Thursday, December 19, 2024

One night with the Invincibles

“Seriously…how lucky are we to have just experienced that?”

That’s the question James from Gunnerblog and I mulled over as we stepped out of Hampstead’s Everyman cinema having watched the premiere of Arsenal’s new ‘Invincibles’ documentary.

“Very f*cking lucky.”

That’s about the best answer we could muster. “Very f*cking lucky indeed.”

To put things in context, not only had we spent the evening drinking free bubbly, scoffing hot dogs and sitting comfortably in a private booth in one of London’s loveliest cinemas, we’d also been surrounded by a veritable Who’s Who of Arsenal personalities.

Sol Campbell had given me a hearty handshake on my arrival.* Jens Lehmann, Martin Keown and Ray Parlour were sat within feet of us. On the other side of the room Lauren could be seen sporting a fetching beige turtleneck sweater.

In the back row the immaculately tailored Ken Friar and Pat Rice shared jokes, while next to Amy Lawrence and Alan Davies, Robert Pires and his missus had made themselves comfy. Jesus, they’re a good-looking pair of human beings. If indeed they are human? You do wonder…

It was all a bit surreal. The type of bizarre scenario that had me blurting out, “This is the hottest date ever!” Sorry about that James…the excitement got the better of me. You were right to rebuff my Fonzie-esque arm around you.

Right…before I further embarrass myself, let’s get to the documentary.

I’m no Barry Norman, but I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that if you’re a Gooner, you’ll enjoy it a great deal. Narrated by Mark Strong, the unforgettable ups and downs of the 2003/04 season are brought to life by the contributions of five players (Henry, Parlour, Keown, Campbell, Lehmann) and the boss, Arsene Wenger.

Given the 60-minute running time, you don’t get the same in-depth insight that Amy Lawrence so expertly tickled from the squad in the interviews for her ‘Invincible’ book, but with match action whetting the appetite between the talking heads you’re never far from a wry smile and a knowing nod.

Personally, I still can’t resist clenching my fist when Van Nistelrooy thwacks his penalty against the bar at Old Trafford. When Pires shuffles the ball out of his feet at Anfield and curls it into the top corner, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Every time. As Henry lashes in against City, I’m instantly transported to a rain swept February evening in the upper tier of the North Bank. I also can’t forget the despairing guttural scream from the guy sitting next to me as Wayne Bridge netted for Chelsea in the Champions League quarterfinal. Highs and lows I shared with thousands, but personal to me on so many levels.

And that’s the thing isn’t it? The way we watch and remember games is absolutely unique; we all have our stories to tell. And as you might expect the anecdotes of the protagonists prove particularly intriguing…

Thierry brings the glamour, Keown and Campbell are portraits of grit and resilience, while Wenger beams throughout. It’s Lehmann though who steals the show, a couple of his driest lines at the end had everyone in stitches.

You don’t have to wait too long to experience them yourselves, ‘Invincibles’ will be aired for the first time on Sky Sports 1 & 5 after Wednesday’s Champions League match with Monaco, with an extended version of the film available on iTunes and DVD from March 30.

The documentary will also be aired in the United States on NBC, with the premiere at 12pm (Eastern Time) on Sunday, March 1 following the Arsenal v Everton match.

It will then be screened again the following day at 9pm, as well as on March 14 on 6am and at 4pm on March 22 (all Eastern Time).

We’re lucky to have been able to watch such an amazing squad strut their stuff in our colours. Very f*cking lucky indeed.


*Sol definitely thought I was someone else.

ADDED BONUS! For those of you who haven’t yet done so, you can now pick up the eBook version of “Together: the story of Arsenal’s unbeaten season” at a special discount…it’s available on the following devices. Just follow the links… & Google Play


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Can’t wait


Fuck me I love those guys! Every single one!!

Bould's Eyeliner

Such great news that this is going to be available on NBC for us murican gooners. Right after the match too!


So proud to support this club!

