Saturday, July 27, 2024

Podolski unhappy at Wembley hooking

Lukas Podolski has admitted he was unhappy at being taken off in the FA Cup semi-final, and his role in the team which rarely sees him complete the 90 minutes.

That has been the situation more or less since his arrival from Cologne, and speaking after the Wembley win over Wigan, when he was taken off in the 68th minute, he said, “You cannot be happy with this situation. I play and in the last games, I always come out and of course you cannot be happy when you always go out after 60, 70 minutes.

“When you go out and you are happy, you are not a footballer so of course I am not happy always to be substituted. It’s the decision of the boss, he is the manager. He decides who comes in, who comes out, who are the first XI.

“It’s not always easy when you play for a big club but of course I am not happy to always come out and watch from outside.”

The German forward is likely to start against West Ham on Tuesday, as Arsene Wenger tries to add some fresh legs to his team, and Podolski says the team have to now focus on the league to avoid the ‘disaster’ of missing out on the Champions League.

“Every season is a pressure when you don’t win anything and the newspapers speak about it, the fans gets nervous but we have the chance this year to win the FA Cup so maybe it helps the club, us and the boss.

“But the other important thing is to get fourth place back because when you don’t play in the Champions League, it’s a disaster.

“We don’t forget the league because we are fifth now, we are not qualified for the Champions League, so we must do our work on the pitch – starting on Tuesday and this is an important thing.”

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Daft Aider

I think with the right tactical set up and tactics Podolski could be brilliant for us, he needs proper man-management and being told what to do and used to explout certain teams tactically (like he does in the German national team), so basically he’ll be better off somewhere else sadly

Daft Aider

I hadn’t intended to use the word tactic quite so much, it was clearly a tactical error of mine………….

Just A Gentleman

I’ll grab your coat for you 😛

Daft Aider

I’ll need a spare zipper please

Just A Gentleman

Arsene, is that you?


No it isn’t, because Arsene doesn’t even use the WORD tactic to often.


Basically, he needs the attack to be built around him (like in Cologne). And I’m not sure he’s good enough to merit that at a top club.
So yeah, to he should look for greener pastures, sadly.

Just A Gentleman

I don’t want him to leave though, him on twitter and his smiles on the bench are enough reason to keep him 🙁

Maybe when he retires we bring him in as a psychological coach to boost the morale of players, seeing him shout AHA when he’s 45 would be hilarious 😛

Daft Aider

Big fan of Podolski but he doesn’t fit the system, genuine shame


Question is, what is the system he actually fits in? Only thing that comes to my mind is a false 9 system so he can play the inside forward. But there is basically only one team that plays that system successfully and they have possibly the best player in the history on that false 9 position.
Meaning, there might be a problem.


i don’t think podolski is good enough to warrant le boss setting the team up just to suit him. he was poor against a championship defense and had no right to complain about being hooked. he offered nothing, and considering his fitness levels aren’t great, which is his own responsibility, he again can hardly question being hooked after 70 minutes.

love him to bits like. but i imagine if we got someone like draxler in then podolski would be moved on.


Apart from the Ox who else offered anything? It has been the case for weeks hardly any player has stood out yet he always seems one of the first to get hooked. I don’t blame him for getting a little pissed about it.

2014-2015 = 2003-2004

How about Podolski as one of the two strikers in a 4-4-2 next to a ‘big man’ (Giroud/Sanogo) striker colleague?

Inch-perfect 25 yard long ball from Ozil to Giroud’s forehead, expertly cushioned to the ground next to Podolski’s feet, and rocket cannoned into the back of the net!

As much as we love you for now please shut up Poldi. Dissent/disagreement is the last thing we need in the squad right now.


If you had Giroud and Podolski up front with our current CDM situation and defensive roster, this team would get destroyed twice as badly on the counter and likely not produce much more offensively. Our depleted midfield would be spending all their time trying to get the ball back while Poldi/Giroud stood like trees in the opponent’s third. Losing a midfielder to field two slow average strikers? No thanks. If I had no option but to field two strikers and one of them had to be Giroud, the other forward would be Walcott to at least keep the defense honest… Read more »


If you think that Giroud (17 goals, 8 assists in all comps with Arsenal this year) and Podolski (10 goals, 2 assists in only 15 starts and 10 substitute appearances) are average, I think you have not been paying attention to the other strikers in the league. Giroud is 7h in EPl goals this year. 7th in the league is not “average”.


