Thursday, December 19, 2024

Rosicky disappointed at lack of action

Tomas Rosicky has expressed his disappointment that he has barely played for Arsenal this season, and said that although he’s expressed his concerns to Arsene Wenger, it’s too soon to consider asking for a transfer.

The Czech veteran signed a new contract last season which takes him up to the end of the current campaign, but so far his involvement has amounted to 2o minutes in the Community Shield and a couple of minutes at the end of the Champions League qualifier away to Besiktas.

Back in his home country for the Interlull, he spoke to the local press who asked if he was unhappy with how things have been going so far.

I am sorry that I did not get a chance, it’s a shame. While the team isn’t playing very well, I thought that I could help but if you’re not on the pitch there’s nothing you can do.”

They pressed him on whether or not he’d spoken to Arsene Wenger about it, and he replied, “I don’t want to talk about it. We had a little conversation! He does not want me leaving Arsenal, but of course for me it’s not easy.

“It is is too soon [to talk about a transfer]. We played five games, the season is still getting going. The Champions League starts, the schedule will be great.

“We’ll see how it looks in the coming weeks, months. I am disappointed that I did not get a chance, but that’s the only thing I can be.

I have to be poised for the moment, and to take my chance when it comes. That’s the only thing I can do.”

The fact that Arsenal have already had games with red cards and players forced off early through injury means the manager hasn’t been able to use Rosicky in games that were, at times, crying out for his energy and drive.

So if his teammates could stop getting banjaxed and sent off, I’m sure we’ll see more of him in the near future.

Thanks to @RYO_cleverfish for the heads up

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Dan Gunn

It was crying out for Rosicky on Sunday!


Welbeck. shock


first sylvestre now who?

f*cking shite!!!!!!


Sunday would have been perfect for him. We really, really needed somebody with drive and energy that game.. in fact, I’d play him regurarly against lower half opponents. When you have that good a player itching to prove himself it’s pretty damn crazy to play half-jaded players instead.

I’ve always thought this is one of Wengers greatest tactical weaknesses, rotating in hungry players against lesser opposition isn’t only about resting your best players.. but rather often they actually perform better because they’re giving it 100% mentally.


I’d take Rosicky over Cazorla any day. Not to say the Spanish Gnome isn’t a bad player he did decent against Leicester he just isn’t consistent and doesn’t show up for big games. Rosicky seems to get better with age. We could have done worse than Welbeck but we could have done better. Hopefully Arsene can put to use his talent for developing young players. Dissapointed we didnt get a CB and especially Defensive Mid, but it is what it is. Surprised Falcao didnt sign with us or maybe he didnt want to or Wenger didnt want him. He doesn’t… Read more »


We didn’t go after Falcao because he gets paid 346,000 pounds per week.

Gooner in Spain

The problem is that Ozil & Caziorla are both players whose intensity leaves something to be desired. I love me some Santi though am still not entirely convinced by Ozil, but Rosicky brings technique and speed to the play. He forces defenders to commit, something the aforementioned rarely do. I’ve been crying out for him all season.

Gooner in Spain


Loop A Hole

Thought it was about transfer market. Thank god it’s something else..


Dear Tomas….I think we are all disappointed in the lack of action to be honest.



Transfer Disappointment Day


Surely Tomas would make a better striker than Sanogo!


Why not….can’t get any worse till Giroud comes back

Rosicky striker resume:
–Has a wicked strike on him
–quick in short bursts with & without the ball
–presses defensively from the front just like Alexis
–likes to drive forward
–shown a nose for goal in the box over the years (especially against the Spuds)


Mildly paradoxical that we’re short of options and yet have players who want game time.

Can Rosicky fill in at the back?


Replace Özil with Rosicky or play Özil centrally…

Truth hurts



Well if it has to be… we can only hope that by the end of it we can at least say that we got rid of HIM!!!!




He(Wenger) is more problem than a solution. His philosophy about the game is ancient in this modern dispenstation. He is the most stubborn person I’ve seen, always seems to prove mourihno right”specialist in failure”, and he make us (fans) nervous, and show no sympathy for our feelings. No wonder why you were label by mourihno as a special in failure; I can understand his point.


I feel for you tomas. Wenger’s lost the plot with regards to “rotation”. Oh and of course with transfers too


Have a little faith in Wenger, you muppets!


