Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fabianski starts: Norwich v Arsenal teams

Norwich: Ruddy; Martin (c), R Bennett, Turner, Olsson; Tettey; Snodgrass, Howson, Johnson, Redmond; Elmander

Subs: Bunn (GK), Whittaker, Fer, Hooper, E Bennett, Loza, Josh Murphy.

Arsenal: Fabianski, Jenkinson, Sagna, Koscielny, Gibbs, Arteta, Rosicky, Ramsey, Ozil, Podolski, Giroud

Subs: Szczesny, Monreal, Wilshere, Kallstrom, Flamini, Diaby, Sanogo

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Mertesacker not even on the bench? And does Fabianski starting mean that Szcz will play in the final?


Or it means a game time before the fa cup 90 minutes under his belt.


Hard to believe that the boss would deny Szcz the golden glove and the fa cup final.


Yeah fancy it’s a farewell performance for Fabianski.


All it means is that szcz can’t claim his golden glove award. Wonder how he feels about that. Do they let players share the award or what?

PWD Dublin (@PWD_Dublin)

Absolutely right, given how much he’s spoken about wanting to win the Golden Gloves in the past week, being benched must be gutting. No doubt as a professional he’ll have accepted Wenger’s decision (assuming he’s being rested for the FA cup final) Very much a case of missing a personal achievement (helped by the team) for a team achievement.


Interesting to see Sagna at CB… 😀 Always thought he’s been good there…


Sagna is a world class defender, whether playing at RB, CB or LB! Most consistent player of the season, such a pity we’re letting him go.


Bit unfair on Szcz. I know personal accolades won’t be wengers concern. But it’s a dead rubber, let him go for the golden glove!


He will get an FA Cup medal though.


this should mean that szczesny is starting for the final, although you never know with arsene! thought sanogo was gonna get a start…


RISKY WENGER! this is a nothing match and we have a cup final in 6days! ramsey ozil and giroud should not even be on the bench. please dont ruin our chances because of poor management. its happened to us before just think….


Wenger surprises yet again.


So now Szczesny will be denied both the golden glove and the FA Cup final in place of a player that is leaving in the summer. I could understand sticking with Fabianski for the final because he got us there but this just seems wrong to me.



with the left and the right

Completely agree. This lineup shows just how much pressure Wenger feels when it comes to the final. He would rather risk injury to Ozil and Ramsey and deny Szczesny a golden glove even though he won’t be playing in the final just so that he can keep the players fresh. If he wasn’t under pressure to win then i think we would have seen a different lineup here. It still bothers me a lot though, especially with Szczesny, imagine the discontent he’ll harbor if we lose the final? I have a sinking bad feeling that one of Ozil or Ramsey… Read more »

PWD Dublin (@PWD_Dublin)

You know Fabianski is a sure thing for the final then do you? Wenger might have promised him but surely common sense would tell you that Szczesny will play in the final having been benched yesterday. Wenger might make unique decisions at times but he’s not an idiot.


Surprised to see Arteta ahead of Flamini in the line up, thought he might get a pre-Wembley rest. Also gutted for Szczesny not getting a chance to get ahead of Cech for the Golden Glove! Does anyone know who wins if they finish level on clean sheets? Does it go to whoever has fewer appearances?


Good to see Jenko get a start, hope Diaby and Jack get a run out.

Young Gunner

Personally I’d of started Diaby and Källstrom but I’m not the boss. Good team COYG


Denying Szczesny the chance to win the Golden Gloves? Surely he must start the final. He’s our best keeper and will be our keeper for many years to come. It would be stupid to not let him play the final


I agree, very weird decision, but won’t he still get the award albeit together with Cech?


Cech may get it on the tie-break due to less goals conceded overall unfortunately…

Tommy Gunner

So he rests Szczesny, thus denying him the golden glove, but plays a knackered Giroud, a just back from injury Ramsey and Ozil, and Sagna at centre back (when surely Verm is crying out for a start). I simply do not understand Wenger sometimes


Verm is not on the bench so he’s probably injured/ill


Couldn’t agree more, why on earth play Ozil, Ramsey,Giroud, Kos. Injury, red card let’s just pray on this day when we were meant to be relaxed etc.