Gunner From Another Mother

I am a fellow gooner who has been so unfortunate as to not discover Arsenal until only 5 or so years ago. (I live in the states, where most people don’t even know we have our own professional league). Of course this means I was not able to experience the invincibles season, or any of our grand successes (except of course last years FA Cup). I was wondering, is there anywhere I can find some sort of archive of the invincible season where I can watch every Premier League match from 2003-04? This may be fanciful, but if anyone knows… Read more »


Sweet. Pirate Bay here I come.

Wonder who Sol mistook blogs for, Kevin Kennedy I reckon.


Heh, it must be forbidden to say “pirate (beige)”


Not me, see the byline!


There is no byline in the mobile version of the site.


I see.

alexis' shorts

Excellent, maybe this can inspire the team to be the Invincibles of the CL knockout rounds starting tomorrow.


Wenger has been to CL semis what… 2 times in 17 years? Compare to Mourinho’s 8/11 or Ferguson’s 7/20. And Arsenal wins only one game in three in CL knock-out stages after 03/04. I won’t hold my breath. Arsenal’s only chance of winning the CL under Wenger is a major lucky streak with parade of the planets and some weird star alignments going on. Akin to what happened to Chelsea and Liverpool.

A$AP Rocastle

Your kind are not welcome here

A Yank in King Arsene's West Stand

I’ll take Wenger with or without his numerous (and occasionally unparalleled, remember the article you’re commenting on, ffs) accomplishments over either of those twats any day.

gooner 44

is that primislas with a capital P
p for PRICK.

David Hillier Handled My Luggage

Wow… You seem almost suicidal, do you need a hug?


Yes. Yes, a hug could do miracles for me right now.


Great.You and James deserve this I believe for your dedication towards the club.


I can’t wait for the reaction to Matic’s suspension by Blog’s tomorrow.

David C

Matic reduced to 2 games despite raising his arms. Why wasn’t the Giroud suspension lowered for ‘not actually hitting the opponent’?

Also, Danny Alves was up to his usual yesterday getting Clichy sent off for City. So sad watching some grown men who dive with no honour….like Alves, Robben, and of course Shrek (Rooney).


Downloaded it earlier. Guess ill have to press the record button tomorrow as i wont be home from the game in time. Prickles on the neck.. get em everytime i walk to the stadium.


But when will it air in Norway..? Probably never since its not Liverpool or Man United related.
Can’t wait till the DVD is out!

Gooner from Pretoria(Cap city)

Cashley cole did a good thing by excluding himself from the docu..He knows he made a bitch move and most will forgive but not forget..

von Bigglesworth

I disagree to be honest, mate. I don’t like Ashley Cole the person, or at least the perception of his personality, but it was his achievement and not ours, as the fans. He’s the best left back I’ve ever seen at Arsenal and he was instrumental that season. We’ll always regret how and the way he left us, but now he’s left the blue scum, maybe we should start to forgive. Or at least let him not feel guilty about being an Invincible.

David C

I agree, he was part of the team that achieved greatness. Fair play to Ashley, but I wonder if the situation would have been different if he was retired already. He’s also not part of Amy Lawrence’s book.


Any idea why King Henry wasn’t in attendance?

David Hillier Handled My Luggage

He had to be up early to train the kids!

Alright Mate

Hopefully it airs in Australia too. Sure it will but better keep and eye out when.


God bless this team to win it all

Petit's Handbag

That Wayne Bridge moment is still the worst moment of my life.
I hope one day we win the damn thing other wise I’ll never have “closure” as they say in the US.


Can’t wait to watch it here in the US! Oh, and thanks for letting us know about the book sale, I just grabbed a copy of Together. Looking forward to starting it tonight.


Jens Lehmann is a fuckin boss. Took no shit from any swingin dick. 100% winner.


You’ve just ruined my Tuesday evening Sir!

Damn I’m Jealous…


You make your own luck mate and you thoroughly deserved to be there, in his blog you’ve created a beacon of tolerance, common sense, humour and an contributed an important injection of humanity into the increasingly unreal and banal world of football.




Cashley in the news today saying that he declined to be in the documentary as it would be unpopular with fans. He is damn right on that front. That’s what happens when you are a turncoat, you get written out of a clubs history and forgotten about.

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