With all the talk of Arsenal needing a striker I am not sure why Podolski doesn’t get serious consideration. I understand he doesn’t always put in the defensive effort and may not be the best when he does. Isn’t that what a striker does?

I am okay with him being upset about being subbed off. He wants to play. He is a player that has had success at the international level with Germany. Shouldn’t Wenger find a way for him to be successful at Arsenal?

La Defense

Poor Pod. Second season blues. COYG!

Just A Gentleman

I’ve always admired Podolski, but he gets lost and stops running quite often. He’s better as a supersub. Besides, we were down 1-0, we needed a change, unfortunately it had to be Podolski. I mean it’s not like he was giving a MOTM performance that he should feel disappointed. I know I’ll get some stick for this, but Podolski isn’t the player that can play a full 90 minutes and not be subbed off. He wears out over the 90 minutes. If you’ve ever been to a game, you’ll realise there are moments where he just ends up standing at… Read more »

Desert Fox

This is what I think people often forget. He is fairly one-dimensional as a player, and perhaps when Ozil is back and we maybe have an additional striker at the club, we may see him show his attributes for the club more often. But at the moment, he doesnt offer an awful lot to the team. The danger is that people will often relate to him from a personal point of view based on his Twitterings and the fact he comes across as a decent guy, but we need more than that. We talk about needing to be ruthless this… Read more »


He is still better than Sanogo. Wonder why we don’t play him as a striker.


sanogo, a 21 year old with little experience at this level, was superb. got himself in all the right places at the right time, and was unlucky not too bag a brace. he’s big, very pacy, and when the ball hit the flanks he was always in the 6 yard box looking for a cross. it was nice to see something different to giroud. i think in a couple of seasons, with some cup experience under his belt, weaned into the league, this boy could be a goo squad striker, maybe more.


Why do people forget his deadly finishing ability and amazing crosses every now and then? He is inconsistent but he has the ability to turn a match around. We need a player like him.


Poor Lukas. It’s really hard to explain why he’s always the first one to get subbed – although replacing the wide strikers seem like the most logical move. I wonder whether it affected his performances as well. Knowing Wenger, it’s also possible that there’s a clause with Cologne by which they get 10.000 pound everytime he finishes the full 90 minutes…


You believed the Daily Mail then, eh?


Love poldi… but he needs to work harder and score more goals for the team i wasn’t happy when he was taking off yesterday but it worked


He will need to play more than 70 mins to be able to score more goals.


Track back concentrate and stop losing the ball in stupid situations then

Dan Bailey

I’m a massive Podolski fan. In the penalty area he is probably our most dangerous player, and certainly our best finisher. With him player out wide we are not seeing the best of him which is a shame.
He will most likely go in the summer and I will be sad to see him go.


Stop being so shit and anonymous then you might finish a game.


He is a hard one to work out when he’s in the game he is really in the fucking game. But defensivly he scares me sometimes lol. Give him a run out upfront ???

Just A Gentleman

We did that last year and it didn’t work out, we tried it again this year against Cardiff and there were tons of aerial chances coming in and Podolski (although not his fault) had no idea what to do with them, he also kept going back to the left side. (We brought on Nicky B and won 2-0 in the end) Now he could obviously prove to be a good striker if given enough games, but at the moment, simply can’t risk it since we have no matches where we can try it. Sanogo albeit is as much of a… Read more »


Podolski makes the decision for wenger too easy at the best of times.


Getting a little frustrated with him. He’s a great player to have when the team is playing well or the game suits his style and provides him space, very efficient finisher, but he provides little when we’re forced to work hard and conjure up that extra bit of creativity


How about playing him up front and not on the left wing for a change


Wenger is always different in terms what he does with players. Podi is a good player trust me but Mr.know it all wants to use these French boys to give them a chance at the world cup in Brazil. even when Lukas is on the ascendancy in a match once Giroud is on the bench,he will change Podi and I don’t seem to understand him.

Just A Gentleman


Daft Aider



Daft. Simply daft.


I can see him playing centrally: strong, reasonably quick and that thunderous left foot. May be worth putting some work in on converting him, although that doesn’t seem like Arsene is too keen on that idea. At the moment I feel like he’s a bit wasted on the wing, despite his impressive performances.

Also have to say I’ve had my doubts but I think Keiran Gibbs should always start at left back regardless of who’s fit, was really impressed with his contribution on Saturday.


He is a central player…in a 4-4-2. Unfortunately like others before him, our current system doesn’t bring out the best in him.


We should go with him and Giroud up top against west ham. But our as many fresh players as possible.


