Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flamini returns, but Cazorla out of Liverpool FA Cup clash

Arsene Wenger has revealed the latest team news ahead of Sunday’s FA Cup clash with the Mugsmashers.

There’s bad news as Santi Cazorla will miss the game through illness, with Wenger saying he’s bed-ridden and unavailable.

Mathieu Flamini is the only addition to the squad. He returns from suspension after his red card at Southampton and is in line to start the game having had a nice three week rest.

But there’s no return yet for Thomas Vermaelen who is still out with a knee injury. Pressed on possible changes, Wenger said, “Will I rest one, two or three players? I don’t know yet. We have one focus: to win this game.”

And asked if Liverpool are the last team Arsenal would want to play after the game at Anfield, he replied, “No, I would say they are first team we want to play. It’s chance to put things right.”

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Stuart Steele

One player in, one player out, you do the Hokey Kokey and you tu – OH FOR F*CK SAAAKE


Wenger had the chance to replace Giroud in the summer. He had a selection of CFs from Gonzalo Higuain and Mario Gomez to Jovetic and Suarez. But He probably thought that it wouldn’t be the worst decision to give him a second season as a second chance. Boy was he wrong. Now that it has become clear that Giroud has fucked us last season and is fucking us on a number of games this season, I say we give him a one way ticket to Gervinhoville and get Mario Manzukic. Mario. Manzukic is a hard working fast and ruthless finisher.… Read more »


I hope Ox plays in the pivot role this game. Play him for 50-60 minutes and take him off. Because I’d like to seem play there against Bayern too instead of Wilshere, given that Arteta looks to be suspended.


“No, I would say they are first team we want to play. It’s chance to put things right.”

Yes. Please be angry like any fan would and channel that anger into determination and belief


“and channel that anger into determination and belief”

Like no fan would

Dr Baptiste

Don’t a few fans just channel that anger into moaning about the club?


Just a few

Dr Baptiste

Well, i didn’t want to tar all fans with the same brush as a lot of the time you do get sensible fans writing sensible comments on here.

With some fans though, Arsenal could go unbeaten during a season, win every game, win every cup and they would still moan that the team hadn’t scored enough or hadn’t moved around enough.


God damn it, now we have even fewer players who can shoot on goal

Android Gooner

We’re not trying to shoot on goal…we’re trying to push the ball in the net as many times as possible and by any means necessary


To play Rosicky or not to play Rosicky? I’d rather not, instead of playing him twice in 4 days, I’d save him for Bayern. Might be crucial in that game.

I hope Podolski scores a couple just to remind Wenger of what he is ignoring on the bench — goals. Which we are lacking so much at this point.

remember the invincibles

Podolski on the left is our only hope, but the last time him and Ozil played together, they kept exchanging short passes 5-6 times. It became rather boring. That was when they gave the ball away.
I’m in fairly pessimistic mood.

Bould's Eyeliner

Podolski LW is probably our best option now that Cazorla is out – I’d also like Cazorla fresh for Bayern, and it could be a good warmup to use Poldi as a super sub for that game as well.

Bentdner at CF with Podolski for added firepower sounds good. Give Giroud a chance to look back on the last two games and think about what he can do against Bayern…


Some stats, then opinion…confusion, lamentation: Giroud 14 goals scores in 41% of his matches Ramsey 13 goals scores in 48%… Theo 6 goals scores in 33%… Santi 6 goals scores in 20%… Jack 5 goalsscores in 17%… Mesut 5 goals scores in 17%… **Prince Poldi 5 goals scores in 45%…** Those are our top scorers. Two of our top four goal scorers per game are out injured. One has only started 5 games and has come in as a sub for 6 matches. Yet, he’s scored as many goals as the other team leading scorers and has only played in… Read more »


Would love to see Poldi and Gedion start. The team looked so fucking tense against utd. We need to add players who will add some joy to the game and help the team relax and have some fun. Haven’t seen any player smile on the pitch since


Usual stuff. He’ll prioritise the UCL because Wenger wants to complete his medal set and forego the FA Cup, the more realistic chance of winning silverware, the one most fans would agree we should be aiming for to kick-start our trophy hunt… I’d put as strong a team out against L’pool as we can. Who knows what the next few games would look like to get to the final but I’d put my house on the FA cup route to the final being infinitely easier than the UCL.

Come back next year for the UCL when we’ve strengthened our squad!!

iceman10 (@iceman10gunner)

AW wants to do the best for this club, not for himself. I wish people would stop suggesting otherwise. For heaven’s sake he probably would have left by now if that wasn’t the case for all the abuse he takes from some of our fans at times. He isn’t perfect, but nobody is.

