Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Ox back. Ramsey & Gibbs close behind

Arsene Wenger has revealed that Aaron Ramsey and Kieran Gibbs are in contention for Monday’s game against Aston Villa and confirmed that Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is also available after his lengthy lay-off.

Speaking to Arsenal Player ahead of the trip to Villa Park, the boss confirmed the positive news following the disastrous diagnosis of Theo Walcott’s ACL injury.

“Ramsey and Gibbs are very close. There is a small possibility that both of them could be available on Monday.

“Chamberlain is back and available and it is against Aston Villa again. That makes it five months where has been completely out, so that means he is fresh and that should give us a boost. Giroud and Ozil had a good training session yesterday and today they had no problem. They could be back.”

Following overnight reports that Nicklas Bendtner could recover from his ankle problem inside 10 days, the boss stressed that in his view the Dane was still at least three weeks from full training.

“Bendtner, you count three weeks from now until he is back in training,” while on the subject of Walcott, the Frenchman continued, “He has surgery and then it’s rehab. You know that it is six months and that you hope it all goes well. The only thing I can say is it’s very sad news for us and above all for him.”

Wenger also gave an update on Thomas Vermaelen who limped from the pitch in Saturday’s FA Cup win over Sp*rs.

“Vermaelen had a little knee problem so he had to come off against Tottenham. He could be short for Monday but there’s still a chance. But everybody else should be alright.”

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Yeah, LANS, bitch!

Unyoke the Ox

Time to unyoke him

Kanu's Olympic Medal

Aha…I see what you did there.


Hope Giroud and Ozil make it for Villa.

Dr Baptiste

Maybe he was still having problems and they wanted to see how he got on or we were into the dreaded “RED ZONE!!!” and needed to just freshen up the the team


Another reason why I’m totally buying his shoulder problem aka winter break.


Thankfully we have depth and quality in the midfield, time for the Ox to shine!


Ox will be a boost, thought he looked excellent vs villa with his assist to Giroud, really hope he can pick up straight off that! Anybody know if he’s playing in the u21 game today like rumored?


Great to have the Ox back. I won’t lie I’m a big fan of how he plays.


I wonder who will provide the CB cover on the bench if TV5 won’t make it to VP…


Sagna can cover


That I know and I do not question his ability to fill in there as he had already had impressive performances in that position. What I am more concerned of is Jenkinson though – I really like the lad because he always gives everything when playing, but still a bit error prone due to the lack of experience and yet to be anywhere near to Sagna’s quality. Should Sagna has to fill in the central role, we would still become considerably weaker in defence.


But Sagna would only have to fill in at CB if 2 of our CB’s are injured. And there aren’t many teams in europe who didnt miss quality in their defence if 2 CB’s are out! Let’s just hope Kosc and the BFG stay fit and Vermaelen comes back soon and then i’m not a bit worried about our central defence!


I’d guess Bac will go there and Jenkinson on the right. Hopefully, it won’t be the case.

Bring in the younglings

I find it a wee bit worrying that Sanogo isn’t considered vital enough to be given an update about.

Dr Baptiste

Are you worried that he doesn’t update you on how Diaby is doing?

Bring in the younglings

You know the trolling is alright when it doesn’t involve taking the piss out of our player’s chronic injury problems. The guy is obviously deeply traumatized by what he’s going through and just cos he’s been at it for as long as we can remember its wierd that you don’t find it wierd saying something like that.


Dr Baptiste is not a troll, and that comment isn’t even in the same realm of what one would consider ‘trolling’.


Diaby will be out until march at least. Sanogo is back in full training so the situations aren’t really compareable!


We all love the football over Christmas, but fuck me if it doesn’t lead to a stupid amount of injuries.

Surely most fans would sacrifice a winter break if it meant their best players were more likely to be fit for the second half of the season? No doubt after the World Cup we’ll all be calling for a winter break (again).


sagna mert kos nacho
ozil cazorla podolski

(shame walcott got injured 🙁 ,we got one hell of a squad )


forgot flamini btw 😛

Johnny 99

But, But I thought we didn’t have a big squad, at least that’s what every so called ‘expert’ has been saying since the start of the season, and we know they’re always right! #sarcasm


Interesting that you put Özil on the wing and Santi on the #10 position. I thought i’m the only one thinking Santi is far more dangerous if he playes in the middle and Özil had his best scenes when he came from the wing and cut inside so far this season. Exactly the starting 11 i would pick! Cheers 😀


Awesome news, who should I be thanking God or Bloggs? We are going to need all our players fit and in form. I feel bad for Monreal who was been awesome but will forfeit his place in the starting lineup when Gibbs is fully fit.


