Saturday, July 27, 2024

Allardyce confirms imminent Jenkinson deal

Carl Jenkinson’s loan move to West Ham United could be completed in the next 24 hours according to manager Sam Allardyce.

The 22-year-old is understood to have offers on the table from six Premier League clubs but with Hull City dropping out after the right-back outlined a preference to stay in London, it’s the Hammers who lead the chase.

Speaking to talkSPORT about the possibility of a deal, Upton Park’s Walrus-in-chief, Sam Allardyce, revealed:

“We’re interested in signing Carl Jenkinson from Arsenal on loan. I’m hoping it’s going to be completed in the next twenty four hours. We’re hoping that’s going to be OK.”

Jenkinson’s future at Arsenal has been somewhat undermined by the recent recruitment of both Mathieu Debuchy and Calum Chambers, however, it looks as though Arsene Wenger isn’t yet ready to part with the former-Charlton man on a permanent basis.

While working with Sam Allardyce might make lesser men retch, Arseblog News has no doubts that the Corporal’s ‘banter’ will see him make many a friend in the East End.

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I know we tend not to be the biggest fans of the fat bastard, but maybe his “19th century football” will be good for Carl. I certainly imagine it being a more positive experience than if one of our attacking players ended up there. He’ll have to do more defending there than he’ll ever have to do at Arsenal and I can see that being a good thing. No reason at all why there can’t be a place in the side for Jenko eventually if he’s good enough. Debuchy won’t be around forever, Chambers looks like he can play anywhere,… Read more »


And its West Ham vs the Spuds too for the first game!

Formerly El Capitano

I hope that Carl uses this as an opportunity to work his nuts off and get regular experience playing first team football. I hope he doesn’t see it as Arsene binning him off, I hope he takes note of Jack & Rambo’s loan spells and he see’s how exposure to regular fist team football in the Premier League can be so effective if he applies himself correctly…. and realises what not to do on loan by looking at Lansbury & Frimpong as examples of a load of kids with wasted talent that took their eyes off of the football. I… Read more »


Arsene said himself that he sees Chambers in central midfield in the future so the right-back covering is only temporary, I assume. In a few years we may end up with Jankinson & Bellerin in right-back position which may & may not be good enough but by the time we should know.

Was Born a Gooner

Now Let Him Join the Hammers, Get “Ham’d” Up Defensively and Come back a Stronger Player Next Season…


Fantasy Football right back sorted without using one of my three Arsenal picks. Good luck Jenko, hurry back.

Virginia Goon

Hahaha…brilliant call. Here’s some love, cause I’ll be stealing that nugget this year.


Come back strong Corporal! Once a gooner, always a gooner!


Unless your last name is Fabregas… too soon?

Bould's Eyeliner

Wenger has been quoted saying as “maybe near the end of his career” previously. I have faith that there is a good chance that after chelsea, he’ll be back as some sort of old salt with lots of words for the young’ins


Fabregas can’t come back.
Playing for Chelsea is even worse than being on the register of sex offenders.
Emirates Cup this weekend, first leg of the quintiple.
Up The Arsenal


Sextuple, including the Community Shield.


C’ya Jenks! Make us proud!


Can’t wait for LANS Diaby!

Edu's Braces

You better play him you fucking walrus.

Get your vitamin d in jenks, its always dark at upton park (or is that just me?)


It’s a Loan. Go Corporal And come back strong. You owe us That. COYG


No doubt he’s gonna fine-tune his defensive attributes in such a defensive team. He’s gonna be much stronger when he returns to Arsenal. Infact, he’ll be LANS next summer!!

Congratulations guys, we’ve just got ourselves a future LANS! What a time to be alive!




I only ask for one thing; strangle the walrus before you get back.

Andy Mack

My ‘Iron’ brother (we all have to do something for ‘care in the community’!) thinks Fat Sam will be the 1st PL manager to meet the spanish archer (El Bow), so the Corp will have to be quick.

