Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger confirms Ospina deal

In a break from the norm, Arsene Wenger has spoken about signing goalkeeper David Ospina from Nice before the club have officially announced the deal on the club’s website.

The Colombian stopper, 25, joins for a fee of around £4m and is believed to have signed a five-year deal with the club. Having impressed in the World Cup in Brazil, Arsene Wenger has now secured some real depth in the goalkeeping position.

Having lost Lukasz Fabianski to Swansea and loanee Italian Emiliano Viviano, who has returned to his home country to set up a rustic bistro in Tuscany, the Gunners were in need of a new keeper. Youngster Damian Martinez is expected to be the third choice, but Ospina arrives to challenge the incumbent number 1, Wojciech Szczesny.

Speaking to assembled media after last night’s 1-0 defeat to New York Red Bulls the manager said:

“I’ve known him for a long time because he played for Nice and he went there a few years ago and slowly became a very important player for them.

“[France and Sp*rs keeper] Hugo Lloris played for Nice before he moved to Lyon and after he moved they played Ospina. He had a big impact straight away and Lloris was not an easy player to replace.

“I felt that he did very well at the World Cup.”

The boss had already hinted in an earlier press conference that Ospina will challenge Wojciech Szczesny for the number 1 shirt although it’s likely the Pole will start the season in goal when the Gunners play Crystal Palace on August 16th.

Arseblog News issues a hearty bienvenido to our new man, and we look forward to seeing him do his stuff. As an aside, his sister is married to James Rodriguez…crafty Arsene always playing the long game.

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Steve of Chiang Mai

With Real being our feeder club now we should pick up James in a year or two…..


Now for some real signings!


Ospina is imaginary?


The Ghost of Ospina, Ghosopina.


No chance he was talking about real as in Real Madrid? It was just an average pun, no disrespect. That’s how I see it.

Bould's Eyeliner

As one might say, you sir, like to make lemonade, I’m guessing.


He’s even quoted saying this on… weird there’s not official confirmation. Waiting for photos of him decked out in Puma gear to be taken I suppose.


Its confirmed on @arsenal

Per's Nimble Footwork

Welcome Ospina. So, about this Calim Chambers thing, is that like a two-in-one signing or what? Or Le Boss has found a cloning machine and wants to test on the most complete defensive youngster.

Per's Nimble Footwork

Welcome Ospina. So, about this Calum Chambers thing, is that like a two-in-one signing or what? Or Le Boss has found a cloning machine and wants to test on the most complete defensive youngster.

Biff Baxter

All your Ospinas belong to us!!!1


Another good signing. Feeling positive that this year we will be stronger than last year. Will it be enough? Who knows. But we’ve made some quality signings in the areas that needed strengthening 🙂


He’s a sold guy. The acceleration that the club has suddenly taken is exciting. Not are we just signing good players early on in the transfer market, our manager has also started talking about these players before the official announcement. Some serious ambition is on display as Wenger enters his last few years as the club manager. He not only wants to leave on a high, but he also wants to assemble a decent quad so that whoever comes in next (Thierry?) finds it a touch easier. What a man! What a club! COYG!

gooners n roses

so our marquee signing next season is Hames Rodriguez then!


Howdy ho and a big welcome to Dave Pianos! I am really enjoying this transfer window. Compared to the last few years! Keep up the good work AW!


Is this the most unofficial official deal in Wenger’s time at the club!

Btw, on the Chambers deal, there was someone on this site about a month ago absolutely swore we were after him, when there was many rumours about Aurier. Looks like he was right after all.

Chambers will be 4th choice CB sorted (if signed). I do hope we keep Vermalen however because in a long time we are going to have some real squad depth and there aren’t many (if any) better 3rd choice CBs around


That was me. Not that I’m interested in saying I told you so…


Hat tip


The interesting thing for me was how long ago it was agreed. I was told the player and club had come to an agreement back in April.

Jap's Eye

When will the first “Wenger Out” calls start this year?

Another good and early signing.


Within 2-3 season we will win champions league and dominate the BPL


The British Petroleum League? These sponsorship deals are really getting out of hand.

Trex d' Gunner

Welcome to London and the Premier League’s finest.
And as always John Terry is an absolute cunt


About this deal not being announced, could it be as simple as the media guys and Ospina saying; “fuck it, we don’t do weekends!”

Arsenal seem to take their time when it comes to this stuff. Seems to me if the deal is done they could announce it for the supporters, then follow up with pictures and interviews when the player returns from Holliday


If this is true, it’s an excellent signing in terms of value for money.
Cardiff were reportedly quoting upwards of £13 million for Marshall.

No offence to him but is he as good as this chap ? I certainly can’t believe he’s better.
But he would have cost 3 times as much.

We – or at least some of us – lament the lack of home grown talent but it’s not surprising
that they don’t get a chance with the costs involved. Still, that’s a quality signing for
a really efficient price.


And Chelsea’s weapon against us is past it Drogba hahaa!


If u think we are on d road to domination i would like to remind of u of 2 manchester clubs with excellent managers and the cunts at chelsea who are equally capable of competing with us. Doesnt prevent us from being optimistic though


7 – 0

Sammy Nelsons Arse

Racerr, I think you mis typed 7th cause that’s where united finished right.


They are finding it hard to attract names like Vidal.

No 4th place trophy.


July 27, 2014
About this deal not being announced, could it be as simple as the media guys and Ospina saying; “fuck it, we don’t do weekends!”
If Ospina doesn’t do weekends we’re in deep doo doo


Welcome Ospina! However I believe it is our new keeper who is married to James Rodriguez. Wenger you crafty devil! #agentospina
(Google the images and you will see)


So if David is married to James who will travel? Alternate shifts?


