Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arteta: It was embarrassing and unacceptable

Mikel Arteta has apologised for Arsenal’s drubbing at Chelsea, admitting the performance was embarrasing and painful.

Breaking the silence with a frank assessment of the pathetic capitulation the Spaniard underlined how unacceptable it is to keep making mistakes which subsequently heap pressure on teammates and manager alike.

Looking to tomorrow night’s game against Swansea as an opportunity to start putting things right, Arteta told the club’s official website

“It hurts deeply inside. It’s embarrassing to be on a football pitch in that situation. Psychologically it’s really hard and when you go through that you analyse it and you know you don’t want to be in that situation again.

“I promise everyone that we have that hunger to put it right. On Tuesday we have an opportunity again at home and we just need to bounce back.

“You cannot only just move on, you have to analyse what you’ve done and react. I’m expecting a big reaction on Tuesday because we have to and Saturday was not good enough for this football club.

“The pressure we put on ourselves by losing games like that is massive and there’s no need for it. We just disrupted the good season we were having. I don’t know what else to say apart from sorry to everyone at the club, the fans, and we promise that we will try hard to put that right.

“The good thing is we have a lot of things to play for and we’ve always reacted to disappointments and difficult moments. But this one is a really hard one to take, it was a massive game for us and for me it’s unacceptable.”

The last time we lost by six goals, on that fateful day at Old Trafford in August 2011, we also followed up with a match against Swansea. That time around Andrei Arshavin grabbed the winner in a nervy 1-0 win.


Arseblog News suspects it could be a similarly nail-biting night at the Emirates tomorrow. A victory and three points is a must, especially with sides behind us smelling blood.

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Big loss bingo klaxon with ‘bounce back’ and ’embarrassing’.

Only can hope for a top 4 finish and an FA cup at the end of all this. Which I would bite your hand off for, and in retrospect would be a great season.

Maybe if they didn’t view beating Sp*rs last week as winning a cup final, we might have done better on Saturday, but who knows…

Onwards and upwards, that’s the only way to think after Saturday.


Just A Gentleman

It’s not just the fact that we’ve basically lost the title race, it’s the how. 6-3, 5-1, 6-0 is just embarrassing. If those games were 4-3 5-4 6-5 or something, we would have all been fine with the losses. We definitely need to fix the way we play against big teams, and get a ‘PLAN B’ which we apparently don’t have. We are, however, in a good position in the league, favourites in the FA cup, so yes, the boys need our support rather than all the unnecessary abuse the team and Wenger (and now apparently the medical team as… Read more »


What frustrates me is that we DO have a plan B. Look at the sp*rs game or the Everton game, we were amazing in counter. We didn’t play a suicidal high line. Look at the Bayern game. We weren’t exactly just countering but still, Defence was given priority. Why we would try to go out with a blaze of glory against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge from the starting whistle, baffles me.


We countered once against Spurs and scored and for the other 89 minutes we were terrible.


No we weren’t.

The defense was outstanding. We had very little attacking threat, but you can’t say we were terrible.


@John, We could have easily been up 3-0 against Sp*rs inside 20 minutes or so due to counterattacks: 1) the Rosicky goal in the 2nd minute 2) Podolski was wrongly adjudged to be offside when clear in on goal around the 10th minutes 3) the Ox was clear in on goal from the halfway line and couldn’t finish a few minutes later In fact, if we had been more ruthless and the linesman was less shit, it could have easily played out like a carbon copy of the Chelsea fixture–winning team scores three goals on three counterattacks, losing team loses… Read more »


That’s not what I saw, I saw us unable to win the ball and have our worse possession stats for years. Yes we did have 2 chances on the break in the first half, but in the second I don’t think we had a shot. I don’t think we had any control over the match and I think a better team would have put a few past us.


I think its silly fans expect players to apologize after a loss. Yes im disappointed by the result and the way it affects our title ambitions, but jeez – professional athletes do not need to apologize to fans. Sometimes you get your ass kicked 3 times in a season by good opponents. Thats sports. Arteta, Wenger, and the rest of the squad only owe us 100% effort, but nothing more.


the 6-3 could have ended 8-7. no point mentioning that game. we had goals disallowed and both teams were playing like teenagers. liverpool was the shock ….but every team gets a shock in a season. this one now with chelsea is the really unacceptable one. not the loss itself obviously ( you cant expect to go get three points from a rich mourinho team with arteta and ox in midfield) but the manner of it. as for those who were waiting for such a result to come call for wenger’s head just remove the word supporter or follower when you… Read more »

Saffa Gooner

Spot on!


I totally agree!


