Saturday, July 27, 2024

Video: Mesut Özil – Back to his best (2014/15)

Follow me on Twitter @Arsenal_Editor, here’s a Mesut Özil video for you. Back to his best!

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Arsene's Selfie Stick

Solid. But … the music ……

Gandalf the Gooner

I always imagine some sort of classical music in a video of Mesut Özil. So so technically gifted.


Just put it on mute and enjoy watching the wizard

Eddie McGoldrick

Shut up Jamie Townsend!


Good video. The music wasn’t too bad. To each his own. More importantly, hope Mesut Ozil gets better and better because i can’t stand all the bashing he keeps getting


Yeah it’s difficult when you hear people bashing your own, but there’s also nothing wrong with having an honest opinion that differs, providing that its expressed respectfully.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Totally agree. Ozil scored three goals in three games after his return. More than what I was expecting. Lately, quite impressed by the guy. However, I and others righfully criticized him earlier this year or last year for underperforming and this is healthy. What is the average rating he got from Blog and readers last year and the beginning of this season ? Certainly not 7 or above ! The guy is now very helpful for the team and this makes the difference. A video of the best of Gervinho would make you drool but Gerv was of little help.


Still can’t believe that we signed Muset Özil… I know that Sanchez has hit the ground running at Arsenal and it’s so easy to love his tenacity, ability and work ethic all coupled with great technique and skill but watching a free flowing Özil really does it for me. I hate how the media and some so called Arsenal fans continuously slag him for being lazy or whatever (even though if you look at his yard coverage, he clearly isn’t) because he “doesn’t look interested” or whatever suits their narrative. And of course he is going to get less assists… Read more »


He’d have had about a billion assists already if Theo could control the ball and finish, seems he can only do one or the other.


Yes, yea and yes. Imo Ozil is sheer class, his vision and movement on the pitch is outstanding. Plus his stats show that he out runs most others in the team averaging a cool 12/13 klms per game. Lazy? I think not, and he doesn’t ‘run eround a bit’ for fun, he reads the game.
Maybe he is just too cerebral, subtle and clever for some to see it?!
And thanks for the video.

Mr. White

Ozil is just pure world class. If you look at his passes closely, you’ll realise why he made it. There’s always a reason behind it and it’s always, always to create space. People give him slack for not defending properly but I think it’s actually Theo (as much as I love him) who’s the worst. He will win us the FA cup and get us up the league


Yes he is world class. Whenever I think of Ozil I think ‘sublime’. Whilst true that I do not think we have seen the best of him in an obvious sense, this type of video (thanks!) shows his game is endlessly subtle, inventive and at times, streets ahead of fellow players. I believe he should be given the opportunity to be played as a classic number 10 for an extended period. I think there are political and personal reasons which have stymied this so far (none on his part) but if Arsenal fail to get the best from Ozil in… Read more »


Absolutely, he has a ll the ingredients to become an Arsenal legend, and I too hope that he gets more time in the 10 slot. If he is pushed (shoved) wide to accommodate Wilshire, I will not be pleased.


I don’t think many would argue against him being a sublimely talented footballer.
I’m just surprised how many try arguing that his performances from Nov 2013 until his recent return from injury were anywhere good enough?
Against inferior opposition he’s great and a real joy to watch, but against sides who can mix it and play he usually shrinks and becomes anonymous, the top level’s all about consistency, and he’s not produced nearly enough of it up until now in an Arsenal shirt, however I hope his injury worry’s are behind him and he can’t find top level consistency.

(not so) Rambling Pete

Hey rich, you’re not allowed to criticize Ozil in this parts.

No matter how badly he plays the sheep will keep bleating.


And the knives will always be out regardless of his consistency if he doesn’t run about mindlessly and get ‘stuck in’.


