Tuesday, October 22, 2024

FA Cup fitness boost as doubtful trio train

It looks as if Tomas Rosicky, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Kieran Gibbs will be available for tomorrow’s FA Cup semi-final against Wigan tomorrow.

Despite being cast as ‘doubts’ by Arsene Wenger at his press conference yesterday, pictures today showed all three players warming up and taking an active part in training today.

It would be a big boost going into the tomorrow’s game, especially without the injured Mesut Ozil, Jack Wilshere, Laurent Koscielny and Theo Walcott.

Meanwhile, Lukas Podolski says the Gunners have to give 110% to win the cup.

“It is the biggest cup in the world and a big tradition. The Premier League title is the best one in England but I think when you have a chance to win the FA Cup, you have to give 110 per cent to win.

“We have the chance now and we have to fight for this. Everyone thinks Wigan are a small team or that Arsenal will win the game easily.

“They will concentrate and focus on this game — it’s one of the biggest games for the club, for Wigan in the last years so it won’t be easy.

“But I think we are strong enough, playing in London so it’s nearly a home game for us. I think it will be a great atmosphere and it will be my first match there.

“If we play with spirit and fight and play our game, then they have no chance to win against us.”

We’re not really sure that kind of brashness is appropriate given the way we’ve been playing recently. We can see what he means, but perhaps some things are best left unsaid.

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*yawnnnn – put the ball in the back of the net tmmw – i’m done with the “we need to show a response” – “we need to bounce back” – “that was not good enough” —- how about “we’re arsenal football club, this trophy is only the beginning”


I think he’s right, it’s just that the ‘if’ we play with spirit and fight is a pretty big ‘if’.


shouldn’t we ALWAYS play with fight and spirit?? the main reason i don’t bother going to the stadium anymore as i am tired of seeing most of the team sleepwalk through games. 99% of our problem seems to me to be down to attitude and motivation and little to do with personnel and tactics. i love arsene for what he has done over the years but maybe we need a new voice to get the best out of the personnel we have.


I am afraid I have to reference the Blue Scum’s game against Paris St Germaine (PSG) on Tuesday.
They played a different game according to different circumstances. Park the bus today, rip them apart tomorrow, whatever.
We have a brilliant team, we need a brilliant manager. who can set up a team according to what needs to be done on the day.
Wenger’s time is done. Wenger was the pioneer, his followers and acolytes have caught him up and passed him.

Stuart Steele

Put that fighting talk into action, boys. COYG!


Just shut the fuck up and do all the talking on the fucking pitch tomorrow!

Whispering Whippersnapper

I hope people like you don’t turn up at Wembley tomorrow …


Exactly.. When the chips are down and all that, the team needs the support of the fans most of all.. They won’t be able to perform to their best if their own fans expect them to fail.. We need to show them our full SUPPORT .. NOW.. They need it.. Do it for the the team, the club, the Mascot, the tea lady, the manager, the board, the ball boys, the stewards and most of all do it, so that we can give a big F**K U to the pundits , the naysayers, the doomers and the CUNT Jose and… Read more »


dont worry about him and the likes of him. the majority is right behind our lads and manager

Özil's Eyes on Arsene's Hot Thighs

It’s people like you who should shut the fuck up. If he can’t rip into them on Arseblog, is it in the grounds that he should do it? Burst your larynx in the grounds backing them and tell ’em to shut the fuck up when they muck it all up. Where it’s at now, not one person can blame the crowd for not playing their part because they really stood up when it mattered, more so this year, and they were let down each time. I echo: “Just shut the fuck up and do all the talking on the fucking… Read more »


But you didn’t do it for the tea lady, did you??

Cool down mate – We all just want The Arsenal to succeed. Shouting abuses at the players won’t help.

TO Gooner

Huge huge boost. And Ramsey is back! I like how the media keeps talking about us underestimating Wigan, and how we will crack under the immensity of this game in relation to our season. Balls. We are in backs against the walls, everyone thinks we are shit ,territory. That uncomfortable shit stew we seem to thrive in as in last season. And there is the lad Ramsey. I’m confident of a win. COYG!