The question now is he the man to win us titles in the future? If we’re judging him by his ability to learn lessons from some of our defeats then that answer is no. It’s not just the defeats to Man City, Liverpool and Chelsea but the 4-4 draw with Newcastle a couple of seasons ago, the 4-4 with Spurs, the 3-2 against Wigan when we were 2-0 up with 15 minutes to go. There is now a rather large body of evidence to suggest he’s doing something fundamentally wrong and not learning the lessons. I for one am very… Read more »

glory Hunter

Spot on John, this thrashing are not 1 offs, its been an accumulation of incompetence since we moved stadiums. Defeats to Hull, Swansea at home. Drawing 3-3 with Norwich at home a few seasons ago. Cup defeats to Bradford, Birmingham & Blackburn Its just 1 painful memory after another, i expect we’ll bounce back against Swansea, and maybe even get a draw against City. But im sure we’ll get another strange performance or result like we did against Stoke before the end of this season. It seems to be the Arsenal way(the last few years anyway) and i doubt it’ll… Read more »


Hell Yeh COYFG


Exactly Glory Hunter, there are numerous examples over the last 5 or 6 years of monumental screw ups against various quality of opposition, both substantially richer and poor than ourselves.

Finance does not explain our deficiencies alone, and even with a completely differing line up the mistakes are always the same. The common denominator is the manager.


no john it just so happens its different when your tactics are employed by world cup winners and world class footballers like gilberto cambell vieira pires henry etc and quite different when same tactics have to be employed by kids and players from the 2nd and 3rd shelf who are gathered so that you just do enough to get into the champions league. hopefully and ever since this past summer this looks like its changing and the club seems to show ability in signing a world class player who will make the difference, or two. the monumental screw ups can… Read more »


realistically john all we need is a walcott for the left side, a warrior midfielder with character and not a nice guy like mikel and of course a bastard up front. if anyone is to blame for me its people above wenger who chickened out the suarez deal and allowed henry to make mugs out of us. When you have the chance to land suarez you take it with both arms and legs.


Sorry birbicholi, who is the equivalent player in this current side or any Arsenal side in the last couple of years to Gilberto or Vieira? We haven’t had one for several years now and I don’t consider Song to be that player, as he didn’t possess the required attributes. Arsene Wenger has been solely responsible for signings and tactics for 17 years, so he must take the blame. If you don’t have the money to buy the current world class equivalent of Vieira, you buy the one you can afford, you don’t put square pegs in round holes. It’s been… Read more »


there is a reason why you cant have an equivelant to gilberto or patrick though . a damn good reason too. a 450m stadium. not easy to find players like that. vieiras dont come out very often. yes he is repsonsible but its not like he can go to roma and say “i want de rossi, how much?” so he makes due with songs and artetas till the board/club have the ability to pay a de rossi type what he wants to come and play for you. stop presenting it as if wenger is on the field mate. its the… Read more »


Birbicholi, the English leagues are full of players with big Colones, character and who are prepared to kick people. Arsenal doesn’t need De Rossi it needs someone who actually knows how to play the role. Just because you can’t get the best doesn’t mean you put someone there who is totally unsuited to the role like Arteta or Denilson. Arteta has done his best because he’s an intelligent player but he is not and never has been a defensive midfielder. There are numerous defensive midfielders playing for lower level premier league teams who could have done a decent job doing… Read more »


we dont need a de rossi type? dont make me laugh, i mean players who can be tough (can cope with the english physical game) and are ALSO world beaters. if youre thinking barry types then sorry that wont do. arteta knows how to play the role. what he doesnt know is how to impose himself on say a toure or a schweinsteiger, and how could he….he was playing for rangers and everton before arsenal. did you seriously suggest we bring on midfeidlers from england’s lower leagues? we dont want players to just do a decent job we want players… Read more »


I didn’t say Arsenal didn’t need the best players, of course it does, but just because you can’t doesn’t mean you don’t get any player with the right qualities. That’s not a view you’d have of a goalkeeper, you don’t say well I can’t get Neuer so i’ll put Gibbs in goal which is the view Wenger has taken with defensive midfield. Arteta played attacking midfield for Everton and Rangers and never has been a defensive midfielder before he came to Arsenal. In fact what I’m asking for is the defensive midfield equivalent of Arteta, he has proven that amongst… Read more »


This season has been defined by six defeats, four of them away at United, City, Chelsea and Liverpool and the two home defeats to Dortmund and Bayern. Had they drawn these games, Arsenal would still be chasing the big trophies, but when it comes to the crunch, they just can’t show the resolve to get a result. The thing is that this isn’t new to Arsenal under Wenger. 1999 saw them blow the cup at Villa Park, abdicate the league at Elland Road, 2000 Copenhagen, 2001 losing late on to Liverpool and 2003 when they threw the title away from… Read more »


but isnt that the point? if i cant get a casillas and/or a buffon, i.e the players who will make the difference, then why go for a shwarzer or freidel when they are not that much better than almunia? Maybe its better to stick with almunia and wait till fabianski and/or chesney mature. besides i aint going/investing for the title am i? These sort of dilemmas is what the manager has had to deal with for the period where we had to save money rather than spend any. my point on arteta is that he is no world beater and… Read more »


Totally with you Cheroo, we didn’t win as much as we should have even when we were successful. I just don’t think Wengers tactics and preparation are anywhere near up to scratch and in the past we got through with having better players. We don’t have that luxury anymore and any team with better players and a better game plan 9 times out of 10 win and more often then not now win big.


