Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Szczesny: I was ready to leave

Wojciech Szczesny has revealed he was set to leave Arsenal back in 2010 as he thought he was ready for first team football.

He was nearing the end of his deal and considered the possibility of moving clubs, but now says he’d stay at Arsenal forever if the club wanted him.

Speaking the Polish paper Przeglad Sportowy, he said, “In 2010, I wanted to leave. I was far from the first team and my contract was expiring. That was the only time I was ready to leave.

“I was ready to play in the first team but I wasn’t even a sub in League Cup.”

Arsene Wenger obviously saw the potential the young man had and began to involve him in first team affairs, but even after establishing himself as number 1 at the club, Szczesny was dropped for the trip to Bayern Munich last season.

However, the next day Arsenal offered him a new contract, a show of faith in his talent above his form, and he made sure he knuckled down to prove his worth to Arsene Wenger.

“The decision was made the day after I was told I wouldn’t play against Bayern,” he said. “The next day I was at the training ground at 7.30, I trained individually and at 10.30 with the team. It was noticed.”

Now, he’s ready to sign on for life, saying, “If they give me a contract to the end of my career, I’d sign it without any hesitation. I feel attached to the club and the coach who has given me a chance. There are not many who would do that but I must’ve been good. I see the future here.

“I’ll play at Arsenal as long as am wanted here. I am not afraid to fight for number one with anyone: Fabianski or Casillas. It’s all in my hands. I am in the best form of my life.”


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You’ve got to love this guy. I hope he does a selfie signing a lifetime contract.


That selfie 🙂


I love his confidence.
Hopefully he can get rid of those mistakes and those slights errors (like his retarded attempted catch at White Heart Lane) – and he will be one of the worlds best.


He has an attitude, he has a stature, and he has a unique personality. You see him screaming at our back four during the game making save after save. There he is our untouchable superhero..! The next moment, you see him coming down to earth, taking selfies on the pitch. Then he becomes our adorable, humanized, one-of-us Szczesny! The most human like personality of all living footballers. He expresses what he feels and I love it.! And I like him even more when he gives life to a otherwise boring game with some Szczesnying! He reminds me of the Donkey… Read more »

Bobby the beast

I wonder what type keeper we will bring in during the summer considering we need one or two.


hopefully one that can keep the ball out of the net. ( that is not a dig at szczesny)

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I hear we are going to sign his identical twin Charlie. Even their mother can’t tell them apart. Sadly they don’t get on together so it’s unlikely they would train ogether or even appear in the same squad photos. Charlie’s not as good, but he’ll be fine to play whenever his brother has to serve a suspension. 😉


A possible Sagna + Wenger + Szcz life contract coming soon? A man can hope!


Szczesny did sign a new contract earlier this season!


Has he bagged 100 starts?




BAHAHA! Top, top self-referential comment.


ok it finally is funny.


Yes, just in case that was a genuine question too.


Still not funny.



What a clown


Thank goodness he didn’t leave! Top bloke!

Big L HoP

Chief Szcz.


Szcz is a top keeper and at such a young age with his best years ahead of him. If he wants to stay a gooner for life then Wojciech Szczesny I salute you.


Irrelevant thought,

I find it amazing that despite not having Walcott, Wilshere, Ramsey or Ozil (or Diaby) available, one of Arteta, Flamini, Cazorla, Oxlade-Chaimberlain, Podolski or Rosicky has to sit on the bench. Not even mentioning Gnabry.


Young Wenger, Massive Stud

I find it deflating that when Giroud isn’t playing well we have … erm!?

Wish we had that depth all over the park.


Unrelated but I think Joel Campbell would be back at Arsenal next season and he looked really good against United in both the matches. His mates were always looking for him when pushing forward and he has speed and skill.


“Fabianski or Casillas”


The Indian

Makes me wonder, are we signing Casillas ?


I’m sure an article linking us to him will be up on goal.com shortly…

bergkamp's hooped sock

Or, is Szczesny hoping Real Madrid come after him? Is he angling for a new contract? If he can see the future here, why didn’t he stop goals before letting them? Why did the chicken get on top of a basketball? Why can’t we all just get along?? :\


Yes, why is the chicken on the basketball? The world may never know…

Gutbukket Deffrolla

“They’ve a Cock, and a Ball, but they cannot score at all. Tottenham. Tottenham.”


Or, perhaps you’re missing the obvious: he’s willing to fight and prove himself against any goalkeeper, even a top one like Casillas (and Fabianski).


A new keeper will be bought in the summer that’s for sure so our beloved Szceszney will have some new competition. Will Martinez be promoted to third keeper? Can’t see poor Viviano staying haha


I Love Szczesny. (Even though I still have to double check how to spell his name each time).

So glad he stayed on. He’s on track to becoming a true Arsenal Legend.

He’s really improving. Best keeper in the Prem right now, for me. He still has room to get better yet. Kos saved him some blushes at Shite Hart Lane. He’ll learn from that. Thing is he’s still so young, he could be our #1 for the next decade.

We love our Pole in Goal.


oh my God! Life contract? I love you WS…

Finsbury Park Gooner

SZCZ is one of the most Arsenal Arsenal players we’ve had in years. Love this guy.