Do not defend the stubborn, stingy Wenger.He is being ridiculating Arsenal the last 10 years.Enough is enough.


Law: Arsene, Monaco says United are making a better offer for Falcao, what should we do? Wenger: It’s a bluff, let them think it over until tomorrow Law: Sporting say that 20M is not going to do it for Carvalho, what’s our move boss Wenger: Let’s raise them by 1, a 20,000,001 bid and they’ll fold, you’ll see. Law: Dortmund are holding firm on that greek guy, what’s his name … Pastapopolis? Wenger: Klopp can’t play poker, I know what I’m doing here. Let’s bid 40M for Reus, that will shake them up. In 3.5 hours we will all know,… Read more »


Leave that crack pipe alone


We haven’t done anything more than replace outgoing players.

Other teams have strengthened just replaced.

Wenger has done the bare minimum and has been hailed as a genius.

He will be found out like he is found out every season when we are decimated with injuries as we are every season…

Makes you believe what Mourinho says about him pisses Arsenal fans off because they know he is right…


I think the same can be said for Campbell. Lots to offer, no opportunities to do so thanks to red cards and injuries. We seriously haven’t played a game without an injury yet.

Momo (@MuhamLAD)

I’m pretty sure past couple of seasons he hasn’t been involved heavily until the 2nd half of the season. Might be wrong though.


And that, ladies and gents, is what we call a professional.


I think if we had both rosicky and Alexis on the pitch we’d definitely have a whole lotta hustle. Winning the ball back high up the pitch and counter-attacking with pace. AW likes rosicky in the big games. Dare we deploy this tactic against city?


He’s a better left mid option than Santi or Ozil for sure. The latter 2 should be fighting it out for a single CAM spot.


Ozil should not play on the wing, he himself said he played on the left for Germany because Reus was injured and he’s a team player. I think he was putting in mildly that he isn’t effective on the left, which everyone knows and why Wenger would play him there is beyond me. Put Sanchez and Chambo on the fllanks for speed. At the least Rosicky and Sanchez. It’s Ozil’ second season the honeymoon period and adjustment to the PL is over, as should be the rustiness from the World Cup. Him and Cazorla had a nice little interplay with… Read more »

The Beast

Opportunities will come for Mozart we have a long season ahead of us and a lot of big games to come where we need Mozart our big game player.

Nasris wallet

Can we sign some footballers please!


I think Rosicky is too fast to play in this team given our current desire to put the opposition to sleep before springing a surprise pass.
Joking, but only just.


I’m not complaining, mind. Just curious. Eventually Bloggs always publishes me.


He deserved a start ahead of Wilshere in a couple of games this season.


Not a singles transfer and your favorite player talking about leaving the club.

Great fucking day chaps.


Wenger is no genius… rather “was” a genius. He’s lost it totally.


I have been wondering why he isnt playing, he is our most experienced player, i demand to see more of him


BBC Sport are reporting that the Falcao loan fee to Monaco was £6m (wages were on top of this).

Why the fucking hell did we not get him??????


Would kill Sanogo.

Andy Mack

His salary.
Rather a lot for a guy getting over a cruciate injury.


Because, as you yourself said, wages were on top of this. And his wage is £346,000 per week.



All those hurried runs , all the skiddy tackles , the simple smile , that outside of the right boot finish …..


That goal against Spurms last year at the Shit Hole …

Stuart shepherd

He definitely should be able to show his skills


This is ridiculous! I can’t begin to imagine the affect this has on the current squad as the fans are livid with the lack of transfer news. If Alexis gets injured we are completely doomed. Wenger needs to get a grip,he is deluded if he thinks sanogo can win us the league at 21. He lacks experience,Wenger you arrogant stubborn turd,looks like we will get Danny Wellbeck……..doomed.

Kenyan Gooner

I’d have brought him in for Ozil on Sunday. Sure he’ll even start games this season.


Danny Welbeck well I’m just blown away


In state of shock

Eddy Kelly scores!

I have supported this club through thick and thin since the 1960’s. For those of us of a certain age, the club has been transformed in the Wenger years. I cannot understand the vitriol expressed in these comments. How many of these missives are written by ex pro footballers, agents and managers, and how many by plumbers, electricians, driving instructors etc? I really don’t want to read ill informed rants that belong on the Sp*rs or Manure Web sites. Whether we like it or not, there is a professional back room team at The Emirates doing the best they can… Read more »


What you say is true, but don’t tell me you weren’t pissed off when Joe Baker was sold and replaced with Bobby Gould.