Bircicholi you try your damnedest to win with the resources available to you and buy the best players you can afford. So if Giroud is the best you can afford to buy him you don’t buy no one and play Mertesacker up front instead. If Wenger’s not trying his very best to win then he must go, if he thinks he can’t beat Chelsea or Man City then he should go and let someone in who thinks they can. If as a professional in a competitive sport you don’t think you can win you’re in the wrong job, even if… Read more »


Im with you mate, but our resources were next to 0 for a long time. Wenger was asked to sell first and then buy. Hillwood tells us in 2010 that manager needed to create surplus of 25m per year. Why are we ignoring these realities? Is it cause it doesnt suit our narrative? Is it Wenger not doing his best to win titles or is it the club itself? What are the weapons that the board/owners have given to Wenger to demand of him that he brings them the title? You are Wenger and i am Stan. Have i ever… Read more »


An Arsene Wenger managed Arsenal has played a Mourinho managed Chelsea 11 times in 10 years and never has never won a single match. Arsene Wenger hasn’t changed his tactics despite knowing exactly what to expect every time. This is due to either incompetence or negligence on his part, both are sackable offences in my opinion. Neither have anything to do with money.


yes but not once has wenger had his best team/players. where was jose when wenger’s teams were winning titles at old trafford or winning epl titles undefeated? do you think hazard and oscar would stand a chance in front of gilberto and pires? all of them in their prime? patrick and co would bitchlsap oscar and terry the same way that terry and oscar now bitchslap ox and mikel. xavi was getting bitchslapped for years by zidanne and raul and co till he grew as a personality. you need personalities to beat mourinho, not just tactics, you need the player… Read more »


Sorry Birbicholi but you’re talking as if Chelsea can’t be beaten when they lost their previous match against Villa! They’ve also lost to Stoke, Sunderland, Newcastle and Basel twice this season, they’re not unbeatable


We have to understand that Wenger has done well against teams like Chelsea and City, who have an unlimited amount of money to spend. Where would these clubs be without their money? All they have comes from buying expensive players. Wengers accomplishments are amazing considering he had such a small budget. The 4-4 with Newcastle, 3-2 with Wigan, Cup defeats etc were mainly a result of the incompetency of the players, not just the manager. Look at us this season. We had better financial power, we were able to buy some good players and keep our important ones. And all… Read more »


John its not the same. When chelsea goes to face villa they become complacent and get punished, just like every top team does from time to time. when they have to play us they give everything because they want to maintain their dominance. Noone says they are unbeatable but there is blood between arsenal and chelsea and wenger and mourinho… but one can have players like hazzard and oscar and luiz and the other has to make do with an ex everton player and a kid. Whats so difficult to understand? You want to win big games? Do you have… Read more »


Adeel, the manager picks the players and it’s the managers job to compete as best he can. I don’t expect Arsenal to win the premier league every season and I don’t consider 9 years without a trophy a major crisis, what I do expect is us to do is the best we can and when we make the same mistakes over and over I expect the man responsible to be held to account. psychiatrist, what’s difficult to understand is why our manager picks a young winger and an attacking midfielder to play defensive midfield when we have specialist on the… Read more »


Re-posting my comments from another thread coz its relevant here too … In the last 5 seasons, including this current one, our performance against the top 4 teams has been as follows: Played 29 (this year we still have to play Man C) Won 7 Draw 5 Lost 17 What does this tell you about our mental strength? And for how long with this debacle continue against the front runners? When will we invest in getting some winners and leaders? Many more questions arise for which we do not have answers … if only Arsene can help us to understand… Read more »


My good people, between now and May 17th, 2014, all that really needs to be said is:


Yankee Gooner

I’m only thumbs-downing the part about the post-Sp*rs celebration. I don’t have a problem with them celebrating with the supporters the way they did–the supporters were amped, the squad had defended a lead for 88+ minutes, and they had just finished off three wins this season against a rival. But you’re spot on about the bingo–Arteta doesn’t really make too much of the fact that this is the third time this campaign that they’ve felt “embarrassed” this way, and he hasn’t seemed to learn that thumping the next mid-table or bottom dweller is NOT “putting it right” when you go… Read more »


Think we’ll win it, usually do against the smaller clubs. It’s the big games where we seem to have a mental block – especially if there’s pressure on us.

