Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stoichkov lambasts Barca over Sanchez sale

Much like last August, when all and sundry around Real Madrid criticised the Spanish team’s decision to sell Mesut Ozil, those close to Barcelona have reacted badly to the sale of Alexis Sanchez to Arsenal.

Their former player, Hristo Stoichkov, now a pundit for Spanish TV, has blasted the people who sanctioned the move, saying they ‘don’t understand football’.

He said, “Because of those who do not understand football we must sell the best player we have at Barca. But the politics of Barcelona is always like this, they don’t players like that.

“He’s the best player we have for pace and fighting qualities. He fights for every ball and plays for the team. I love his mentality. He’s determined and never found wanting.

“He leaves with his head held high,” said the Bulgarian.

While there might be a touch of exaggeration there, it’s clear his sale hasn’t gone down well with many Barcelona fans.

To which we say: chill out guys, you’ve still got Alex Song.

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Revenge for taking Hleb from us in his prime.


Hleb played some serious ball with us


Hleb ‘passed’ some serious ball with us


Hleb had some serious ‘ice-cream’ with us

Wenger's underpants

Hleb, I need somebody
Hleb, not just anybody

Formerly known as El Capitano

Fucking so glad they’re fucked off with this transfer. I fucking hate that club, they smother themselves in this false pretense that they ‘are the beautiful game.’.. the ‘Barca way.. Barca DNA’ .. it makes me sick. Constantly they break the rules when it comes to the transfer window, constantly tapping up players in public and they never ever get banned for it,… and even when they do get ”banned” for it.. they.. still dont actually.. get banned?!?. Not to mention the ridiculously favorable decisions, and leniency, they get by UFEA’s Referee’s in Europe when facing English oppostion. On the… Read more »


That was brilliant.


I’ve only one thing to all those with Barca DNA – ha ha!


Madrid got lambasted for selling Ozil (and Higuain) to fund Bale and ended up with a historic season. Barcelona are doing exactly the same thing with Suarez, Sanchez and Fabregas. However much these corrupt dick-swinging fucktard clubs make decisions that, to a football fan, seem ridiculous, they seem to do just enough to keep their heads over water.

Please continue though, lads. We’d love to take more superstars off your hands and teach them something about being part of something greater than just a money-spinning machine.


And the age is perfect too. Sanchez is 25, Ozil is 24.
I mean if the trend continues, in about 2 more years we’ll have another 2 WC stars + every starter in our team reaching their peak.

Maybe we can bag a European trophy of our own then eh, I mean it’s no Emirates cup but still.


Mind you, I personally don’t think Real Madrid’s season had anything to do with Bale.


Anything? He scored the twwo winners in their two trophies effectivley. I mean… that ain’t bad.


Lol Alex song, Feels nice being reminded this.

Needs to elbow his way into the starting 11 hahaha




Have seen very little of him but from the sound of it he’s not only talented but a warrior too. Lucky us 🙂


One Song. They’ve only got one Song!

Toure Motors

Trying to think of the next song we could sell them… But there isn’t one…

Bayo Babalola

Sanogo….thank me later.


“Pace and fighting qualities”. So very excited about these attributes. He is going to piss some people off next season, pinching the ball from them and accelerating away. It’s going to be beautiful.


I don’t watch Barca every week but I thought Alexis was one of their best players. Messi is the only one who is CLEARLY on a another level (and Xavi, Iniesta in past seasons). That’s why I thought him coming was impossible when there were first rumblings and why I’m stoked now.
I think a big reason why Barca let him go is because him and Messi don’t get along. At least that’s been rumoured for a while. In fairness I’d probably choose Messi over Alexis too but I doubt they would have sold us the former!


You’d PROBABLY choose Messi over Alexis?

Even need to think of that?


