Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tearful Sagna praises Wenger after cup win

An emotional Bacary Sagna has paid tribute to Arsene Wenger after the Gunners FA Cup win over Hull yesterday.

After what was likely to be his final game for the club, the right-back was overcome with tears as he spoke to L’Equipe about taking the trophy and what it meant for the manager after so many years.

He deserves it because he has always believed in us . He gave everone a chance here. All these years he has been heavily criticized and … ( He pauses overcome by tears ) … we struggled for quite a few years.

“I’m happy for him and for the club.”

He refused to be drawn on his future, but was proud of the way the team recovered from 2-0 down to win at Wembley.

It had been nine years, so it was really important to win. There’s pride giving a title to these supporters, and personal pride because this is my first trophy with Arsenal.”

Wherever he ends up, it’s fantastic to see the man with a medal after so many good years with us.

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dont go bac..(tries not to cry)…we need you…(cries a lot)

Don Cazorleone

Such a shame, would have loved to see him retire with us, testimonial match and all

good assassin

The way he’s built and has performed over the years, I could see Sagna playing till he’s forty. The man’s a machine.

Momo (@MuhamLAD)

Can think of two occasions this season alone where someone attempted to tackle Sagna and got themselves injured. He’s a monster

El Capitano

Been a great player for us over the years. All that will be wasted if he signs for City.

Rocky Rocastle

He will probably join PSG as it is the club he supports as a fan. That is my Guess Anyway. And they would not have a problem bumping his wages either.


Does this mean I have to support City as well???
For what its worth.. Thank you Bac and good luck to you. Its perfectly OK for you to go for the big money. You have respected the fans the club and the manager and you have put in your eight years with dignity and without undue controversy and in the words of Mr. Han from the movie “Enter The Dragon” YOU HAVE OUR GRATITUDE!!


True servant and gentleman. Best of luck to him wherever he goes.


He should stay if he wants to win Bac to Bac trophies



“He deserves it because he has always believed in us . He gave everone a chance here. All these years he has been heavily criticized”

Wenger has been criticised for lack of trophies, caused by big players leaving. The 1 year big players didn’t leave, we’ve won a trophy. So Bac should understand that if he stays we can win again 😀


I see what you did there!!

Ronaldo's Paunch

Deserved this, he has. Bac’s been a consumate professional and a warrior to the end. Sad to see him go.

Vieira's Telescopic Legs

come on bac, a couple more years!!

watching the celebrations after the game and the parade, you really get the feeling the lads are simply a group of hardworking, humble, decent human beings – by which i mean nobody of the nasri/gallas/adebayor ego/troublemaker/cunt mold. Easy to really feel their joy and get behind them cos they really care and get what the club is about, cliche as that sounds. Wenger’s done well to get all the shit personalities out of there. The British core of the team will take this side far.


Agreed. I consistenly see evidence that the kids are a family- players saying how Wenger stuck with them and gave them faith; players signing longterm deals without much fuss; players recruiting their friends to come. I think part of it is the older players they’ve collected. Arteta, Mertesacker, or Rosicky might not be the fastest and they might take longer to rev up, but the maturity and leadership has improved the younger set. You have a strong voice in the touchline, but also on the field.

12th Man in The Clockend

It is true – I agree. He is a model professional who fought with everything he had til the end and I love him for that.

But how quick will the love for him turn to hate if he joins up with City?

Vieira's Telescopic Legs

if he goes with class and just plays his football, he’ll always get a good reception… unless he does something silly like join chelsea


Fortunately Mourinho wouldn’t have him. He’s not enough of a twat.


Or worse Man U. Couldn’t bear that


“Tearful Sanjeev Cannot Stop Staring at This Picture”

We want you to stay…


Pleeeeaase don’t go city! Why leave? Just for the money. I think that’s depressing. We’ve just proven we can win trophies and this could be the start of a good cycle if we play our cards right.

Why would he want to be on the bench behind Zaba?


He won’t be on the bench. He will be next to Kompany in the centre 🙁


No, he’ll be on the right with Zabaleta on the left but providing cover for whoever they spunk 25 million on to play CB.

Feeling more optimistic about him staying though, guess that’s probably Cup fever but I’m sure we’ve offered him a decent wage if he really wants to stay.


No club or no manager can give you this kind of love. Please stay Bac.


That picture makes me want to cry. Beautiful. Respect Bac wherever he decides to go

Petit's Handbag

Laughed way more than I should have…


He more than any deserves this win. Gutting to see him go though…


Bac is someone I wish we should never let go.

If he goes, then we need to buy two people. A central defender and a right back. And Bac is world class at one position and a highly competent back up at another. He knows how Arsenal works having been here for a decade, is reasonably healthy, has shown loyalty through difficult times, runs full tilt from minutes 1 to 90, and as is the requirement for any Arsenal player thee days – has great hair.

Please Back. Stay. Stay. Stay. I cannot be more forthright.


And a keeper.


