Friday, October 18, 2024

Guardian say Ramsey to sign improved 5 year deal

The Guardian are reporting that Aaron Ramsey is to sign an improved deal with the club which will take his salary to over £100,000 a week, and secure his future for another five years.

The Welshman’s new found status and form means he’s been offered hugely improved terms despite signing a long-term contract at the end of 2012.

It’s a knock-on effect from the signing of Mesut Ozil whose salary is such that some measure of parity has to be applied to the club’s best players.

It’s part of the reason why Santi Cazorla is set to pen a new deal. There’s good news too about Ramsey’s fitness with the same article saying he has returned to full training this week although it remains to be seen if he’ll be risked in the FA Cup this weekend.

It’s thought a return against Sp*rs at White Hart Lane is most likely.

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What happened to the one he signed last year?


In 2012 I mean

Merlin's Panini

read the article and you might find out.

Monkey Nuts

It got ripped up. The club at last realise they have to pay the going rate or risk losing players of quality to the likes of City and Barcelona.

Bigger contracts for existing players means less in the pot for new signings in the Summer. However, no one can argue that the form of Ramsey this season justifies a new contract.


– However, no one can argue that the form of Ramsey this season ‘justifies’ a new contract.

* ‘doesn’t justify’ …

if grey hairs were wishes I'd be Denis

I think you’ve confused a lack of knowledge (you mean we have to pay higher wages..whhaaa?) with a lack of funds (stadium incurred costs and impaired revenue due to the old shirt and stadium sponsorship deals).

Silent Stan's Content Mustache

So easy, compared to Theo’s negotiations…

The Great Great Gooner

Ramsey deserves a fucking statue!

Owen Coyle's Nutsack

Wise up.


Nah I think Giroud deserves a ‘fucking’ statue more huh….? Huh…? Ok, I’ll catch my coat out the window.


where can one buy a fucking statue?
i have a friend who has been looking for one and / or a wife?

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I know where you can get a plastic one called Delectable Doris, if that’s any help.

He's got not hair but we don't care...

Highly deserved.

Now please hurry back to save our season!


Um 100,000 a week for an excellen first half of ONE season….really

Gunner From Another Mother

And the second half of last season. All the while being are best player by some distance…


Cazorla was our best player whole of last season and he’s only getting 80,000 i believe.


love how you write “only” £80 000 a week

The Great Great Gooner

OOPS, I should have censored that part.


Fantastic news!

I can’t even imagine the outcry that this article would have received a year ago. I’m not ashamed to say that I was critical of him in the past, but I always knew he was a talent, and it’s now a testament to Ramsey that £100K a week is deserved. I just hope he doesn’t become complacent and slaken off.

Also great to see that he’s returned to training.


I’m one of those people who had faith and never doubted Ramsey’s abilities… but no one believes me when I tell them 🙁


I know right, I spent all last year defending Szcz, but now I can point and say SEEE??? Us lone voices crying in the wilderness get to play the “I told ya so” card.

Rocky Rocastle

Belief in your players are fine, but when you are fighting for trophies, you need them to perform now, and not in 3 years time. Atm Giroud is Wenger’s project. He will start performing like the striker of a top Club eventually he says, and Wenger is probably right as usual, But meanwhile while we wait for Giroud to find his Beast Mode, he keeps on missing chances, refusing to make any runs despite of airfield sized Rooms, ripe for exploiting appearing right infront of him, and generally messing up our attack. But when he is 30 he will probably… Read more »




This is how it should be , Class all the way by both parties.


Yes that’s great news, and a measure of how much better off we are financially.

Hopefully fans will start to picture the last 9 years as a growth period and get off the club’s, managers, and players backs a bit more.

Great stuff…


Off the players backs? Of course. Off the managers back? Less so. Some one at the club has to pressure him to succeed.


Well deserved, give him da money. I’m sure we won’t have dropped as many points had he been fit this year.


Who would have thought this back in 2012. Well done Rambo. You’ve proved a lot of people wrong

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Piers Morgan, stick to interviewing rednecks on American television and just shut the fuck up about English football.

das pauly bear

Id only have him in a bit part v spurs im worried hell feck that leg up again .


Thanks Nutsy. I guess more senior players will be asking for an improved offer then (Including Sagna). Hope we have enough money by summer to sign Draxler or Reus


Just reward for an outstanding season. We need you back rambo!

we are Arsenal

Come back and lead us to the Premier League trophy Aaron

Arsene Around

Good news but let’s not get carried away. He performed well for less than half a season. Let’s see if the likes of Wlishere and Ramsey can go whole seasons year in year out performing to levels they have shown that they are capable of and lead to us winning something. Then they will justify 100k plus a week.

Dr Baptiste

“He performed well for less than half a season” if you just include this season then that’s true.

If you go further back then before his double leg break it was looking like he was going to reach this point anyway and it was just delayed. He hasn’t had a Nasri-type half a season of form, he didn’t look like his form was dropping off and it’s only injury that’s forced him out.