Now that Sanchez is a Gunner, I would always choose him over Messi!:D 😛

Wenger's underpants

Are we forgetting Niklas already? Shame on you


Actually not surprised that out all the ex-Barca players to come out and vent about this transfer, that its Stoichkov. I think he probably sees a bit of him in Sanchez. Short, strong, pacey, powerful, passionate and got a good shot on him.


There loss……our gain.



Yup, the ‘El Clásico’ planet is somewhere far, far away. Logic seems to not exist…the overriding need is for ‘one-upmanship’ over the other club. Team qualiity doesn’t matter as long as Barca has a bigger marqee signing than real, and vice versa. Mental. Hopefully the readers of this site can just sit back, point and laugh, and reap the rewards.

Ramsey's spirit

Barcelona and real madrid in a competition to sell us their best players? long may it continue!


John Terry is a cunt.


Hahahahahahahahahah this caught me off guard and made me lol. Totally agreed though…he is


In this forum you never fail with this one, son!


Never 4get!

Wenger's underpants

Lets get that comment to 250 thumbs up. Here’s a reminder of his talent:

East Gooner

This is just a cheap way to get thumbs up on a public forum… That said Thumbs Up to that comment.


I dunno about you, but after years and years of seeing the best players depart, to see who we are signing, the swagger of the club, seeing the years of planning coming to fruition, must be a real vindication of their plan. I will be the first to admit I was ‘Wenger Out’ person at the start of last season. Now, having both Sanchez and Ozil sign BECAUSE of him, and seeing the team he is building, I am happy to give him another few seasons, no problem. Get Khedira and the others will shit it!

Özil Gummidge

So who is his replacement at Barcelona?

Master Bates

the rodent

Wenger's underpants

I bet TGSTEL’s fax machine is working overdrive right now.

Momo (@MuhamLAD)

Bite marks


Who fucking cares?

Let's Find Hleb!!!

We the famous Arsenal and we just signed Alexis…


Alexis comes from the slums of Tocopilla in the north of Chile. He’s a survivor. One thing that you’re guaranteed to get with him is 100% dedication, 100% fight and 100% doggedness. He’s very much like Suárez except he’s not mentally unstable with a fondness for human flesh.

The only Olivier is Giroud

Homer voice: “Hmm….Özil and Sanchez *drools*”


I think when most people refer to “best player” they really mean “best besides Messi.” But yeah even Barca fans are annoyed at this. Neymar is a top talent but their image has been ruined. Signing Suarez only confirms that they have fully gone down the Galactico path of Madrid.
There’s no way Neymar Messi and Suarez can fit into one lineup…

Anyway, fuck them, we’ve got Alexis Sanchez

Ramsey's spirit

dude, i agree barca are basicly cunts, and i agree r.e the messi bit and even the real madrid comparison, but they cant fit into a line up? they can… they just wont play a 442 with neymar amc and 2 solid dms.


Well, for a while, it’s going to be just Messi. Neymar’s out six months and Suarez is gone for four.


Dmcle: haha, that made me burst into the loudest laugh so far today. So sudden, yet so true. He truly is a cunt.


The difference between an iPod and Barcelona is that the iPod plays Song.


We’ve given up shopping at Primark and we now shop at Harrods.


Suarez is one helluva player, but I can’t understand why Barca would choose him over Sanchez. Ability-wise the two don’t seem that far apart, and when you throw Suarez’s tendency towards lunacy and sociopathy then Sanchez comes out on top. It looks like he’s got the same tenacity and attitude towards winning that makes Suarez such a great player, and his goal-scoring ability, complete with the inventiveness and skill that marks Suarez’s play, also seems to be top top top top quality. We’re very lucky indeed but Wenger, Arsenal, and the fans deserve this kind of player and this new… Read more »


Also, £30mil seems like a crazy price when compared to some of the cash being spunked by our ‘rivals’.

Yeah, and £32,000,000 for Luke Shaw? Really!