He said that he hasn’t still decided on his line up, so ignore the media and see what team he actually selects this Sunday.

FReezin gooner

God bless u for that comment iceman

Henely Gooner

Trouble is, if we beat Liverpool, it just increases their chances of finishing higher in the League, and above us.


ot not maybe

Bould's Eyeliner

A big win over Liverpool this Sunday will give us some really nice momentum. As would winning an FA cup.


Why don’t people read and think about what is written before thumbing down. All the guy said is ‘it increases their chances’ which is undoubtedly true because they would only be fighting on one front whereas we would be looking at three.


With respect you should do the same…so, if we beat them, it would increase their chances, but if they beat us it wouldn’t free up time for us??…cmon, it’s about the CONFIDENCE factor!! we beat them we get MORE confidence AND gain revenge, and diminish theirs…can’t have it both ways


Come on Arsenal, beat them 5-0 please.


pigs would fly mate…there’s no way this team is scoring 5 and that too against liverpool


Shame – liked the idea of a rested Özil before the Bayern match and trying Cazorla behind Giroud / Bendtner in the cup. Fuck it – Özil probably wants to put things right as well!


Keep calm. I got this.


You better have *sharpens cunt blade*

dink arnold

Thank you sir



I got this


Podolski to start then? Hopefully Wenger still remembers him.


Hopefully Poldi still remembers how to play


Come on guys relax its just liverpool we are creating too much hype for those mugs. The other day we played bad only that was the reason for the thrashing. They didn’t play too good. Mugs are always mugs. Its time for us to break those. We need to show them even our second team can thrash them. That will be a good payback lesson.

Az Ahmed

Were you watching the same game I was? We got murdered by a classy attacking performance. We were crap. I’m sorry but Suarez and co showed us what we missed out on when we didn’t pay £50M plus for Suarez.

Bould's Eyeliner

I don’t think we’ve ‘missed out’ on Suarez. The most impressive player on that pitch that night was definitely Coutinho, with his pressing and playmaking. They played well, but Ozil on his day beats Coutinho any day, so we didn’t miss out on anything. We just didn’t show up.

Az Ahmed

Are you saying Suarez is not the £50M striker we have so desperately been looking for? We would rather have Giroud? Giroud is not a goalscorer. It is not in his arsenal (excuse the pun) to be a top league goalscorer. We are currently fighting for the championship with a self imposed handicap. Wenger did not use the summer nor January to his advantage and I am afraid that we will end up regretting not shelling out for a world class striker. Everyone was talking about a BACK up for Giroud. Giroud is at best substitute quality. He is not… Read more »

Az Ahmed

Which night was that? 12:45 pm in the night?

Az Ahmed

Ozil beats Coutinho, but Ozil needs someone to pass to. Giroud is not that man because he always has his back to goal. Suarez would have been creative and the outlet Ozil has been crying out for. I am afraid that Ozil will get frustrated if things don’t improve and decide to leave for a more attacking outfit. As for people saying we should concentrate on winning the FA Cup more than the UCL, if so, why did we get Ozil? If that was our ambition, then Ozil could just as well had gone to Liverpool. Champions League is what… Read more »

Chairman Meow

Az Ahmed, Are you saying you know more than AW? because it certainly looks like you are
and shut up about “ahh IF we had saurez” etc. etc.
we DONT so get over it and support the players we actually have


Hope Kos or Merte don’t pick up an injury or red card. With Vermaelen unavailable it could be a little awkward given our upcoming fixtures. Do we have a central defender older than 9? Is Isaac Haydon currently uninjured and not sitting on the bench at some Championship club? I suppose Sagna can fill in but it’s hardly ideal.

das pauly bear


Sag mert kos gibbs

Flamini ox

Gnabry ozil podi


For me this is the right blend of players rested and also speed and people that can finish.

A to the HA

Trust the left-footed bazooka of the Aha, and the Mugsmashers will be sent flying out of the cup.


A determined Arsene, I like it.


We just need to get through the next couple of weeks and we’ll be fine because DIABY will be back fit again!!!

They told us March, right? They wouldn’t lie to us now, would they?


Did you know that they left ‘gullible’ out of the latest Oxford English Dictionary?


my dream last night actually involved Bentner closing down some vague keeper, nicking (n.p.i) the ball and slotting home from close range. Bentner starts


or Bendtner, whomever.