Well if he doesn’t show the pace and work rate to get behind the opposing defense, and he doesn’t have the physical presence and aerial ability of Giroud or Sanogo, why would he be better in a central striking role? I could see a 4-4-2 with Giroud, as they have linked up well earlier in the season. But does that work with our midfield? You can really only use that these days if your 2 mids can run the show, as everyone stacks the middle and it is easy to get overpowered. Or, as with Wigan, when they’re knacked and… Read more »


I do like him, and he’s clearly a good player but I find these comments slightly ludicrous. He must know he’s not playing well, surely? I remember when everyone (myself included) was desperate for him to get more game time earlier in the season, but now it seems apparent as to why his chances were limited when we had a fuller squad available. He does pop up with bursts of brilliance and creativity (vs Swansea for example) but is largely anonymous or profligate in most games. I can’t work out why he seems so unable to perform. Fitness? Our system?… Read more »


Really needs to look at himself sometimes. I was at Wembley sitting on his side of the pitch for the second half, and I clearly remember one moment when Wigan had two players coming down our left flank. Gibbs pointed at the right back with the ball, seemingly to instruct Poldi to close down on him, while he track the running winger. But Poldi just kept a 2m distance from the RB and eventually Gibbs had to do the job himself. Yes he score goals, but in the long run, it’s how you deal with these small moments for 90mins… Read more »


yes. he was poor from the start yesterday and very often seems out of touch with what is going on around him. i like the guy and he is an exceptional finisher but his all round game is pretty poor and not sure he is the right man for us. might be best for all concerned if we cash in on him this summer while his value is still high and bring in a more dynamic centre forward and a proper out and out winger.


can remember that moment you mentioned. poldi was physically there watching the game.

and then i remember someone saying he and gibbs work well together. well, the word “offensively” must have been missed somewhere.

Gareth Murray

Personally I couldn’t understand the reaction of our fans when Poldi was hauled off, it wasn’t as if he was playing well. In fact he was pretty awful.
Sanogo looked a greater threat and it should be remembered that he played an important part in our equaliser.

Sadly Podolski just hasn’t done it for us but I still hope he has a part to play in the rest of our season.


yup. was correct to leave sanogo on imho. he was constantly getting on the end of things and very unlucky not to break his duck. given some time i think he can be a really useful player for us in next few years.


I never understand the logic in booing ANY substitution. I may not like some of them, but to put that shite into the oncoming player’s head is a self fulfilling prophecy. Not very clever.


i can sort of understand the booing — he’s the best finisher in the team, and the desperate crowd just couldn’t imagine who else could provide that finishing touch at the moment. they’d rather put their money on the giroud – poldi combination working just once — no, twice — to complete a comeback.


In recent years there’s been three players who have struggled in that same position: Arshavin, Gervinho, and now Poldi. Arshavin has proven his ability both elsewhere and at Arsenal in the earlier part of his time here, Gervinho has flourished since leaving for Roma and looks like a proper player, Poldi often performs for Germany and from what I can tell was a fairly impressive striker for Colonge and has also shown glimpses of real class for us as well. So I wonder if there’s something else that is holding these players back, its not just that they’re all shit.… Read more »

Gareth Murray

The problem is none of those guys are Robert Pires who was simply irreplacable.


You make a good point. We need a midfield engine on the left side. That’s why we struggle in big games when Ozil or Podolski play on the left hand side.

Dick Swiveller

The problem has often been balancing out Theo on the right, as we all know where we want him and this means that someone in midfield needs to help cover, which can leave the other side of the pitch a little exposed so we need someone who is pretty reliable but can move centrally, as well as giving us decent width (the thing we generally have more trouble with); when Theo isn’t there though, we lack the penetration as we almost seem to play like we have him in the team but it doesn’t work…because he isn’t there. Way I… Read more »


Add Vela to that list of successful departures.

I loved Vela. Happy but sad to see him flourish elsewhere.


Why the fuck did Wenger even buy Podolski?! He doesn’t fit in his ‘system’ of play at all. Slower than an Essex blonde, doesn’t track back, can’t beat a player, can’t cross. Sell him. He really isn’t an Arsenal player…


He was excellent for us last season. Lethal finishing is why. I think Wenger worked out that with Giroud, you need BOTH Walcott for speed on one flank and Podolski for finishing. To a certain extent Walcott has also added finishing to his good traits but when we are hampered with threat from only one flank (Walcott) we have been easily found out as it doesn’t take much for the opponent to realise they have to shut down the RW. We have been most effective last season when we have had both wings to stretch play. Shut down one side… Read more »


Podolski can’t cross…?


yeah, was with you until the can’t cross bit. he’s shown some real quality there.