If we are looking seriously at Javi Martinez then he can provide cover at CB, so then we would just need a Vermaelen replacement and a RB.


Bac is someone I wish we should never let go.

If he goes, then we need to buy two people. A central defender and a right back. And Bac is world class at one position and a highly competent back up at another. He knows how Arsenal works having been here for a decade, is reasonably healthy, has shown loyalty through difficult times, runs full tilt from minutes 1 to 90, and as is the requirement for any Arsenal player thee days – has great hair.

Please Bac. Stay. Stay. Stay. I cannot be more forthright.


Agree full stop and then some! He’s more than reasonably healthy, The man landed on hid head and shoulders from 5′ in the air early season without a game missed! He’s a machine- of the good kind!


He’s been a great player for the club, but he deserves a chance to do something for himself now.
He’s 31 now, and it’s been frustrating not to win anything for years, and wherever he decides to go I hope he can win trophies.


If he goes, it’s true, he may win some medals. He may make some more money.

…but he’ll never be loved like he is here. He will never be more important to his teamates and fans. He will never have a boss who will care for him like a son (see photo above).

I’ll never understand how someone could leave this.


You can’t buy food (cars, houses, mansions) with love.

He was a great servant.


Where’ve you been the last few days? We won the cup! And we’ll do it again.


Why is Bac behaving like he is being forced out? We love him we want him to stay.

We’ve offered him good money. His family love London. Why oh why does he need to leave?


I will always remember that “fuck this shit” header against sp*rs that’s started a revival.


My favourite part of the whole goal is that he almost manages to keep calm throughout, managing to hold onto his emotions, but when running back to the kick off you can see him shout and clench his fist for about 3 seconds. Pure love for the club, my favourite goal of the past decade.

Edu's Braces

Its probably the hang over but I nearly welled up reading that. Oh bac.


You can see the whole club wants him to stay, Wojciech started the ‘We want you to stay’ chant today on the bus…


We already have to find a first choice DM, a striker to compete & complement Giroud, along with the back-up GK. Judging by out performance in the past transfer windows, anything more than 2-3 signings in a window is with all due respect beyond our beloved club.

Hence for that reason though AW hates to give a contract beyond the years a player is useful for, it would be extremely useful to retain Sagna. He could play the CB role as well which is another position if Vermalen goes we need to add to

Andy Mack

The club and manager could sign a dozen players but AW has always said that he doesn’t want to change more than 5 of the squad per year (or was it per ‘window’). And that 5 should include youngsters rising from the reserves as well as buying in. If you look at all the successful teams you’ll see that the majority of the squad aren’t new (or look at Shite Fart Lane for further proof). I agree that we should try everything sensible to keep Bac but without knowing what he wants, it’s difficult to know if we can. Fingers… Read more »

Angolan Girl Who Loves The Gunner

Please Sagna, don’t go, we need you alot 🙁 (starts crying)…


Good luck wherever you go! (As long as it’s not in England!)

Giroud Awakening

I’m gonna miss those bicycle kick goal line clearances 🙁


Such a great photo.


I’m guessing whomever down voted that is colorblind, hit the wrong button on accident, or is too drunk to realize what kind of a fuck it would take to down vote it!


We need to keep sagna his been so loyal to us and believed in us that we can win things, I hope he stays I want him to sign a new 4year deal and end his carer with us his been one of are best right backs we’ve had over the years give him £150,000 a week deal for his loyalty please stay Mr Sagna looool next season well win more trophies we promise you.

kazeem Adewale Kolapo

Pls Bac don’t go.We love you so much. I wish you finish your career as Arsenal legend


🙁 *sob*


Woj started the ‘we want you to stay’ chant on the bus and theo on the stage outside the emirates today. Sagna is loved by the players and fans. I know he’s 31 and maybe impatient with the lack of trophies or upset over this wage situation; but we’ve just won the FA Cup and hopefully with the right additions Arsenal will be a force again and I for one would love him to be apart of that. If he goes he’ll be a hard act to follow. Hopefully, if he leaves he won’t stay in England as this love… Read more »


When he says “first with Arsenal”, I want to believe that he intends to win more with us…


Please don’t go Ludivine.


When he’s gone and we have a right back that actually is sometimes in the correct position, you will realise that this is no great loss.

Don Cazorleone

Said no football fan ever


Nice to see you up voted your own post, ‘jack’off.


The only way you could actually be saying this is if you watch every Arsenal game in the mirror, in which case Sagna will appear to be positioning himself at left back.

Seriously, biases aside, this is the best right back in the league over the past 6-7 seasons. What have you been watching?? Or smoking???


He’s stuck with us through some bad times. And he’s brought us a trophy at last. I have no ill feeling should he decide to move on after what he’s done for us. Thank you for everything Bac.





Dark Hei

Sagna to City is not a done deal. Simply count City’s squad and you can see that they currently fall foul of the UEFA home grown rule. Sagna isn’t home grown so how do they even sign him after accepting the penalties.


and that word….”and personal pride because this is my first trophy with Arsenal.””