Mistakes happen, unfortunately it’s usually at the worst times for us. Hope we get our hands on the FA cup, win most if not all of our remaining games, sign some good players this summer to add depth and give it a better go next season. Only silver lining is that we are moving in the right direction. Come on you gunners.


I agree, Wenger needs to add pace to the team, something we haven’t had this season with Walcott and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain both missing large parts of the season. We have been ineffective against the big teams, because of this and lacking a world class striker, Giroud offers nothing against the big teams, or in a counter attack. Loic Remy, Julian Draxler and Griezmann are all realistic targets for the summer. As well as them, we need a world class striker, and a new DM, and with Sanga seemingly on his way out, a new RB. Although i’m not sure what… Read more »


Swindon, Cardiff? to name but two finals. We have to get past Wigan in the semi first.


Luton, Birmingham

The Fonz

Apart from against Dortmund, every time we have lost to a “big club” this season we have been without at least one of our first choice back five: Arsenal 0 v 2 Chelsea – Sagna, Mertesacker and Gibbs didn’t play Arsenal 0 v 1 Man United – Mertesacker didn’t play Arsenal 0 v 2 Napoli – Sagna didn’t play Arsenal 3 v 6 Man City – Gibbs didn’t play Arsenal 1 v 5 Liverpool – Gibbs didn’t play Arsenal 0 v 2 Bayern Munich – Szczesny sent off Arsenal 0 v 6 Chelsea – Gibbs sent off, Koscielny subbed Read… Read more »


Sorry to break it to you but I was a bit relieved Gibbo got sent off. He was terrible up until then. He seemed half arsed and very poor.


That’s a little disingenuous because Monreal was preferred over Gibbs for a decent stretch of this season. We started Szcz – Sagna – Mert – Kos – LB in all of the last 4 matches on your list. Just because things happen in the middle of the game (Kos injured in the 3-6 vs Man City, which you didn’t mention; Szcz bringing down Robben vs Bayern; the red card fiasco and Kos injury against Chelsea) doesn’t mean something like “our starting back 5 is unbeatable.” They were well and truly exposed in all three of the BPL ties, in some… Read more »


If Gibbs has played we’d have let even more in.


arteta has played in every one of them


yes need to do well tomorrow. 3 points and nothing less. hope the players show more intensity and passion.


Just shut up. What happened with the lockdown?


Exactly this. I much preferred not hearing anything from the players. Just concentrate on the job please


Precisely. Let six points from the next two home games do the talking

aussie gooner

exactly, Like we didn’t know that it was embarrassing and unacceptable. Just shut up and get on with it


That’s from the in-house interview they promised to release, after cancelling the press conferences.

Just calm down, what else are they supposed to say? Don’t get angry at him for doing his job and addressing the media and supporters.


I love Arteta as a human and of course his hair, but Wenger seriously needs to adapt to the modern game and actually get a proper dm. You can’t just convert players into different positions like Lauren and Toure. An attacking mid playing anchor man, the most important position in the team? Schurrle said that they tried to exploit the space left by our full backs; the dm is supposed to be the one covering – it’s not his fault, it’s not his position, but we really need a proper dm. I watch Everton play and Barry (and McCarthy) does… Read more »


Arteta is no longer an attacking mid. He’s been playing the holding role for almost two years for us. As he plays in the Arsenal system, his offensive job is to maintain possession, distribute the ball wisely, and set a certain “Arsenal” tone with this distribution. I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but during the games when Arteta was out injured (or unused) it’s been Flamini in charge of that position, we’ve looked much more in possession, which in turn spreads throughout the team. The touchstone moment was the Man City game–Wenger chose to sit Arteta on the bench… Read more »


“more” -> “worse” in first paragraph…sorry


Was hoping we would not have to hear them again until tomorrow night at least! Sick of their cheap crap talking just shut up and win you next games then youll have nothing to apologize for.


Hey Mikel, it’s embarrassing how slow you’ve gotten and your inability to provide cover to the back four is unacceptable.

I’m sorry if that was mean, but I’m getting sick and tired of these quotes, especially from players who’s performances have been a major part of the problem.

Nobody apart from Rosicky can say a word again before stepping up and beating ManCity. If you are REALLY sorry, you’ll show it on the pitch.