Ditto McLintock out – Mancini in
Likewise Brady out – Peter Nicholas in
And Stapleton out – Hankin or Chapman in (take your pick, they were both dreadful)

Andy Mack

EKs, Well said.


Spot on mate, I read these comments in shock sometimes
Haven’t got a clue most of the Wally’s that comment on here


Arsene Wenger please play Tomas Rosicky for us he can make thigs happen at any time, he is too good to be dropped for Ramsey, Wilshere, or Flamini


According to that balague we are possibly getting a central midfielder who can play cb


well that’s what welbeck does. He’s a stricker who runs around all those positions and hates scoring


I would like to thank all the fans who have demanded a striker for Danny Welbeck. Really great stuff.


Apparently we are getting welbeck, from falcao to welbeck; how the mighty have fallen

Tibetan Gooner

So RVP Has been replaced before we replace rvp at emerites since 2012….What’s wenger been cooking?


satellite broadcaster says Welbeck having medical at Arsenal.

I don’t usually trust or believe the broadcaster in question, but you never know, they might be telling the truth for a change.



Fuck this! Fuck all of this! Motherfuckers!


Having gone to watch the Arsenal since the age of six, and having loved and supported Wenger for years, I can now say that I remember exactly wheny faith was fatally shattered: when I came home from the first day back at work to the news that the answer to Arsenal’s problems is Danny Cunting Welbeck. Colour me disillusioned, chaps. I’m done for the day.


Arseblog reporting that DANNY FUCKING WELBECK is having a medical at Arsenal.

Jesus christ. I wasn’t expecting much but really, what the fuck?! Apparently it’s a 6million LOAN deal. Round about the same price united paid to get Falcao for the season. it’s laughable to be honest. I’m sure he can come in and do some sort of a job, albeit a poor mans Danny Sturridge type job. I guess we’re never going to get this top striker that we so crave.

Andy Mack

This is a fine example of someone reading half a story and repeating it. If the papers are to be believed the loan fee was 6m plus wages. His wages are over 13m per year. total thought to be over 20m for one year only. I don’t want us paying that for a guy recovering from a cruciate injury.


Oh please!!! Loan tranny welbeck for six million, orpay for manure to spend that amount on loaning falco!!!! Wenger whatever drugs you are taking STOP


Maybe Arsene was tripping and thought he signed Danny Sturridge.


If the ‘shrooms kick in before eleven, we might see Danny Glover in red & white come the weekend


Why do satellite broadcasters employ presenters that can’t pronounce player’s names properly, nor form complete sentences?

I know that they aren’t real journalists, but the least they could do is select from their stable of clothes horses those that demonstrate a competent level of speech and pronunciation.

Having some basic grounding in / research into football might be useful too.


Us too Tommy, us too


How about this? Wenger should start every game with Rosicky and pick a midfield around him. Last season he was by far the most consistent energetic performer and this year with the team bordering on boredom he can’t get a sniff – what gives Arsene?


that goal against Spurs was fockin awesome’


Six Defenders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do we really have that many??

Andy Mack

7 including Hector (he’s very good for his age but we shouldn’t have to rely on him yet)


any news on how Arsene’s charity game went?


Hear he was chased off the pitch and told to go sign some fucking players even they know we ned signings…


Danny welbeck wants a straight transfer lol what are the chances of that? Bit like the ba situation last year, nice one Wenger!!!


Looks like we’re signing Pickles O’Toole to replace Rosicky. I also hear we’re in a shock move to sign Dingle McCringleberry, a player we missed out on last year.


alas, O’Toole has only been brought in on a season long loan to cover Arteta / Matthew Flame.

I’m sure he’ll (puts coat on) cut the mustard though (leaves)


Goodbye 4th spot. Rosiky complaining about lack of action? WTF is going on today? Must say Rosiky brings more dynamics to the attack and if he is fit then its mad not to use him. In Wenger we? I hope he enjoys the charity match in Rome as much as we enjoy seeing Fab in a chelski shirt and Falcao having medical at manure to end our cherished or despised fourth spot. Go on welbeck you can do it

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