Saturday, July 27, 2024

Welbeck follows the lead of Sol, Becks and Michael Jordan

Arsenal have confirmed that new signing Danny Welbeck will wear the number 23 shirt for the forthcoming season.

The £16 million arrival from Manchester United had the number 19 shirt at Old Trafford, occupied at the Emirates by Santi Cazorla, so has instead plumped for digits made famous by NBA star Michael Jordan.

Jordan wore the 23 jersey at Chicago Bulls until he retired (for the first time) in 1993 and also sported it alongside Bugs Bunny and Bill Murray in the movie Space Jam. Yeah…somehow we’re talking about Space Jam.

David Beckham, inspired by Jordan, took the 23 shirt when he moved to Real Madrid from United in 2003, while former Gunners Sol Campbell (in his first spell), Andrei Arshavin and Nicklas Bendtner have worn the shirt at the Emirates in the recent past.

We wait to see whether Danny ‘believes he can fly‘ and indeed, ‘if he can touch the sky.’ Be great if he can, we could do with someone winning a few headers.

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…and arshavin and bendtner
but what’s in a number?


Any chance you could put up a picture of Danny boy not looking so suicidal? In every picture he looks like someone has just run over his puppy. He’s a good signing and someone we should all be happy to have in our team, but the club shit the bed not getting the CB everyone knows we need. If i was making a soundtrack for Arsenals transfer window it would begin with Wagner’s flight of the Valkyries and then slowly fade into the sound of one man playing the steptoe and son theme on a kazoo. We always have January… Read more »


When is Walcott back?


Ray Parlour also wore it (As did Stephen Hughes)


Danny Welbeck heh? We were all calling for a striker and look I guess it happened. We signed a striker… Remember last week when we were first linked I asked my mates, as a joke obviously, would you rather have Kalou or Welbeck… I’ve never once in my whole entire life rated Welbeck. My little brother is a Man U fan and I always made fun of how terrible I thought Welbeck was. I just could not see why he played for Man U and he constantly without fail got picked for the English squad… But whatever, what’s done is… Read more »


You’r kind of right, we should’ve signed a replacement for Vermaelen as we knew in May (?) he’s off – it’s a big mistake we didn’t. As for DM, we couldn’t afford Khedira so he stayed for another season in Madrid. In July he is free and will go where’ll be offered the most $$. Carvalho was too complicated deal, Bender seems like he thinks is not ready to leave, so who? Why on earth should be buy for the sake of buying and then moan because we signed shite which we can’t offload (Bendtner, Squillaci, Park, Chamakh and so… Read more »


you forgot we had Verm last year, so we two for each FB and 3 CBs, with Sagna able to cover at CB and Flamini at FB.


We have exactly the same number of defenders this year. We’ve got two full backs in each position (Gibbs, Monreal) (Debuchy, Bellerin). And we’ve got three center backs in (Kos, Mert, and Chambers). We still have Flamini to cover at full back and Monreal to cover at center back, if necessary.. Hopefully not though. Id say we’re just as solid in right back if not more. Cause if we’re gonna be honest with ourselves Jenko just wasnt quite up to it and Debuchy is just as good as Sagna. Would I have been happy with one more center back? Definitely.… Read more »


If Wenger rates Bellerin and Chambers as senior players, and, as expected, they develop through playing time this season and prove their worth, then they will be 20 y.o.s with a season, and likely some tough CL, EPL and cup games under their belts. Basically, this is a risk, but with a high potential payoff if the youngsters rotate in and prove themselves. Which of course, would make it all that much harder down the road for an RB (ie. Jenks) or a battle scarred CB from outside the club to see themselves breaking into our rotation until Merts hits… Read more »


I’m sorry, but the purchase of Welbeck certainly feels like a “buy for the sake of buying”. Waited too long and he was all that was left.