In my opinion Monreal has been slightly better than Gibbs, who is still occasionally caught out defensively. Either way, I think Wenger will stick with Gibbs when he’s fully fit.


Fully agree. I like Gibbo as much as anyone, but Nacho’s positioning is better. And he is pretty good technically whereas Gibbs is rather limited in that regard.

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Kieran Gibbs needs to learn how to pass/cross/shoot with his right foot! Over 100 matches watching him play I’ve never once seen him use his ‘weak’ right foot. Sometimes this makes him predictable for opposition defenders.

I will never forget Nacho Monreal’s first match for Arsenal against Stoke. He rocketed a shot-on-goal with his ‘weak’ right foot from 30 yards out! (over the crossbar, unfortunately)


Judging by the thumbs, Gooners are really divided on this issue. I come down slightly in favour of Monreal, but really it is such an amazing thing to have two left-backs of such quality. The imbalance is at right-back…as much as I love Jenkinson (and his potential), of course.

He's gotta hit the target from there (for me)

I don’t really have a preference between the LBs, but I think it’s great just how much of a good player Gibbs has become. You never see him in any headline (in a good way) and he seems a really modest, good guy. I can’t see him saying, ‘Um, well, boss, once again the club has shown that we disagree on the way to move forward, so, um, I must make the ultimate sacrifice and leave. Remember me for my good moments, guys…here’s a free Man Utd pin. I insist, take it, I can afford lots now…..’

Black Hei

Gibbs is faster, a lot faster than Monreal.


I think even if the kitman played we would win. Time for the team to get revenge for the earlier defeat. Glad to see the Ox back, time for him to do a Ramsey.


God mode initiated


What about sanogo?

Dr Baptiste

It’s a no go I’m afraid

The Gunn Show

Im usually an iphone reader, only just started using the website so i can read the comments aswell. Always an excellent read just like the Blogs and News, however i had to comment just to say that if that was a joke it was incredible!


And diaby?


Diaby summoned walcott.


Abou Diabus Hibernatus!

Black Hei

Demolition Diaby Man

Happy Gooner!!

Ox and The Serge can fill the void left by Wallcott so bring on Villa!!


I believe beating Aston Villa on Monday will be truely symbolic of how far we have come since the gloom & doom following the first game defeat against them. Come on you Arsenal!


Am I’m buzzing to see Ox back. He’s a very direct & exciting player who’ll add a new dimension to our game when the pass-n-move isn’t materializing


When the pass and move isn’t materializing Podolski will murder the goalie.



Arsenal Induced Heart Attack Survivor

And flash a million dollar smile


Why doesn’t a reporter ask about Frimpong? Has he effectively given up football and become the groups entertainer?

Dr Baptiste

Because he’s a reserve team player and so doesn’t really require asking about. I mean who is he going to replace? Arteta? Flamini? Ramsey? Wilshere? Rosicky? All far better options and players

Bring in the younglings

From the few games that Frimpiong has played, can tell that he has more quality in him than Arteta/Flamini. Its probably an issue Arsene has with his maturity. But he broke into the first team at age 20 alongside Wilshere and you don’t do that if you don’t have quality. AND he loves the club darn more than Flamini ever did. Quality + Character. I hope he gets another shot with us.


I disagree completely. Arteta is pure class. As for Flamini, while Frimpong shares his tenacity, he lacks the accuracy and intelligence in passing, movement, and ball retention that Flamini has in spades. I can’t believe Frimpong is still at the club, and I’m quite certain he’ll leave in the summer to pursue first-team football elsewhere. Good luck to him. Regarding your point about character: It is not a pre-requisite of quality that a player bleeds club colours. Amazingly, doctors have found I bleed Arsenal’s two shades of red, but Wenger hasn’t yet picked up the phone. Jenkinson, I’m sure, loves… Read more »


Oh yes, of course, of course.

And from those youtube clips I watched when we signed Park I can tell that he has more quality than Giroud/Podolski. Blablabullshit.


Bro, Flamini has highest pass completion rate _in the league_.

Black Hei

I think Frimpong has potential, if he only sort out his brain DENCH. I can still remember how he stepped up during the 2010 campaign. The boy played over 2 legs of the tricky Udinese CL qualifying tie, the shaky back 4 looked so much more stable with him around. Also messed up Na$ri against City and bossed the midfield during the FA Cup rounds.