Why not Bender? that’s what we need a lean mean metal machine


I had one in which Ozil scored from a few yards after Giroud does an air shot. I think we scored a similar goal early this season. I think it was Norwich. I’m not sure if the goal I dreamed about was against Liverpool or Bayern.

Mind you, I also had a dream that I was a mushroom. And one with Kenny Rodgers singing ‘unchained melody’ whilst ice skating.


The FA Cup is the real deal. City or Chelsea will be knocked out by the next round, leaving only one team that have beaten us in the league this season still in the competition. BUT we must up our energy. Even though they were shaky against Fulham, Liverpool are pacy and have a lot going forward. The tempo we played with against United will see us lose convincingly.

Az Ahmed

We need to up the tempo about 10 times, throw caution to the wind on our counter attacks and defend tightly and not allow them space even in their defence. We need to be in their faces at all times.


All due respect to many people on here, but there’s a lot of bollox doing the rounds……yes, Liverpool, on their day, are a very good team….but they are a very different team away from home…their style of football, i.e. press and press from the off, cannot be sustained from game to game, hence the fluctuation in form home and away……i heard Sturridge being interviewed after their “magnificent” last-minute penalty win against the worst team in the league….he said they are knackered, but they will keep going…mark my words, they will press again from the off on Sunday, but if we… Read more »

Az Ahmed

Of course it cannot be sustained for. The first 15-20 minutes and last 15 minutes should be throwing caution to the wind in attack and not allowing them to breathe for a second. Constant barrage in their area with the 2 or 3 players making runs into their box at all times and the wingers and fullbacks getting forward to deliver crosses. It should be mayhem in the box. Get an early goal or two. If it doesn’t work at least it is easier to take the foot off the pedal and sit back and soak up pressure than to… Read more »


I would like to see Ox and Flamini play in central midfield together, both have a lot of movement and energy, and Flamini is our best DM. Up front I would quite like to see what Podolski – Bendtner – Gnarnby attack could do. I would have like to see Ozil rested like others. He will be crucial for the Bayern game, but with Cazola out really has to be Ozil or possibly Jack.


Feeling a little sweaty between the cheeks about this one. We need to keep hopes alive of winning a trophy and this is the “easiest” of the three.


Podolski….might as well sell him if he can’t get a game. Not even off the bench on weds…what a bad move for the bloke.
Wilshere…. He’s just not very good. He seems to be a starter in all our ‘disasters’. Drop him.
Ozil….he’s not used to being ‘top billing’. At Real and in the German national squad he had bigger players around him. This suits his personality…the more pressure, the worse he gets. Drop him.
Monreal….file under ‘Silvinho, Santos’ Not good enough for Arsenal.
Arteta …. His last season. Fading before our eyes.


You can go a shove that up your hole….then we’ll see some arse blood. Twat


You are a wise man and know what you are talking about, said no one.

Az Ahmed

Ozil can’t handle pressure? Drop him? Thank God you are not manager


I think Podolski will be sold in the summer, the Boss seems very reluctant to play him which I find a bit strange as he’s a goal scorer and it’s hard to see where our next goal is coming from at the moment. If all our central midfield players were fit / available Wilshere would be struggling to get a game but I think he’ll find his form again soon. Ozil is a strange one, I think he’s one of those players that’s always going to devide opinion but I’m a fan and to drop him would be madness. With… Read more »


Podolski timeeeee!

Left lop-sided 4-2-3-1?

das pauly bear

I would have liked to see us try 4-4-2 against pool @4-0 it was over why not try giroud and bentner up top for a bit they might have click they might not but at least we could have tryed stuff that could be used this weekend


Here’s a team/squad that is 1 point off the top and you decide half our players aren’t good enough. You need a reality check fella, either that or p1ss off and support Chavs or Citeh.

m a gunner

Have faith in your squad Mr wenger use them that’s what there there for ! They can’t make an impact on the bench


Just win the game, that’s all. Am not looking for a revenge but it would be nice…

baba ijebu

carzola , quickest recovery to you but i think this should be the chance poldi has been waiting for. smash a powerful left foot against the mugs

Saffa Gooner

Flamini v Liverpool: there will be blood.


Podolski and Ox are in then with Flamm…i predict 3-1 to us gunners!!


We need to win a trophy as it will help the players psychologically now and in seasons to come!!! Being honest and realistic I can’t see us winning the champions league, so the fa cup makes more sense!!!! I’m concerned the champions league game will be at the back of the players minds and result in another defeat on Sunday!!!