we have a much better squad than last year, so how have we regressed? defensively we stagnated, we didn;t move forward, but replacing vermallen (essentially) with chambers seems to be a like for like, as vermalen was prone to errors also. the difference being chambers has the potential to be far better than vermalen whop was playing at his full potential. sagna out debuschy in – debuchy keeps sagna out of the france squad and looks good supporting attack. Fabianski out and ospina in – again probably an improvement there. sanchez and welbeck added to the offensive line – we… Read more »

nairobi's numero uno gunner

well…..we signed a striker. ok with it. never rated the guy to be honest but now he is a gunner. guess thats all that matters.
all i hope for is wenger actually plays him in his prefered position.
same goes for ozil. just play him as a number ten or drop him. sanchez and ox on the wings and welbeck through the middle. thats all i want….willing to overlook our glaring deficiencies in central defence and holding mid if we just play people in their original positions.

Az Ahmed

Well I remember one Mr Henry who signed for us, not really very highly rated as a striker, was stuck on the wings until Arsene gave him his chance up front and the rest is history. The question is does it does Welbeck have the raw tools to improve into a world class striker? Power, pace, stamina, positioning, link up play, and some really neat dinks he has scored in the past. It’s a case of getting a good run in the first team ahead of the lamp post. I think he can be a big hit, especially with Ozil,… Read more »


Comparisons with Henry might be a bit optimistic but I think Wellbeck is a decent signing. Getting fed up with all the griping. It is what it is. Last year we had an overstocked midfield an still ended up struggling for injuries. Lets just enjoy the game and see what happens for a change.

Az Ahmed

I am not saying he will be as good as Henry. The point is that people should give him the benefit of the doubt. He hasn’t even kicked a ball for us yet and already people are slating him. I am saying he has all the tools in the world to be a top class striker, and I believe he can be as good as Giroud at all the things Giroud is good at, alongside the added benefit of bags of pace and energy and hard work. Giroud sometimes looks like he doesn’t care. You won’t get that from Welbeck.


Welbeck is a great squad player and can be a great impact sub with his pace. But he was hardly what we needed to compete. United: Rooney, Van Persie, Falcao. Chelsea: Drogba, Remy, Costa. City: Dzeko, Jovetic, Aguero. liverpool: Sturridge and Balotelli. Arsenal: Sanogo and Danny Welbeck. Last season we hit rock bottom in number of goals scored, and it is hard to see that we have added anymore goals to the team this season. There is alot of creative and playmaking players, but very little end product. Which is a shame since we have one of the most creative… Read more »


Arsenal: Sanchez, Giroud, Welbeck, Sanogo


And don’t forget that Ramsey can go toe-to-toe with any mid in the prem for goals without taking penalties. *cough*Gerrard, Toure*cough*

Mark Hughes

Strange that you have picked the top strikers at 4 of the clubs and then completely disregard all of our strikers bar 2….. Can you explain why you did this as you just come across as attempting to find a way of shoehorning your complaint in.


umm walcott, podolski


Arsenal: Giroud, Welbeck,Sanchez, Sanogo, ” Walcott” ” Podolski”


Man U: Rooney, Van Persie, Falcao
Man City: Dzeko, Aguero, Jovetic
Arsenal: Sanogo, Welbeck, Sanchez, Giroud, Campbell, Podolski, Walcott (take your pick of favourites)

How many of those teams are undefeated this season?


A little over a decade ago we signed a struggling right-footed 22 or 23 year old winger playing at a top club who didn’t have much of a goalscoring record but who seemed to have all the attributes to be a star. We paid a fee that a lot of people at the time thought was ridiculous. We all know how that one turned out. Ok…ok…that comparison isn’t really fair. Man U isn’t a top club. /rimshot Look, I’m not saying Wenger has found the next Henry here. But I think the least we can do is give Welbeck our… Read more »


With just six defenders to last the entire season we’re one injury away from being screwed !! !


well, it’a another transferwindow in Jan. just 4 months away, 3 1/2 months if youre cutting the 2 weeks break that is now.


7 defenders…7 Samurais

Per, Koscielny, Chambers
Gibbs, Monreal
Debucchy, Bellerin

Hector is very much more impressive than one dimensional whip the cross in blind jenkinson and very much part of the squad.