Can I hope?


Arsene kissed the dreads of one of his most loyal and long serving warrior. and wenger being praised and respected by all his players. that is what being classic gets you. maureen being branded à “fool” by his own player is what being à cunt gets you. i guess respect is earned and not bought by arab and russian money. grow up mou!!! cos grey hair is not à guarantee for wisdom.


This is exactly why Mou has such a fetish for trying to stick it to Wenger. Because Wenger has consistently done what Mou is utterly incapable of: taking a team with limitations year after year to a level critics say they should not be at, and nurturing, developing, and respecting talented players via lofty ideals in a way they would have gotten nowhere else.


Let me add the ‘team with limitations’ bit meant the investment capabilities of the club, of course!

Policeman's Bangers 'N' Mash

I really like Sagna because he’s tough and driving. However, I think he is replaceable. He is not renowned for his crossing, passing, or dribbling. When he’s replaced I’d like to see a trickier South American-type defender come in. A Carlos, Alvez, Cafu … a Garrincha-Stam mutant crossbreed.


i am still staggered that he would want to go to City (if rumours are to be believed). They’re the only club with a right back that could match him. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t sign him as a CB. And he couldn’t possibly be getting THAT much more money there. He has at least a couple of top years left in him. And this Arsenal team will only get better next season. Just doesn’t add up….


Give him what he wants he has dedicated him self to afc when he could of left like the others. Why does Ozil get paid more? When bacary has played his heart out for us for several years and ozil has just signed this season. Loyalty should be rewarded. Anyways far as I’m concerned bac is afc through and through regardless where he plays but arsenal are letting him down in terms of wages for a top class loyal footballer with experience.

Andy Mack

‘Give him what he wants’ is really easy to say (type) when you haven’t a clue what he wants or what he’s been offered. He’s 32 which means he could play for another 8 years or he could get injured in pre-season and never play a game again (whilst absorbing the medical teams time when they could be using it on others). I’d really like him to stay but without knowing what he wants, I won’t know if the deals is workable. He may insist that a youth team player is sacrificed in front of the directors box on every… Read more »


Great hair

tanned arse

I’m not that fussed to lose him at right back. I’ve got more belief in jenkinson than most but also I’d like to see someone who can affect things further up the pitch a bit more. The big loss will be as a center back. He’s better than Vermealen and can probably maintain his level in that position for another 3 years. Suspect City would play him there.

Don Cazorleone

It’s his consistency that we will miss. The corporal is just not quite ready to step up yet (at least I don’t think). Bac is an absolute consummate professional who hasn’t had an “off day” in as long as I can remember. That is what is hard to replace.
I guess it’s also about having the senior players as ambassadors for the club, and teachers for the young lads coming through the ranks. Players that represent who we are and what we do.

M Thomas

He has refused to sign some very good offers from the club. He’s desperate to join Man City which says alot about how desperate he is for money. If he really loves Arsenal he’ll go abroad but he don’t love us that much. I think he should show some loyalty to Wenger and stay, at least he’ll get first team football.

Arsene Wingere

When the Sagna chant started Wenger was singing along. 🙂

Wengers Knees

Baby, come bac… da da dum dum dum dum.


I think this is actually a more complex debate. On the one hand, yes he has been a loyal and ever-reliable servant, and I would love to see that rewarded, to see him finish his playing days with us (when was the last time that happened?) and to have a testimonial. He’s a great RB and there are myriad reasons for keeping him. But, if Sagna is holding out for better money, who is to say we couldn’t use that money to buy a RB in their mid-20s? A player with more of a future, who might offer something slightly… Read more »


I wish him well for the future. He’s been a very reliable soldier for the club during our bad period. Against all hope, I still feel we can persuade him with a better deal. Whatever happens he’ll remain one of my favourite players.


Bac should stay, but this time as a centre back, lets try and get a more offensive rightback #the Yoshida type

Zaharaddeen Getso

I really love you Sagna and wholeheartedly wish you all the best in ur future club but only if you don’t go to mancity or any PL club


I’m in the ‘give him what he wants camp’. If the negotiations broke down over wages, I feel like the club should really have been generous this one time, I’m sure it would be worth it. Of course it’s a two-sided process though and considering how it’s probably Sagnas last chance to try something new, he may just not be inclined to stay, and if that’s the case then we must thank him for years of magnificent service and wish him luck wherever he goes. Unless it’s United or Chelsea. Or Tottenham. Although I think there’s less danger of that.… Read more »


Never wanted him to leave Arsenal without a trophy. Hope he stays as he has been the best and most consistent right back and yes we will win back all those glory again with Bac.
Last premier league side to lift a trophy. Not that i am hoping for a apocalypse.


Bacary Sagna’s favourite football team when he was growing up was PSG (Paris Saint Germain)

MOTHERFUCKINGSHIT,if it is a money issue, we’re srewed

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