Saturday, July 27, 2024

Video: Rosicky and Flamini post-game interview

Here’s Tomas Rosicky and Mathieu Flamini talking to BT Sport after the 2-1 win over QPR.

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Great interview by Mathieu and Tomas.

Tomas – It was my first start and I wanted to show the boss that he can use me more.

Flamster – (of the refs performance) it’s Christmas so we will forgive him.


That may be the classiest way to slag off a ref I can remember. Although I can also see Flamini following it up with a baseball bat to the kneecaps.

Ex-Priest Tobin

Couldn’t be bothered watching it so cheers for the summary!


Milking Alexis Sanchez so much that bloke is. Give some credit to Flamini and Rosicky – both excellent today


Appalling journalism, no respect for Flamini and Rosicky. pretty awkward too, love they way they ignored final question.


Just for half a second Flamini thought he was MOTM… Bless


Both these guys played well today. Haven’t seen shouting and dictating Flamini for a while now. And Tomas was just behind Alexis today in terms of performance today. Podolski to get a chance on Sunday to pull a Tomas? Do it Wenger! These guys like did not turn to shit overnight. Use the squad please! Good 3pts today. Uncomfortable. Yes. But the pts are all that matter today.


well said !


say today again


Two players who epitomise the fight and grit we need in the team.

Flamini has been under appreciated.

I don’t see him being bullied by more “physical players” at all.

He has improved his passing and his positioning.

Players improve (even older ones)

Great to have Tommy back. Its his swan song so if he can make it count, all the better. Class act through and through.


Dick comment/request there at the end if I heard it right. Good responses to questions on the field today and same goes for that post-match interview. Can really tell Tomas wants to play, hope he provided le boss withat greater assurance to play him more.


Rosicky was awesome today. He should be getting more playing. He’s a threat in the final third and his final ball is very consistent.


It’s a bit of an Arsenal tradition not to use Rosicky until the new year, when he pops up with a few absolutely vital goals to get us to 4th.

Hopefully we can keep up the former part of the tradition while aiming a little bit higher on the results side of things.

The Playmaker

Mozart’s orchestra with a touch of Chilean heavy metal.


Nice to der these two fantastic team-mates and friends since season ’06-´07


*Nice to see


For his first start of the season a pretty amazing performance from Rosicky even though i thought QPR were poor

Little Mozart

This interview shows some of the reasons why I love those two so much.

Ex-Priest Tobin

A lot of people make Flamini a scapegoat for other failings in the team.


One half of the best midfield after the Invincibles.


Cheers for putting this up! I’ve got so much respect for these two, true servants of the club.


Rosicky looks high as shit in this video.

He seems like a hilarious guy to be around, and I’m glad he finally got some playing time.

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