Monreal as 4th Cback is the problem as Gibbs is brittle.

Flamini and Coquelin can cover at fulllback on either flank but also not particularly ideal.

Workable but Risky till Jan.


People keep saying this – and Wenger has undoubtedly dropped a bollock on this one – but it needn’t necessarily be the entire season. I share your disbelief that Wenger didn’t add to his defensive ranks, but so much so that I can’t possibly envisage him not addressing the situation in January (I know, I know).


Don’t agree with it, but I can see why he didn’t bother.

Arsene thinks we have 3 LBs: (Gibbs/ Monreal/ Flamini), three RBs: (Debuchy/ Chambers/ Bellerin), and 4 CBs: (Mertesacker/ Koscielny/ Chambers/ Monreal)

In his mind it’s the same as last season, except Chambers has come in for Vermaelen and Monreal is the versatile full-back rather than Sagna. Time’s gonna tell whether we make it to January like this or not.


So how come against Leicester the only defender on the bench was Chambers?



A) Against Leicester (a relatively shit team*) we were more likely to get into a situation where we needed to send in different attacking options, than send in more defenders and park the bus

B) Strikers / midfielders cover greater distances and tire more easily than defenders

* Which makes it an appalling performance that we didn’t beat them

Andy Mack

I think AW was looking but wasn’t impressed by what was available on the CB market. Also who would want to come here and play the same number of games TV did last year (any good players?)?


I guess Wenger rates Bellerin so that’s 7. Also Flamini can cover the full-back positions, and Hayden is promising – so for sure we will be allright until January at least!

Andy Mack

Not relevant to this discussion but FYI everyone that’s seen Bellerin is impressed with him going forward.

Since 66

No transfer window from January 1 this season ? Another drama Queen !


To my mind, we didn’t need a striker. Alexis could have filled there for a few weeks, Walcott could play there when he’s back, and in January Giroud returns.

It seems criminally negligent to have let Vermaelen go without identifying an adequate replacement immediately. Christ, how many of us would have taken Alex Song back on the cheap? Nacho Monreal has played very well deputising for Gibbs so far, but in no way shape or form is he a centre back.

I’m worried. But not enough for it to ruin my day, you know..


Not to mention the fact that he let Ignasi go on loan, he would have been an perfect backup. I understand that the guy wants to play and that he needs to play for his development but at this stage I think it was idiotic to let him go out on loan.


We sold Ignasi to Norwich, not loaned him.


You don’t get crowds yelling ‘sign a fucking defender’ though do you. Pfft.


Just wait till we’re down to bare bones bc of 1 injury & a suspension…..those chants could come sooner rather than later


Campbell wore 23 in his first spell not his second. He was number 31 second time around.


23! Don’t forget Shane Warne

Ryo Miyaichi's mom

“We wait to see whether Danny ‘believes he can fly‘ and indeed, ‘if he can touch the sky.’ Be great if he can, we could do with someone winning a few headers.” and a few handballs? lol


Oh god how I miss Arshavin, that four goal thriller against Liverpool.


British colony…ARSENAL..At least the referees would favor ours a little now.

Wenger's Coat Zipper

They never did or will


Even if we had 11 BNP skinheads on the pitch and refused all non-English fans from entering the Emirates Stadium, referees, in particular Anthony Taylor, would still refuse to award us a penalty if an opposition player pulled out a pistol and shot one of our players in the box.

Injured Gooner

Yeah, as a supporter you tend get that feeling for sure, laughed myself off the chair at this one…

Feeder Club No More

At last Wenger has completed our English core. Welbeck Welcome to Arsenal Football Club, we will need at least 10 goals from you in all competitions by Christmas!