Yeah big surprise picking Ozil and Ramsey. Would have thought that losing Cesc just before our last final he would have played a lot safer.

Top Gunner

Sczc tied with Cech for the golden glove, & as Cech ain’t playing so how will it be decided?


Share the spoils mate.

jack cassidy

Cech has less game time so he’ll get it


Remy isn’t in the Newcastle squad, hmmmm


Alan Pardew said he’s injured


Strange team choice, if Mertesacker was in for Jenkinson I could almost believe we’re putting out the team we’ll use in the cup final to give them as much time together as possible. But we’ve got a weakened defence with a strong attack – normally when Wenger rests players he does it the other way round.

Oh well, fingers crossed everyone comes through okay, it’s just a shame we can’t make four substitutions, would like to see Wilshire, Diaby and Sanogo get a run out but I expect Kallstrom/Flamini will come on.


Bring him on at 90! 🙂


that would still be Fabianski’s clean sheet


Am surprised at some names here. Thought giroud shld ve been rested and also Ozil shld ve been rested. Anyway,maybe it’s to keep them in good shape for the FA cup final. Am also surprised not to see Vermaelen in d starting line-up. #Strange


If szczesny is left out for both, for a player thats leaving in the summer, and he turns round in a few years deciding he wants to leave.. No-one could blame him. I like Fab, but hes going. Ridiculous decision. As is Ramsey, Ozil and Girod starting. If they get injured today God help us.


whatever szczensny did to wenger!!!


Cech will get the golden glove because of some cleansheets to match starting ratio or something like that

Trapped in Wenger's basement

Where are Vermaelen and Mertesacker??


Please tell me Merti and Cazorla are not injured and just being rested.

Oor Wullie

Sanogo should have been given a full match. Wonder if he’ll get his usual pointless 5 minute cameo at the end of the match. Or maybe he’s being rested for the cup final?


What happens if sezzy comes on as a sub and he gets a clean sheet?

Does he win the golden glove? Also what happens if he doesn’t come on.

Does sezzy and cech both get the glove?

Somebody enlighten me please :p


Could the plan be to substitute Fabiansky ten minutes before the final whistle and that way increasing the chances of Szczesney keeping clean sheet and winning the Golden gloves?

HP Brown Sauce

Good to see Jenko get a run, he’s especially been notable when Sagna is at CB (possible on-pitch guidance?)

Looking forward to see how he handles the wing today, I’m sure it’ll go some way to making a decision for our team’s RB position as of next season.


What if Szcz is subbed on in the last minute if we haven’t conceeded? Does he get golden glove?


Same question as Gunnerzed from me…


Perhaps Wenger hasn’t decided on a keeper for the final yet and will give them both 45 today to make a decision? Seems unlikely but just a thought.


Why do you all care about the golden glove. Its really not that important


Plus this is a game that could’ve seen rotation, a useless game against Norwich is not going to have players playing at the highest level. So not really good preparation for a final. Also a great chance for the likes of Diaby, Kallstrom Sanogo to try give the fans a show. Let’s hope nothing goes wrong, because it’ll be pretty hard for Arsene to defend.


Not on really szcza should be in the team from start and flappy in the final.


Golden Glove is a trophy! Takes the pressure off next week!


Crazy selection. What happens of Giroud gets injured?


And Ramsey and Ozil etc.

Very odd


These guys are only playing once a week atm. Shouldn’t be a problem playing the so called big names.
Momentum and playing time together may be best for the cup final.

palace gunner



If Szczesny comes on as a sub and keeps a clean sheet, does he still get the golden glove?


Apologies gunnerzed, just realised you asked the same question.


Y u wenga unfair to Szcz?


Not sure why anybody cares about the golden glove. Never even heard who won it any previous season. Didnt even know it existed, to be honest

Yankee Gooner

Maybe Szcz knows that if Fabianski is deservedly starting the final, then letting Fab play today is a good thing for Arsenal. Team achievement over personal glory. Just a guess.

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