super sub but I’m not convinced he’s a starter. I know he scored twice yesterday but he’s clearly not fit, tbh I don’t think I’ve ever seen him fit in an arsenal jersey. He’s lost a yard of pace and just doesn’t have the stamina required to make that position his own. He doesn’t run off the ball for my liking. I don’t know why so many of you love him so much. He could be so much more productive.

Harry Shambles

His goals to minutes played ratio speaks for itself, not been too convinced by the couple of appearances as the lone CF but when he’s played on the wing he’s been brilliant!


I recall some the best of moments last season when we have Poldi on the left flank and Cazorla in the middle and Walcott on the right. With Giroud at the tip of course. Those were lethal attack force. Now wilth Walcott out I believe Cazorla can comfortably shift to the right because Ozil can boss it in the middle. Now this is a good headache for Le Boss. He knows and I will not question his line-up – because we still have that super quality of Rosicky, Ramsey, The Ox and now Gnabry to populate those areas. And soon… Read more »


The fact we are debating who would start is great. It shows we have depth of squad. Podolski ozil and cazorla with 2 others from arteta rosicky Ramsey flamini and wilshire shows how strong we are there,and that’s what pushes players to excel.Now the ox is back will only make them all push harder. Competition is great and podolski gives you that competition for places.


Somehow I reckon cozorla plays a better role in the middle behind the striker always scores goals when ever he is there podolski is the best finisher no doubt about that give him 5 half chances more than likely score 4 better than goruid but they are totally different as he holds the ball up well and gets the incredible midfield into play we have! Poldi on the flank best option and ozil on the other


“For your liking?” So you’reTHE guy that has to take decisios after analysing stats from training and assess the fitness tests? man oh man…I bet carlton cole would be a better option for you!


@moses just erase from your memory goals vs liverpool,montpellier and hey why not yesterday’s brave v Coventry.You’ll feel vindicated

Enormous Dave

I think he is a great player and needs a run in the team lets hope he does not get sold on


I like Poldi because he doesn’t get too cute; if he has a shot he blasts away. The Norwich game last season is a great example.


It could be a great alternative for whenever we have to chase a game to put Poldi up front with OG, Santi left, Özil right drifting in, Ramsey box to box and Arteta/Flamini in the holding roll. I think Poldi would benefit from playing with Giroud with his back to goal and him getting on the end of those awesome flicks


Arsenal having depth is something we have no said for a very,very long time,loving it!


How is that news?


Don’t really understand the photo – Podolski didn’t play against Chelsea or Spurs, did he? Who else smells that bad?


With Mesut’s passes and Poldi’s finishing both of their stats will blossom and help the team so much in this vital period of the season

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