Injured Gooner

10 seems a bit low, my bet was that Sanogo would outscore the new Liverpool bad-boy. Danny should hit a nice puple patch at some point along the way. I remember sitting next to a ManU mate watching a game with him with an Arsenal game either before or after theirs, Danny popped up and scored a crucial goal for them, it was one of those poacher type goals players with pace and long legs score. This was after the Dutch Skunk had signed for them, and my friend was ranting about how this kid was the future at ManU,… Read more »

Jungu Beans

All this doom and gloom surrounding Welbeck’s signing. Let’s forget for a second that we need defensive reinforcements and remember that Welback is a fast, strong runner – someone who will cut through the heart of a defense. In that vein, he is very unlike Giroud, which means that when Giroud returns, they will not be competing for the same position. I wonder how the Boss thinks they can both co-exist, but whatever – that’s his problem to solve. Furthermore, he knows the premiere league and so no adjustment period required, and he has a point to prove. I think… Read more »


Much to live up to here.. xD

Wenger's Coat Zipper

Unofficially he said to his Man Utd pals while they were training with the England squad: “F*ck it! I’m off to play in the CL!”


Great signing and great value. High energy and a real threat. He was always a player, who when he came off the bench for the Manx, that I thought “uh oh!”….
Wenger has to explain the lack of defensive cover. I’m sure, if we can get away with it….Wenger will address things in January.


Apologies for being pedantic but…

Manc = person from Manchester
Manx = Person from Isle of Man

Wouldn’t have brought it but, having lived in both, us Manx people always get confused with that scum


I think it is without doubt a major concern that we haven’t signed a CB. But who knows maybe Hayden can actually step up to the plate, a great opportunity for him if can grasp it with both hands when it comes, and it will undoubtedly come of that I have no doubt. Throw Bellerin into the mix to act as cover during the cup games and stuff for Debuchy / Chambers, add in a returning Gnabry, Zelalem, Theo (who I think will actually take longer than people anticipate to get back to form – mid – end of October… Read more »


Diaby was/is never a DM……he is very similar to another player that we were linked to, Khedira….who ALSO, IS NOT A DM!!!!!


Oh well couple of goals against the Sheikhs would be a grat start for the lad

Sean Williams

There is a rumour coming out of the Emirates that Arsenal are being allowed to make one more signing from Borussia Dortmund. This will please many of Arsenal’s supporters The newest signing that we can still complete, after the transfer deadline, is Jurgen Klopp. So Stan, you already ‘ordered’, Wenger to buy a Striker, so now replace him with Klopp and do away with the ponderous, passionless football Wenger is serving up. Can’t you see Stan, Wenger has ‘given up’.


Besides being silly, this post has a point. I for one am tired of the way Arsenal play, it is tedious, very much so. In contrast, watching Everton, Chelsea, and Pool this last weekend I found myself envious of the way the team took just 3 passes to bring the ball into the opposition area and tried to take their chances early, before the whole defending team got behind the ball. The way our players pass the ball around is tentative, unsure, as though they really don’t know what to do, on top of that the movement and positioning is… Read more »

Kosc' Other Pocket

Prof. Wenger had one job, to improve the squad.. One Job.

Since 66

Done !

Kosc' Other Pocket

Or you hope that it is done. You know, saying that it is done does not actually mean that it is done.

Mark Hughes

You said he had to improve the squad – Sanchez (World Class), Debuchy (keeps Sagna out of the French national team), Ospina (an improvement on Fabianski), Chambers (looks like he can be an improvement on Vermaelen) and now Welbeck (to add to our striking depth with Giroud injured).

Not sure how that’s not improving a squad, hence 66’s comment of job done.

Kosc' Other Pocket

I think our biggest challenge (to winning the EPL trophy at-least) was lack of a proven consistent ruthless striker.. I do not think we signed one this transfer window.

Do you see our current team beating the Sheikhs, or Maureen’s team, or Brenda’s team to the trophy.