If I may interject my good (I assume) Man, Without Arteta this season we wouldn’t have done half as well as we have. He is a very good player and even though he is getting older he is still a integral part of the team. I agree with others, however, that I would have preferred to hear nothing from any of them until after the game but at the same time I can understand why they gave Arteta the job to send a message out, as after Saturday he is the only one of a few (and the few include… Read more »


I agree with you, I am in no way saying Arteta should be sold. But I think, he can’t dominate the midfield against the big teams anymore. He is still an integral part of the team but I think Flamini should start ahead of him on a lot more occasions. People argue that having Arteta in the team makes us fluent and pass better, but I haven’t seen that against Liverpool, Chelsea, Dortmund, Bayern. On the other hand, especially against Chelsea, you needed someone like Flamini to protect the back four, put in rough tackles, break up play, be vocal,… Read more »


I regularly check the stats after the games, and very often Arteta is in the top 2 or 3 Arsenal players for tackles, clearances, interceptions, etc. And as we know, his passing is very good. The idea that Flamini is far better than Arteta defensively is rubbish. Remember he played in that Man $ity game where we also conceded six. What’s more he was playing alongside Ramsey, who does much more defensive work than Chambo. Also, his passing isn’t as good as Arteta’s, which is important for the way we play. Flamini may be a bit better defensively (I don’t… Read more »


Well, the reason why Arteta is in the top 2 or 3 for tackles, etc. is because of his position. He gets a lot of chances to add to his defensive stats. Of course a central sitting midfielder will have more tackles, interceptions, etc. than a winger or a forward or even the CBs in most Arsenal games. I do think that Flamini gives us more defensively than Arteta in that position. At the very least, we can agree that he covers more ground. And his knowledge of the dark arts is greater. But, as you note (and I explain… Read more »


Exactly. He plays in a position where he’s expected to do defensive work, and he does. He’s not rubbish at defending, like many people suggest. And actually, most teams attack down the flanks, not the centre. So you would expect the back four to do most of the defensive work, but the fact that Arteta regularly does better than two or three of the defenders is nothing to be sniffed at.


You don’t need stats to say who is better defensively, it’s clearly Flamini. Arteta just plows into the back of players then complains to the ref/others rather than looking at himself. If you just concentrate on Arteta as the ball comes to him to when it leaves him we always seem to be worse off. He is so slow to make decisions and is about 5 yards off the pace. And if taking the ball and passing sideways/backwards impresses you then you’re getting this sport confused with rugby. He’s too old and slow now. Only reason he should ever play… Read more »

Petit's Handbag

Ya know its more than likely Mikel won’t read this??

Mikel's neighbour

Don’t worry, I will pass the message

Just A Gentleman

Well I mean, Mikel did have an interview with Arseblog, and Per once read an article on here, so who knows, maybe Arteta is sitting there reading this from his tablet.

Hey, hey Mikel, sup man?


Especially you mikel


well, at least the most embarrassing player has owned up to it


I quite like the social media shutdown.


The team said sorry after Liverpool and “we must never let this happen again” however it has and it is worse because we should have learnt but didn’t. I know diddly squit about being a premier league manager but surely you have to have different tactics for different teams not just go out there and play your normal game because plainly it doesn’t work. I get bored of hearing people in all walks of life saying sorry and we must learn lessons. There was absolutely no positives out of Saturday and the lesson should have been known along time ago.… Read more »


We’ve heard it all before, over and over again, means nothing really, not without concrete change, not without proper end product and by that, a trophy or two.

Drink your milk or the big bad Wenga will come and SACK YOU

“Not good enough”

Post drubbing BINGO!
Ah I’ve been waiting for this one.

Bobby the beast

Everyone thats getting crabby about the players coming out and saying things like this, I’m pretty sure its in their contract they have to attend interviews for the website. Its up to the them for what they say but they can only answer the questions they’re asked at the same time.

That Genius Bergkamp

Arsenal after another heavy defeat: “Sorry for putting you through this again. We didn’t mean it. Promise we’ll change”.

Arsenal Fans: “Awwwww shucks how can we stay mad at you. You loverable scamp”.

And the cycle continues.


So you’d prefer it if he said “Oh shut up you whiney little turds. I’m teh boss, now bugger off”?

Big Chief from Antarctica

Recall the cliché statement, “you’re playing for the badge”? Or when players celebrate while pointing to their badge? All we ask for is that the minimum of commitment. Every supporter can live with a loss, no supporter can live with a gutless performance. Show heart, heads lift up high, chest up. What’s worse, it was only last week that we chanted the 49 undefeated. Celebrating shouldn’t be done for the sake of it, “playing the Arsenal way” should have had psychological impact on them. I know it did on me. When I saw the videos on the Internet, reminiscing was… Read more »


Don’t want to start a shitshow, but who didn’t show commitment yesterday? Name names. There were those who played poorly, sure, but do you really think they gave up, were unprofessional in their approach, etc.?