Alex Song is the fifth man……


I can’t believe we wasted our money on Sanchez when we should have got Messi and Christiano Ronaldo and, for that matter, brought Pele out of retirement and signed him up too.



Stoichkov Is dead right: selling Sanchez to Arsenal was a bad move for Barcelona, but a brilliant one for us.

Sanchez is precisely the kind of player we needed: a pacey goalscorer who will allow us to make the most of Ozil’s creative abilities. And, if need be, we can play him wide and still accommodate Giroud.

But we still need another striker, and a defensive midfielder.

Ramsey's spirit

i am genuinely at a loss to decide which i would prefer for a balls to the walls 11, sanchez wide left to fit in giroud or as striker, i think the decision depends on if we can sign another striker or not for depth, i am not sure i like losing the height in stc that giroud gives us long term is my reasoning

Andy Mack

Depends who the opposition are!


I think it will be some time before sanchez starts playing through the middle. At least at the start of the season, especially with Walcott injured, sanchez will start out playing on the right. Even after Walcott is fit, I think, on the left, Wenger will prefer to play a midfielder like cazorla or ox, so it will be interesting to see where sanchez plays then


Plus, if things aren’t going right we can switch to traditional 4-4-2 with Giroud and Sanchez upfront!
Oh dear *_* is this a dream?


I am in shock as I find myself agreeing with you.

The fool of a Took

Incredible news, can´t wait for the friendlies to begin 🙂

Never done this before, but Im gonna go ahead and pick a starting 11!






Then around the 65th min, we can (for the hell of it) throw on Wilshere, Ox, Flamini or Rosicky depending if we need to attack or defend. Happy times ahead 🙂


and you sold cazorla to who?

Emmanuel Eboue In Space






Obviously I’m being an optimist regarding Khedira but I think its clear we’re after someone in his mould; whether that ends up being Bender or Scheiderlin is also fine by me.

Subs from: Vermalen, Podolski, Giroud, Arteta, Flamini, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Wilshere, Monreal, Jenkinson, Campbell, Rosicky, Diaby, Remy(?)


With that starting 11, I can’t imagine why we’d need to attack around the 65th minute.


In other news: We’ve got Özil!


Sanchez = Pace and fighting qualities
Suarez = Pace and Biting qualities
We made the right choice obviously

North Bank Gooner

To quote Andy Gray, ” take a bow “, blinding!!


Can we please give Wenger massive credit for not only shopping from the biggest clubs in the world (no more french ligue 2 shopping) but also seriously weakening our rivals while he’s at it. Last year, helped move the best EPL’s player from spuds but buying Ozil and now helps barca buy suarez with Alexis’ purchase. Now, how about we give PSG some cash for Cavani just so they can swoop in for Yaya toure or Hazard.


True, but let’s also give him credit for his Ligue 1/2 shopping during the years where we had little money and which brought us Kos and Giroud. And let’s also give him credit for his selection and nurturing of young talent during those same years that now occupy a good few first team places in Szczesny, Gibbs, Wilshere, Ramsey, Walcott, and Ox, as well as those coming through like Zelalem, Gnabry, Bellerin, Eisfeld and Akpom. The ability to bring in players like Ozil and Sanchez is fantastic, but without a solid foundation of real talent that Wenger has built over… Read more »


Fair enough, i have tremendous respect for Wenger’s ability to identify and nurture talent (especially in his early arsenal years) but you have to admit that there have been a lot of curious and frankly rubbish signings in the past few years, we all know the names. This may be because transfer businesses are no longer as secretive as before and other clubs have been snatching away our main targets. Either way, it’s just tremendous to see the club doing transfer business in the highest echelons of the market, getting proven world class players who are about to enter their… Read more »


Agreed, but by the same token we’ve had lots of talent leave us for more money elsewhere, lack of loyalty, or because their vision of where the club should be going doesn’t match that of Wenger (I’m looking at you Van Persie). If those players had shown us the faith and loyalty that Arsenal had invested in them we would have been much stronger over the past few years. Imagine a tea where Nasri, RVP, and Fabregas had stayed. In addition to that, whilst we have had some stinkers and probably more than our fair share given our financial circumstances,… Read more »


No cazorla? I’d switch Sanchez with giroud, bring in caz for giroud


I cant wait to see the starting 11 for the first league game! Where the haters at? Hehehe….