Massive boost having those guys fit. I don’t like the word “IF” very much. No if’s please.


Sometimes, especially at this time, it would be better if football was just people playing football.


If all 3 are available it means that we have a really strong starting XI… Anything less than a win tomorrow will lead to a Twitter and Internet break down… But regardless of that it will make a once great looking season into a giant colossal cock up… Let’s just hope that The Arsenal pitch up tomorrow…

Up the Arse


The preview just posted on the dot com continues to list all three as a ‘doubt’. Not sure what to make of that. Would they be training if they were carrying injuries? Maybe this lies at the heart of our injury woes!

Türkiş Gooner

dont wanna be an ass but you got “tomorrow” twice in the first paragraph bloggs 😀
Joke aside, GREAT news ahead of the game…


with Ox and Rosicky back in training the team looks a bit more meaty.. please no early goals conceded..dont care if we score late and win.. it wont be an easy game but the team really needs to win this one..no more explanations..just show it on the field


We all know Podolski is bloody mental, so if he plays tomorrow and brings that fighting spirit and makes a solid contribution I couldn’t care less! Come on you Gunners!!!!

Let's Find Hleb!!!

4th place nd silverware wouldn’t be bad#COYG#

Stan The Man

“But I think we are strong enough, playing in London so it’s nearly a home game for us. I think it will be a great atmosphere and it will be my first match there.” So Poldi THINK that Arsenal is strong enough to beat Wigan? Hehe. Well iThink he iz on to something. Strenght or quality of players is not the issue. We are hands down superior in that regard. But Tactics and a strong fighting spirit from Wigan could still be our downfall. But i hope Wenger will get himself involved in the game from the sideline this time… Read more »

Bunt 1

Come on u gunners!! Be positive… Be strong!


Podolski seems to be taking a cue from his manger who talks like this all the time.


I truly hope we win the cup, but isn’t it a shame that our first trophy in so long (hopefully) is gonna come in this shitfest of a season? This has been the most depressing season in recent years.

Stuart Steele

Only for the last couple of months has it become depressing..


Just the last month IMO. This time last month we were seven points behind with two games in hand. I still had hopes that a good result at Chelsea would give us the momentum to take it to the wire. It’s been far from a shitfest of a season though. People just seem incapable of having any perspective when it comes to Arsenal nowadays. I blame Piers Morgan’s existence and his twitter presence for a large part of it! How that clown has so many followers I will never understand. Looking forward to tomorrow. I’ll be there cheering them on… Read more »


I blame the internet for empowering ‘people’ to vent their life’s frustrations on those who don’t deserve it. It’s so easy when you never have to look someone in the eye or take the risk of getting what is deserved in response.

Would it be said sitting next to the person at the pub?


mpls – you’re piers morgan aren’t you


Yes, most certainly. It’s obvious by my other comments, isn’t it?

By the way, them’s fightin’ words.

Actually I’m surprised that comment would bother someone. Guess they’ve been found out.


For clarity’s sake, I was in no way disagreeing with the previous opinion on Morgan. Can’t stand the prat. Without twitter who’d give a fuck about his Arsenal opinions?

Eagle Eye

“…will be available for tomorrow’s FA Cup semi-final against Wigan tomorrow”.

I can’t wait for this tomorrow

Wenger's Glasses

Still laughing from the drivel about monkey giving a trophy from the Arsecast.

Anyways, let’s do this, let’s win this semifinal. I’m still nervous like every other gooners, but we can do this! COYG!


Nobody should say anything. Just win the fucking game!!!


Personally I think we’ll give Wigan an almighty spanking…… 5-0.

That’s not over confidence or taking a win for granted, that’s belief that this group of players have had an almighty wake up call and are ready to cunt Wigan right in the fucking cunt.

AN Other

Now no excuses please. Win it for the fans and the club.

Costa Gooner

In that case percyofgod shut the fuck up! By the way I think we need more belief like Poldi is showing then maybe we’ll play like we know we can .COYG


Any spells would do, any spells, anything, but Avada Kedabra


Hope Cazorla don’t play ,for me he’s been Arsenal’s most disappointing player this season.