Big Chief from Antarctica

What I refer to is that Chelsea wasn’t even pressing us. Their goals came from individual mistakes. They hardly created any chances on their own, they didn’t put on any heat. It was gift from us to them. That’s what I call lack of commitment. Don’t get me wrong, individual mistakes are not completely inexcusable. Yet, at two goals down, the individual mistakes should be the last thing occurring. Those mistakes kept on coming. When we had the ball, we barely kept it for 5 effing minutes. I firmly believe if we kept it for at least 5 minutes then… Read more »


Like Arteta but this means nothing. Neither does beating Fulham. City next weekend. That’s when we prove we’re not what people are saying we are.




Cant understand how the players are not up for big games espically against Chelski after all the talk from mourinio in the past.


Not starting on Saturday with Flamini was criminal but the simple fact is Arsene can’t stop himself picking an attacking side to play every single game he’s confronted with. City, ‘pool, Chavs, Manure away are all games where he should have significantly changed his tactics and put out a more more defensive team. But he can’t do it. He’s 67 (?), he won’t change. We can’t afford the players that allow some (Barca, Bayern, Real) teams to do this and he’s slightly delusional about the quality of players we have. It won’t change, we just have to put up with… Read more »


Couldn’t agree more with this assessment. Wenger is the most stubborn manager in the league, and he is being totally outclassed in the managerial department. On Saturday vs. Chelsea, the first 2 goals we conceded were a mirror image of the game against Liverpool. We had 6 or 7 players in front of the ball, and the full-backs were nowhere. To concede twice in that manner in the first 7 minutes is ridiculous. Chelsea would not do that to a non-league club. I am now honestly hoping that Everton beat us to 4th place (not Spurs, God forbid!). Sure it… Read more »

Dave Gooner

Sorry. but you want Everton to do what? Posts like the above make no sense to this Gooner… I wholeheartedly agree about Flamini and Groud btw (I have never thought OG was of the quality required by a team of our stature). But wanting us out of the CL places? That is just stupid.. Our biggest problem is that we have no striker. Loosing Theo and Aaron has just brought this into focus. Giroud is not good enough. Our own players are now preferring to pass sideways than to put a ball through for Giroud to waste. He should be… Read more »


Poldolski is no better in the lone striker role, he is worse.

Dave Gooner

I disagree U4G.

Lukas needs, and deserves, a run in the team. He’s a senior German international.

OG couldn’t kick snow off a rope, and he’s been given 2 years (to little or no effect, I might add)


And Giroud is a French international. At central striker, where Poldi does not play for Germany. He plays off the wing with a central striker. I agree with U4G. Poldi does need a run in the team, to be sure, but so far he’s been most effective off the bench on the left.

Giroud is off his game right now. No doubt there. But I don’t think we have another realistic option, which is the problem.

till I die

where was Poldi playing in Koln??? Wenger put him on the wing and now he is used to being a winger, all he needs is to settle once again in the central role. He scored 18 goals with Koln in the central role and that is not something to disregard

Dave Gooner

Anyone expecting any change from OG is in for a big disappointment. He wasn’t good enough when he was signed, he hasn’t been good enough since he was signed, and he will not be good enough into the future. Even our own players recognise it. They no longer want to waste good positions by giving him the ball to balloon over the bar. or miss connecting with completely. He simply doesn’t have it, and he has spent 2 years demonstrating to everyone with eyes in their head that he doesn’t have it. His shortcomings were overlooked because of the stunning… Read more »


Careful what you wish for… also, you can fuck right off. this kind of delusional hoping for failure seems to be a specialty of the noughties generation. Do you drive a car like you are playing a video game and think to yourself, “I have three lives for accidents before the game is over”? Do you even understand what it means to hope for failure and to seek good things out of that? Do you have a clue what might happen if the club is out of the CL for a few years, and how long it might take to… Read more »

what happened to lassana diarra?

Was it embarrassing Mikel? City I told myself, we were unlucky. It could have been 6all. Disallowed goals, shouldve had a penalty. Liverpool I thought you know. Liverpool were immense, we were shite. It happens. But Chelsea? Dear God! Even in the 8-2 we showed something. But that was gutless. You Mikel were dire. Your performances of late havent been up to standard either. You can pass side ways against crap opposition. But thats it. No bottle, cant tackle, no pace. You can piss off with your “it was embarrassing” You were great when we needed you. Top 4 fight.… Read more »


A good manager would know the capabilities of his players. I can’t fathom that he actually believed Arteta could carry out the defensive duties in midfield in an away game against a midfield that is physically stronger. We needed to curb the counter attacks, was Arteta ever gonna be the answer? Against the pace and strength that we know chelsea possess? More than ever our midfield was shouting out for flamini in this game. Although none of the players were good enough. Wenger has taken big risks in big away games being completely dependent on our ability to keep possession… Read more »


Dam right. Keep the fucking lockdown on your mouths till you show something in the Swansea and Man City game. Seriously, I hope this does not turn into a dribble of words slowly from one player after another till tomorrow and after the swansea game. Tell them to stay the fuck off twitter and train. Fucking idiotic and lacking in self respect. But you know what? I think some of them might go and complain “I don’t feel good without the inter web, let me play, please, or I’ll play like a spoiled brat in the next game too,” and… Read more »


How about a selfie of the team with frowning faces?