My dear Blogs, I and surely many others await the prescient sentiments of the Arsenal Gentleman. Is there a reason why his forthcomings have been curtailed? Has he been sedated to prevent his worthiness from visiting death, destruction and rabid weasels on the mugsmashers? Is he , in fact, at this very moment incarcerated in the Islington Institution for people who froth at the mouth with rage ? The public should be told ! I look forward to your reply and remain
Long live the Queen


I thought Flamini was out for 4 games?


Stop thinking.

Dr Baptiste

Blogs even said so himself – Maybe I’ve missed a game


He was banned for three games because it was his first red card. His earlier suspension was for an accumulation of yellow cards.


Jenks-kos-bfg-monreal (we’ll need Gibbs for Bayern)
Gnabry-zelalem-ryo? We’ll need his pace


@Goon, Podolski instead of Ryo, Zelalem to come on for Ozil, when we’re 3-0 up..all else is mustard


Not Monreal or Jenkinson, please. Monreal got torched by the Poo’s pace at Anfield, we need someone who can keep up with their forwards and it’s not Monreal. If Sagna’s fit he should start because at the moment he’s simply a lot better than Jenkinson. Jenks and Monreal can play against Sunderland.


Szabo – Jenk- Bigfg – kos’s-Gibbs – ganbry -flam-oxo- Thomas r- pod- nik b

Dr Baptiste

Who or what is a Szabo?


A Szabo is a Bratislavian Bus the length of which is 7.31 metres. Curiously enough that also happens to be exactly the distance between the Emirates’ goalposts. Park it and let the bin dippers do their worst I say


I trust Le Boss to pick the right team, as long as Podolski is in the team and Bendtner doesn’t start.


Looks like Michonne has been by the training ground.

baba ijebu

on a lighter note, been alone on a valentine day is like being a mugsmasher fan on a champion’s league night. aha aha


Team selection for Sunday is a bit of a dilemma, isn’t it? I’m no great fan of the FA Cup but it’s probably our best hope for silverware this season. If we get past Liverpool then there is real possibility of progression to the final: there are loads of shit teams left in it. But with the CL coming up on Wednesday Wenger should be resting key players. The knackered Giroud and the overplayed Mert and Kos all deserve a break. But because Le Prof was so hopeless in the transfer market last summer and in January, we don’t have… Read more »


We can win if we dont put too much thought in the Bayern game.


Seriously, what the fuck with “illness”?

Santi is so sick that they are ruling him out 2 days before the game? Makes me suspicious he’s knacked.

Not to go all ugly American on you, but Michael Jordan never let “illness” stop him:


Czes- Sagna-Mert – Kos-Gibbs- Wilshere- Flamini- Tomas-

Podolski- Ox

Rocky Rocastle

Hope Podolski can take over for Giroud a few games so he gets a rest. or atleast get a run in on the wing. He is our most effective goalscorer with 5 goals in around 450 mins of playing time this season. 450 mins translates to about 5 games. That is half or Girouds total in 31 games. And with Ramsey and Walcott out, i think it is bonkers to leave our most deadly weapon on the bench. For the life of me i cannot figure out why. With important goalscorers injured, Podolski ought to be one of the first… Read more »


We need Flamster back. He’ll play tomorrow I’m sure. If Liverpool try any of that fancy stuff near him, good luck to them.


Well, if he’s a few changes may be made and Santi is out, I reckon this could be the line up. ——-Chez Sagna Kos Verm Gibbs —–Ox Flamster —-Gnabry Ozil Poldi ——–Bendy Also, didn’t Santi once play as a deep lying midfield player in Spain (and did a good job)? Would he be able to play there (for future games) alongside Flamini? Arteta hardly ever tackles anyway. He ‘nicks’ the ball, but so does Santi if you watch him. Once Ramsey comes back we could be sorted, but for now I feel Arteta is becoming a bit of a liability.… Read more »

Aussie Gooner

I would like to see Flamini and Wilshere start in the deep lying roles early on to stop the 20minute collapse from last weekend. Liverpool will do exactly the same, come out quick early and get into our heads again. Have Gnabry and Podolski start on the right and left respectively with Giroud and Ozil down the middle. I think Gnabry and Podolski have shown enough to say they can defend and cause trouble in attack this season. Keep defence the same. Depending on how the game goes we can swap Wilshere with Arteta/Ox later in the game (or after… Read more »


I hope the team he puts out tomorrow is our best possible. I see no point in resting players for Bayern, as losing to Pool will come back to bite even harder. And let’s be honest, with all the injuries we are far likely to win the FA Cup than Champions League.

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