“In a break from the norm”……..Is it just me That feels our whole transfer those window has been a break from the norm?


This is the fundamental mistake of a lot of people in believing that things will stay the same. How many seasons since we last won a trophy? NO reason to have felt that we were going to panic buy or leave it to last minute. Ozil’s purchase last season was not motivated by panic. It needed to await the result of madrid’s capture of Bale. We also benefited from the competition having committed themselves. With the likes of nNited sniffing for a playmaker (Fabregas), we were not the only team to be able to afford Ozil. Yet many prefer to… Read more »

not a comedian

Santori..exactly right in your whole assessment. I’d like to add a few points. 1. Regarding the Ozil purchase. .Do people not remember the ridiculous games Levy and Spurs were playing last summer? At one point Real Madrid had built a large stage for the unveiling of Gareth Bale before a preseason game and had to dismantle it because Spurs were holding out for the last possible second to finish the sale knowing that we were not going to get Ozil before they shipped out the simian one to R.M. 2. Regarding Campbell you are exactly right..he had an amazing World… Read more »


Mr. OSPINA, welcome to the club, allow me to give you a short tour, the one with magical eyes is the leader of the German attackers, the big guy at the defense over there is also a fucking German. Well, the bloke is our striker. In between the bars, well you must know who that is, before I tell you about others let me show you someone, “you see that cunt outside the gates of emirates?, that cunt is john terry


Great signing, he’s very good!

Added bonus : he and Alexis will be in the same situation regarding the adaptation to the english language, so both may find the tranistion easier, it’s better than Alexis having to settle by himself (ok there’s Mikel & Santi to help, but still…)


@ Rich Hahaha, guess so! Still he is top quality so maybe we’re looking at a Real Madrid keeper situation since we now have two keepers that seems to be equally brilliant.

Anyone know if we’re gonna promote Martinez for third choice for next season btw?


All our gripes and wishes for the last few summer windows have been taken on board and really acted upon this summer. Not even August and we appear to have four signings we actually need and improve on what we have. Brilliant.

Cliff Bastin

Hello welcome to Arsenal


Welcome to the Arsenal Ospina. You’ve got a sexy name!!!


He’s a little on the small size for a GK (6 feet ‘ 0 compared to szcesney 6’5 and Van der Sar 6’6) but otherwise a good signing.


Mebbe he’ll “grow” into the position? (heh heh heh)


Shay Given was 5″11 & he was one of the Premier Leagues best in his time

Highbury Clockhand

He’ll do fine. Also, I think Szcsneny is less than 6’5″; he looks more than inch shorter than Per in all the photos.

Limp Bar

It’s fantastic that we’ve sorted out the goalkeeping backup and added competition, we’ve signed a good right back with Premier league experience, and of course added (super, super) quality with the addition of Sanchez. Things are clearly moving in the right direction. For me though there are still 3 main issues we need to sort out from last (and previous) seasons. 1. Looking at our signings it still seems that we’ll go into the season with Giroud up front. There may be a surprise and perhaps we’ll play Sanchez up front, but I have a feeling we’ll still need the… Read more »


Salient points. Signings and injuries are somewhat linked. We can’t over populate bc we should also have room for organic growth (Ramsey) thereby there is a finite limit (and economic one too) to player additions. This must be properly managed. Still think we are extremely light at Cback and up top. These are priorities. Too much focus (in the media at least) seems to be on RB where Debuchy will provide ample cover for jenkinson and Bellerin to be assessed this season. A Cback who can cover RB is benefitial of course but at the price, is a 19 yr… Read more »




Shit, is that what really happened to Viviano? Poor guy. Apparently we had the option of making his loan permanent, so he must have been really crap during training, or boffed the boss’s cousin or something… On his twitter account he says he’s in London, and still wearing the purple Arsenal jersey. Anyone know what he’s up to?

Oh, and Ospina has officially been announced:

Scott P

Official on now


In other news Arsenal FC has been put on the things to boycott list due to funding the Isreali army.

Can’t see how Arsenal has helped the Isreali army?


Great signing particularly for the price. We have addressed : 1) GK. Not a back up but actual quality to compete which is fantastic. 2) RB. Steady PL experienced player Debuchy who will afford us a bit of time for the younger aspirants. 3) Wide Attacker with added nuance. Not exactly a priority IMO but something very nice to have in Alexis We still need IMO for depth : 4) Cback. Vermaelen is a decent back up but not good enough to rotate through meterscielny. This area is extremely thin. 5) Striker : Still not convinced we have sufficient. One… Read more »


Ospina is an excellent reaction saver, something different from Szsc who isn’t the quickest at that but commands his box very well.

Different tools in a way.

El Blondo

Another great montage video from Mr Culann Davies

Love how Ospinas seems to love dominating the area on crosses

Naija Gunner

Welcome to The Arsenal OSPINA, COYG!!!


Welcome Ospina! I can’t wait till we sign ‘that’ DM!


Good signing!
And lolz to crafty Wenger playing the long game – he’s always playing a long game

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

The question we need to ask is this. Are we better at the Goalkeeper position from last year? Talent wise, I’m not sure. Fabianski and Szczesny are also uber-talented. I guess only time will tell how well we’ve improved


great signing. exciting times.. on a separate note – anyone think we should sign Thierry??! Man, he was amazing last night. I know we were playing a weakened team (monreal cb)!! etc, but he still has it and he proved that 2 years ago when he came back. He was pulling the strings for the red bulls. His passing was sublime too. I know he’s slowed down and at the ripe old age o’ 37 but he could still offer so much to Arsenal football club. i’m thinking as a Drogba-esque signing.

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