He's gotta hit the target from there (for me)

Have to disagree there. Arteta, a couple of iffy moments this season apart (those are so rare they stand out) is reliable, a fine passer and positionally disciplined, an excellent leader, and I wish I had his finesse at the penalty spot. Folks say he’s not a real holding midfielder, which is true, but a lot of Europe’s top clubs play without a bona fide holder these days, I guess a tactical trend. I like Frimpong too, but I’d take Flamini still over him, he’s as fiesty with greater experience. I hope he can have some good career still, though,… Read more »


Lets all just remember to give Ox a chance, and remember that after all this time out he’s likely to be lacking a little bit the sharpness.

Dr Baptiste

You’re giving him 15 minutes?! A bit too generous I feel. 7 should do it as it only takes around 1/1 and a half minutes to score from a kick off…


So super nick isn’t only out for 10 days?


Wenger mentions 3 weeks ( see arsenal site today)

Anytime before City match end of the month is a plus.

Abdullahi Musa

Lov ox,arsene,up gunners!


Pleased to finally hear something on Rambo, and it’s positive.

I was very concerned that he’d gone missing in that 2-3 weeks vortex thing.


As soon as Ramsey and Bendtner are back shortly (assuming no new knocks), we will really only have Walcott and Diaby (no surprise there) out. Which is very healthy for any squad currently.


Crossing my pubes no one else is hurt by then!


Woohoo!!! Ox’ll tear them a new one!




great f’in news all round. Just the tonic after Theo’s misfortune. We owe Villa one, time to put right the travesty from last August.

PS – are we really going to let Super Tom walk? I just can’t believe we’d let him go so easily. Needs to finish his career at the Emirates!

Dr Baptiste

He might feel he wants a new challenge but then you never know what’s going to happen after you win a trophy


i would really like rosicky to be our team pressing tactics and quick passing coach come 2018 🙂


We haven’t really trashed anyone for a while. Hope we can make up the GD to City. Villa revenge match would be a perfect one.

Arsene's Jacket

don’t forget outside of foot passing instructor as well


Diaby is in Makka for pilgrimage.


I do love a LANS! Especially if its the Ox or Ramsey!


As I mentioned before, this whole media nonsense about our lack of depth is generated to put the typical negative spin on us. Even with Walcott out, we have enough depth to be close to competitive in quality and numbers with the likes of say City : Giroud – Negredo (Giroud has 8 goals to Negredo’s 7 in league) ????? – Aguero (Perhaps the big difference, his 13 goals are what sets us apart in GD) Bendtner – Dzeko (I believe it’s 2 to 4 so the Dane isn’t far off considering limited starts) Podolski – Jovetic (For perspective, Jovetic… Read more »


PS : If you do a comparative against the Bayern squad, we are also competitive in quality and numbers. The only difference would be really Robben and Ribbery (Robbery I suppose). They are the biggest danger out wide where we match them with more intricate players in Santi and Ozil. Bayern’s two up front are Manzukic and Pizarro. Manzukic is I believe better than Giroud but is still on 10 goals in the Bundesliga where Giroud’s 8 isn’t too shabby. Bendtner could be competitive to Pizarro. The likes of Juventus, PSG, Chelsea are similarly not an issue for us. The… Read more »


Great news! I predict a Giroud hat-trick


Anyone has a clue why the fuck is Podolski not starting games for us


I was also amazed that he didn’t start against sp*rs. At least for the last 30 mins or so, instead of Walcott, who wouldn’t get injured that way. Who knows. The only thing that still gets on my nerves are his substitution tactics. Why he didn’t make a sub vs. chelski is still beyond me, and I don’t buy his explanation. I feel that he is a bit afraid by Mourinho given his aggressive approach and our record against them, so it was better to get a point instead of maybe losing, which would hurt a lot. And if Giroud… Read more »


Ox is back…. *wanks off in excitement*


if the reports are anything to believe (which I take with a huge pinch of salt), 6.7m for say Pato in November (sounding out) would give us indication of how much Wenger is prepared to spend. Unless he finds a good price on a primary target (Unlikely in Jan), 7m is likely the maximum under consideration for an option in January. Expect anything to conclude late as we are not in a rush to hurry prices and will hold out till the best possible price is available. OTOH, there is something of course to be said for taking on a… Read more »


” would give us indication of how much Wenger is prepared to spend.” – no and no. This gives us an indication of what Arsene had considered to be a good deal _for Pato_, _at that time_. Fullstop.

Black Hei

Heard from the news that Pato is just as full of himself as TGSTEL. The position of egomaniac is already filled, and our current one has bagged us 6 points so far so I am sticking with him.


Oh yes? Just curious, where did you get this about Pato? Cause I always liked him, think he at his best is close to Messi even, but I’m wondering what the hell happened to him last cpl of seasons, if Milan would let him go. They paid 22 mil for him when he was just 18 I believe, and had highest hopes for him.

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