I want Charlie Adam to shove his large venomous bar up Mourinho’s arse next season.


I think the fact that some people are forgetting Cazorla shows how, with just the one signing, our squad looks as if it has so much more depth to it. Alexis is a brilliant buy, can’t wait to see him line up for us on the first day of the season! Also, I can’t understand why Barca have let him go, when, as has been said, him and Suarez are pretty similiar. The bonus for us is that Sanchez is only 25, versus Suarez’s 27. You could say that Suarez is already at his peak, and is a ‘troublesome’ character,… Read more »


Liverpool’s attack will be a little toothless next season

Kall Me When You're Sober

This comment has not received nearly as many up-votes as it deserves.

Can't Think Of A Clever Name

He’s quick! He’s slick!
He pulls his shorts up till his dick! Sanchez! Sanchez!


Fuck them, the player stealing shite hawkes


Ohh yar gunners ya
Ohh yaaa
Gunners yaaa


Sanchez here in Udine was and still is an idol.
It’s a great sign for Arsenal, hope to see him against Barca in Champions League to show them his real qualities.


Mourinho is about to go tro-three-less


after all the tapping up from barca players/management for form AFC stars – all I have to say is to the Catlan side – “HE HAS ARSENAL DNA. HE WAS BORN TO PLAY IN NORTH LONDON”

put that in your pipe and smoke it



I simply love that when we buy players now, their previous clubs explode in bitchy infighting 😀


Hold your horses on the “Sanchez is a goal scorer” idea. I think we can count on him for 10-15 goals if he settles, but no doubt in my mind we need a striker still. Be interesting to see if Walcott can pick up his pre-injury form.


I like the fact that Alexis has a hard work ethic along with his talent


and somewhere Sagna is thinking “oops, maybe I should have stayed”, haha.


Few things echoing good thoughts above: 1. Given a healthy squad (ie. Walcott back 100%), Arsenal’s 11 + 3 will be absolutely deadly. We can kill a game, push for a win, or rotate the squad to rest players / give youth a chance…depending on need. 2.. With his running, diectness and determination to score, Sanchez is both a huge addition to this team and a signal of Aresnal’s commitment to pace in attack. 3. Sanchez / Ozil / Ramsey / Walcott on the same side is going to give any opponent, PL or CL, nightmares. These four will be… Read more »

bergkamp's hooped sock

All we need to do is get Charlie Adam to sign now and we’re all set


My Arsenal dream team for next season..Szczesny Debuchy Mertesacker Koscielny Gibbs, Khedira & Ramsey, Theo ozil Alexis, Loic Remy up front.. fastest team in the league

Injured Gooner South Africa

Depth, that is all I have to say, we have it now. No more spreading our attack minded mids to the point where they just look so knackered like we did last season. Has any one out the noticed that for once the only player out with injury is Wali, shiiit, even Diabi is out and about running and kicking footballs and trieng to get game time. The thing I would love to see is Arsene’s ability to rotate his squad and keep everyone happy. With this squad I would be praying our team wins their games in all the… Read more »

Roy Jewell

Exciting doesn’t begin to describe what’s in store for us ever-loyal Gooners. The trophy drought hopefully behind us (Com shield would be a dream start to 14/15 (Emirates Cup aside) and God knows, we’ve got the cabinet space for a decent haul this term.


Arjen Robben is a cunt.


No, no. Cunt is saved for the elitist of the elitist. Arjen Robben is a thief. Stealing the life of football with every dive. And then some more with agreeing that he dived.

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