Otherwise, I much appreciate the work done by Wenger this transfer window. Sanchez, Chambers, Debuchy and Welbeck are great additions. I hope we do great work on the pitch and win the league title! COYG


the only thing that annoys me about this transfer is that it looks panicked, i mean if it was planned and we got him a week ago i would have thought that yeah Wenger has a plan and knows how to turn him world class. it might and i hope that it turns into a BFG or Arteta, but could also turn out like Andre Santos

Clock End Mike

I doubt if Welbeck was ever thought to be available until LvG decided to let him go after they decided at the last minute to go for Falcao on loan. A last minute buy isn’t always a panic buy, le Prof has said before that many things happen right at the end of the transfer window just because that’s the only time they can happen. In other words, Welbeck suddenly became available, and we said, right, we can pick up a bargain here. No panic, just sharp shopping. And I think, at £16m for a proven international-level striker, with ECL… Read more »

Andy Mack

The newspapers says manure didn’t think they had a chance until after they’d signed Di Maria and the agent started talking about Falcao. So suddenly the have a potential cost for 1 year of 20-24m for Falcao and a couple of forwards that they may not use = who can we sell. I really don’t think they’d sell him if they hadn’t got Falcao.


maybe you’re right. I hope that is how it is, and of course welcome to Arsenal, DW23, you are now a Gunner. And we’re glad to have you on board. 🙂

poliver girolski

I think this is a good signing, Ozil thrives on players who make runs so he can play that inch perfect ball into their feet, something we have been missing since Theo turned his knee into spaghetti running rings around the spuds.

Like many I fear we are criminally short in defence, I know Nacho can be a CB and Flamini can fill in at LB, all I can do is hope and pray that the injury gods have mercy on us till Jan window opens.


we keep saying that, dont we? but that isnt really the problem. there’s simply no space and no urgency in our play for their pace to matter. unless of course we adopt the method of giving the ball to our opponents and counter-attacking.


I actually think that may be the way to go.

commit fewer players forward but give them license to take chances, we’ll turn the ball over a lot more, but we will get many more opportunities to score. what is the point of keeping possession just to pass it around the outside of the opposition area while they sit back with 10 behind the ball?

Since 66

And ballerina as well as Hayden Same whingers now in love with 19 year old Chambers are complaining cost they aren’t happy without Gazillion dollar “hand bag” new buy.

Since 66

That’s Bellerin !

Not born as a Gooner, but will die one...

We almost have the same number of defensive option any other good PL teams have.
We have quality, and good balance. Would rather have a solid Chambers than a Djourou, Squill, Senderos, combined
Also if we are worried about injuries, its a kind of prejudice.
I’m concerned, but not worried. We had a good window and let the players gel together.


Um, injuries have derailed our SEASONS (plural!!!!) in one way or another the last few years… NOT worry about injuries with our known luck/record is just weird


He definitely has the chance to pull off a Sturridge. He has Potential and he will have at least until January to make the no 9 position his own and show us what he got as a lone Striker. regardless of his ability he is a nice lad and English also which is never bad to have in an English team… Welcome Danny!


I cannot abide that stupid dance he does.

Since 66

Don’t watch


Alexis Sanchez
Mathieu Debuchy
Callum Chambers
Danny Welbeck

Not mad at that, not mad at that at all.


…Poor Ospina

Old Lap

Can’t believe the negativity over this signing before a ball was even kicked. Even Andre Santos never got so much sticks when he joined. It seems ever since we got the likes of Alexis & Ozil, some sections of the fans are expecting every signing to be as sexy. I know this is not as cool as signing Balotelli and Falcao but ask yourself, is the boss ever gonna put anyone on 350k a week? If not, and as we are crying out for a striker, tell me who’s available? PSG are not under pressure to sell Cavani and he’s… Read more »


I think there’s a better and more obvious person we hope Welback can emulate than Daniel Sturridge…

az ahmed

Im sorry but there is only one Lord Bendtner

Tibetan Gooner

summer transfer window is done! We have to accept the fact and hoping for the best at least. We all understand English player’s price tag but Danny Welbeck wages impressed me most though…

Tazmanian Jesus

Arshavin! My favourite man on the planet

Wenger's Coat Zipper

You obviously haven’t witnessed the glory of Park!

Dirty Sanchez

How do I bet that he scores more than Falcao?

Glory Hunter

Lets hope we have a good season in regards to injuries cos Arsene will have no excuse if as usual our season collapses if our players getting injured from over playing.
Who will we play as CB in the league cup games? Chambers & Hayden!!!
And what happens if 1 of them gets injured, we’ll have to play Kos or Mert.
Lets pray Shad is a miracle worker.