Merlin's Panini

I was hoping to see more of him for us this season. Oh well. I think he’ll do well at Vest Spam.
He’ll be able to feed their big lump strikers with great balls into the box. Much better ones than Stewart fucking Downing too.


Going to do my part and get ‘jenkinson’ on my third kit. To show him he’s still one of us. If he ever saw it that is. And should the transfer go thru in the next 24 hours then he will know the meaning of the gesture seeing as the third kit won’t have been out yet 😉

Yankee Gooner

Here’s to the corporal making some timely tackles that will help our rivals drop some points! Come back in beast mode, Jenks!


One improvement that Jenkinson needs is more physical presence. Sam is the right guy to nurture the “Bad Boy” inside jenks. I want jenks to become a RB who’d kick the sh*t out of Chelsea forward, elbow RVP out for months, May be karate kick a few Liverpool players…

It’s the perfect move.


Agree with your premise, but perhaps not quite to that extent!

Daft Aider

Despite Fat Sam’s revolutionary 1820’s style football I feel this may be the right place for Jenks to get a full season and show what he can do, fingers crossed this helps his game so we can see him back next season in time for the Sp*ds getting relegated…….


Best of luck Jenks!
Gutted you’re not going to be here next season…
There’s a lot of love for you in N5.
Can’t wait to see you back!

Naija Gunner

Sad to see him leave even on a loan move, Ramsey and Wilshere did and came back to be one of the best at Arsenal.

Go and come back a better player ur place is at Arsenal and that right-back position is always your’s.


At least it is just a loan and not permanent.

Was Fat Sam in charge of Bolton when Wilshere went there on loan?


Luckily not, Owen Coyle was


Ignore that question….google is a wonderful thing 😉


I fully back Jenks to return and force his way into the team. Was Dixon the most technical player? Passion can make up for a hell of a lot


That was a different time.

See the number of technically gifted foreign players these days? even the local lads are getting quite gifted in the archane arts of dribbling.


If Jenkinson can get the tallent from experience on this loan potentially he can be the best right back of all time


lets not get ahead of ourselves now… jenkinson has work to do, but he is young, athletic and has a passion that is rare these days. in any case, i imagine to put together a winning team you must see players as part of a puzzle to get the best from the whole and i think jenkinsons piece will fit wengers winning formula for years to come. Have faith, we’re out of the ‘drought’, have a team looking to win and we’re carrying the b!inkin FA CUP! those years were just the quiet before the storm! COYG!


Chambers is really starting to grow on me. After getting excited and then disappointed about Aurier and being a bit confused about Calum signing with Jenkinson also in the team, i think this kid will fit in well with the Arsenal! BTW, Vermaelen didn’t travel with the squad to the training camp in Austria. Might be another sign of the skipper leaving. Seems like a good move for Jenkinson as West Ham doesn’t really have a decent starting right back.


Fans are fickle.;)

Aurier was flavour of the month like MVila, Wanyama, Gustavo, Mitrogolou, Henrik Mytkitarian etc etc

All I’m sure lived up to expectations of fans at respective clubs.


Aurier wasn’t ‘flavour of the month’ to me. I was genuinely excited about him as he is an Arsenal fan and seems like a unique player. I thought he would be perfect for Arsenal long term, but Wenger made his decision which is a sensible one as Debuchy has experience, unlike Aurier. While Chambers also has his advantages over Aurier – Home grown, PL experience, no African Cup, Chambers can play CB with his 1.83 height compared to Aurier’s 1.75 (still possible to play for a CB but not ideal).


Well if anyone can improve his aerial ability, it’s Big Sam. I foresee many heading drills in Cpl Jenko’s future.

As others have said Ramsey and Jack came back and kicked on, and I would so love to see you develop into that top class right back for us Jenks!

Veryxerioz Gunner

Goodluck to the cop. Hope he cums baq to show us his new improved goal celebration…. COYG

Ant Lester

Who else have West Ham got in that position, and are they any good?
Will the Corp get much game time?
Fingers crossed for opportunities eh?
Good luck pal.