He may just have his head turned this summer. Still going to be crucial for the rest of the run in. he is simply (when he does get the opportunity most efficient in front of goal. How to get him in those positions is the key issue. To me, he needs a strong LB to fully be able to commit forward to do maximum damage. With Monreal, he needs to alter his play which blunts some of his cutting edge. There was a spell last season with Gibbs where the pair forged a good partnership on that flank. I can… Read more »

Loaded cannon

I tell you what’s holding him back, it’s Arsenals style of play in the final third. Sometimes it is so frustrating at times it wants me to pull the hair off my back because I’ve got none left on my head. Poldi can run at players, we saw it last season. He needs the ball to be placed in front of him so he can hammer it. Instead the ball just moves side to side, a cross goes in and it goes no where. There isn’t enough play through the middle and it seems like they are afraid of playing… Read more »

Fatboy Gooney

It’s not as if podolski has done anything of late.
So instead of being happy that we scraped into the final, he chooses to moan about being subbed.
Bye bye podolski…. don’t forget to take giroud with you, on your way out!


I’m sure you’d play a bit more Podolski if you

A) Did some fucking running and defensive work
B) Took on your defender instead of pussying out and passing backwards
c) Focused on fucking football as opposed to Twitter.

Love to see him leave in the summer. Never been convinced, much like Wenger it would appear.

Dark Hei

Well he was most certainly rubbish during the semi finals.
Our attack down the left was zero. Why didn’t he make any forward runs like against Man City?


I like him but he’s a liability at times. We are paying him too much much to keep him as a super sub (which is basically his main role in this team).

An excellent finisher but too lazy. I don’t think we will change our system to accommodate him. He’s not strong enough to be the main striker and his movement isn’t good enough to be a winger.

John Deer

I am not sure what Arsene’s plan is. It is not good for the team when a player is unsure of his future at the club. Can you imagine what it feels like for the players not to know about the future of the manager? If Arsene really loves the club like he claims he does, he needs to sign a new contract or … Perhaps the rumor about meeting with the players about his decision to leave at the end of the season was true. My hope is for the next manager(if he does leave) to have enough time… Read more »

Marc B

Sanogo was the one that should have been subbed, complete joke! WTF is that guy doing leading the line for Arsenal? He is at least 3 years too early and that’s if he ever gets there. What a joke.

sh gooner

Sadly Podolski is a victim of modern tactics where most teams play with only 1 striker. I remember in the 2006 World Cup when he was named Best Young Player ahead of Messi and Ronaldo. He played as a second striker behind Klose. This I think is Podolski’s best position. We have tried playing him as a lone striker and it hasnt worked. He isnt great on the wing either because he doesnt isnt very quick and he doesnt have skills. However he always works hard, he has a fantastic left foot, and is one of the best finishers in… Read more »


People need a reality check. Podolski is our best finisher and has proven goal scoring ability, BUT, he was completely Shite. He didn’t do anything and was far to peripheral yesterday. He simply doesn’t work hard most of the time. He makes the decision for Arsene to take him off way too easy. I like Poldi, but he needs to work harder. At least Sanogo was getting into good positions and working his ass off. He will only get stronger and once he scores, he’ll become more confident in front of goal. He’s still very raw but this time next… Read more »

Marc B

Then wait till next season to play him, at least in the the big games. Heck we played this guy against Bayern! I’d rather Podoloski stays on the pitch and takes the one chance he gets than Sanogo to waste ten. What bad touch/control. People have been bamboozled by Wenger throwing square pegs in round holes. Would Sanogo get into ANY top 10 premiership team? Not saying he won’t get there but he’s blatantly not ready. Watching him is like watching some kid they’ve gone to pull in from the under-16 team.


Bullshit. Once he scores he’ll be on fire… He created opportunities out of nothing, another thing about wenger, all our best strikers were he’s creation, when he bought he wasn’t ever as successful, if sanogo can break he’s duck this season he’ll be a definite contender for starting next season, even if we buy


Doubt he will be that good or will make it. Gone are the days of players like TH14. Wenger has been struggling with transfers in the past seasons that’s why we in this position.


I agree. Sanogo is a massive talent, but he should currently be used in matches where we’re fairly comfortable, not FA Cup semi finals or Champions League.

