Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rosicky and Sanogo return for QPR, Koscielny ‘close’

Arsenal’s injury problems have been lessened by the return of two players who have barely played at all this season, Yaya Sanogo and Tomas Rosicky.

The pair are in the squad for Friday’s game against QPR at the Emirates with Arsene Wenger likely to rotate his squad a little bit given the opposition and punishing schedule.

David Ospina is also back, having missed 25 of the 27 Arsenal games this season, while Hector Bellerin and Laurent Koscielny could be in line for a place in the squad that visits West Ham on Sunday.

However, Mikel Arteta remains sidelined with his calf problem, as do Aaron Ramsey, Jack Wilshere, and Mesut Ozil – although the German is back in training.

Speaking about the game against Harry Redknapp’s side, Wenger said, “It’s a London derby and we expect QPR to come and have a go at us. We have to take advantage of our Christmas schedule.”

To see how many games Arsenal players have missed this season through injury, see today’s post on

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Yaya fit just in time to go out on loan…

Loop A Hole

So who’s gonna be the sacrifice for getting back Rosicky?

Remember the invincibles

We’ve missed Rosicky desperately badly in the last couple of weeks. He’s a fantastic player when he gets going. Hope he can find form straight away.


haha…What are the odds that he will again sit on the bench with a frustrated face and people will make puns about his ‘playing time’ in the Arsenal Studio! :-/


The guy must be desperately out of form he hasn’t been playing a game for ages. I hope he will do a game with the u21 or something before he is given a run in the Barclays. Strange choice to bring him back now.. A bit desperate Wenger?! Maybe time to give Podolski time as well?

For the record I believe that Rosicky is one of our best players which is why it is chocking how anyone can ignore him week in and week out. I think it is quite obvious for supporters as well.


I’d love to see Rosicky get a game on Friday. He offers a buzzing energy that isn’t always there. Maybe a midfield of Cazorla, Flamini and Rosicky with the Ox (if fit) on the bench? Wouldn’t mind seeing Theo start as well. Alexis needs a rest

Man Manny

Need to mix things up on Friday. Rest Alexis, Calum and maybe Welbeck.
Scz, Bel, Deb, Mert, Mon, Flam, Rosicky, Caz, Ox, Pod and Giroud.
Bench: Osp, Calum, Gibbs, Coq, Alexis, Walcott and Welbeck
We play a more difficult game on Sunday. Glad to have Kos back.


Its definitely time to give The Ox a rest. He looked so off against Liverpool. Not that anyone was looking good, but I read somewhere that the Ox has been involved in every single pl game for us (not sure if thats accurate), all the pl games plus other competitions. He’ll probably “slip” down the stairs if he sees his name on the team sheet. Needs a rest.



Also hope that Koscielny is properly back and not patched up.


Isn’t he an attacking midfielder since, like, when he was at Dortmund?

AK 57

We could have done with Rosicky the other day. Anyway, welcome back.


Little mozart would be a welcome return. Also it’s about time Theo made a return to the squad. We could certainly do with their drive going forward. Merry christmas gooners.


Agree Koscielny must be fully fit to play, but with big Per struggling, I can see Wenger rushing Kos back.
I want to see Podolski play. Think he could combine well with Alexis (is he fit?) and Giroud. Failing Alexis, then Theo.
And please Santa, not Chambers at RB.

This site makes my ipad quit. (As does the Guardian). Anyone else have this problem?

Merry Xmas everyone.


The Guardian makes me want to quit too.


For pete’s sake I hope Rosicky starts instead of Ox in the middle. He was a disaster last game. Rosicky would’ve dictatedd the pace for us and held the ball. Ox was awful.

Hope he sttarts alongside flamini.

master floda

The Ox was way below par, but I suspect this was because he was not fit.


Ox was out all week with a hamstring injury and only rejoined the team on Saturday.
Of course he wasn’t going to be 100%. Show a little understanding rather than just slagging him off.


What we saw against LVP was frightening. Being controlled by an average Scouse outfit, far from their great days of old. Calum was like a rabbit in the floodlights, I can only assume cause hes 19, knackered and scared playing right full. Lets give the lad a little mental breather, and bring in Hector for a game or two while Kos is still out. Make no mistake, Chambers IS an excellent player and will prove it before the season is over. Our one shining light was Santi,(apart from the heroics of Wojtec) and its wonderful to see him remaining calm… Read more »

Hat Rick hero

On the subject of injuries, the Telegraph today carries a detailed piece concerning the extent of Arsenal’s problems in recent seasons. As we all suspected, Arsenal’s injury record has been consistently the worst in the Premiership. Link:


I appreciate where you’re coming from, but I find it hard to believe any article from the Telegraph that starts with the words ‘the truth behind’ is worth clicking on.


I think Wenger should consider dropping Welbeck. He just needs a rest.


Welbeck needs to rest and when he comes back he needs to score more goals.
Unfortunately, with his current record he is in danger of proving LVG right.


Knowing Wenger Rosicky will be played at right back because he sees potential in Ospina to be a box to box midfield player.

Two and a half years can’t come soon enough.


Your thinking is as backwards as your name.


Hector – Debuchy – BFG – Gibbs
Flamini – Rosicky
Walcott – Santi – Pod

Subs: Martinez, Monreal, Chambers, Ox, Alexis, Welbeck

Played in that set up, NOT with Rosicky further forward in a 4141. Flamini is awful at it. In fact none of our players know what they’re doing. Happy with Santi and Rosicky switching, but it needs two CM’s. I’m sick of watching this 4141 horror show.

That front four is pretty similar to our first team before Ozil came in.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

The problem I see with everybody’s selections and suggestions (not picking on you, honest) is that we are all agreeing who should be rested but then everybody sticks all the rested players on the bench. Twenty minutes at the end of the game isn’t rest. The players need a proper rest, which means being left at home and taking alternate choices on the bench (and yes, that does mean 17 year olds when you have as many injuries as we do). Bellerin isn’t fit and Ox didn’t look too healthy last time out. I don’t think either of them should… Read more »


Give the coq a start ahead of flamini


If you don’t play campbell how do you expect him to improve?


Super, super Tom! Bring him back in straight away. He’s one of my absolute favourites. 4th Jan 14, FACup goal vs Sp*rs (on my 50th birthday) will live with me long. Super Tom Rosicky!


If Wenger leaves Chambers at right-back to guard Bolasie, it’ll be another torrid night for the lad. Has to be either Bellerin (Bolasie’s physical too so not sure about this one) or Chambers. I believe that Wenger played Chambers on the right vs Liverpool because Debuchy has an extra yard of pace to deal with Sterling and more importantly, lots of experience. Chambers should be good enough in the middle vs Palace forwards.


I meant Bellerin or Debuchy(not chambers lol) at RB


Well we haven’t got to face Bolasie until 21st February so hopefully have more options by then!


Give Rosicky some game time, he will be full of energy and keen to make an impression.


I love Tomas – there I have said it!

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