Dark Stein

Still angry and bitter about this. We (the royal ‘we’ as in Gooners) have bitched and moaned all season about the media not considering us as title contenders but from Saturday’s “display” (I resist the urge to use negative words and extreme expletives) you can see why. I suggest that all Arsenal players and Management team donate their last weeks pay to charity because quite frankly they didn’t do anything to earn it. They simply must do better tomorrow and at the weekend and for the rest of the season. I love my club and I love the team, I… Read more »

terry white

yeah yeah yeah , heard it all before from the players its beginning to get a bit boring , get bashed , apologize ,we must bounce back , were sorry , here’ s an idea Mr Arteta and rest of the squad , how about you collectively man up grow a pair and stop letting it happen


i sense that we will win the match against swansea but somehow the win wouldnt be that enjoyable.. you know sometimes these wounds take time..


Maybe win against city will heal wounds but your are right we know that we can beat lesser opponents, all we want the team to make amends and beat title contenders team like city, than maybe our wound will start healing with a great run of wins starting with swansea city and everton away !

Andy Mac

If a typical employee made a mistake on a typical production line, earning the minimum wage each hour, how many times do you think they would be allowed to say sorry? Once, twice or until they received a final warning!
Just a thought.


Your average Joe Sixpack on the production line is easily replaced. These twinkle-toed pretty boys cost serious money and they are highly skilled labour. Just a word on perspective: losing to Chealski is horrible. Just seeing John Terry happy makes me think there is something seriously wrong with this world. What keeps me going however, is that nothing lasts forever. John Terry will be sad soon for one reason or another, so maybe life isn’t so bad. On the whole the team has performed well and this is shaping up to be our best season since 2005. All the players… Read more »


Yeah, the old “if I did that in my job I’d be out the door quicksmart” doesn’t really apply to footballers. Different kettle of wotsits.

Nice to see some perspective on here. If we continue to pick up points from those below us (let’s not think too hard about City just yet) then we’ll qualify for CL easily, and we really should, barring some hideous nightmare, win the FA cup. That is cause for some satisfaction at least. Just REALLY need to sort out mentality in these big games and we’ll be making good progress.

Peace and fuckin’. Believe.


Yeah Ewok and Meh, but we also need to step back and take a look at what is going on? Tell me, haven’t you seen this before? And tell me, did you ever see us capitulate like this in 2004 or before? What is going on? Pampering? Delusion? An incredible fragility that people can’t seem to overcome? For the sake of fuck, we are handing games to teams before we step on the pitch, as if the pressure to work for it for 90 minutes is too much. Fucking arsenal man! We always fought, even if we lost, there was… Read more »


Do you know what’s really embarrassing and painful?

It’s you guyz getting that week’s wage.

I just want that FA cup. Please, please and please don’t f#*k that up!


I don’t think there is need for all this long stories from you guys…. All i want is a solution on the pitch and not in the media… Of all the big losses we have had this season, its always * Not acceptable, we let the club down, we are sorry etc*.. please enough of this cock and bull story… Go out there and do the needful. You and your colleagues should right the wrong in the pitch and not in the media… We will still offer our support to you guys but its hi time we get proper reward… Read more »

Toure Motors

The only thing different about this most recent apology is the delay of 48 hours rather than 24 post match.

Change would speak louder than words

Malaysian gunner

A loss is acceptable but 6-0 against a fellow rival it’s unimaginable and intolerable.The blame must be Wenger’s 100%.He isI living on the past glory. He has lost repeatedly against red face and Chelsea in both the epl and cl.When rf drew Arsenal in the cl in 2009,he remarked that he knew how the gunners played and so it proved true. In the first leg red face let the have possession and hit on the counter. The final score was 3-1. Wenger must adapt his tactics for the opposition.Assuming he stays,the board must insist he gets a tactical coach.I f… Read more »


I hate to say this but it is absolutely evident this season. Arteta had been really poor. PL standards have increased in a matter of just one season and looks like its going to improve further. And I dont see Arteta taking us to the highest standards of football within the league and across Europe


But if you look at Arteta’s stats since he came to Arsenal. defensively he has some of the most impressive tackles, clearance, ball repossession etc stats of all defensive minded players in the league


Arteta is the victim of the wrong lineup and tactics. Horses for courses, and Arsene got on the wrong one. Blaming Arteta for the shellackings is quite unfair. The net needs to be cast far wider.


Just words. Who cares? All arsenal media outlets now have a macro for these apologies.