Da Faq You Looking @_keep Scrolling

Wenger fucking out!! This man lacks ambition, he’s so greedy such that he takes Arsenal to be his own property. Fucking spend the money man, it’s not yours! Damn this man always finds a way to piss people off! WENGER OUT!!


Stop being so dramatic. He’s hardly stuffing the money in a duffel bag and preparing to skip town…..jeeeez

Since 66

Agree strongly take a deep breath ask yourself what experience you or any of the media spiced fools have in dealing with football management.


Da faq off!

Az Ahmed

Your name says it all…. will keep scrolling


This may sound crazy but desperate times and all that, but how about giving Carlos Puyol an aul txt. In no way match fit and can be argued over the past seasons has never been (which is not a good start but I’ll continue) but his experience and basically not being Nacho in central defence is what is fueling my outrageous idea.


Gonna go ahead and say it now while everyone’s slagging him off, I think welbeck will be brilliant for us. His attributes are very similar to giroud and he has extra pace. Fills a gap. His service will be better from our midfield and he’s not exactly crap. Look how much our players developed once the skunk left: and Rooney is even more of a greedy goal hogging possum. To get any goals while playing alongside those two is remarkable so don’t read too much into the stats. This is a striker brought on mostly to see out games and… Read more »

Peanuts Peanuts

Great comments but in fairness not everyone is slagging him off. Most comments I’ve read have been pretty positive.

Wenger's Coat Zipper

“and Rooney is even more of a greedy goal hogging possum” – you Sir have just made my day!


I haven’t exactly come around to the signing (not his fault, mostly bc there was no planning IMHO) but I’m going to welcome him to the club & support him while he plays for us……that being said, can people stop using “he’s an England International forward” like it’s some great positive. England are shite, end of discussion. By all means, use his Manchester United credentials to big hi up, but not the England thing, it’s deluded.

Bayo Babalola

I am convinced that Arsenal fans just feel a need to have a meltdown. This is the best shape the squad has been in years. The one position I worried about in this window was up front after Giroud’s injury and we have filled it by taking a chance on Danny. Any signing is a risk and I think this was an excellent risk to take. Falcao with his dodgy knees and 340k a week signing was not (that’s assuming we don’t have Alexis or Ozil on highest earner clauses that would have taken their salaries up to the same… Read more »


I agree with everything you’re saying.

However I just can’t get past the word ‘grooming’.. I have horrific images of the Sheikhs and Roberto Mancini salivating and pawing eachother in front of a webcam whilst Kompany does keep-uppys on the other side.

Whats wrong with me?


I said on here that many old pros and informed commentators thought that we needed a striker those same people are saying that wellbeck could be a great sighting for us. Yes we probably needed a centre half and a dfm but we have a striker now, and we need to give him a chance and I personally feel he can become very good business for us. He’s an upgrade on sonogo and I think will prove to be on Giroud too. Not sure if it was a plan by wenger or this was just another in series of unplanned… Read more »

Springbank 1965

Everyone who knows Welbeck says things like “he’s intelligent” and “not your usual footballer” so we might be happy with that. All I know is he’s not Sanogo (who hasn’t found his form yet) nor Giroud (who won’t be back for ages). He’s also Premier League-ready and isn’t a complete duff in front of goal. He’s a proper front man not playing out of position. He’s 23 (on both counts). He’s not David Icke nor Donald Rumsfeld. He’s quick. He can hold the ball up. And he can link with other players (from the same team). He’d allow Alexis to… Read more »


Scored goals for England, scored goals in a premiership winning team, scored goals in the champs league, he’s 23 and he’s been playing with our English core for a good few years now. He’s a very good signing. The CB issue is another one all together, I really do believe there was a lack of decent options. Apologies to myself, my family and everyone here for the comparison but Utd needed at least 2 new CB’s and failed to move on any. He can always bring in someone on loan if need be. Until then, COYG. Let’s all do the… Read more »


16 million for welbeck and 16 million for balloteli. value for money indeed

Springbank 1965



I don’t really rate Welbeck, but I’d rather have him than Balotelli.