Casillas duking it out with Szcz for the top spot? I would love to see that kind of competition at our club!


hey, he is a backup keeper, isn’t he?


Legend, Absolute legend. Gonna be one of the top goalkeepers in the world when he hits his peak. I salute him. Give him a contract for life! The man is a beast.


Love Szcz!

Hope you sign for the rest of your career too!


“I’m not a big fan of footballers, who write biographies during their careers. I’ll think of mine in 15yrs”

Global Goner

Isn’t it great finally having a group of players at the club who want to be here – from Szczcesny saying he’d stay for life, to BFG saying he wants to finish his career to everyone else who has commited their near future the club!

Onwards and upwards!


We’re getting Casillas? haha

Lord Nicki B

Reminds me of a certain English CB, the way he said he’ll sign on for life.

Up The Arsenal

Sum Yung Gye

or Casillas??

hint? premonition?

Özil's Eyes on Arsene's Hot Thighs

At some point during the interview I could have sworn he said something along the lines of ” ….but first, lemme take a selfie!”

Özil's Eyes on Arsene's Hot Thighs

…and the interviewer joined in too!

gooners n roses

I actually wish Fabianski would stay. I think Szcz knows Fab is hot on his heel and that motivates him.

Kos->Bendtner->Jack->Cesc->Nasri->Arshaviiiiiiiin! Dream Goal!

Super dude! Sure to be a legend


I agree, I wish Fabianski would stay on as well. The best ‘2nd’ choice keeper in the prem by a long shot! Can’t blame him for wanting to go, I just hope Citeh or any other direct rival doesn’t sign him, as he will improve their teams straight away!


Quite possibly the best second choice keeper in the world. Can anyone name a better second choice, anywhere?


Casillas himself!

Would love to see Fabianski stay though.


Casillas? From where did that come?

Petit's Handbag

It’s amazing how we had these two guys, Chesney & Fab, and yet Almunia was the number 1.
I much prefer this Arsenal, the one from 2009-2012 just pissed me off now that I think of it.
Ches,sagna,gibbs,kos,mert,Rambo,Ozil,arteta,Walcott,Cazorla,Giroud over a first team containing almunia, squillaci and skunk any day.
Good days are back
Two trophies please

Black Hei

Almunia would have made a fantastic no.2. He is a great shot stopper.

Drink your milk or the big bad Wenga will come and SACK YOU

Don’t forget Denilson.

I know people will disagree but imagine what the current team + a loyal and committed skunk would achieve. Oh and Cesc.. I’d take him back in a heartbeat.


I think odds of Fabianski staying are very low, but I would love it if it did happen. he came out with that statement a few weeks ago, something like ‘with all respect to this great club, where I’ve had good and bad times, I did not accept the offer to extend my contract.’ respectful, honest, and who could really begrudge him taking the opportunity to play regularly? his evolution from ‘flappy-handski’ to premier league quality keeper has been a rough ride (probably more for him than us, to be honest), but seeing one of arsene’s diamonds emerge is never… Read more »

Sarson Vinegar's Frightening Sarnie

He’s only 23. Keepers don’t usually peak til their late 20’s early thirties and what age did seaman retire? 42 or something?
Could not only break the club appearance record but he could smash it out of the park. I hope so, I love Szczes the bonkers bastard.

Sarson Vinegar's Frightening Sarnie

Also how good would it be if Szcz got to understudy Casillas for a couple I seasons? Szczes if great but can always get better and can’t think if anyone better to learn from.

Percy Dalton

My favourite Szczesny moment was against Newcastle a couple of seasons ago. We finally got a goal after Krul had been wasting time all game and it all kicked off as they suddenly realised they needed to show some urgency. During the chaos that ensued Szczesny quietly stole the ball from the middle of the pitch and ran into the corner with it. Brilliant

The Fonz

No way, that’s hilarious, are there any clips of it kicking about?

fat little pig

Buffon will always be better than Casillas.
But Szcz can become better than both ever were.

Gunner pundit

“The decision was made the day after I was told I wouldn’t play against Bayern,” he said. “The next day I was at the training ground at 7.30, I trained individually and at 10.30 with the team. It was noticed.” – #Determination #MentalStrength #BestKeeperInTheLeagueHandsDown #PunIntended

Gutbukket Deffrolla

If we make the FA Cup Final will we play Fabianski (because he’s our FA Cup goalkeeper)? It would be fair to him to do so, but I would also hope Chesney could be rewarded for all his dedication to the team. Maybe bring him and a couple of other deserving long-time players near the end? Would love us to have the opportunity to give some of our longer serving players a reward like that if we can. I want this FA Cup so badly. We have many deserving players. Of course, beating Chelsea and Citeh and taking the PL… Read more »

gnabry's arched eyebrows

breaking news on goal.com: szcz not fazed by a possible summer swoop of cassilas.


For the first season in quite a while, the choices for our goalkeeping position are solid. There was a period when we lost games and dropped out of contention purely because of that position. No more. Just a single purchased striker to lead our exisiting forwards and we’d be complete.

Naija Gunner

Sign that ‘life’ thing Szczesny!

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