Bring back the losckdown.


we obviously have a paris lamppost upfront. I sure hope Girouds wife convinces him to move back to France, might be the only way to get rid. in my opinion he has performed even worse to now than he did last season, all things considered that he has settled in and there is a certain ozil and othe brilliant maestros playing behind him he simply should be scoring more or improved his game. He leaves, we should get loic remy (miles better than giroud and should even be ahead of him for the France setup), striker X (young but full… Read more »


you want us to IMPROVE and your solution is Loic Remy? Please lets be serious, it would be a minor improvement at best and in no way would result in us being any more successful…we need a truly world class striker, a la Higuain, Suarez etc etc etc.


Does anyone actually read any comments say over 140 characters? So many people risk RSI on here.

Saffa Gooner

After tomorrow’s non-negotiable win we’ll be 4 points behind Chelsea. If we were top of the log instead of Chelsea at this stage, ahead by 4 points, with 7 (!) games to go, given the horrible meltdowns by all the top teams this season thusfar, I would be shatting myself. The league is still up for grabs. I want it.


…..and we’re back to the same stories.. we are truly disappointed and embarrassed,but we want to put things rights…how many times a season do i have to read these??..you guys better nail sawnsea

Groundhog Day

Of course it was not Arteta who said any of that, it was the press and marketing department. So lay off our impeccably coiffed midfield metronome.

Bejaysus I despise Chelski. They combine everything that is hateful about the modern game and the world in general: racism, cynicism, corruption. There is a satanic spine of Abramovitch, Mourinho, Terry which if there is any justice in the world will one day be smashed, once and for all. Amen.

The Lego haired man himself

Of course I read this. Day in day out, love this blog.


Where was Sczesney’s “selfie” on Saturday? Fool. Dropped surely.


Apologies are all well and good but what is really called for is a change of striker. Bentner up front with his willy out. Tell him to picture all the opposition players as cars. Watch the trophies roll in.

BT62 Gooner

“The needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing along like before,nothing ever happens,nothing ever changes,the needle returns to the start of the song.”…repeat above. Never really thought Rtita was much of a signing to begin with,good at pens,average at most other. Until there’s sweeping changes at the top to bottom,we’ll always be singing the same old song,over and over again. COYGS!!!


Can we at least ban the use of the phrase ‘mental strength’ as the squad clearly have none. Talent-check, tactics-check, skills-check, bottle….


I’m really torn on this one to be honest…… It’s been pretty soul destroying to watch another complete collapse against one of the teams we are supposed to be competing with (and add to that both Man U games), and we always hear the same message from the players afterwards, although what else could we expect them to say? On the other hand, if you’d have offered the situation that we’re in at the start of the season – 6 points clear in 4th, with a game in hand and overwhelming favourites going into the FA Cup semi final, well… Read more »


I offer you this: guaranteed 4th place and FA cup final, but no humiliations against teams that we still manage to be called rivals of. FFS Man U took 4 points from us. FFS!
Post facto hypotheticals are no fun man.


Just wanted to post this gem taken from the live blog in the second half of the Chelsea game. Thank you to Arseblog. Even when us Gooners are facing the most terrible situations your humour elevates us all.

“That corner was worse than getting drunk at a party, passing out, then waking up to find Phil Collins sucking your cock.”


It will take a lot more than a decent performance against Swansea. Not for the first time have we come up short playing away against a top 4 side. In the past 5 years we have amassed a total of one away win against a top four side, yes just ONE!! However this season we seem to not even bother to turn up to these games.


There were those who said the game is only worth 3 points prior to the match.

I was hoping we would win the match (scrappy 0-1) and inflict a psychological blow to their scumbag manager, that they end up loosing the plot as a longer term impact!

I actually think we’re gonna win the league. A win against City will set the cogs in motion. Chelsea will slip. I reckon we’re gonna do it. And I will quote this post FOREVER when we do. And I demand Arseblogger quote this comment too at the business end when Wenger is making it rain from the bus top.

Who’s with me!?


As bad as the 5-1 at Liverpool was, people don’t credit this team enough for rallying back to beat that very same team in the FA Cup the next weekend. We have also found winning form off the back of losses to Villa and City, while managing to beat Spurs after going down to Stoke and Bayern.

This team, while capable of rather shocking defeats, has at least responded quite well when declared to be “in crisis”.


Thanks, Mikel but we did see the game. It is not necesarry to tell us that you played awful. Stop saying that you are sorry. It doesn’t change the past. Do something in the future and the past will be forgotten. (Except the fact that the manager had his 1000th game and you fucked it up).

Sorry if I am drastic but I think it is lame to say sorry. I understand that they want to apologise but that doesn’t make the result better. Just try to turn things around and answer on the pitch.

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