Arsene Around

Again, just like in Cazorla’s case there is no apparent demand for Ramsey elsewhere.


You must be high on smack if you think cazorla and ramsey are not in demand players.

Arsene Around

Where is the interest from other clubs clever clogs?


No apparent interest? I dont see any apparent interest for Messi. That must mean he’s not in demand…
LOL fartbag, That’s because both players are happy and not looking to leave.
If there’s even a whisper from the club that Cazorla/Ramsey are angling for a move, bids will be flying in left right and center.


You extend contracts early to ward off direct public interest…

A Gooner

“Demand” for any player always originates from one source. Slimey, scumbag agents with £££’s lighting up their eyes.

Arsene Around

Look at Jordan Henderson, you could argue that he’s not as talented as Ramsey but he’s been at the heart of a team all season which is now above us. We need to start seeing the likes of Wilshere and Ramsey performing all season long.

Dr Baptiste

Could you not have put all of your points into one comment? I mean they’re all wrong but at least you would have taken up less room.

Arsene Around

I’m wrong about the fact Wilshere and Ramsey as yet have not demonstrated long term form over the course of a season? Well,you really are as silly as you look.

Az Ahmed

Arseblog –

#troll alert#



He’s right. Season-long consistancy at that insanely good level (and some bloody injury-avoiding-luck) and Wilshere and Ramsey would have been good enough to sell by now. Or win some trophies. Ooh how pessimistic of me!

OG Henry Loc

The Welshfire Strikes Back!

Can’t wait for this season’s dramatic conclusion and epic final battle. Victory over Mancunchestcunt and Cuntchelscuntea will be ALL THE SWEETER to make Cuninhoucunt eat his words.

Onward. And my support is with Wenger … the soon to be crowned “Specialist In Victory”. It will mark a comeback on par with Pharrell Williams. Make us HAPPY Wenger!

OG Henry Loc

How my predictive text didn’t pick up “Cuntinhoucunt” I’ll never know. I’m taking it back to the Apple Store.


some really un-arsenal pro activeness with the contracts over the last year. great to see – more fallout from the improved financial position of the club. great to see.


Great to see everyone being rewarded so well for not winning a thing and overall failure.


You’d rather have them leave eh? Then turn up tomorrow to blame everybody for letting our “best players” leave.

Saffa Gooner

What a dick of a comment, jeez.


Wow, there’s just no pleasing some people. What do you do for recreation, Arseblood? Torture puppies?

Angolan Girl Who Loves The Gunner

Rambo!Amazing player, so glad he’s back training again, massive boost.Keep the faith!COYG!


third in the league, 4 points off top, 10 games to go, FA Cup quarterfinal. Yep, a disastrous season.


Gosh, why do some people have to be so goddamn logical and level-headed. What our club needs are more reactionary fans with no sense of perspective!


That’s not the problem – it’s consistency. One week we completely wipe the floor with Sunderland and the next week we play against Stoke like a bunch of secondary school kids while fielding exactly the same team. If we want any hope of a trophy this season we cannot have another game even vaguely similar to what we watched on Saturday.


Geezus Christy, no one warned us there was a troll convention in town…


I know Ramsey can’t do much about the whole being injured thing, but going off signing modeling contracts while the team struggles rubs me the wrong way. Homeboy needs to focus on getting fit. And fire his PR people.


Yes, I’m furious that he didn’t spend every second focusing Jesus’s karma energy to help with his injury.


First off, we have no idea when he did the shoot; these things aren’t normally announced over one or two days. It could have been that he did it while fit and it just happened to be that the press release dropped while he was out. Second off, even if he did do the shoot while out injured, what is he supposed to do, spend 24 hours a day praying to get fit and crying over Arsenal’s inconsistent form?


If he did the shoot before, then he should definitely fire his PR people. If you look at the Facebook comments in response, I’m not the only one expressing the sentiment. Once you sort through the lasses asking for his hand in marriage, you’ll see a whole lot of us wishing him well – wanting to see him on the field and not in a glossy magazine.


And while I understand what you and those others might be saying, I just think its unfair on the lad to be displeased at him that he’s doing other things. So long as it hasn’t delayed his much needed return to the pitch, and we have absolutely no reason to believe it has, then I’m okay with him pursuing other things as secondary priorities to Arsenal.

Besides, you have to admit he’s a ridiculously good looking guy 😉

Chairman Meow

I kind of agree though. Its not like his life isn’t good enough is it?
Hes a brilliant athlete /footballer, millionaire and photogenic.
He doesnt need more work/money/chicks leave some for the rest of us, know what i mean? ha
Dont get me wrong – love ramsey


Players like Ronaldo, Messi, Beckham in his day all had (and continue to have) modelling deals for magazines, underwear brands and plenty else besides. Has it hurt their form? I for one shall not bash our most exciting and talented player for capitalising on his inspired form and taking his just rewards. Just as Messi does those Pepsi ads like Beckham before him, so Aaron does a photoshoot for GQ while out with a long term injury. There’s no problem with it, and as we’ve seen after his injury at Mordor, he is a deft hand at recovering from injuries… Read more »


You got the “tard” part of your name right, anyway.