How bizarre that a rational honest comment can have so many dislikes?! I think we all agree that Ozil is a fantastic footballer, words like “sublime” and “class” are filling up these comments. Is it wrong therefore to suggest that it would have been nice if his performances had been generally of a consistently higher level? How many Man of the Match awards has he received? Or perhaps (as some have hypothesised) I’m not clever enough to understand…


I miss rambling Pete 🙁


Give us the Referee we had against Leicester City I think your comment is correct.
It is easy for the referee to allow talented players to be kicked cripple in order to create the illusion that the Premier League “competitive”.
This is Ozil’s problem. It won’t be so bad in Europe

Man Manny

If you think he is back to his best, wait until he actually gets to his best. There is much more to come from this football artist.


Absolute class

A certain skunk from the Nether Regions

@ Rich you can’t put it down just to Ozil, the team as a whole has not been very good against top level sides.Could Ozil’s performances been better, most definitely but don’t single him out as each and every one player could have done better.


Ozil. Arrives from a more technical league to a more robust league with no winter break and does a decent job before fading away due to fatigue and injuries. Media has a field day about how he is knicking a living off Arsenal.
Di Maria. Same predicament but with even less end product than Ozil’s first season. Media: The darling of Manchester and the Media. Oozes over how great he is for united despite being nothing special.

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Well said, mate! Well said.


Again with the oooh everyone hates arsenal bollocks. Please tell me where di maria is the darling of the media? He’s getting slated by everyone.


Özil has unparalelled vision and passing skills. His football IQ is probably around 175.

A certain skunk from the Nether Regions

Rich it is not fair to single Ozil out given that the team as a whole has struggled against top level sides.Could Ozil’s performances have been? Most definitely, but that should apply to every member of the team.


Ozil rocks!


The feeling you get watching our players, no matter who, perform their best gives some sort of weird goosebumps and butterflies in the stomach.

Long may that continue. COYG


Problem right now is how you fit three in-form No. 10s into one side, (Ozil, Santi, and Rosicky) with Jack coming back imminently to be a forth. None are as good on the wings as they are in the middle, besides we’ve got excellent wingers in Sanchez, Theo, Welbeck, and Ox. Where we are lacking is the deeper mid where Ramsey was playing. Granted a number of players have tried the role, with Jack at the top of the list due to his gritty style. But ultimitely, you’d want someone bigger and stronger in that role. Guess what, Ozil is… Read more »


Hahahah you actually sound convincing…


Glad you aren’t our coach!


Jack’s best season with us came when he was playing in a deeper position, next to Alex song (who had a lot more discipline then). Be interesting to see if he can strike up a similar partnership with Franny C.


Jack’s best season for us came as a deep lying player next to a holding player in Song (back when Song had more discipline).

It’ll be interesting to see if Jack can form a similar type of partnership with Franny C. Jack hasn’t played with a holding player like that since Song.


What a load of bullshit propaganda, did tell you to put this up? For a £42m signing, Ozil’s contribution to date has been fucking pitiful


Ah Steve.. What are we gonna do with you..


I know I am only an American and we don’t know shite about “real football” but personally I don’t know why we can’t rotate our players more. I would like to see Giroud and Welbeck split games, each playing a half, rather than play Welbeck out of position he is more comfortable with. I don’t think there would be any loss and the fact they have different qualities could add problems forcing teams to adjust to the different styles during the game, not to mention having a fresher player at the end of the game. I believe that could be… Read more »


Actually could not agree more and believe this will become the style of playing a squad in the near future.

I’ve written before that a squad of Arsenals calibre (ditto all top teams) should be regarded as around 18 first team players who are rotated in and out on a consistent, game to game basis (as you have detailed).


Steve. Steve. Steve. You idiot.

Last Man Standing

Nice video . The music is louder than necessary, and in my humble opinion Mesut, Santi, The little Mozart and the Ox in one team is more of a classic soft rock ochestra… smooth


I hope to see one day an in-form Özil play with a fit Walcott, and uninjured Sanchez. For the love of football, we deserve this sh*t.


Its unfair.

he possesses non human peripheral vision because of those widely spaced eyes.

Its like playing someone from a different planet almost!

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