He’s as much of a disruptive twat as Bendtner, and it took long enough to get rid of him that I don’t want to have to go through all that shite again.


and how much did remy cost chelsea again? this is wat procastination gets you


Are you going to name every striker that cost £16m, or less?

Remy isn’t good enough to lead the line for Chelsea, he’s a backup to their backup, Drogba.


and how much did remy cost chelsea again? this is wat procastination gets you. that is my point

Arsenal Wenger

Its been a long time since anyone here remembered to laugh so I’m here to help.



Welbeck is my dream player. We are winning trophies this season

Da Faq You Looking @_keep Scrolling

I am not against the signing of Welbeck, but furious that we didn’t sign a centre back and a quality defensive mid fielder.


Apologies, the everyone slagging him off was a generalisation from all media outlets with arsenal ‘fans’ opinions. Here it’s a little fairer on the chap 🙂

Özil Gummidge

Heh. Unfortunately Welbeck is nothing special in the air.

Tony Hall

Neither was a certain TH14 🙂

Anonymous Physicist

Welcome to the club Danny. Seems like the kind of player we need short term, and an interesting option long term. Now I’ll just go and pray we don’t get any injuries for Koscielny and Mertesacker until January, and that we do sign a centre back in January.


the thing is deed’s done already but maybe we can manage,maybe Wenger trust our new fitness coach enough to know we can manage… Maybe Arsene knows!!! COYGs


Welbeck is a decent signing and his stats are up there with other top PL strikers. Add to the fact he’s Premier League ready and English, I think he’s a great addition. Add to the fact we have a certain little Alexis who found his scoring touch this week things do look a bit better. The defense is another story though. Lets just say the next few months will be heart in mouth time every time a player goes down!!

Momo (@MuhamLAD)

The last young Englishman we paid £16m for has been turning out pretty well this season, let’s just hope this is a similar case.

I would’ve been fine with Alexis starting up front if we just got defensive reinforcements. However, transfer window is closed and complaining about it isn’t going to change anything for the next few months.


I thought Sol wore 31 in his second spell and 23 in his first? Wasn’t his second spell a loan?

Soqed Hozi

Let’s signal free agent cb to cover. Lugano and John mensah offer experience and won’t mind the bench.


If we want experience, we’ve got Stevie Bould, and he’s already on the bench, so he clearly doesn’t mind being there.

And he’s got no hair…


I think Welbeck will shine under Wenger. He is young, quicker than Sanogoals, will have so many quality players feeding him the assists. I can see him banging in 10+ goals by January!


Crap player, not better than giroud. i’d play alexis with one leg over this numptey anyday of the week. if he was so good, why did man u sell him to us?? why didn’t rodgers try to sign him at liverpool….City will show us just how weak this squad is…deluded fans think we can challenge with arteta and flamini as dm; same set of players that 21 goals against the big 5 teams last season….


LOL trez, Welbeck goals statistics may not be better than Giroud and he may still turn our to be shit. But rather than sentencing him to death right now, why don’t you judge him at the end of the season. 21 goals conceded again the big 5 last season means nothing this season. It only serve as a reminder that we should be more cautious against them this season. Had we conceded just 10 goals instead of 21 and yet lose every game 1-0 you would still complaint we lack the ability to beat the big teams. Fact is, we… Read more »

Tony Hall

Trez your constant moaning on here is really getting quite tedious …


As long as we don’t get Anthony Taylor to referee us again this season we might be ok and not pick up injuries.


Cautiously optimistic about him, always seemed like everything he needed to be a really good goalscorer was just within reach but under Ferguson he had to contend with Rooney and RvP and never really had a real go at where he likes to play and lets just scratch the ‘Moyes epoch’ off as a bad one. We saw how playing alongside Suarez brought on Sturridge’s game so lets hope for the best and despite all the slagging there’s many a manc quietly unhappy that we took their hardest working forward.

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