Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger calls on Ramsey to go back to basics

For the second time in recent weeks, Arsene Wenger has urged Aaron Ramsey to get back to the basics of his midfield job.

The Welshman seems determined to make an impact at the top end of the pitch, sometimes at the expense of his more defensive duties.

Asked about Ramsey’s performances and how he can recapture the sparkling form of last season, the Arsenal manager said, “Just keep his priorities right. A midfielder is a guy who defends well and helps the other players in the team play well. He has to focus on that.

“I think you have to be guided not by what people say but by the way you want to play and to play the right way.

“When you score a goal and have a disastrous game people say you have been great, but you have to keep your priorities right: defend well and attack well, and give balls to other players.

“In the heart of the game that’s what it’s about. It’s not about goalscoring. Goalscoring is a consequence of playing well, so first play well.”

Basically we’ve got a player who is out of form, trying too hard to recreate the positive impact he made last season which helped us win games, and who just needs to refocus a little bit.

No doubt it’ll be spun to bits in some of the papers, but all the manager is saying is what many of us are thinking about the way Aaron is playing, so hopefully we’ll see a more switched on Ramsey when he returns to Wales on Sunday.

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Hope he doesn’t go down the Alex Song route..that would be disastrous! *gulp*


What’s with our players and having to be told the same shit over and over? Concentrate, go back to basics, defend as a team etc


Maybe if he keeps playing the way he does Barcelona will give us 28 million Pounds for him so that they can loan him to West Ham.
So buck up Ramsey, otherwise we’ll sell you to that bunch of cunts in Catalunya.

Monkey Nuts

You mean the toilet Bolyn


A good kick and a reboot generally solves many problems, at least on my antiquated PC.


I think Wenger should take his own advice and go back to Basics himself when it come to his tactics. Sometimes all the swapping of positions just look like a proper clusterfuck when the players start getting tired and lose concentration.


Back to basics, keep it simple Aaron same to you Jack, get back on track….

Arsenal Wenger

That Ramsey goal vs Liverpoo at home last season was an eyegasm.


Although out of form, he’s still shown flashes this season. It will fall into place for him if he returns to simple passes, less of this flicky backheel nonsense that plagued the earlier part of his career. I think he’ll benefit more than most from the welcome return of Giroud after the break as well, as he allows Ramsey to run in behind and receive the ball in advanced positions, rather than having to advance with the ball at his feet – which is more Jack’s game.


I have noticed that he is looking like a Wilshere clone lately.
Running with the ball, being surrounded by defenders who end up running up the field together into the hole behind him while he sits on his bum looking at the backs of their shirts storming toward our goal with his ball.
Up The Arsenal!


For me the best of Ramsey was the one who appeared in the tail end of 2012/13 season. How I’d like to see that deep lying all energetic player.


Not the Ramsey that scored 16 goals in all comps, including the winner in the FA Cup final?


Him scoring is good and all.. but if he plays well, so too will the team. We have the actual personnels to do the scoring if you haven’t already checked our forward line. The onus does not befall on the Welsh Jesus shoulders anymore.

I’d rather him play the tailend of that 12/23 season rather than last season tbh. It’s what we need to kick on as a team.


It’s a close call. Given his performance in that season, he helped secure the top four. Anyway that was both a subjective and objective opinion.


Actually, I agree- The resurgent Ramsey at 12-13 season end, is the exact kind of player we need right now. Relentlessly trying to win back the ball, rotating possession, midfield-machine who protects the back-four and dovetails with Arteta. Last year we needed someone to take up the goalscoring if Giroud failed to deliver. This year that need is not so urgent. We still need that tigerish presence in midfield that Ramsey used to provide though. This year, it seems like he wants to forward the more glamorous narrative that was associated with him last year, rather than doing what he… Read more »


i couldn’t agree more, by far his best string of performance,yes the goal tally wasn’t outstandind compared to last season but the stability the team had overall with the deep lying double pivot was just effective,now that we have alexis/welbeck/ox/walcott to get the goals,it really is time for ramsey and wilshere to get back to basics


It’s like Wenger has no control over his players one they walk out on to the pitch. He should be controlling them from his technical area, rather than sitting there the whole time

Finsbury Park Gooner

I do wonder if he actually says any of these things to the players face to face?! Or does he just encourage them to become so at one with their footballing selves they can read his mind.