Anyone read anything into the fact that it’s an allydyce side he’s going to be joining rather than a football playing side? I’m sure Arsene knows he needs to improve on the ball as much anything so sending him there wouldnt be his first choice…


Let’s just hope Walrus plays him.
Or we have a clause, let’s say if he doesn’t play x amount of games till January. We can call him back and loan him to a club, that actually plays him.


I wish Corporal Jenko the very best of luck at the Boleyn. I expect that he will be much better for it, playing regularly against top class opposition week in week out.In the long run,it will make him a better player and a more experienced member of our squad eventually. Good Luck Jenko.COYG!!!

Alright Mate

According to a hammers friend, when I asked him whether Jenkinson is likely to get game time:

‘He’ll start every game, as Demel and OBrien are crap.’

sam gooner

At least he can visit the lads here whenever he wants. And when he gets tired of Big Sam he can cone to Le Prof for respite


And he can stay at his mum’s house in his Arsenal bedecked bedroom.
Up The ARSEnal!


Its fine for us to sit here and have a go at Big Sam, at our most financially restricted we probably had twice as much to spend than him. You have to cut your cloth accordingly. If Ozil was to get the ball off Gibbs and kick it to Giroud people say “what a wonderful pin point ball”. If Nolan get the ball off Collins and kicks it to Carroll people say look at “West Ham hoofing it up field”. One thing I think we can all agree on is Big Sam knows how to defend so this will definitely… Read more »

Gav can't play fifa

Great player with a good future, he’s got pace and a great engine in his locker. Looking forwarf to the days of him and gibbs whipping balls into the corridor of uncertainty.


And so to the shop window he goes. This is likely a last roll of the dice on Jenkinson with the loan providing at very least regularity and hopefully development. However, it looks like Wenger has come to the realisation that jenkinson is a bit one dimensional. nor are his much vaunted crossing particularly good as they are normally whipped in blind. Chambers is a versatile player and will audition for a number of roles this season. Bellerin is pushing for a berth and has been more articulated than jenkinson. Much as I like Carl being a fan of the… Read more »

Monkey nuts

I thought Arsene doesn’t agree with loans between Premier league clubs. Unless it suits of course.

Why doesn’t Carl take a chance in a European league? He’d come back a much better player than going 2 minutes down the road. As Ashley Cole said long after the prime of his career was over English players haven’t got the balls to play abroad, apart from me, who didn’t have the balls to do it 5 years ago.


Firstly because probably Wenger wants to see how he copes playing week in week out in the Premier League and not Lige 1. Secondly it is not the loaning he is against so much, it is more the restrictions from being able to play against the parent club.


I think he was talking about where players can’t play against their parent club. I assume that means Jenkinson will be playing against us.

Gooner '75

Good luck jenks your gunner need it. Plenty of defending to do over there, better practice your crossing on your own. Hoof! “If only i was called Big Fat Sam Allardici”. Lol.

Gooner Mon

Does Jenkinson have a song yet? If he does we should totally sing it at the West Ham games so he knows we care about him.


I think he will definitely be staying at Arsenal next season. He will undoubtedly improve for this spell, and will get plenty of practice crossing at West Ham


Hes shit tbh


Yes, we all know about Fat Sam, but what do you think about Jenkinson?


Really, really hope this goes through. Jenkers needs a full season of first team football if he wants a future at his beloved Arsenal, and we all want to see that happen.

New Magic Hat

I think both the loan and Chambers signing are actually good news for Jenks’ future, and for Arsenal. Jenkinson needs consistent game time to improve to his potential (he seemed to progress noticeably whenever given a consistent run of games). Bear in mind, he joined AFC with very little experience so has a lot less minutes’ experience than most 22yr olds in the Premier League. I envision AW wants a Gibbs/Nacho level of competition at RB, but Jenks desperately needs games to accelerate his development and make his challenge stronger. Debuchy is 29, so not a long-term solution. Hopefully, Jenks… Read more »


Loaning out our backup??? Team depth wins leagues not starters ask man city. 4th place again boys

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