Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alexis starts, no Ozil in squad: Newcastle v Arsenal teams

Newcastle: Krul; R.Taylor, Janmaat, Williamson, Colback; Anita, Sissoko (c); Cabella, Gouffran, Ameobi; Perez

Subs: Elliot, Satka, Kemen, Gutierrez, Obertan, Armstrong, Riviere.

Arsenal: Ospina, Chambers, Gabriel, Koscielny, Monreal, Coquelin, Ramsey, Alexis, Cazorla, Welbeck, Giroud

Subs: Szczesny, Gibbs, Mertesacker, Bellerin, Flamini, Rosicky, Walcott

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Ozil in crisis?

Mr Eko

Obviously benched for the shirt swap thingy.


He is ill actually


obviously rested.


Try mentioning “sarcasm” in bold along with the comment next time. 😛

Mr Eko

I know right?


Good to see some rotation, still a strong team, let’s get the 3 points!


I hope mesut is okay!!!!

Welbeck's Hi-top fade

Hmm Ozil injured? I thought Sanchez might be rested for this one, but you can’t really leave both him and Ozil out.


Yes you can.
Ozil CAM, Santi LW and Theo or Welbeck RW.

Honestly, if that team without Sanchez can’t an absolutely shoddy Newcastle with just 2 wins in 11 games and missing every single one of their best players bar Cissoko and Cabella, then there’s something truly wrong with us.


that’s not leaving both Ozil and Sanchez out…


Not sure you understood the word “both” there pal.


Think you missed the part when he said no ozil OR Sanchez………


I agree. Sanchez should be rested for Rosicky or Walcott. Wenger will find a way of breaking him though


stupid. keep playing fifa, mate.

positive man

Mesyt is ill according to Arsenals twitter


Apparently we can.


Shame Ozil’s Ill, ah well. COYG!!


Would prefer Walcott over Alexis for rotation, but let’s hope for the best. COYG


Or Rosicky, who has shown better than Walcott when he has received playing time. But I agree, really thought Alexis would’ve started on the bench. The Ozil situation probably affected that, unfortunately.

Man Like Ozil

Huge call to keep him on the bench. I’m now starting to wonder if there is more to this than the contract – vis a vis something similar to Scz.


Hope for the best…how professional our manager is

shabby agpoonahor

Hopefully nothing serious with Özil

Me So Hornsey

Hmmm. Chambers at right back. I know bellerin looked shattered towards the end against Monaco but I really don’t think that is Chambers natural position.

Glad to see Gabs get a start.

Thought Rosicky could have got a start to give Sancheza break.


Ozil unwell, according to Five Live.

David C

thank you!


andre santos

fatty boom boom


Can’t wait for the headlines, “Özil almost invisible”, “Özil disappears for 90 minutes”…


Why not start theo ffs!

David C

I agree, for Alexis or Welbeck I guess.

Maybe the boss wants Alexis to attack, get some goals and find his mojo again against a team that doesn’t have a lot to play for.

Asheville Gunner

Hard to understand. Sanchez got kicked to bits midweek and Theo has a good scoring record against Newcastle. Granted, it is away, but then maybe start Rossa. Alexis is superhuman but could still benefit from some rest. Regardless, COYG!


d’oh! i made ozil my captain this week on the fantasy team. still a strong squad though. i have a feeling alexis nets a brace. come on arsenal!


Almost our strongest midfield and forward combination. Just Ox for Welbeck would make it perfect…..
Confident much!


I am expecting Arsenal to be rampant in the attacking today… quick, incisive and unforgiving! COYG!!!

Tenzo (Theo's former lover)

Well that’s a bummer. Mesut has slowly become my favourite, and I’ve been chomping at the bit to watch him elegantly destroy Newcastle today. Fuck.

Perry S.

trust in theo at all time low. my guess is that he’s as good as done with arsenal. sad that his camp can’t understand he has a better future here, greedy bastards. he’s so easily replaceable that him going won’t make us blink twice. they have no leverage now…

Arsene's Selfie Stick

We’ll miss the damn damn good Özil. We love you Mesut! Get well soon mate.


I am loving the 2-0 scoreline to us! Please score 1 more to seal the 3 points!!!

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