(Welsh) Jeeezzzussss! Relax people. I’m often surprised at how quickly people take offense on this forum. Longtime Arseblog reader and longtime fan but not a very healthy dynamic amongst fans on here.

He’s talented and has a great attitude – a pretty model footballer when compared to TGSTEL and the like. Call me old-fashioned, but I like my footballers focusing on football, especially when they aren’t fit.

the only sam is nelson

fine, do you suggest that the club picks up the slack that removing non-football related earnings will create? or would it be better to let them go to clubs where they can exploit their own image rights whilst playing at the top of their game? as a reminder, david beckham won over 100 caps for England whilst football fans mocked him for not being a “proper” footballer. Er, see those 100+ caps? Do you also think that Tom Finney wasn’t focused because he also worked as a plumber? The idea that a footballer cannot possibly be at the top of… Read more »


This is why Wenger and the board have avoided buying top talent. When you do, the whole salary structure is blown. Yes, Ramsey is wonderful and as a British player will be even more highly valued in the EPL than his excellent form warrants. But there is a revenue flow and a business can’t regularly exceed it. The extra money paid to Ozil, Ramsey, Cazorla, and others will have to be made up elsewhere, probably in the second-tier young players and wounded warriors that Arsenal carries until they show what they’re capable of when healthy and of age. Ramsey was… Read more »

Saffa Gooner

Rambo is rushing through the jungle to save the season on three fronts, armageddon/flame-thrower/commando/Stallone-style (villages and HQs blowing up in the background and shit)! COYG!


The same idiots who blame us for rewarding failure are the same people who bitch about our best players leaving.

We have given RAMSEY a new contract. Not Park or Bendtner. After the clear out in 2011, and the massive clear out last summer, Arsenal will remove the last pieces of deadwood this summer and the money from the new kit deal and stadium and tv deals will kick in. It’s gonna be an exciting time for us.

Saffa Gooner

It’s already an exciting time for us!

Saffa Gooner

Just saw Rambo scoring a Kanuesque hattrick in my mind’s eye! Imagine!


It’s easy to forget just how extraordinary Ramsey was until his injury. The first 15-20 games of the season he was one of the top 3 CM in the world in my biased opinion. Imagine him and Walcott being fit the entire season? Can’t help but to think we would be celebrating another title at shite heart lane instead of trying to get back into the race.

Gunner pundit

With ramsey in the team im expecting atleast a prenierleague trophy and a fa cup final if we dont come acroos man city in the semi final i dont mind going out of the champions league


nice to lock up Ramsey but even he will grow tired of not winning anything and agitate for a move eventually.

“We are going in the right track and everyone at the club is convinced we are doing the right thing.

“If we do not get there next year or the year after then you can say this was not the right way.”– Wenger in 2009

The Great Great Gooner

Stop with the censoring Arseblog, thank you.

The Back-Sag

Yeah, I mean it’s not like Andrew drops C bombs in every other blog post or anything.

Oh wait…

Mate Kiddleton

It isn’t a coincidence our entire team balance went a bit skewed since he got injured. He is the only true complete box to box midfielder we have.


Bang on the head it was within a couple of games of that that our form started to fluctuate and if we’re honest, drop. Really believe that if theo and ramsey had been fit we would be top right now both are immensely important to the way arsenal play and i’d nearly go so far as to say the team is built around their strengths primarily.


I have to agree with you. Jack I thought could be the other box to box midfielder but his form this season doesn’t seem to suggest so. It may just be me but when Jack bulked up a bit he seems to want to do everything by himself, taking on the whole opposition team. I used to like his play more before the injury, kept things simple, give and go, and he actually had a yard of pace then, which he used brilliantly well. Having said so I really don’t mind if we can get another central midfielder (Kroos, Gundogan… Read more »

Gutbukket Deffrolla

SO the Guardian know this in advance do they? I think it goes like this…. Interlull, there’s fuck all real football news, then Arsenal announce two renewed contracts for players who needed to renew their contracts, The Guardian invent another one in the hopes of sparking an online frenzy of speculation that Arsenal wages are going into an upward spiral that will destroy our reputation as a sensibly run club, and that way the world will have something new to club us over the head with. People keep forgetting that the Press are shit-stirrers. This is UTTER BOLLOCKS until Arsenal… Read more »

Rocky Rocastle

Sounds Good. Allthough i love loyal players, it is not hard to understand that a footballer being offered twice the money to do the exactly same thing for another club wil happily accept this offer. If any of us were offered more money elsewhere in our occupation, then ofcourse we would accept.

Join us and make twice the money to do the exact same job. Not a difficult choice tbh. So ofcourse Arsenal will need to have competitive wages if we want to hold on to our best players.

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