Can’t wait. I like this. Normally before a game that we should be worried about we are being hyped up. Now a game we shouldn’t be worried about and everyone is talking with an element of fear.

If us fans carry on like this I might even get evens on an arsenal win! Brilliant 😉


Well, the players can’t be accused of being complacent about the game tomorrow, that’s for sure. The squad seems to be very very wary of Wigan. I haven’t decided if I think this is good or bad… It could be good because it means they will be guarded, focused and desperate not to screw up. I think they really sense how important this game is to morale at every level, so they could go out blazing like they do in Champions League games. On the other hand, Wenger has blamed nerves causing us to start irrecoverably badly in most (all?)… Read more »


That is exactly the mindset we should be approaching this match with, of course we have to respect Wigan, but they are playing in the championship for a reason, as long as we match them for commitment and effort then we should have more than enough quality to win this game comfortably. Never mind trying to be difficult to beat, how about being impossible to stop. Fear has crept into this Arsenal side in recent years and it shows whenever the pressure is on. And if we lose because we haven’t matched them for commitment and effort then we have… Read more »


Reality check. Sure, things have gone badle recently against the big boys….but this is Arsenal against the fifth placed second division team. It’s clobberin’ time…..


I worry when they talk about focus, delivering, commitment, doing it for the boss, the fans etc. just turn up tomorrow,
play the way we know you can and tear Wigan a new one.

In Soviet Russia, WENGA sacks YOU

I hope we don’t get the infamous “it is just not good enough” Line after the game tomorrow. I HATE that line.
Losing 6-0 to Chelsea
=> Arteta “it’s just not good enough”


I didn’t see it.. cue Wenger. 😉


It’s weird how I used to want us to win to shut up the media and other teams fans about the whole 9 years-thing (well, mostly because I want us to win things), but now I want us to win to shut up our own fans, specifically the incredibly stupid and ignorant ones commenting on the clubs facebook posts. I’d rather talk to spoiled Chelsea brats than those assholes. If Giroud, Arteta and Nacho scores, oh that would be sweeter than honey.


I’ll do you one better.. How’s about, Szczęsny scores from the penalty spot?? After seeing Ozil , I’d reckon he does have a good chance of converting a spot kick. And he’d be like a BOSS!!


After some “fans” wrote that they wished Arteta would die when the club asked people to congratulate him on his birthday, I’ll say it would be sweeter to shut them up.


Can’t argue with that one mate. Good on you.


It’s disappointing to see that Arsenal has almost as many plastic fans as Chel$ki and Man $ity.

“If you can’t support us when we lose or draw, don’t support us when we win”–Tony Adams.


Beautiful quote. Thank you.


Hear Hear!

Väl talat!


Swedegunner- agree. Don’t know if you saw the abuse that was posted by ‘fans’ to Giroud yesterday. Basically, some wished him injury, told him to fuck off, said they hated him. Same kind of abuse that Arteta got on his birthday. There didn’t seem to be any moderation of the comments from Arsenal HQ last time I looked. Shameful fans.


If we lose…..this game will be spoken about forever more. The Manager, players and fans will be mentally scarred for life. We will never , ever live this down. No pressure then. Carry on….

Ricky D

Would have bitten your hand off if at the start of the season you offered me 4th (which I’m quite sure we’ll clinch looking at ours and evertons run in) and an fa cup semi against Wigan, can’t lie. Biggest game of the season on sat, come on boys


It seems more than a little ridiculous to say the players are lacking confidence, then barrack them for fucking trying to have some.

Fucking rubbish attitude.

And we wonder why today’s players don’t show any loyalty. This is why.


I’m sure the game is already lost if the boys are reading some comments here. Show mental strenght


In regard to the Arsecasgt: Jesus may be a Wiganer, but everyone knows that God is a Gunner.

Dial Square

Nice to hear that he’s raring to go. To be honest, it’s the least that the players could do for us. We’ve backed them through thick and thin, but now it”s time for them to deliver. COYG!


I really don’t know if I can watch tomorrow, football is really f***ing me up at the moment.
Might have to walk away for a bit.

Ramseys right boot

I hope the noise from our fans blows the roof off COYG!


Did anyone else see the pictures of Diaby actually training??

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