So long as he doesn’t go and shag Edwina Currie, I’m all for it.


Wenger’s right about the false praise part. He wasn’t really good in the palace and Everton games but he managed to score due to which he received lot of plaudits


There has to be a link between this season’s form and him getting married in June – that look of pent-up frustration says it all.

Me So Hornsey

This is the second time wenger’s told Ramsey this via the media in 4 days.

I think he should try telling him to his face. That’s what I would do.


Wenger is answering a question in the press conference. I’m sure he has told Ramsey to his face.

Finsbury Park Gooner

Well I was SURE we’d buy another CB but how did that pan out…

Donjo Mac

Wish he’d have told him that at half time on Tues night. He was without doubt Anderlect’s best player on the night.

Me So Hornsey

My sarcasm was lost on 66% of you. Must get some more practice in.

sir ali

I am sure Ramsey will sort it out.


I hope we’re not going to end up in a situation where Ramsey plays fantastically well, then goes out of form, gets told to go back to basics, takes the message to heart and plays fantastically well and then goes out of form, gets told to go back to basics and so on forever. Y’know, one of the advantages of the 4-2-3-1 (aside from Ozil playing in the middle) was that Ramsey had to start off sitting next to Arteta from a deep position and therefore do some defending. Although I’m inclined to think that this is more of an… Read more »


I know, right? Ramsey’s like the only player I know to ever lose form. I mean, just look at Yaya Toure, he’s never out of form!

The Iceman

At times it would be so nice if we humans could be PROGRAMMED.
Just feed – ‘get back to basics’ into the system.

There you go, problem solved 😛


Found the programmer.


Ramsey in the 2012/2013 season after that Bayern game turned into a beast of a player and I genuinely fell in love and he did become my favourite player and then well the he had the season he had last season and he was amazing. Also looked pretty sharp at pre-season… Now he is just trying far too hard. I agree with Wenger, he needs to simplify his game and get back to the basics. Besides the goals what I loved about him is that he put in an all round shift and was the perfect box to box player.… Read more »

Das Gooner

The BBC went with ‘Wenger tells Ramsey to get priorities right’. Sensationalist bollocks, well done Blogs for having a common sense headline for a very simple, non explosive, story.

Was born a Gooner

Wenger, Y yu no want Ramsey to score goal…


“Arsenal in crisis: Wenger puts blame on Ramsey for every single sh*t happening in Arsenal”

“Unhappy Ramsey targeted by Barcelona, Real Madrid, and 237 more clubs”

“10 players that Arsenal MUST buy in January to replace Aaron Ramsey”


Wish Wenger would go back to basics… last season, aside from a few shockers, we got the defensive side of our game sorted… now we are playing a 4-1-4-1 and all the good work is undone!!!

Mr Brain Is a Gunner4life!

The old Ramsey will be back!

Just up the Arse!!!


Can you get him out of there?

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

A long spell on the bench may not be a bad idea for Ramsey if he is not listening. This is the 3rd time Wenger is saying this in public. He must have had this conversation in private at least 10 times by now

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Nobody performs like Ramsey did last year by fluke. The massive talent is there but he has to help himself by being astitute about his game. Nobody is a genius by definition inside or outside football. His mentality worries me. Two great seasons and he may think he should play at Barcelona or Real. I am still grateful to him for last year though.


Some people are getting carried away. Ramsey’s just lost a bit of form. But people need to stop this nonsense about having a big ego, not liking it when others do well, etc., it’s all bollocks. You can’t look at Ramsey and know what he’s thinking and feeling. He’s just out of form, no need to add your speculative crap on top of that. He’s probably just frustrated, and we should be happy about that, it’s better than not caring.


By the way, the pic is another classic.


Control the middle of the park, making monster stats in tackles, recoveries and passing, then arrive on a late run and score- just like most of his 16 goals. Simple!


The Welsh Jesus: He must be crucified before he rises again.


I’m sensing ramsey to be the best player in Sunday, he will play the role needed for CM position, tackling passing and he will arrive late to score mark may words, i think he will have a great game because he is not stupid and i’ sure he watched a type of Tuesday game and said to himself “what was i doing” let make it right on Sunday by playing to pass and tackle and also defend and helping the back 4, and maybe i will get a chance to score. COYG !

Jamaican Gooner

Nothing can beat the basics Rambo!

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