Sir HumpAlot

Old school striker from a time when the strikers Main objective was to score goals, and not worry so much about the defensive side of things. That was what the Defense was there for after all. Poldi dont do defense, but only want to attack. The wing position is not his best position in my opinion. Primarily because He is uncomfortable when having to defend, and teams can take advantage of that. but unfortunately for Poldi, we need the height of Giroud/Sanogo in defense on set pieces, so he is not allowed to play as a striker. But one thing… Read more »


I love Poldi. He does tire in games, which seems stange as he looks so physically fit. Perhaps he needs to take whatever those Liverpool players are taking. Not sour grapes, I just find their increased pace and stamina a bit suspicious. It was Gerrard’s recovery tackle that got me thinking. He was slow last year. Perfectly normal as he is getting on a bit. Yesterday, he had Walcott’s pace at times. Sturridge was always quick, but this quick? Look at that ugly mug Flanagan. Usain Flanagan. Quickest full back I’ve ever seen. Even Glenn Johnson is quicker than he… Read more »


You may have something there…I mean, even Suarez is no longer hungry…


Come on poldi, you can’t be serious. Your best role is as a supersub. We need a technically gifted, dribbling, goal scoring and back tracking option for that LW position.


Yeah it was probably Suarez who smuggled it into the country!


Compare and contrast:

From this:

To this: (mute for Micheal Owen required)

And this:

Remind anyone of this?


Wanker of the week : Steven Gerrard.

Why? When asked what he said in that huddle, he told the reporter ”None of your business.” That’s all well and good. Until you stop and think about it a little.

He ‘somehow’ managed to ‘accidentally’ plop his huddle RIGHT IN FRONT of the TV Cameras. On the pitch. Not in the dressing room. And he shouted as loud as he could.

I can now tell you what he said: ”Eeeeh…Eeeeerr…Calm Down ar lad..Eh…Deydoododondeydoh…alright, alright, come ed …eeehhh …eh where’s me gear lar.”


Like it or not, I feel our favorite grunting German is gone this summer.


I love him but he is always on the fringes of the game but I always think that in a minute he will unleash that left foot. My problem with wenger is when Walcott is running down his usual blind alleys and the OX is losing the ball in midfield far too easy why don’t they get hooked like Poldi?


Google the name Hans Wohlfahrt. He’s not doing anything illegal, but there is a substance that he injects into athletes derived from calf’s blood. This substance is banned in the US/Canada. It’s banned (if injected) in cycling. Some experts say it’s no big deal. Some say it’s a bit like EPO. Steven Gerrard is a client of his. Could be nothing of course, just….interesting. Again, I’m no doctor and the internet is full of bollocks, but something just doesn’t feel right about their stamina/pace. He is also Bayern’s doctor and they are a team of complete athletes. Guardiola (banned once… Read more »


Hans Wohlfahrt. Calf Blood. Sounds like a Bond villain. Add him to our fitness staff.


That becomes all the more vivid when you see a pic of the guy!


Get Poldi and everyone on the calf blood.

Interesting article this. Really good read.


his performance against west ham 5-1 last season was the best….

Mate Kiddleton

He’s definitely a big game player, scored some vital goals for us


He is the only available shooter from outside the box, has anyone noticed we always try and walk the ball in, we dont have anyone that can shoot further than 10 yards atm.

Dick Swiveller

Except for Cazorla.

And Ramsey.

And Rosicky.

And Arteta.


Great player, but possibly a year or two too old for the gunners.

He needs to track back when we give the ball away.
Monreal + Poldi = certain disaster this season


when we have enuf fit players back pod wont even start his an impact player,wouldnt be surprised to see him leave we need skill and pace on our left side and pod dont have enuf to grace this team, not sure why AW dont play gibbs at left back and monreal in front of him in other games he has had Sagna at right back and jenko in front of him which worked in a few games but normally when we are chasing the game but he who knows best AW

m a gunner

For me casorla n podolski are being played the wrong way round , casorla has struggled in the middle he plays better on the left were he can find space , maybe podolski would be better behind a striker or up front with another striker were he can have a shot !

Ozil's dodgy hamstring

I think some form of 4-4-2 with Giroud and Poldi would be great, but we are so locked into the current system of using our wingers as forwards that it will never happen.


This could actually work out rather well I’d say. Podolski playing off of a target man like Giroud makes more sense than trying to play Podolski as a target man. We’d still have enough quality and creativity in midfield with the likes of Cazorla (left), Ramsey and Arteta (middle) and Ox or Rosicky on the right.

But we all know that’s not happening.


He has rewarded us with 2goals when played for 9mins today

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